Imágenes de páginas

a MS. rengno.


et honorifice sicut aliqua abbacia in regno Scocie liberius, quiecius, plenius, et honorificencius tenet et possidet. Hiis testibus, et cetera.


'Or the same CHURCH.'

DAVID, by divine permission, humble minister of the church of St. Andrews to all the faithful of Christ, etc.

The language of the preceding charter [cvin.] is repeated, but 'cane and conveth' appear again, as in the charter of Bishop Roger [cv11.].


Item de eadem ecclesia.

GAMELINVS, miseracione diuina ecclesie Sancti Andree Minister humilis, omnibus christi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris uel audituris, eternam in domino Salutem. Nouerint tam presentes quam futuri dominum Dauid comitem, fratrem domini Willelmi Regis Scotorum, fundasse abbaciam quamdam de ordine Kelkoensi apud Lundors, pro salute anime sue, et Matildis coniugis sue, et omnium heredum ipsorum, et pro salute animarum omnium antecessorum et successorum suorum, et parochialem ecclesiam de Lundors, cum omnibus iustis pertinenciis suis, abbati et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus, in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosinam, concessisse. Nos igitur diuini amoris intuitu, auctoritate nostra, damus et concedimus et hac carta nostra confirmamus abbati et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus, ipsam parochialem ecclesiam de Lundors et personatum eiusdem ecclesie, cum omnibus iustis pertinenciis suis, ad sedem abbacie, in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosinam, ad proprios usus et sustentaciones eorundem monachorum, vt iam dicta ecclesia de Lundors sit libera et quieta a conrediis, et hospiciis, et Synodalibus, et Can, et Conueth. Concedimus eciam et confirmamus eis dignitatem pacis, et omnes alias libertates quas abbacia habere debet, Ita libere, quiete, plenarie, et honorifice, sicut Ms. rengno. aliqua abbacia in regno Scocie liberius, quiecius, plenius, et honorificencius tenet et possidet. Hiis testibus, domino G. priore de Sancto Andrea, Magistro Ada de Malcaruiston officiario nostro, Magistris Thoma de Carnoto et G. de Heriz,


domino Johanne Capellano nostro, Johanne de Cuninghame et aliis. Datum apud Lundors, sabbato proximo ante Natale domini, Anno gracie Mo. Ducentesimo quinquagesimo nono.


'Or the same CHURCH.'

GAMELIN, by divine mercy, humble minister of the church of St. Andrews, to all the faithful of Christ, etc.

The language of the preceding charter [cix.] is repeated. Witnesses ... Given at Lundors on Saturday next before Christmas, in the year of grace MCCLIX.


¶ De bosco capiendo in Glenlithere in Stratherne.

OMNIBVS christi fidelibus presens scriptum uisuris uel audituris Robertus dictus frater senescalli de Stratherne, eternam in domino Salutem. Nouerit uniuersitas uestra quod cum auctoritate apostolica mota esset causa coram archidiacono Dunkeldensi et commissariis suis, videlicet priore et sacrista de Abirbrothoc, inter viros religiosos abbatem et conuentum de Lundores actores, ex vna parte, et me reum ex altera; Ac ex parte dictorum abbatis et conuentus mihi esset editum sub hac forma, Dicunt abbas et conuentus de Lundores contra Robertum fratrem senescalli de Stratherne quod cum ipsi et homines eorum essent in pacifica possessione capiendi materiem in Bosco de Glenlicherne in Stratherne ad edificia sustinenda et reparanda in terra sua de fedal que est in Kater mothel, et similiter ea que pertinent ad agriculturam, dictus Robertus prefatos abbatem et Conuentum prefata sua pacifica possessione contra iusticiam spoliauit. Quare dicti abbas et conuentus petunt ad possessionem suam pristinam restitui, et predictum Robertum ad possessionem eandem eisdem abbati et conuentui plenarie faciendam per censuram ecclesiasticam compelli. Hec dicunt et petunt, saluo sibi iuris beneficio in omnibus, protestantes se uelle petere expensas in lite factas et de cetero faciendas. Tandem ego Robertus pro mea contumacia per dictos commissarios ab ingressu ecclesie, auctoritate apostolica, suspensus, ac postmodum, multiplicata contumacia, excommunicatus, lesamque in hac parte habens conscienciam liti cedere

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MS. cedere.

pocius quam contendere existimavi. Vnde prestito super hoc corporali iuramento pro me et meis omnibus et singulis, fideliter promisi quod prefatos abbatem et conuentum ac homines eorundem prefata possessione sua capiendi materiem in predicto bosco libere gaudere permittam. Nec eos uel successores suos uel homines eorum aliquatenus super premissis in posterum uexabo,inquietabo, perturbabo, nec perturbacionem aliquam per me uel per alios procurabo. Ita tamen quod homines dictorum abbatis et conuentus, vnus uel plures, quandocunque uoluerint caederea in dicto bosco, me uel seruientem meum tantummodo premunient. Volo eciam et concedo, si ego, contra prefatam litis cessionem, prestiti iuramenti obseruacionem et promissionem contrauenire presumpsero, uel aliquis meorum contra premissa attemptare presumpserit, quod archidiaconus Sancti Andree uel eius Officialis, qui pro tempore fuerint, quorum iurisdiccioni me et meos subieci sub alternacione in hac parte, ex tunc me et meos omnes et singulos ad omnia premissa et singula firmiter obseruanda, terna tantum monicione premissa, absque omni strepitu iudiciali per suspensionis, excommunicacionis, et interdicti sentencias in personam meam et meorum libere ualeat compellere. In cuius rei testimonium presenti scripto sigillum meum apposui et sigillis dictorum Commissariorum, vna cum sigillo dicti Archidiaconi, Judicis principalis, apponi procuravi. Datum apud Lundors in Crastino purificacionis beate virginis, Anno gracie millesimo ducentesimo Lo sexto.



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To all the faithful of Christ, etc. Robert, called the brother of Steward (senescalli) of Stratherne,' etc. Inasmuch as a suit has been carried on before the Archdeacon of Dunkeld and his commissaries, to wit, the Prior and the Sacrist of Aberbrothoc, acting under apostolic authority, between the religious, the Abbot and Convent of Lundors, pursuers (actores), of the one part, and me, defender (reum), of the other part; and on the part of the said abbot and convent, an indictment was served on me in the following terms, The Abbot and Convent of Lundors affirm against Robert, brother of Stewart of Stratherne, that while they and their men enjoyed peaceable possession of [the right of] taking timber from the wood of Glenlitherne in Stratherne for maintaining and repairing their buildings on their land of Fedal, which is in Kater Mothel, and likewise for the purposes of agriculture, the said Robert in violation

of justice deprived the aforesaid abbot and convent of the aforesaid peaceable possession. Wherefore the said abbot and convent seek to be restored to their former possession, and crave that the said Robert should be compelled by the censure of the Church to give full possession of the same to the same abbot and convent. These things they affirm and seek, reserving their right to all benefit of the law, and publicly declaring that they desire to seek the costs incurred, or hereafter to be incurred, in litigation.' At length I, Robert, having been suspended, for my contumacy, from entering the church, by the said commissaries acting on apostolic authority, and afterwards having been excommunicated for repeated contumacy, and having as regards this matter a troubled conscience, have thought it better to withdraw from the suit than to carry on the contention. Accordingly I have taken my corporal oath and faithfully promised for me and mine, all and singular, that I will permit the aforesaid abbot and convent and their men to freely enjoy their aforesaid possession of taking timber in the aforesaid wood. Nor will I in future vex, annoy, or disturb them or their successors or their men in respect to the aforesaid, nor will I procure that they should be in any way disturbed by myself or by others. Provided that whenever the men of the said abbot and convent, one or more, shall desire to cut [timber] in the said wood they shall give previous notice to me or my officer (servientem). If I, contrary to my withdrawal from this suit, shall presume to contravene my promise and the observance of my oath which I have taken, or if any of mine shall presume to attempt anything contrary to the premisses, I consent and allow that the Archdeacon of St. Andrews, or his official, for the time being, to whose jurisdiction, whether of the one or the other, I subject me and mine, may thereupon freely compel me and mine, all and singular, to strictly observe the premisses, all and singular, after three monitions only and without any judicial proceedings, by sentences of suspension, excommunication, and interdict against the persons of me and mine. In testimony of which thing I have affixed my seal to the present writ, and procured the seals of the said commissaries, together with the seal of the archdeacon, judge principal, to be affixed.

Given at Lundors, on the morrow of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin [Feb. 2], in the year of grace MCCLVI.


Joachim de Kynbuc super bosco capiendo
in Curelundyn.

OMNIBVS christi fidelibus hoc scriptum visuris uel audituris Joachim de Kynbuc, miles, eternam in domino salutem. Nouerit uniuersitas vestra quod cum auctoritate apostolica

[fol. 78.]

mota esset causa coram archidiacono Dunkeldensi inter uiros religiosos abbatem et conuentum de Lundors actores ex vna parte, et me reum ex altera, ac ex parte dictorum abbatis et conuentus mihi esset editum sub hac forma, Dicunt abbas et conuentus de Lundors contra dictum Joachym de Kynbuc militem, quod cum ipsi et homines eorum essent in pacifica possessione capiendi materiem in bosco de Curelundyn in Stratherne ad edificia sustinenda et reparanda in terra sua de fedale que est in Cather Mothyl, et similiter ea que pertinent ad agriculturam, dictus Joachim prefatos abbatem et conuentum prefata sua pacifica possessione contra iusticiam spoliauit. Quare dictus Abbas et conuentus petunt ad possessionem suam pristinam restitui, et predictum Joachim ad possessionem eandem eisdem abbati et conuentui faciendam plenarie per censuram ecclesiasticam compelli. Hec dicunt et petunt, saluo sibi iuris beneficio in omnibus, Protestantes se uelle petere expensas in lite factas et de cetero faciendas. Tandem ego Joachim pro contumacia a dicto archiadiacono ab ingressu ecclesie auctoritate apostolica suspensus, lesamque in hac parte habens conscienciam liti pocius cedere quam contendere existimaui. Vnde prestito super hoc corporali iuramento pro me et successoribus meis omnibus et singulis fideliter promissi quod prefatos abbatem et conuentum prefata possessione sua capiendi materiem in predicto bosco libere gaudere permittam. Nec eos uel successores suos uel homines eorum aliquatenus super premissis in posterum vexabo, | inquietabo, perturbabo, nec perturbacionem aliquam per me uel per alios procurabo. Volo eciam et concedo, si ego contra prefatam litis cessionem, prestiti iuramenti obseruacionem et promissionem contrauenire presumpsero, uel aliquis successorum meorum contra premissa attemptare presumpserit, quod ex tunc ad omnia premissa et singula fideliter in perpetuum obseruanda, me et successores meos omnes et singulos obligando jurisdiccioni archidiaconi Sancti Andree qui pro tempore fuerit subieci. Videlicet ut dictus archidiaconus me et successores meos omnes et singulos ad omnia premissa et singula, trina tantum monicione premissa, absque omni strepitu judiciali per suspensionis, excommunicacionis, et interdicti sentencias in personam meam et successorum meorum libere

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