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De mandato Regis Alexandri.

ALEXANDER dei gratia rex Scottorum Justiciariis, vicecomitibus, et omnibus aliis ballivis tocius terre sue ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, salutem. Mandamus vobis et precipimus Quatinus permittatis abbatem et conventum de Lundors gaudere eisdem libertatibus quibus tempore inclite recordacionis domini regis Alexandri, patris nostri, et nostro hactenus juste gavisi sunt et pacifice. Nec ipsos super eisdem libertatibus aliquo modo vexetis injuste, per quod ab eis justam querimoniam audiamus. Testibus, etc.



ALEXANDER, by the grace of God, King of Scots, to the justiciars, sheriffs, and all other the bailiffs of his whole land, etc. We command you and enjoin that ye permit the Abbot and Convent of Lundors to enjoy the same liberties which they have justly and peaceably enjoyed in the time of our father King Alexander [11.] of famous memory. Nor shall ye in any way trouble them unjustly upon these liberties, by reason of which a just complaint on their part might come to our hearing. Witnesses, etc.1


De conuencione facta inter abbatem conuentum

de Lundores et Gocelinum de Balliolo.

ANNO ab incarnacione domini M° cc° sexagesimo, facta fuit hec convencio inter abbatem et conventum de Lundors, ex una parte, et dominum Gocelinum de Balliolo ex altera, videlicet, quod dicti abbas et conventus pro se et successoribus suis remiserunt et quietum clamaverunt in perpetuum dicto domino Gocelino omnimodas decimas, exceptis decimis garbarum quas consueverunt percipere de firmis et omnibus aliis lucris et eschaetis terrarum suarum in Garviach, quas habuit ex dono Domini Johanni de balliolo fratris sui, et similiter omnium aliarum terrarum quas nobilis vir Comes de Marr tenuit de

1 The names of the witnesses are not transcribed.

dicto Domino Johanne de balliolo tempore quo facta fuit ista composicio, Pro qua quidem quieta clamacione et remissione dictus dominus Gocelinus pro se et heredibus suis dedit et concessit in escambium dictarum decimarum prefatis abbati et conventui et successoribus suis inperpetuum, in liberam, puram et perpetuam elemosinam, octo | marcas sex solidos et octo denarios sterlingorum singulis annis percipiendas in molendino suo de Inveralmeslei, uel in terra sua de balhagerdi si dictum molendinum deficiat, per manus firmariorum dicti molendini, vel dicte terre de balhagardi quicunque pro tempore fuerint, ad duos terminos anni, scilicet, medietatem ad festum Sancti Martini in hieme et alteram medietatem ad Pentecosten. Preterea predictus dominus Gocelinus pro se et heredibus suis dictis abbati et conventui et successoribus suis, in liberam et perpetuam elemosinam, dedit et concessit liberum cursum aque de Ouri, continentem quatuor pedes et dimidium in latitudine usque ad molendinum de Inchemabani, per medium terre sue quam habuit ex orientali parte Castri sui de Donidor, ubicunque dicti abbas et conventus voluerint: Ita tamen quod locum quem semel elegerint postmodum mutare non possint nisi de voluntate eius processerit. Et sciendum quod si processu temporis per inundacionem aque predictus cursus aque excreverit vel ampliatus fuerit ultra predictos quatuor pedes et dimidium, illud predictis abbati et conventui nullo modo imputabitur, nec aliquam propter hoc sustinebunt jacturam sive molestiam, dum tamen ipsi abbas et conventus predictum cursum suo artificio non ampliaverint. In recognicione autem predicti cursus aque dabunt predicti abbas et conventus singulis annis predicto domino Gocelino et heredibus suis unum par cirotecarum albarum ad Penthecosten apud Castrum suum de Donidor pro omni servicio, exactione, secta, et demanda seculari; Ita quod occasione predicti cursus aque prefatus dominus Gocelinus vel heredes sui nichil possint aliquo tempore exigere vel extorquere a predictis abbate et conventu nisi predictas cirotecas tantum. Preterea dictus dominus Gocelinus pro se et heredibus suis concessit quod nec ipse nec heredes sui predictum molendinum, vel predictam terram de Balhagerdi, aliquo genere alienacionis aliquo tempore alienabunt per quod dicti abbas et conventus prefatas octo marcas sex solidos et

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octo denarios impediantur annuatim, ut dictum est, percipere. In cujus rei testimonium presens scriptum in modum cirograffi est confectum, cuius una pars sigillo predicti domini Gocelini signata penes sepenominatos abbatem et conventum remanet, et altera pars communi sigillo capituli de Lundors penes prefatum dominum Gocelinum et heredes suos residet.

'OF an AGREEMENT made between the ABBOт and CONVENT of LUNDORS and GOCELIN de Balliol.'

In the year MCCLX. from the Incarnation of our Lord this agreement was made between the Abbot and Convent of Lundors, of the one part, and Sir Gocelin de Balliol, of the other part, to wit, that the abbot and convent for themselves and their successors have remitted and quitclaimed for ever to the said Sir Gocelin the tithes of all kinds, saving garbal tithes, which they have been accustomed to receive from the rents (firmis), and all other profits and escheats of his lands in Garviach, which he had of the gift of Sir John de Balliol, his brother, and likewise those of all the other lands which the noble man, the Earl of Mar, held of the said Sir John de Balliol at the time when this agreement was made. For which quitclaim and remission the said Sir Gocelin, for himself and his heirs has given and granted for ever to the aforesaid abbot and convent and their successors, in free, pure, and perpetual alms, in exchange for the said tithes, eight marks, six shillings, and eight pence, sterling, to be received by them each year in the mill of Inveralmeslei, or in his land of Balhagerdi, if the said mill should be lacking [in the sum named] by the hands of the farmers of the said mill or of the said land of Balhagerdi, whoever they may be at the time, at the two terms of the year, to wit, half at the feast of St. Martin in winter, and the other half at Whitsunday.

Moreover, the aforesaid Sir Gocelin, for himself and his heirs, has given and granted in free and perpetual alms a free water-course from the Ouri, measuring four feet and a half in breadth, as far as the mill of Inchmabani, by the middle of the land which he has on the east of his castle of Bondor, wherever the said abbot and convent shall choose; yet so that the place which they have once chosen they cannot afterwards change without his will. And let it be known that if in process of time the [size of the] aforesaid water-course shall be increased or enlarged by floods, beyond the aforesaid four feet and a half, this shall in no wise be imputed to the aforesaid abbot and convent, nor shall they on that account sustain any risk or trouble, so long as the abbot and convent themselves have not artificially enlarged the aforesaid water-course. But in recognition of the aforesaid water-course the aforesaid abbot and convent shall give to the aforesaid Sir Gocelin and his heirs a pair of white gloves every year at Whitsunday at his castle of Bondor, in lieu of all service, exaction, suit, and secular demand. So

that on account of the aforesaid water-course the aforesaid Sir Gocelin and his heirs may not at any time exact or extort anything from the aforesaid abbot and convent, save only the aforesaid gloves.

Moreover, the aforesaid Sir Gocelin has granted for himself and his heirs that neither he nor his heirs will at any time alienate the aforesaid mill or the aforesaid land of Balhagerdi by any kind of alienation, by reason of which the aforesaid abbot and convent might be hindered in receiving annually (as has been said) the aforesaid eight marks, six shillings, and eight pence. In testimony of which thing the present writ has been executed in the form of an indenture (cirograffi), of which one part, signed with the seal of the aforesaid Sir Gocelin, remains in possession of the often-named abbot and convent, and the other part, signed with the common seal of the chapter of Lundors, remains in the possession of the aforesaid Sir Gocelin and his heirs.


De x marcis in Kelle in Buchan.

OMNIBVS Christi fidelibus ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit Alexander Cumyn Comes de Buchan, salutem in domino sempiternam. Noverit universitas vestra nos dedisse, concessisse, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse deo et ecclesie Sancte Marie et Sancti Andree de Lundors et monachis ibidem Deo servientibus et inperpetuum servituris decem Marcas sterlingorum annuas in tenemento nostro de Kelly in Buchan, pro salute anime pie recordacionis domini Alexandri quondam regis Scotorum illustris, et pro salute anime nostre, et pro animabus omnium antecessorum et successorum nostrorum, in escambium terre de Kyncardinbegg, quam nobis dimiserunt et quietam clamaverunt in perpetuum. Quare volumus quod predicti monachi predictas decem marcas annuas in perpetuum percipiant et habeant de predicto tenemento nostro de Kelly in liberam, puram, et perpetuam elemosinam, adeo | libere et quiete, sicut aliqua elemosina in toto regno Scotie liberius datur vel ab aliquo possidetur. Et propter ipsorum comodum et quietem, et in augmentum elemosine nostre, obligamus nos et heredes nostros et quoslibet alios successores nostros ad solvendum predictas decem marcas singulis annis apud Wrangham, infra octabas festi nativitatis Sancti Johannis baptiste, Abbati de Lundors vel monacho seu ballivo suo quicumque illuc venerit nomine eorundem monachorum. Et si contingat nos

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deficere in solucione predicte elemosine predictis loco et termino aliqua vice, quod absit, volumus et concedimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris ac successoribus quod liceat ballivo et hominibus predictorum monachorum post octabas prefatas namare predictum tenementum de Kelly, absque aliqua requisicione licencie, et namos captos absque aliqua replegiacione detinere usque ad octo dies post predictas octabas. Et si tunc dicta elemosina non fuerit soluta, liceat eis dictam compulsionem vendere usque ad valorem elemosine predicte, et quod nullum impedimentum eis faciemus per nos vel nostros in capcione, detencione, seu vendicione dictorum namorum, dummodo dictum tenementum non fuerit ita devastatum guerra quod non remaneat in illo redditus decem marcarum, et si idem ibi remaneat illud habeant sine impedimento, ut predictum est. Subjicimus eciam nos et heredes nostros et quosque alios successores nostros et homines nostros dicti tenementi jurisdiccioni Episcopi et archidiaconi Aberdonensium, vel eorum officialium, qui pro tempore fuerint, quod ipsi vel eorum alter, qui super hoc fuerit requisitus ex parte dictorum monachorum, possint vel possit, unica tantum monicione premissa, nos compellere per sentencias excommunicacionis in personas, et interdicti in dictum tenementum, sive fuerit in warda sive extra wardam, nullo modo relaxandas vel suspendendas donec prefatis monachis de prefata elemosina plenarie fuerit satisfactum. Promittimus eciam et obligamus nos et heredes nostros quod nullo modo alienabimus predictum tenementum de Kelly nisi salva predictis monachis elemosina, compulsione, et submissione memoratis; Renunciantes plene et expresse pro nobis, heredibus et successoribus nostris, regie prohibicioni, omni appellacioni, privilegio crucesignatis vel crucesignandis indulto vel indulgendo, omnibus litteris, privilegiis, et graciis, inpetratis vel inpetrandis a quacumque curia seculari vel ecclesiastica, omni legi et statuto, omni exceptione, et defensioni reali et personali juris et statuti, que pro parte nostra poterunt opponi contra hoc instrumentum vel factum. Et nos et heredes nostri predictas decem marcas annuas prefatis monachis contra omnes homines et feminas warendizabimus, acquietabimus, et defendemus inperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium presens scriptum fieri fecimus et sigillo nostro muniri. Et propter absenciam

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