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ing buildings for saving the said fuel. Of which small portions of land one is called Inch (Insula), which lies to the north, immediately next to the land which the monks have and had in the vill of Kyndeloch. And that Inch is surrounded on the west and north by a marsh, which is called in English Seggymir, and on the east by a marsh which is called in English Muchelli. But the other small portion is in the south part of the moor of Edin lying, on its north part, next adjoining the marsh of the monks, which by another name is called Mungrey. And that small portion of land contains one acre and a quarter. She also gives the monks a free road for drawing and carting (cariandi) the said fuel without hindrance through her lands of Kyndeloch from their marsh to each of the two places, and beyond, as often as they please and have need. She will warrant, and by the present charter obliges herself and her heirs to warrant this gift, in pure and perpetual alms, against all men and women. Her seal. Given at Lundors, on Friday, being the feast of St. Bartholomew the Apostle [Aug. 24],1 мCCCII. Witnesses


Carta Super brueram in mora de Kyndloche et petera de Monegrey.

UNIVERSIS Sancte Matris ecclesie filiis presens scriptum visuris vel audituris Rogerus de Quency, Comes Winton, Constabularius Scocie, Salutem in domino sempiternam. Noveritis nos caritatis intuitu, pro salute anime nostre et pro salute animarum antecessorum et successorum nostrorum, dedisse, concessisse et hac presenti Carta nostra confirmasse in liberam, puram, et perpetuam elemosinam, deo et ecclesie Sancte Marie de Lundors et Monachis ibidem Deo servientibus et in perpetuum servituris, ducentas Carratas bruere in mora nostra de Kyndoloch annuatim inperpetuum percipiendas in loco nobis et heredibus nostris minus nocivo et dictis Monachis competenciori. Et si ducente Carrate bruere eis non sufficiant volumus, quod ipsi MS. eandam. propinquiores sint omnibus aliis ad brueram eandem,a quantum necesse habuerint in eadem bruera; Dedimus eciam eisdem monachis et eorum successoribus, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, ad sustentacionem domus sue de Lundors, licenciam fodiendi et percipiendi, annuatim imperpetuum, tot petas in petaria nostra

1 The editor has verified this date as falling on Friday in the year 1302.

que vocatur Monegre quot voluerint ad sufficienciam sustentacionis sue. Ita videlicet quod nullus alius in dicta petera nostra petas fodiat sine licencia et voluntate dictorum monachorum, nec ipsi de predicta petera dabunt, nec vendent, nec aliquo alio modo alienabunt, nec conuertent nisi in usus proprios predicte domus sue; concessimus eciam eisdem Monachis longitudinem et latitudinem unius acre in dicta mora eis annuatim assignande proximo adjacente loco in quo dictas | petas fodient, In cujus quidem acre longitudine et latitudine predictas petas suas sine alicujus impedimento licite possint desiccare. Dedimus. preterea dictis monachis unum messuagium adjacens proximo vado quod vocatur Ethyweyn ex parte orientali in campo de Thoreston continens duas acras terre, ad quod quidem mesuagium attractum suum de bruera et petis facere possunt, et custos eorum, qui predictum mesuagium et focale custodiet, quicunque pro tempore fuerit,a duas vaccas et decem oves in communi pastura more nostre de Kyndeloch habeat pascentes. Volumus eciam quod predicti monachi et eorum homines cum suis bobus et carris liberum chiminagium habeant per rectum usque moram pro bruera, et per mediam moram pro petis et abinde ad mesuagium suum redeundo, sine alicujus impedimento vel contradiccione. Concedimus eciam eisdem monachis

pro nobis et heredibus nostris quod eorum boves, qui predictum focale attraxerint, communem pasturam habeant in dicta mora nostra de Kyndeloch, a tempore quo inceperint ad trahendum usque ad Nativitatem beate Marie virginis annuatim; Ita tamen quod nullatenus causa istius nostre donacionis seu concessionis aliquod de suis averiis nec aliquem de suis bobus in dicta pastura ponere possint, nisi solummodo boves suos dictum focale attrahentes per tempus prenotatum: Habendum et tenendum de nobis et heredibus nostris predictis monachis in perpetuum libere, quiete, et solute, secundum quod aliqua elemosina liberius, quiecius, et honorificencius dari potest vel concedi. Nos vero et heredes nostri predictas ducentas carratas bruere, et dictam peteram, cum omnibus aliis superius notatis, predictis monachis et eorum successoribus contra omnes gentes warantizabimus, acquietabimus, et inperpetuum defendemus. In cujus rei testimonium presens scriptum sigilli nostri munimine fecimus roborari. Hiis testibus, dominis Ricardo de

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Wykes, Johanne Berkard, Johanne de Wemes, Roberto de Hereford et Philipo de Chetewind, militibus, Johanne de Kyndeloch, Christephero de Seton, Alexandro filio suo, Roberto et Rogero de Crafford, clericis, et aliis. Datum apud Dysart, prima dominica quadragesime, Anno domini M° Ducentesimo Quadragesimo Septimo.




ROGER DE QUENCY, Earl of Winton, Constable of Scotland, grants to Lundors two hundred cart-loads (caratas) of heather, to be taken yearly on his moor of Kyndeloch, at a place which was not injurious to him or his heirs, and was most suitable to the monks. And if the two hundred cart-loads of heather did not suffice, they were to take as much more as was wanted, inasmuch as they were nearer to the moor where the heather was to be had than any others. He also grants to the monks leave to dig and take as many peats in his peat-moss, which is called Monegre,' as they need for their wants. No one should without the leave of the monks dig peats in the said peat-moss. But the monks were not to give, or to sell, or in any way to alienate anything from the peat-moss. The peats were to be solely for the use of their monastery (domus sue). He also grants to the monks land to the extent of one acre next adjoining the place where they dig the peats, in which acre they can dry their peats without hindrance. He also grants to the monks a messuage adjacent to the nearest ford, which is called Ethyweyn, on the eastern side in the field (in campo) of Thoreston,' containing two acres of land, to which messuage they can draw their heather and peats; and the keeper who keeps the messuage and fuel is permitted to feed two cows and ten sheep on the common pasture of the moor of Kyndeloch. Further, the monks and their men are permitted to have a free road (chiminagium), in a straight line as far as the moor, for heather, and a free road through the middle of the moor for peats, and thence to the messuage in returning. The earl also grants that the monks' oxen which draw the said fuel may have common pasture on the moor of Kyndeloch from the time when they begin to draw up to the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Sept. 8]. But this concession does not extend to any of the monks' beasts of burden (averiis) or any of their oxen save only the oxen which shall be engaged in drawing the fuel during the space of time already defined. These rights are to be held as freely as any alms are held. The seal of the earl. Witnesses. Given at Dysart on the First Sunday in Lent, in the year мCCXLVII.1

1 In the year 1247-8 Easter fell on April 19th, and therefore the First Sunday in Lent is March 8th.


Carta Willelmi regis Scocie.

WILLELMVS dei gracia Rex Scottorum episcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, baronibus, justiciariis, vicecomitatibus, prepositis, ministris, et omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciant presentes et futuri me concessisse et hac carta mea confirmasse deo et ecclesie sancte marie et sancti andree de Lundors et abbacie quam comes David frater meus ibi fundavit, et monachis ibidem Deo servientibus et servituris, in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosinam, ecclesiam de Lundors, cum omnibus justis pertinenciis suis, et terram ad predictam ecclesiam pertinentem, per rectas divisas suas in bosco et plano, et totam terram ab occidentali parte rivuli descendentis de magno lacu usque in they preter insulam que vocatur Redinche. Et preterea unam piscariam in they juxta predictam insulam et asiamenta ipsius insule, scilicet, Redinche, ita eis communia ad proprios usus eorum sicut prefato comiti aut heredibus suis, et molendinum de Lundors, scilicet, molendinum ipsius ville de Lundors, cum omni secta sua et molitura; Ita quod homines comitis facient omnia que pertinent ad molendinum sicut facere solebant tempore quo comes illud in manu sua habuit. Si autem molendinum comitis non possit molere, ipse bladum suum proprium molere faciet ad molendinum monachorum sine molitura. Et si molendinum monachorum molere non possit, ipsi molent ad molendinum comitis bladum suum proprium, similiter sine molitura. Concedo eciam eisdem monachis ecclesiam de Dunde cum omnibus pertinenciis suis, et unum thoftum in burgo de Dunde, liberum et quietum ab omni servicio et exaccione. Et ultra moneth Fyntre per rectas divisas suas et cum omnibus justis pertinenciis suis, et ecclesiam ejusdem ville de Fyntre cum omnibus pertinenciis suis; Et in Garviauch Letgavel et Malinth per rectas divisas suas, et cum omnibus pertinenciis suis. Concedo eciam eis ecclesiam de Inverury cum capella de Munethekin, et cum omnibus aliis justis pertinenciis suis, et ecclesiam de Durnach, et ecclesiam de Prame, et ecclesiam de Radmuriel,

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et ecclesiam de Inchemabanin, et ecclesiam de Kursamuel, et ecclesiam de Kelabemunt, cum capellis earundem ecclesiarum, et terris et decimis et oblacionibus omnimodis et omnibus justis pertinenciis suis, ad proprios usus et sustentaciones eorundem monachorum, et unum toftum in burgo de Inverury, liberum et quietum ab omni servicio et exaccione. Concedo eciam eis decimam omnium lucrorum et placitorum infra terram comitis et extra, ultra moneth, quam habuerit tempore quo fecit donacionem istam, et decimam omnium lucrorum que ei proveniunt de lucris meis in toto regno meo, et decimam omnium rerum comitis et heredum suorum ultra moneth, scilicet, decimacionem bladi et farine, butiri et casei, carnis et venacionis, cibi et potus, et coriorum ferarum cum mota canum captarum, cere et salis, uncti et sepi, et omnium aliarum rerum que decimari possunt, et que dabuntur, vel vendentur, vel ad firmam ponentur, de maneriis comitis ultra moneth, vel eciam que in eis expendentur, preter assisos redditus denariorum quos comes habuerit tempore quo fecit hanc donacionem: Ita ut prenominati monachi omnia supradicta et in terris et in ecclesiis et in omnibus aliis ad proprios vsus et sustentaciones suas habeant et teneant. Concedo eciam eis curiam suam omnino liberam, et dignitatem pacis | et omnes alias libertates quas abbacia habere debet. Quare volo et precipio ut monachi prefate abbacie de Lundors habeant et possideant omnes predictas terras, tenementa, et possessiones, et ecclesias, cum capellis et terris et decimis et omnibus aliis iustis pertinenciis suis, in bosco et plano, in pratis et pascuis, in aquis et molendinis, in stagnis et viuariis, in piscariis, in viis et semitis, cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus, sine omni seruicio et consuetudine et auxilio et seculari exaccione, in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosinam, ita bene et in pace, libere, quiete plenarie, integre, et honorifice sicut aliqua abbacia uel domus religionis in toto regno meo melius et liberius, quiecius, plenius, et honorificencius aliquam elemosinam tenet et possidet Ita ut nullus heredum prefati comitis fratris mei a predictis monachis quicquam, nisi solas oraciones ad anime salutem, exigere presumat: Ita libere quiete et plenarie et honorifice, sicut carta eiusdem comitis fratris mei testatur et confirmat. Testibus, et cetera.

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