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'WILLIAM, by the grace of God, King of Scots, to the bishops, abbots, earls, barons, justiciars, sheriffs, provosts, officers, and all good men of his whole land, clerical and lay, greeting.' He confirms to Lundors the gift of Earl David, his brother, [as contained in Charter 11.]. But the following variations have to be noted. He excepts the island which is called Redinche. He grants one fishing on the Tay near the said island, but no express mention is made of the yare. The easements of Redinche, as common to the monks and Earl David, are confirmed, so that there is no real difference in substance between this Charter and Charter 11. as regards Redinche. But Inch (Insula) at Perth is not mentioned. When confirming the tithe of Earl David's property beyond the Mounth, the present Charter excepts certain payments of rent in money (preter assisos redditus denariorum). Again, it is worthy of notice that in the concluding paragraph, where Earl David uses the word successors,' King William's confirmation uses the word 'heirs.' On this difference the lawyer who drew up the legal opinion contained in CXLIX. founds an argument. There are differences in the spelling of the names of places, which suggest that the scribe who copied the present Charter adapted the orthography of the names, or of some of them, to the pronunciation of the later time when he wrote; for example, 'Inverurin' of Charter II. becomes Inverury.'

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Johannes de Scocia.

OMNIBVS hoc scriptum visuris uel audituris Johannes e Scocia comes de Huntedon, Salutem. Sciatis me concessisse et hac presenti carta mea confirmasse deo et ecclesie sancte marie et sancti andree de Lundors et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus, donacionem illam quam bone memorie pater meus comes Dauid fecit eisdem, scilicet, totam terram que iacet ab occidentali parte riuuli descendentis de magno lacu de Lundors usque in they, et totam insulam que vocatur redinche, preter vnam yharam, molendinum eciam predicte ville de Lundors, cum omni secta sua et multura, terram quoque quam tenent in Mernes ex dono eiusdem patris mei, terram de Perte que vocatur insula, et, vltra moneth, fintreth, Ledgauel et malind, cum omnibus pertinenciis, et per rectas divisas predictarum terrarum; Ecclesias quoque de Lundors, de

Dunde, de ffintreth, de Inuerury, de Durnach, de Prameth, de Rathmuriel, de Inchemabanin, de Kilsamuel, de Kilalkmund, et de dono Normanni, constabularij, ecclesiam de Lescelyn, cum terris et decimis et omnibus ad predictas ecclesias iuste pertinentibus, et vnum plenarium toftum in villa de Perth, quem Euerardus flandrensis quondam tenuit, et vnum plenarium toftum in Dunde, vnum plenarium toftum in Inuerury, vnam carucatam terre in Neutyle de dono Ade sororis mee. Concedo eciam eis decimam omnium lucrorum et placitorum meorum, infra terram meam et extra, vltra moneth, et decimam omnium rerum mearum et heredum meorum vltra moneth, sicut in carta predicti patris mei continetur. Quare volo et concedo ut predicta ecclesia de Lundors et monachi ibidem deo seruientes habeant, teneant, et possideant omnia predicta cum omnibus suis pertinenciis, et curiam suam liberam omnino, et dignitatem pacis, et omnes liberas consuetudines quas aliqua abbacia habere debet in regno Scocie, sine omni seruicio et consuetudine et exaccione seculari, in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosinam, Ita quod nec ego nec aliquis successorum meorum aliquid ab eis exigat, nisi solas oraciones ad anime salutem pertinentes, sicut carta predicti patris mei eisdem facta testatur. Hiis testibus, etc.



NOTE. This Charter does not vary from Charter xv. except in the spelling of some of the names of places. These variations can be seen on a comparison of the Latin texts of the two charters, and it has not been thought necessary to reproduce the translation here.]

Cokeburn super


diuisione terre de Collelessy et Cardynside.

OMNIBVS christi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris uel audituris Johannes de Kocbrun, Salutem eternam in domino. Nouerit uniuersitas vestra me, pro salute anime mee et animarum omnium antecessorum et successorum meorum, dedisse, concessisse, et hac

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presenti Carta mea confirmasse, deo et monasterio de Lundors et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus et seruituris in perpetuum totam terram illam cum pertinenciis que iacet in latitudine inter magnam viam, que ducit de villa mea de Cullessin ad monasterium de Lundors, et terram ipsorum monachorum que dicitur Cardynside; Et in longitudine incipiendo a terra eorundem Monachorum que dicitur Suthleys versus aquilonem vsque ad riuulum qui currit in magnum lacum inter me et ipsos, cum illa particula terre quam eis extendi et limitaria a Ms. limitare. feci ex parte australi predicte magne vie, recta linea, a terra mea que dicitur Wudeknocside versus aquilonem vsque in medium prati eorundem Monachorum quod dicitur pratum magni lacus. Preterea dedi, concessi, et presenti Carta mea

confirmaui eisdem Monachis duas acras terre extra villam de Culessin versus aquilonem, ad faciendum eis vnum mesuagium vbi possint petas et alia bona sua attrahere et saluo custodire, si voluerint; Et liberum transitum seu cheminagium per mediam terram meam de Coulessin, videlicet eundo per mediam villam meam de Coulessin cum eorum hominibus, equis, et bobus, plaustris et carrectis, versus petariam suam in mora de Edyne, et redeundo per eandem viam sicut ire consueverunt, ad trahenda focalia sua, sine perturbacione mei vel meorum seu heredum vel assignatorum meorum, saluo blado nostro et herbagio. Et si contingat quod eorum boues, seu plaustra, Equi, vel carrecte, per negligenciam hominum suorum, vel aliquo alio casu bladum nostrum seu herbagium secus viam calcauerint et dampnum fecerint, dicti Monachi ad visum proborum virorum, sine aliqua inprecacione, namacione, seu perturbacione mei vel meorum vel heredum seu assignatorum meorum, illud dampnum racionabiliter restaurabunt. Volo eciam et concedo vt quicumque predictas duas acras terre de dictis monachis aliquo tempore tenuerint habeant asiamentum pasture vbi homines mei vel heredum seu assignatorum meorum de Culessin pascunt sua animalia, ad unum equum, duas vaccas, et viginti oues, cum eorum sequela vnius anni. Concedo eciam et volo quod predicti Monachi teneant et habeant totam predictam terram, cum predicto cheminagio et omnibus supranominatis, in liberam, puram, et perpetuam elemosinam, Ita libere et quiete, plenarie, et pacifice, et honorifice in omnibus

quod nec ego nec heredes mei uel assignati nec aliquis alius aliquid ab eis exigere poterimus, nisi solas oraciones ad animarum salutem. Et ego Johannes et heredes seu assignati mei totam predictam terram cum cheminagio et aliis supra nominatis, in liberam, puram, et perpetuam elemosinam, predictis Monachis contra omnes homines et feminas warentizabimus et defendemus, et ab omnimodis auxiliis, excercitibus, secularibus seruiciis, et demandis, inperpetuum acquietabimus. In cuius Rei testimonium presens scriptum sigilli mei munimine roboraui. Hiis testibus, dominis Hugone de Abirnyhethyn. Fergus Cumyn, Hugone de Beumys, Alano d[e] Harcaris et Edwardo de Pethglassyne, militibus, Johanne de Kyndeloch, Roberto de Mabilie, Roberto de Drumgreue, Nicholaio de Ramesei, Jordano, Willelmo de Fliske, et multis aliis.


'COKEBURN on the DIVISION of the LAND of COLLESSY and CARDYNSIDE.' JOHN DE KOCBRUN, for the weal of his soul, and of the souls of his ancestors and successors, gives, grants, and by the present charter confirms to Lundors that whole land with its pertinents which lies in breadth between the main road (magnam viam), which leads from my vill of Cullessin to the monastery of Lundors, and the land of the monks which is called Cardynside, and in length, beginning from the land of the same monks which is called Suthleys, towards the north as far as the burn (rivulum) running into the great lake, between me and them, with that small portion (particula) of land which I have caused to be estimated (extendi), and bounded for them on the south part of the aforesaid main road, in a right line from my land which is called Wudeknocside northward as far as the middle of the meadow belonging to the same monks, which is called the meadow of the great lake.' Moreover, he gives to the monks two acres of land outside the vill of Culessin, towards the north, where they may make a messuage for themselves, to which they can draw their peats and other goods, and there, if they wish, keep them safe; and also a free passage or road by the midst of his land of Coulessin, to wit, in going through the midst of his vill of Coulessin, with their men, horses, oxen, waggons, and carts (carrectis), towards their peat-moss in the moor of Edyne, and in returning, by the same way, as they had been accustomed for the purpose of drawing their fuel, without any disturbance on the part of him, his heirs, and assignees, excepting [damage to] their corn and meadow-grass (herbagio). And if it happened that the monks' oxen or waggons, horses or carts,

1 An attempt seems to have been made to erase 'de.'

through the negligence of the men, or by any other chance, trampled or damaged his corn or meadow-grass outside the path (secus viam) the monks at the sight of good men' were to give reasonable restitution without any poinding or other disturbance on the part of him, his heirs, or assignees. He also grants that whoever might at any time hold the two acres of the monks should have the easement of pasture for one horse, two cows, and twenty sheep, with their young (sequela) up to a year old, where his men of Culessin pasture their animals. He also grants that the monks should have the land, the right of free passage, and the other privileges before named, in free, pure, and perpetual alms, so freely that he, his heirs, or assignees, or any other, could not exact anything from the monks, save only prayers for the weal of souls. He promises that he and his heirs and assignees will warrant and defend the aforesaid to the monks against all men and women,' and will acquit them for ever for all manner of aids, hostings, and secular services and demands. His seal. Witnesses . .

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OMNIBVS presens scriptum visuris vel audituris, Rogerus de Quency Comes Wynton, Constabularius Scocie, eternam in domino salutem. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra nos caritatis intuitu, et pro salute anime nostre, et pro animabus antecessorum et successorum nostrorum, dedisse, concessisse, et presenti carta nostra confirmasse deo et beate marie et ecclesie sancti andree de Lundors et abbati et conuentui ibidem deo seruientibus et in perpetuum seruituris, ecclesiam de Cullessyn cum omnibus suis pertinenciis; Habendam et tenendam dicto abbati et conuentui et eorum successoribus, in liberam, puram, et perpetuam elemosinam, libere, quiete, bene, et in pace in perpetuum sicut aliqua ecclesia melius, liberius, et quiecius in Regno Scocie dari poterit et concedi, videlicet, quod cedente vel decedente magistro Ada de Malcariuston, Rectore dicte ecclesie, liceat predictis abbati et conuentui et eorum successoribus, pro nobis et heredibus nostris, in dictam ecclesiam pacifice intrare, possidere, et in vsus proprios conuertere, si eandem ecclesiam in vsus proprios aliquatenus possint impetrare. Et si eandem ecclesiam in vsus proprios conuertendam

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