Imágenes de páginas

Renuncians omni excepcioni iuris et facti michi competenti uel competiture qua posset predicta solucio predictorum solidorum aliquatenus impediri uel differri. Insuper pro bono pacis, pro remedio, et pro salute anime mee et antecessorum meorum et heredum meorum, renunciaui pro me et heredibus meis in perpetuum omni iuri et clamio quod habebam uel habere poteram, uel habere credebam in terra dictorum abbatis et conuentus et monasterij de lundors, que uocatur tolaukery, et pertinenciis suis; et predictam terram cum suis pertinenciis dictis abbati et conuentui in perpetuum pro me et heredibus meis quietam clamaui: Renuncians in hac parte omni accioni et iuris beneficio que mihi uel heredibus meis super premissis omnibus et singulis possent uel poterint prodesse, et predictis abbati et conuentui obesse. Et ad hec omnia et singula sine fraude, cauillacione, et malo ingenio firmiter et fideliter in perpetuum observanda, pro me et heredibus meis, affidavi. Et ad maiorem securitatem et robur perpetue firmitatis presentibus litteris sigillum meum apposui. Testibus, Thoma de Perth et Thoma de Benuer monachis de Lundors, Ricardo tunc vicario de fintreth, Michaele Prath, Alano le larderer, laicis, et multis aliis. Actum apud fintreth, anno gracie M° cc° 1° secundo, die Jouis proxima post festum sancti Johannis Baptiste.


'SIMON of GARENTULY concerning THOLACHKERE, and concerning SECOND TITHES.'

SIMON of Garentuly, knight, recounts that litigation had been carried on between the abbot and convent of Lundors, of the one part, and himself, of the other part, as to the second tithes of his land of Creymund and of Edengerroke (which land he had of the collation of Earl John) before the judges delegate in the said cause, by the authority of the Apostolic See, namely Master Abel, Archdeacon of St. Andrews and . . . Prior of May. The cause was long discussed by the subdelegates of the judges delegate. At length, on the intervention of friends, with a view to the removal of all cause of dispute, he gives and confirms to the monks of Lundors, in lieu of the second tithes, eight shillings to be paid annually to the abbot and convent, or their attorney, at his [Simon of Garentuly's] house of Creymond, at the feast of St. Martin in winter, without cavil or delay. He renounces any right to take exception whether of law or of fact that would impede the payment of the shillings aforesaid. Moreover, for the good of peace, and for the weal

of his soul and of the souls of his ancestors and his heirs, he renounces for himself and his heirs for ever all right and claim which I had, or could have, or was believed to have in the land of the aforesaid abbot and convent and monastery of Lundors, which is called Tolaukery, and its pertinents,' and quitclaims the said land. He further renounces his right to action at law in this respect. And he gives his pledge that these things, all and singular, shall be observed firmly and faithfully for ever, without fraud, cavil, or evil design. Seal. Witnesses. Done at Fintreth, on the second Thursday next after the feast of St. John Baptist,1 MCCL.

[fol. 52.]


De Capella de Cremond.

NOTVм sit omnibus hoc scriptum uisuris uel audituris quod dompnus Johannes abbas et conuentus de lundors concesserunt domino Simoni de Garentuly ut faciat sibi capellam intra septa curie sue, ubi ipse et priuata familia sua tantum audiant diuinum officium. Ita tamen quod in diebus precipue festiuitatis eant ad matricem ecclesiam, et homines de eo tenentes more debito ueniant ad matricem ecclesiam. | Idem autem Simon et heredes sui inuenient de suo omnia necessaria predicte capelle, et facient fidelitatem ecclesie de Inuerhuri, ipsi et capellani ministrantes in capella; Quod si aliqua obuencio ibi facta fuerit integre persoluetur eidem ecclesie et quod occasione illius nichil amittet ecclesia. Et si aliter fecerint tamdiu suspendetur capella donec plene satisfecerint. In recognicionem autem huius concessionis dabunt annuatim idem Simon et heredes sui matrici ecclesie duas libras cere ad festum assumpcionis beate Marie. In huius rei testimonium hoc scriptum est conscriptum.


Be it known to all who shall see or hear this writ that Lord John, the abbot, and the convent of Lundors have granted to Sir Simon of Garentuly to make for himself a chapel within the enclosure of his court, where he and his private family only may hear divine service.

1 The feast of St. John the Baptist (i.e. the feast of his Nativity) is June 24th. This fell on Friday in the year 1250; and therefore the date of the charter is 7th July 1250.

Yet so that on the principal festivals they and the tenants holding of him should come, in the accustomed manner, to the mother-church. The same Simon and his heirs shall at their own cost find all things necessary for the aforesaid chapel, and shall do fealty to the church of Inverhuri, they themselves and the chaplains ministering in the chapel. If there be any obvention there made, it shall be paid in full to the same church, so that by reason of it [the chapel] the church may lose nothing. And if they shall act otherwise the chapel shall be suspended until full satisfaction shall have been made. And in recognition of this grant the same Simon and his heirs shall give annually to the mother-church two pounds of wax at the feast of the Assumption of St. Mary [Aug. 15]. In testimony of this thing this writ has been drawn up.


De Capella de Weredors.

OMNIBVS hoc scriptum uisuris uel audituris Bartholomeus flandrensis, salutem; Sciatis me dedisse et hac carta mea confirmasse deo et ecclesie sancti Drostani de Inchemabani vnum toftum et duas acras terre arabilis iuxta eundem toftum, in Rauengille uilla mea inter magnam uiam et morum uersus Gillandreston, cum communi asiamento eiusdem uille, et cum communi pastura ad sex animalia et vnum equum et quadraginta oues; Tenendum et habendum eidem ecclesie et rectoribus ipsius de me et heredibus meis ita libere et quiete, sine omni consuetudine et exaccione seculari, sicut aliqua terra ecclesie liberius tenetur et quiecius: feci eciam fidelitatem et per cartam istam obligo me et heredes meos quod predicta ecclesia de Inchemabany sine dampno erit nec aliquid amittet de iure suo occasione capelle mee, quam feci michi et priuate familie mee tantum per licenciam domini abbatis et conuentus de lundors, sicut in eorum carta quam inde habeo continetur. Testibus, Domino G. episcopo, Domino Malcolmo archidiacono Aberdonensi, Normanno constabulario, Simone de Garentuly, Henrico de Boyuilla, Simone filio eius, et multis aliis.



BARTHOLOMEW FLEMING grants to the church of St. Drostan of Inchemabani a toft and two acres of arable land adjoining the toft in his vill


of Ravengille between the great road and the moor towards Gillandreston, with the common easement of the same vill, with common pasture for six animals,' one horse, and forty sheep: to be held of him and his heirs by the same church and the rectors of it, as freely, etc. ... He declares that he has given his faith and bound himself and his heirs that the church of Inchemabani shall suffer no injury and lose none of its rights by reason of his chapel, which he had made by leave of the abbot and convent of Lundors (as contained in the charter in his possession) for the use of himself and his private family only. Witnesses


De firma1

OMNIBVS ad quos presens scriptum peruenerit Henricus de Brechyn, filius Comitis Dauid, eternam in domino salutem : Sciatis me dedisse, concessisse, et hac presenti carta mea confirmasse, pro salute anime mee, et Juliane sponse mee, et Willelmi filij mei, et pro animabus omnium antecessorum et successorum meorum deo et ecclesie sancte Marie et sancti Andree de lundors et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus et seruituris, in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosinam, viginti solidos sterlingorum annuatim percipiendos de me et heredibus meis in perpetuum, ad festum sancti martini, apud Brechyn. Volumus autem et concedimus tam ego quam predicta Juliana uxor mea ut ad obitum nostrum corpora nostra portentur ad lundors sepelienda, quia ibidem locum sepulture nobis elegimus, sicut illi qui recepti sumus in pleno capitulo in fraternitatem domus et participacionem omnium oracionum et beneficiorum que in ea fient. Et ut hec donacio et concessio perpetuam obtineat firmitatem presenti scripto sigillum meum apposui. Testibus, Domino G. Brechinensi episcopo, Domino Henrico de Striuelin fratre meo, Domino Ricardo filio Thome, Willelmo filio meo, Henrico de Edeneburg, Willelmo, Waltero, seruientibus meis.


[Title only partially legible.]

HENRY of Brechin, son of Earl David, grants to Lundors for the weal of his soul, and of the soul of Juliana, his spouse and for the souls of all his ancestors and successors, in free, pure, and perpetual alms, twenty

1 The rest of the rubric is illegible.

shillings sterling, to be received yearly from him and his heirs for ever, on the feast of St. Martin, at Brechin. He and his aforesaid wife, Juliana, desire and grant that on their decease their bodies should be carried to Lundors there to be buried, because there we have chosen a place of sepulture, as being persons received, in full chapter, into the brotherhood of the house and into participation of all the prayers and benefits which are to be had therein.' In confirmation he seals the writ with his seal. Witnesses; the Lord G., Bishop of Brechin; Sir Henry of Stirling, my brother; Sir Richard, son of Thomas; William, my son; Henry of Edeneburg; William and Walter, my servants.'

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

OMNIBVS christi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris uel audituris Willelmus de Brechyn, eternam salutem in domino. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra me concessisse et hac presenti carta mea confirmasse deo et ecclesie sancte marie et sancti Andree de Lundors et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus et seruituris illum annuum redditum xx solidorum quem inclite recordacionis Henricus pater meus pro salute anime sue et Juliane sponse sue, et pro salute anime mee, et successorum suorum eisdem pie contulit | et concessit in liberam, puram, et perpetuam elemosinam, sicut carta ipsius super hoc confecta plenius testatur. Assignaui eciam eis predictum annuum redditum xx solidorum percipiendum perpetuo de firma mea et heredum meorum de Lundors per manus Balliui mei et heredum meorum quicunque ibidem pro tempore fuerit, ad duos terminos, videlicet Decem solidos ad festum penthecostes, et Decem solidos ad festum sancti martini in hyeme. Et ad maiorem huius rei securitatem concessi eisdem quod si in solucione predictorum denariorum prenominatis terminis aliquando cessatum fuerit, liceat eisdem, elapsa quindena post terminum, non petita ab aliquo licencia, sine aliqua calumpnia, cauillacione, uel contradiccione capere namos meos et heredum meorum in predicta terra de Lundors, et detinere eosdem non liberandos alicui, uel ad uadium uel ad plegium, quousque eisdem de porcione termini preteriti plenarie fuerit satisfactum. In huius rei testimonium presens scriptum sigilli mei apposicione roboraui.

The rest of the rubric is almost illegible. It is probably 'de xx solidis.'

[fol. 53.]

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