Imágenes de páginas

Testibus, Dominis Petro de Haya, Roberto de Rossith, et Hugone de Beumys, militibus, Magistro Hugone de Striuelyn rectore ecclesie de forgrund, Gilberto clerico Rectore ecclesie de Adel, Johanne de Kinkel capellano, Laurencio clerico Rectore ecclesie de Kinetles, Roberto filio Mabilie, tunc seruiente meo de Lundors, et multis aliis.



WILLIAM of Brechin confirms to Lundors the annual payment of twenty shillings, which Henry, his father, had granted for the weal of his soul and of the soul of Juliana, his spouse, and for the weal of my soul' and of his successors, as the charter made by him more fully declares. He assigns the payment to be made from his rents (firma) of Lundors by the hands of the bailiff, ten shillings at Whitsunday and ten shillings at Martinmas. And for the greater security of this thing I have granted to the same, the monks of Lundors, that if at any time the payment of the money aforesaid at the forenamed terms should cease, it shall be lawful for them after the lapse of fifteen days from the term, without asking leave of any and without charge, cavil, or dispute, to take poinds from me and my heirs in the aforesaid land of Lundors, and to detain them and not give them up to any on pledge or security, until full payment has been made to them for the portion due at the past term. Seal. Witnesses . . .


De Capella domini Willelmi de Brechyn de


OMNIBVS christi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris uel audituris Willelmus de Brechyn, eternam in Domino Salutem: Nouerit vniuersitas uestra nos obligasse nos et heredes nostros ad inueniendum omnia necessaria cuidam capellano nostro qui in capella castri nostri de lundors celebrabit divina, quando nos uel heredes nostri uoluerimus quod ibidem diuina celebrentur. Dictus autem capellanus canonicam obedienciam faciet matrici ecclesie de Ebedyn, et omnes oblaciones ad dictam capellam uenientes eidem matrici ecclesie fideliter persoluet. Nos autem et heredes nostri dictam capellam quam de uoluntate venerabilis patris Dauid dei gracia episcopi Sancti Andree et assensu abbatis et conuentus de Lundors construximus, quociens opus fuerit, in omnibus reparabimus. Ita siquidem quod per pre

dictam capellam nullum predicte ecclesie matrici in aliquo stat preiudicium. In recognicione autem iuris matricis ecclesie nos et heredes nostri dabimus annuatim prefate ecclesie de Ebedyn vnam libram thuris infra septimanam penthecostes. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus litteris apponi fecimus. Datum apud Inchemurthach, dominica qua cantatur oculi mei, in quadragesima anno gracie mo cco x1o octauo.



WILLIAM of Brechin takes the obligation, for himself and his heirs, to find all things necessary for the chaplain who will celebrate divine service in the chapel of his castle at Lundors, whenever he or his heirs may desire divine service to be celebrated there. But the said chaplain shall make canonical obedience to the mother-church of Ebedyn, and will faithfully pay to the mother-church all oblations coming to the chapel. William and his heirs will in all things repair, whenever there is need, the said chapel, which he had built at the will of David, Bishop of St. Andrews, and with the assent of the abbot and convent of Lundors, so that the chapel should in no way be prejudicial to the mother-church. In recognition of the rights of the mother-church he and his heirs will annually give to the said church of Ebedyn one pound of incense within the week of Whitsunday. Seal. 'Given at Inchemurthach on the Sunday in Lent on which is sung Oculi mei,1 in the year of grace MCCXLVIII.'


Ordinacio Episcopi Sancti Andree super capella

de Dundemor.

OMNIBVS hoc scriptum uisuris uel audituris Dauid dei gracia episcopus Sancti Andree, eternam in domino salutem. Noueritis quod cum mota esset controuersia inter abbatem et conuentum de lundors ex una parte, et Dominum Henricum de Dundemor militem, ex altera, super seruicio capelle de Dundemor; Tandem partibus coram nobis constitutis in sinodo nostra celebrata apud Perth anno gracie mo cco xl octauo, quarto nonas Junij, consencientibus eisdem partibus in nos et nostre ordinacioni se submittentibus sub hac forma ordinacionis, videlicet [quod dicti abbas et conuentus dabunt singulis annis domino Henrico 1 The Third Sunday in Lent.

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de Dundemor et heredibus suis viginti et quinque solidos ad sustentandum]1 vnum capellanum ministrantem in capella de Dundemor percipiendos per manum capellani qui pro tempore ministrabit in matrici ecclesia de Ebedyn, ad duos terminos anni, scilicet, duodecim solidos et sex denarios ad festum Sancti Martini in hyeme, et duodecim solidos et sex denarios ad Penthe costen, saluo iure matricis ecclesie de Ebedyn in omnibus; Ita, uidelicet, quod omnes parochiani de Dundemor, excepta propria familia domus domini H. de Dundemor et heredum suorum, uenient ter in anno ad matricem ecclesiam de Ebedyn, scilicet, die Natalis Domini, et die Pasce, et die Sancti Andree apostoli, et percipient in matrice ecclesia omnia sacramenta sua. Dictus uero H. et heredes sui honeste facient deseruiri dicte capelle, et capellano, qui in eadem celebrabit diuina, in omnibus necessaria inuenient. Nec unquam de cetero aliquid exigent a dictis abbate et conuentu nisi predictos xx et v solidos. Capellani uero qui in dicta capella ministrabunt iuramentum prestabunt quod fideles erunt matrici ecclesie de Ebedyn, et omnes oblaciones que in dicta capella fient eidem ecclesie de Ebedyn fideliter persoluent. Dictus uero abbas ornatum per visum proborum hominum sufficientem tam in libris quam in uestimentis et calice dicte capelle semel inuenient, et dictus H. et heredes sui dictum ornatum sumptibus suis in perpetuum sustentabunt. Et ad hec fideliter obseruanda, dictus abbas pro se et conuentu, et dictus Henricus pro se et heredibus suis in manu magistri Andree de Aberdon, tunc officialis Sancti Andree, affidauerunt. Nos, uero, ad maioris roboris firmitatem, predictam ordinationem in modum cirographi confectam, Cuius ordinacionis una pars penes abbatem et conuentum, alia penes Henricum et heredes suos residet, sigilli nostri munimine, vna cum sigillorum Domini A. archidiaconi Sancti Andree, et magistri A. de Aberden, Officialis nostri, et parcium apposicione communimus.




DAVID by the grace of God Bishop of St. Andrews to all, etc. He recounts that there had been a controversy between the abbot and con

1 The words in brackets are almost illegible, and are partly supplied conjecturally.

vent of Lundors, of the one part, and Sir Henry of Dundemor, of the other, concerning the service of the chapel of Dundemor. At length the parties appeared before the bishop in his synod at Perth on the fourth of the Nones of June [June 2] in the year of grace MCCXLVIII., and by consent submitted themselves to his determination of the dispute, which determination took the form of the following ordinance: The abbot and convent will every year give five and twenty shillings to Sir Henry and his heirs for the maintenance of a chaplain ministering in the chapel of Dundemor. This money was to be paid through the hand of the chaplain, for the time being, of the motherchurch of Ebedyn, at the two terms of the year: twelve shillings and six pence at the feast of St. Martin in winter, and twelve shillings and six pence at Whitsunday, saving the rights of the mother-church of Ebedyn in all things. Thus, all the parishioners of Dundemor, except the family of the house of Sir Henry and his heirs, were to go to the mother-church of Ebedyn three times a year, namely, on Christmas Day, Easter Day, and the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, and in the mother-church they were to receive all their sacraments. The said Henry and his heirs were to cause the chapel to be decently (honeste) served, and were to find all things necessary for the chaplain who would celebrate service there. For the future Henry and his heirs were not to demand anything from the abbot and convent except the five and twenty shillings aforesaid. The chaplains ministering in the chapel were to take an oath that they would be faithful to the mother-church of Ebedyn, and would faithfully pay to the mother-church all the oblations made in the chapel. The abbot and convent were in the first instance to provide for the chapel sufficient furnishing (ornatus), at the sight of good men,' both in books, vestments, and chalice, and Henry and his heirs were ever after at their own expense to maintain the furnishing. That they would faithfully observe this ordinance, the abbot, for himself and his convent, and Henry, for himself and his heirs, pledged themselves in the hand of Master Andrew of Aberdeen, then Official of St. Andrews.' The ordinance of the Bishop of St. Andrews was written in the form of an indenture (in modum cirographi), one part of which was to be kept by Henry and his heirs, and the other part by the abbot and convent. It was sealed with the seals of the bishop, of A., Archdeacon of St. Andrews, and of Master A. of Aberdeen, the Official of St. Andrews, and with the seals of the parties.


Ornamenta capelle de Dundemor.

MEMORANDVM quod die dominica proxima post festum Sancti Johannis ante portam latinam anni gracie mi cci li tercij apud Ebedyn recepit Dominus Johannes de Dundemor, miles, Calicem argenteum et vnum missale in quo continetur psalterium.

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de Dundemor et heredibus suis viginti et quinque solidos ad sustentandum]1 vnum capellanum ministrantem in capella de Dundemor percipiendos per manum capellani qui pro tempore ministrabit in matrici ecclesia de Ebedyn, ad duos terminos anni, scilicet, duodecim solidos et sex denarios ad festum Sancti Martini in hyeme, et duodecim solidos et sex denarios ad Penthe costen, saluo iure matricis ecclesie de Ebedyn in omnibus; Ita, uidelicet, quod omnes parochiani de Dundemor, excepta propria familia domus domini H. de Dundemor et heredum suorum, uenient ter in anno ad matricem ecclesiam de Ebedyn, scilicet, die Natalis Domini, et die Pasce, et die Sancti Andree apostoli, et percipient in matrice ecclesia omnia sacramenta sua. Dictus uero H. et heredes sui honeste facient deseruiri dicte capelle, et capellano, qui in eadem celebrabit diuina, in omnibus necessaria inuenient. Nec unquam de cetero aliquid exigent a dictis abbate et conuentu nisi predictos xx et v solidos. Capellani uero qui in dicta capella ministrabunt iuramentum prestabunt quod fideles erunt matrici ecclesie de Ebedyn, et omnes oblaciones que in dicta capella fient eidem ecclesie de Ebedyn fideliter persoluent. Dictus uero abbas ornatum per visum proborum hominum sufficientem tam in libris quam in uestimentis et calice dicte capelle semel inuenient, et dictus H. et heredes sui dictum ornatum sumptibus suis in perpetuum sustentabunt. Et ad hec fideliter obseruanda, dictus abbas pro se et conuentu, et dictus Henricus pro se et heredibus suis in manu magistri Andree de Aberdon, tunc officialis Sancti Andree, affidauerunt. Nos, uero, ad maioris roboris firmitatem, predictam ordinationem in modum cirographi confectam, Cuius ordinacionis una pars penes abbatem et conuentum, alia penes Henricum et heredes suos residet, sigilli nostri munimine, vna cum sigillorum Domini A. archidiaconi Sancti Andree, et magistri A. de Aberden, Officialis nostri, et parcium apposicione communimus.




DAVID by the grace of God Bishop of St. Andrews to all, etc. He recounts that there had been a controversy between the abbot and con

1 The words in brackets are almost illegible, and are partly supplied conjecturally.

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