Imágenes de páginas

have in it, without any reservation. The seals of Malcolm and his wife are affixed. Witnesses .


Willelmus de Munford de sicco alleci.

VNIVERSIS Sancte matris ecclesie filiis, Willelmus de Muntfort, salutem. Sciant omnes tam posteri quam presentes, me dedisse et concessisse, et hac carta mea confirmasse deo et ecclesie sancte marie et sancti andree de Lundors et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus, in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosinam, vnum dimidium miliarium de sicco allec singulis annis inperpetuum: quod ego et heredes mei reddemus ipsis monachis in perpetuum singulis annis ad purificacionem sancte marie, ad Karel de mea carucata terre in Karel. Quare uolo et concedo ut predicti monachi predictam elemosinam ita libere et quiete habeant et possideant in perpetuum, sicut aliquan aliam elemosinam in regno Scocie liberius et quiecius habent et possident. Testibus, Willelmo persona de Aberden, Matheo clerico fratre eius, Philippo clerico Comitis Dauid, Walkelino filio Stephani, Malcolmo filio Bartolfi, Willelmo Wascelyn, Gilberto filio Gocelin, Willelmo filio Hugonis, Henrico de tindale, Dauid de furthrit.



WILLIAM DE MUNFORD grants to Lundors, in free, pure, and perpetual alms, five hundred-weight of dried herring every year, to be rendered by him and his heirs annually at the feast of the Purification of St. Mary [Feb. 2], at Karel, from his ploughgate of land at Karel. Witnesses.


De piscaria de Glasbani et Rugesablyn.


OMNIBVS Sancte matris ecclesie filiis et fidelibus presentibus et futuris, Dauid de Haya, Salutem: Sciatis me dedisse et concessisse et hac carta mea confirmasse deo et ecclesie sancte marie et sancti andree de Lundors et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus, in perpetuam et puram elemosinam, pro salute

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anime patris mei et matris mee, et pro salute anime mee et pro salute animarum uxorum mearum Ethne et Eue, et pro salute animarum fratrum et sororum mearum, antecessorum et successorum meorum, terciam partem piscarie recium meorum trahencium super sabulum de Glesbanin, et terciam partem piscarie recium meorum trahencium super rugesablun contra Colcric, saluis piscariis meis stantibus cum palo et sepi. Quare, uolo et concedo ut predicti monachi de Lundors habeant et possideant terciam partem prenominate piscarie recium meorum trahencium super sabulum de Glesbanyn, et terciam partem predicte piscarie recium meorum trahencium super Rugesablun contra Colcric, in perpetuam et puram elemosinam, ita libere, et quiete, plenarie, et honorifice sicut aliqua abbacia in toto regno Scocie aliquam elemosinam liberius, quiecius, plenius, et honorificencius tenet et possidet. Ita ut michi succedencium nullus aliquid ab eis nisi solas oraciones ad anime salutem exigere presumat. Hiis testibus, Gilberto filio meo, Roberto de Haya fratre meo, Malcolmo de Haya fratre meo, Thoma Gigan, Patricio capellano, Baldewino de Lornyn, Ada Walensi tunc temporis senescallo, Oliuero de Graham, et multis aliis.



DAVID DE HAYA grants to Lundors in pure and perpetual alms, for the weal of the souls of his father and mother, and for the weal of his soul and of the souls of his wives, Ethna and Eva, and for the weal of the souls of his brothers and sisters, and of his ancestors and successors, a third part of his draw-net fishery on the sands of Glesbanin and a third part of his draw-net fishery at Rugesablyn, opposite Colcric. His fishery of stake nets was excepted from the grant. Witnesses


De decima piscarie de Glasbani et de Rugesablun.

OMNIBVS Sancte matris ecclesie filiis et fidelibus, presentibus et futuris, Robertus de Haya et Malcolmus frater eius, salutem : Sciatis nos dedisse et concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse deo et ecclesie sancte marie et sancti andree de Lundors, et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus, pro salute animarum nos

trarum et pro salute animarum antecessorum nostrorum, in puram elemosinam, totam decimam recium ipsorum monachorum trahencium super sabulum de Glesbanin, et super sabulum de Rugesablun contra colcric, que ex dono domini Dauid fratris nostri tenent et possident, sicut carta ipsius Dauid testatur; Reddendo nobis inde annuatim duos salmones ad festum, scilicet, sancti Johannis Baptiste. Quare uolumus ut predicti monachi teneant et possideant predictam decimam recium ipsorum trahencium super prenominata sabula ita libere et quiete, ut nullus ex nostris in uita nostra nisi solas oraciones ab eis aliquid exigere presumat. Hiis testibus, Domino Dauid de Haya, Gilberto filio ipsius, Dauid, Thoma Gygan, Patricio capellano, Baldewino de Lornyn, Ada Walensi, Oliuero de Graham, et multis aliis.



ROBERT DE HAYA and Malcolm, his brother, grant to Lundors, for the weal of their souls, and for the weal of the souls of their ancestors, in pure alms, a whole tithe of the monks' draw-nets on the sands of Glesbanin and on the sands of Rugesablun, over against Colcric, which the monks hold and possess by the gift of David, their brother. The monks were to hold the tithe aforesaid on rendering to Robert and Malcolm two salmons at the feast of St. John the Baptist [June 24]. During their lifetime, neither of them would exact anything from the monks, save only their prayers. Witnesses .


De tercia parte piscarie.

OMNIBVS christi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris uel audituris, Gilbertus de Haya, eternam in domino Salutem. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra me concessisse et presenti carta mea confirmasse deo et ecclesie sancte marie et sancti andree de Lundors, et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus et seruituris, donacionem illam quam bone memorie Dauid de Haya, pater meus, eis dedit, videlicet, terciam partem piscarie recium trahencium super sabulum de Glesbanyn, et terciam partem piscarie recium trahencium super Rugesablun contra coleric. Dedi et concessi et presenti carta mea confirmaui deo et dicte

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ecclesie sancte marie et sancti andree de lundors et monachis eiusdem monasterij deo seruientibus et seruituris pro salute anime dicti Dauid patris mei, et matris mee, et pro salute anime mee, et anime Edoyne uxoris mee, et pro salute | animarum omnium fratrum et sororum, antecessorum et successorum meorum totam terciam partem piscarie recium meorum trahencium super Joymersandes, in puram liberam et perpetuam elemosinam. Quare uolo et concedo ut predicti monachi de lundors teneant et possideant omnia prenominata de me et heredibus meis, ita libere et quiete, plenarie et honorifice in omnibus, sicut aliqua abbacia in toto regno scocie aliquam elemosinam liberius, quiecius, plenius et honorificencius tenet et possidet; Ita, uidelicet, ut michi succedencium nullus aliquid ab eis nisi solas oraciones ad anime salutem exigere audeat uel presumat. In cuius rei testimonium presenti scripto sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus, Dominis Rogero de Berkeley, Ricardo Cumyn filio Ricardi Cumyn, militibus, Nicholao filio meo, Willelmo tunc capellano meo, Roberto de Haya nepote meo, Malisio de Strathern consanguineo meo, Galfrido de Keldelech, et multis aliis.


'Or the THIRD PART of the FISHERY.'

GILBERT DE HAYA confirms to Lundors the donation which David de Haya, his father, had made to the monks, namely, a third part of the fishery of his draw-nets on the sands of Glesbanyn and on the sands of Rugesablun, over against Colcric. He also grants to Lundors, for the weal of the souls of David, his father, and his mother, and of himself and his wife, Edoyna, and for the weal of the souls of all his brothers and sisters, ancestors and successors, a third part of his draw-net fishery at Joymersandes, in free, pure, and perpetual alms. He promises that none of his successors should demand anything of the monks but prayers only. His seal attached. Witnesses. . .


De decima recium.

OMNIBVS christi fidelibus presentes litteras uisuris uel audituris, Dauid de Haya, Rector ecclesie de Erole, eternam in domino salutem. Noueritis me, predecessorum meorum Roberti de Haya et Malcolmi fratris eius, quondam Rectorum ecclesie

de Erole, uestigiis inherentem, concessisse et presenti carta mea confirmasse donacionem illam quam ipsi fecerunt abbati et conuentui de Lundors, videlicet, de decima recium ipsorum monachorum trahencium super sabulum de Glesbanyn et super Rugesablun contra Colcrike. Dedi eciam eisdem abbati et conuentui decimam recium ipsorum trahencium super Joymersandes: Tenendas et habendas eisdem in tota uita mea; Reddendo inde annuatim michi uel actornato meo duos salmones ad Natiuitatem sancti Johannis Baptiste. In cuius rei testimonium presenti scripto sigillum meum apposui.


'OF the TITHE of NETS.'

DAVID DE HAYA, rector of the church of Erole, declares that following the example of Robert de Haya and Malcolm, his brother, formerly rectors of the church of Erole, he confirms the grant which they had made to Lundors of the tithe of the monks' draw-nets on the sands of Glesbanyn and of Rugesablun. He also grants to the monks a tithe of their draw-nets at Joymersandes. Those gifts were to be had and held during the whole of his life on the monks rendering to him annually at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist [June 24] two salmons. His seal attached.



De Logydurnach.

VNIVERSIS christi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris uel audituris Alanus Ostiarius, Justiciarius Scocie, eternam in domino salutem Nouerit vniuersitas uestra me anno gracie m° cc°. 1o, primo, Die martis, infra octavas apostolorum Petri et pauli, pro anima pie recordacionis domini mei Alexandri quondam illustris regis scocie, et pro salute anime mee, et Margerie uxoris mee, et omnium antecessorum et successorum meorum, de consensu et uoluntate venerabilis Patris, Domini P. dei gracia episcopi Aberdonensis, et religiosorum uirorum Abbatis et conuentus de Lundors, dedisse, concessisse, et presenti scripto confirmasse deo et capelle beate marie site in parochia de Logindurnach, quinque marcas annuas sterlingorum ad sustentacionem vnius capellani qui in dicta capella continue

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