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TREATIES concluded by the British Government in India with the Native Princes and States.-1799 to 1817.

[blocks in formation]

Jeroovanaporam... 12th Jan. 203
..... 17th April. 207

11. Definitive Treaty with Anund Row Guicowar.. Baroda
12. Definitive Treaty with Dowlut Rao Scindia.. Mustafapoor,..
13. Declaratory Articles with Dowlut Rao

[blocks in formation]

21st April. 209 22nd Nov. 216

Raipoor Ghaut,

15. Declaratory Article with Jesuunt Rao Hol

3rd Dec. 219 24th Dec. 220 1806.

[blocks in formation]





... 29th Jan. 227





25th April. 229

6th May. 229 17th June. 233

22nd Aug. 234


28th Oct. 235


... 16th July. 236


. 14th Jan. 236


1st Oct. 238

27. Treaty with the Vizier of Oude ....
28. Agreement with the Rajah of Colapore Curveer,....
29. Agreement with the Dessye of Sawunt Warree.. Mardoor,..
30. Treaty with the Rajah of (Oorcha or) Tehree
31. Treaty with the Rajah of Rewah and Mook-




.... 5th Oct. 245

3rd Oct. 241 . 23rd Dec. 243

[blocks in formation]

No 1.-TREATY with the Rajah of Mysore.-Nazzerbah, 8th July,


A Treaty of perpetual Friendship and Alliance, concluded, on the one part, by His Excellency Lieutenant General George Harris, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces of His Britannic Majesty, and of the English East India Company, Behauder, in the Carnatic and on the Coast of Malabar the Honourable Colonel Arthur Wellesley, the Honourable Henry Wellesley, Lieutenant Colonel William Kirkpatrick, and Lieutenant Colonel Barry Close, on behalf and in the name of the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Mornington, K. P. Governor General for all Affairs, Civil and Military, of the British Nation in India, by virtue of Full Powers vested in them for this purpose by the said Richard Earl of Mornington, Governor General; and on the other part, by Maha Rajah Mysore Kistna Rajah Oodiaver Behauder, Rajah of Mysore.

WHEREAS it is stipulated, in the Treaty concluded on the 22nd June, 1799, between the Honourable English East India Company, Behauder, and the Nabob Nizam-ud-Dowlah Asoph Jah Behauder, for strengthening the alliance and friendship subsisting between the said. English East India Company, Behauder, His Highness Nizam-udDowlah Asoph Jah Behauder, and the Peshwah Row Pundit Purdhaun Behauder, and for effecting a settlement of the Territories of the late Tippoo Sultaun, that a Separate Government shall be established in Mysore, and that His Highness Maha Rajah Mysore Kistna Rajah Oodiaver Behauder shall possess certain Territories, specified in Schedule (C.) annexed to the said Treaty; and that, for the effectual establishment of the Government of Mysore, His Highness shall be assisted with a suitable Subsidiary Force, to be furnished by the English East India Company, Behauder; wherefore, in order to carry the said stipulations into effect, and to increase and strengthen the friendship subsisting between the said English East India Company and the said Maha Rajah Mysore Kistna Rajah Oodiaver Behauder, this

Treaty is concluded by Lieutenant General George Harris, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces of His Britannic Majesty, and of the said English East India Company, Behauder, in the Carnatic and on the Coast of Malabar, the Honourable Colonel Arthur Wellesley, the Honourable Henry Wellesley, Lieutenant Colonel William Kirkpatrick, and Lieutenant Colonel Barry Close, on the part and in the name of the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Mornington, Governor General aforesaid, and by His Highness Maha Rajah Mysore Kistna Rajah Oodiaver Behauder, which shall be binding upon the Contracting Parties as long as the Sun and Moon shall eudure.

ART. I. The Friends and Enemies of either of the Contracting Parties shall be considered as the Friends and Enemies of both.

II. The Honourable East India Company, Behauder, agrees to maintain, and His Highness Maha Rajah Mysore Kistna Rajah Oodiaver Behauder agrees to receive, a Military Force for the defence and security of His Highness's Dominions; in consideration of which protection, His Highness engages to pay the annual sum of 7 lacks of star pagodas to the said East India Company, the said sum to be paid in 12 equal monthly instalments, commencing from the 1st July, a. D. 1799. And His Highness further agrees, that the disposal of the said sum, together with the arrangement and employment of the Troops to be maintained by it, shall be entirely left to the Company.

III. If it shall be necessary for the protection and defence of the Territories of the Contracting Parties, or of either of them, that hostilities shall be undertaken, or preparations made for commencing hostilities against any State or Power, His said Highness Maha Rajah Mysore Kistna Rajah Oodiaver Behauder agrees to contribute towards the discharge of the increased expense incurred by the augmentation of the Military Force, and the unavoidable charges of War, such a sum as shall appear to the Governor General in Council of Fort William, on an attentive consideration of the means of his said Highness, to bear a just and reasonable proportion to the actual net Revenues of His said Highness.

IV. And whereas it is indispensably necessary that effectual and lasting security should be provided against any failure in the funds destined to defray either the expenses of the permanent Military Force in time of peace, or the extraordinary expenses described in the IIIrd Article of the present Treaty; it is hereby stipulated and agreed between the Contracting Parties, that whenever the Governor General in Council of Fort William in Bengal, shall have reason to apprehend such failure in the funds so destined, the said Governor General in Council shall be at liberty, and shall have Full Power and right, either to introduce such Regulations and Ordinances as he shall deem expedient for the internal management and collection of the Revenues, or for the better ordering of any other branch and Department of the

Government of Mysore, or to assume and bring under the direct management of the Servants of the said Company, Behauder, such part or parts of the Territorial Possessions of His Highness Maha Rajah Mysore Kistna Rajah Oodiaver Behauder, as shall appear to him, the said Governor General in Council, necessary to render the said funds efficient and available, either in time of Peace or War.

V. And it is hereby further agreed, that whenever the said Governor General in Council, shall signify to the said Maha Rajah Mysore Kistna Rajah Oodiaver Behauder, that it is become necessary to carry into effect the provisions of the IVth Article, his said Highness Maha Rajah Mysore Kistna Rajah Oodiaver Behauder shall immediately issue Orders to his Aumils or other Officers, either for carrying into effect the said Regulations and Ordinances, according to the tenor of the IVth Article, or for placing the Territories required under the exclusive authority and control of the English Company, Behauder. And in case His Highness shall not issue such Orders within 10 days from the time when the application shall have been formally inade to him, then the said Governor General in Council shall be at liberty to issue Orders, by his own authority, either for carrying into effect the said Regulations and Ordinances, or for assuming the management and collection of the Revenues of the said Territories, as he shall judge most expedient for the purpose of securing the efficiency of the said Military Funds, and of providing for the effectual protection of the Country and the welfare of the People. Provided always, that whenever and so long as any part or parts of His said Highness's Territories shall be placed, and shall remain, under the exclusive authority and control of the said East India Company, the Governor General in Council shall render to His Highness a true and faithful account of the Revenues and produce of the Territories so assumed: provided also, that in no case whatever shall His Highness's actual receipt or annual income, arising out of his Territorial Revenue, be less than the sum of 1 lack of star pagodas, together with 1-5th of the net Revenues of the whole of the Territories ceded to him by the Vth Article of the Treaty of Mysore; which sum of 1 lack of star pagodas, together with the amount of 1-5th of the said net Revenues, the East India Company engages, at all times and in every possible case, to secure and cause to be paid for His Highness's use.

VI. His Highness Maha Rajah Mysore Kistna Raja Oodiaver Behauder engages, that he will be guided by a sincere and cordial attention to the relations of Peace and Amity now established between the English Company, Behauder, and their Allies; and that he will carefully abstain from any interference in the affairs of any State in alliance with the said English Company, Behauder, or of any State whatever. And for securing the object of this Stipulation, it is further stipulated and agreed, that no communication or correspondence with [1816-1817.]


any Foreign State whatever shall be holden by his said Highness, without the previous knowledge and sanction of the said English Company, Behauder.

VII. His Highness stipulates and agrees, that he will not admit any European Foreigners into his Service, without the concurrence of the English Company, Behauder; and that he will apprehend and deliver up to the Company's Government all Europeans, of whatever description, who shall be found within the Territories of His said Highness, without regular Passports from the Company's Government; it being His Highness's determined resolution not to suffer, even for a day, any European Foreigners to remain within the Territories now subjected to his Authority, unless by consent of the said Company.

VIII. Whereas the complete protection of His Highness's said Territories requires that various Fortresses and strong Places, situated within the Territories of His Highness, should be garrisoned and commanded, as well in time of Peace as of War, by British Troops and Officers, His Highness Maha Rajah Mysore Kistna Rajah Oodiaver Behauder engages, that the said English Company, Behauder, shall at all times be at liberty to garrison, in whatever manner they may judge proper, all such Fortresses and strong Places within His said Highness's Territories, as it shall appear to them advisable to take charge of.

IX. And whereas, in consequence of the system of defence which it may be expedient to adopt for the security of the Territorial Possessions of His Highness Maha Rajah Mysore Kistna Rajah Oodiaver Behauder, it may be necessary that certain Forts and strong Places within His Highness's Territories should be dismantled or destroyed, and that other Forts and strong Places should be strengthened and repaired; it is stipulated and agreed, that the English East India Company, Behauder, shall be the sole judges of the necessity of any such alterations in the said Fortresses; and it is further agreed, that such expenses as may be incurred on this account shall be borne and defrayed, in equal proportions, by the Contracting Parties.

X. In case it shall become necessary for enforcing and maintaining the authority and Government of His Highness in the Territories now subjected to his power, that the regular Troops of the English East India Company, Behauder, should be employed, it is stipulated and agreed that, upon formal application being made for the service of the said Troops, they shall be employed in such manner as to the said Company shall seem fit; but it is expressly understood by the Contracting Parties, that this Stipulation shall not subject the Troops of the English East India Company, Behauder, to be employed in the ordinary transactions of Revenue.

XI. It being expedient for the restoration and permanent establishment of tranquillity in the Territories now subjected to the

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