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security of the Country against external Enemies, the Maha Rajah hereby agrees, that if any misunderstanding should arise therefrom between him and the Sircar of any other Chieftain, the Maha Rajah will, in the first instance, submit the cause of dispute to the Honourable Company's Government, that the Government may endeavour to settle it amicably, agreeably to justice and ancient usage. If, from the obstinacy of the opposite Party, no amicable terms can be settled, then Maha Rajah Runjeet Sing may demand aid from the Company's Government. In the event above stated in this Article, it will be granted.

VIII. The Maha Rajah shall not, in future, entertain in his service, nor give admission to, any English or French Subjects, or any other Person from among the Inhabitants of Europe, without the sanction of the Honourable Company's Government; and the Honourable Company also agrees, not to give admission to any of the Maha Rajah's Relations or Servants, without his consent.

The above Treaty, comprized in 8 Articles, has been duly concluded and confirmed by the Seals and Signatures of His Excellency General Gerard Lord Lake, and Maha Rajah Seway Beshoinder Runjeet Sing Behauder, at Bhurtpore, in the Soobah of Akberabad, on the 17th day of April, 1805, corresponding with the 16th of Mohurrum, 1220 Higera, and with the 3rd day of Bysaak, 1862 Summuht.

When a Treaty, containing the above 8 Articles, shall be delivered to Maha Rajah Seway Beshawder Runjeet Sing Behauder, under the Seal and Signature of His Excellency the Most Noble the Governor General in Council, the present Treaty, under the Seal and Signature of His Excellency General Gerard Lord Lake, shall be returned.

A true Copy.

J. ADAM, Deputy Secretary to Government.

No. 11-DEFINITIVE TREATY with Anund Row Guicowar.Baroda, 21st April, 1805.

Definitive Treaty of General Defensive Alliance between the Honourable English East India Company on the one part, and the Maha Rajah Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder, and his Children, Heirs and Successors, on the other; settled by Major Alexander Walker, Resident at Baroda, having Full Powers from the Government of Bombay; which is, in like manner, authorized by His Excellency The Most Noble Richard Marquis Wellesley, Knight of The Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, one of His Britannic Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Governor-General in Council, appointed by the Honourable the Court of Directors to direct and control all their Affairs in the East Indies.

[blocks in formation]

WHEREAS Various Agreements have been concluded between the Honourable Company on the one part, and Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder on the other, all tending to improve and increase the Friendship and Alliance between the Contracting Parties, viz. a Convention, dated at Cambay, the 15th March, 1802, settled by the Governor of Bombay on the part of the Honourable Company, and by Rowjee Appajee Dewan on the part of Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder; an Agreement, dated at Cambay the 6th June, 1802, settled by the Governor of Bombay on the part of the Honourable Company, and by Rowjee Appajee Dewan on the part of Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder; and an Agreement made by Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder with Major Alexander Walker, Resident at Baroda, on the part of the Honourable Company, dated at Baroda, the 29th July, 1802. And whereas it is desirable to consolidate the Stipulations of all these separate Engagements in one Definitive Treaty, and further to improve the state of Alliance of the Contracting Parties, in like manner as has been applied for by the aforesaid Rowjee Appajee in his Letter of the 10th of Suffer (or 12th June, 1803), desiring that the present Engagement between the Honourable Company and the Guicowar State may be drawn up in terms consonant to those employed in the Treaty of Bassein between the Honourable Company and His Highness the Peshwah; the said Company and the Maha Rajah Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder, do hereby accordingly agree to the following Articles, framed for that purpose :—

ART. I. All the stipulations of the Engagements heretofore made between the Contracting Parties, and above recited, viz. on the 15th March, 6th June, and 29th July, 1802, are hereby confirmed, and are to bind the Contracting Parties, their Heirs and Successors, for


II. The Friends and Enemies of either Party shall be the Friends and Enemies of both; and if any Power shall commit any act of unprovoked hostility or aggression against either of the Contracting Parties, or against their respective Dependants or Allies, and after due representation shall refuse to enter into amicable explanation, or shall deny the just satisfaction which the Contracting Parties shall have required, the Contracting Parties will proceed to prosecute such further measures as the case shall appear to demand.

III. Whereas, in conformity to the Agreements heretofore made between the Honourable Company and the Maha Rajah Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Khey! Shumsheir Behauder, a Subsidiary Force of 2,000 men was subsidized, and, inclusive of the half augmentation of the Subsidiary Force first fixed upon, the Maha Rajah Anund Row

Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder agrees to receive, and the Honourable Company to furnish, a permanent Subsidiary Force of not less than 3,000 regular Native Infantry, with 1 company of European Artillery, and their proportion, viz. 2 Companies of Gun Lascars, with the necessary Ordnance aud warlike Stores and Ammunition; which Force is to be stationed in the Territories of the said Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder.

IV. The Subsidiary Force will at all times be ready to execute services of importance, such as the protection of the Person of Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder, his Heirs and Successors, the overawing and chastisement of Rebels and exciters of disturbance in his Territories, and the due correction of his Subjects or Dependants, who may withhold the payment of the Sircar's just claims; but it is not to be employed on trifling occasions, nor like Sebundy, to be stationed in the Country to collect the Revenue. One Battalion of these Forces, however, or such a proportion of them as the performance of the foregoing services may require, will proceed to Katty war, when there may be a real necessity for it; but the English Government, whose care and attention to all the interests of the Guicowar State cannot be doubted, must remain the judge of its necessity.

V. In order to provide the regular payment of the whole expense of this Subsidiary Force, Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder has ceded, by the Agreements aforesaid, viz. dated the 15th March, 6th June, and 29th July, 1802, and 2d June, 1803, Districts and other funds, of which a Schedule (A.) is annexed to this Treaty, of the yearly net value of 11,70,000 rupees. This cession is confirmed by this Treaty, and Arund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder hereby cedes the Districts of which the Schedule is annexed, with all the rights of Sovereignty thereof, and all the Forts which they contain, in perpetuity to the Honourable Company.

VI. The Districts of Chowrassy, Chickly, Surat, Chouth and Kaira, have been ceded to the Honourable Company by Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder, as a proof of his friendship, and as a testimony of his sense of the benefit which he has received from his Alliance with the Honourable Company's Government. The cession of these Districts is confirmed by this Treaty, and Auund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder hereby cedes the Districts above mentioned, with all the rights be longing to the Sovereignty thereof, and all the Forts which they contain, in perpetuity to the Honourable Company.

VII. Whereas the Honourable Company have, at different periods, assisted Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder,

both from their own funds and those of Bankers, with advances of money, a particular Account of which, as well as of the Funds assigned for the payment of the same, is contained in the Schedule annexed, marked (B.); it is hereby agreed, that the full amount of the Russud of the Districts therein named, according to the provisions in the VIIIth Article of the Agreement of the 29th July, shall be collected on account of the Honourable Company, and the Persons therein referred to, until these debts, and the interest due upon them, shall be fully paid; and for the past or any future advances which the Company's Government may make to that of the Guicowar, Mahals shall be assigned as their security.

VIII. Grain, and all other articles of consumption and provisions, all sorts of materials for wearing apparel, together with the necessary numbers of cattle, horses and camels required for the use of the Subsidiary Force, shall be exempted from duties in the Territories of Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder; and the Commanding Officer, and the Officers of the Subsidiary Force, shall be treated in all respects in a manner suitable to the importance of the trust placed in them, and the dignity of the British Government. In like manner shall the Officers of the Guicowar Government meet with similar consideration and respect from the Honourable Company. In consideration, also, of the good-will and friendship which have so long happily subsisted betweeen the Honourable Company and the Guicowar Government, such goods and articles as may be bonâ fide required for the private use and consumption of that Family, or of the Ministers, shall be allowed to be purchased at Surat and Bombay, and to be sent from thence free of Duties, on being accompanied by a Passport from the Resident at Baroda.

As the Deckan is the native Country of the Mahrattas, who inhabit or serve in Guzerat, such of this Nation as may be in the Guicowar service, shall be allowed to pass and repass freely with their families through the Honourable Company's Territories.

It is expressly understood, that the admission of this Article is not to sanction, or in any shape to authorize, the transit of Merchandize or of prohibited goods.

IX. The Maha Rajah Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder hereby engages, that he will not entertain in his service any European or American, or any Native of India, a Subject of the Honourable Company, without the consent of the British Government; neither will the Company's Government entertain in their service any of the Guicowar Servants, Dependants, or Slaves, contrary to the inclination of that State.

X. Inasmuch as by the present Treaty, the Contracting Parties are bound in an Alliance for mutual defence and protection, Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder engages never to

commit any act of hostility or aggression against any Power whatever; and in the event of difference arising, whatever adjustment the Honour. able Company's Government, weighing matters in the scale of truth and justice, may, in communication with the Guicowar Sircar, determine, shall meet with full approbation and acquiescence.

XI. Whereas there are certain unfinished Transactions between His Highness the Peshwah and Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder, and there exist certain Papers of Accounts which are unadjusted; Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder doth hereby agree, that the Honourable Company's Government shall examine into, and finally adjust, the said Transactions, Papers and Accounts, and the demands resulting therefrom; and Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder binds Himself, his Heirs, and Successors, to abide by such adjustment as the British Government shall accordingly determine.

Further, in respect to these unsettled pecuniary affairs existing with the Governments of His Highness the Peshwah and the Guicowar, it behoves the latter to repose a similar faith in the British Government as the Peshwab, who has agreed to abide by the adjustment of these concerns.

This settlement shall be effected by the Honourable Company, after taking into mature consideration the impoverished state of the Guicowar Finances; and the latter Government entertain a full conviction, that no oppressive demand will be enforced under the Company's mediation.

XII. If, notwithstanding the defensive nature of the Agreement between the Contracting Parties, and their desire to cultivate and improve the relations of Peace with all the Powers of India, War should unfortunately break out, it is agreed that, with a reserve of a Battalion of Native Infantry to remain near the Person of the Maha Rajah Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder, or such proportion as may appear necessary for the security of Guzerat, the residue of the Subsidiary Force, with their ordnance and public stores and ammunition, shall be immediately put in motion for the purpose of opposing the Enemy.

The Troops of the Maha Rajah Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder shall accompany the British Troops to the Boundaries of Guzerat, in order to terminate the War. Should, however, any great exigency arise, the circumstances shall be mutually considered, and the best means in the power of the Contracting Parties pursued to terminate the same.

XIII. As the Enemies of both States are the same, those who are in opposition to the Guicowar Government, or in rebellion to it, can never, while acting in this manner, be admitted to the friendship of the

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