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Honourable Company; but should Canoojee Guicowar, who comes under this description, repent and submit himself, it will be advisable to allow him a suitable Pension on which he may subsist, and reside at Bombay, or at any other place which may be equally safe and


Neither Canoojee Guicowar, nor Mulhar Row Guicowar, will have any other claim on the Guicowar Government, than the Pension which has been assigned to the latter, and that which may be eventually assigned to the former.

XIV. When the Subsidiary Troops shall take the field, the Maha Rajah Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder will supply such quantities of grain and benjarries to attend the Army, as the resources of his Country may afford, the British Government defraying the expense thereof.

XV. If disturbances shall at any time break out in the Honourable Company's Territories or Districts, bordering on those of the Maha Raja Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder, the said Maha Rajah Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder shall consent to the employment of such a proportion of the Subsidiary Force as may be requisite to quell the same; and if at any time disturbances shall break out in any part of the Maha Rajah Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder's Territories, to which it might be inconvenient to detach a proportion of the Subsidiary Force, the British Government will in like manner, at the requisition of the said Maha Rajah Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder, detach such a proportion of the Troops of the Company as inay be most conveniently situated, to assist in quelling the said disturbances in the Maha Raja Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder's Territories.

XVI. In future, the Subjects of each State who may take refuge with either, shall be delivered up, if the State from which such Parties shall have fled appear to have any demand of debt, or any just claim against him or them; but as a free intercourse between the Countries under the 2 Governments is also intended, frivolous claims against Parties resorting from their own to the other's jurisdiction, are not to be preferred; and in all serious cases, cordiality will be shown.

XVII. The Contracting Parties hereby bind themselves to take into consideration, hereafter, the commercial relations between their respective Territories, and to settle them in due time by a Commercial Treaty.

Done at Baroda, the 21st April, 1805, Anno Domini.

And Ro Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder,

-Statement of the Funds assigned, and Districts in per

Sovereignty, to the Honourable Company, by Maha Rajah


in o

n order to


provide for the regular Payment of the Subsidiary

The Pergunnah of Dholka...




of Kurree......


Warrat on Katty war

[blocks in formation]

Baroda, the 21st April, A.D. 1805.

Rupees............ 11,70,000

A. WALKER, Resident.

Schedule (B).—Statement of the Advances made by the Honourable Company, and various Bankers, to Maha Rajah Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder; comprizing an Account of the Funds assigned for their Repayment, according to the provisions made in the VIIIth Article of the Agreement of the 29th July, A.D.

[blocks in formation]

Rupees. A. P.

Brought forward......... 23,25,447 3 96

On account of the Second Loan for the discharge of the Arab Sebundy,

By the Honourable Company:

Jan. 31, 1803.-As per Account

Rs. A. P.

and Bond of this date............8,89,683 0 16

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5th. The Sayer Cotee of the Fort of Baroda 75,000

6th. Pergunnah of Kurree......

[blocks in formation]



12,95,000 0 O

Baroda, the 21st April, A. D. 1805.

No. 12.-DEFINITIVE TREATY with Dowlut Rav Scindia.Mustafapoor, 22nd November, 1805.

Definitive Treaty of Amity and Alliance between the Honourable English East India Company, and the Maha Rajah Ali Jah Dowlut Rao Scindia Behauder, and his Children, Heirs and Successors.

WHEREAS Various doubts and misunderstandings have arisen respecting the clear Meaning and Interpretation of parts of the Treaty of Peace concluded between the British Government and Dowlut Rao Scindia, at Serjee Anjengaum, on the 30th December, 1803; with a view of doing away all such Doubts, and of preventing the recurrence in future of any Misunderstanding, this Definitive Treaty of Amity and Alliance is concluded between the 2 States, by Lieutenant-Colonel John Malcolm, acting under the immediate direction and superintendence of the Right Honourable General Gerard Lake, Commander-inChief of His Majesty's and the Honourable Company's Forces, &c. &c. &c., and vested with Full Powers and Authority from the Honourable Sir George Hilaro Barlow, Baronet, appointed by the Honourable

Court of Directors of the said Company to control and direct all their Affairs in the East Indies; and Moonshee Kavil Nyne, vested with Full Powers and Authority on the part of the said Maha Rajah Dowlut Rao Scindia.

ART. I. Every part of the Treaty of Peace concluded by General Sir Arthur Wellesley, K.B. at Serjee Anjengaum, except what may be altered by this Engagement, is to remain binding upon the 2 States.

II. The Honourable Company can never acknowledge that Dowlut Rao Scindia has any claim or right, grounded on the Treaty of Serjee Anjengaum, to possess the Fort of Gualior, or the Territories of Gohud; but, from considerations of friendship, it agrees to cede to the Maha Rajah that Fortress, and such parts of the Territory of Gohud as are described in the accompanying Schedule.

III. As a compensation for this cession, and to remunerate the English Government for the annual expence incurred in supporting the Ranah of Gohud, Dowlut Rao Scindia agrees, on his own part, and that of his Sirdars, to relinquish, after the 1st January, 1806, all right and claim whatever to the Pensions of 15 lacks of rupees granted to several of the Chief Officers of his State, by the VI1th Article of the aforesaid Treaty of Serjee Anjengaum.

IV. The Honourable Company agree to pay to Dowlut Rao Scindia the Arrears due upon the Pensions granted by the VIIth Article of the Treaty of Peace, as above-mentioned, up to the 31st December, 1805, and also the Balance due upon the revenues of Dholepoor, Rajah Kerrah, and Baree, up to the same date, making deductions on the following heads:

1. Pensions forfeited by Bappoo Scindia and Sudashes Rao, by acts of hostility towards the British Government, to be stopped from the date of their hostility.

2. Plunder of the British Residency.

3. Cash advanced by Mr. Jenkins to Parties of the Maha Rajah's Troops.

4. Charges of Collection, &c. for the Provinces of Dholepoor, Baree, and Rajah Kerrah.

V. With a view of preventing any misunderstanding relating to their respective Possessions on the quarter of Hindostan, it is agreed that the River Chumbul shall form the Boundary between the 2 States, from the City of Cottah to the West, to the limits of the Territories of Gohud to the East; and within that extent of the course of the Chumbul, Dowlut Rao Scindia shall have no claim or right to any rule, tribute, revenue, or possessions on its North Bank; and the Honourable Company shall have no claim or right to any rule, tribute, revenues, or possessions on the South Bank of that River. The Talooks of Bhadek and Sooseperarab, which are on the banks of the

Jumna, will, however, remain in possession of the Honourable Company.

VI. By the Vth Article of this Treaty, which makes the River Chumbul the Boundary of the 2 States, from the City of Cottah to the west, to the limits of the Territories of Gohud to the east, the Maha Rajah resigns all pretensions and claims to any Tribute from the Rajah of Boondee, or any other on the North Bank of the Chumbul, within the afore-mentioned limits, as also to the Countries of Tank Rampoorah, Bahraungaum, Zemeidah, &c., and to the Districts of Dholepoor, Rajah Kerrah, and Baree, all which remain in the possession of the Honourable Company.

VII. The Honourable Company, in consideration of the benefits derived from the Article, which makes the Chumbul the Boundary between the 2 States, and from friendship to the Maha Rajah, agree to grant to him, personally and exclusively, the annual sum of 4 lacks of rupees, to be paid by quarterly instalments, through the Resident at the Durbar; and the Honourable Company also agree to assign, within their Territories in Hindostan, a jaggeer, (to be holden on the same footing as that enjoyed by Ballah Bhye,) amounting to a revenue of 2 lacks of rupees per annum, to Bauzah Bhye, the wife of Dowlut Rao Scindia, and a jaggeer, amounting to the sum of 1 lack of rupees per annum, to Chummah Bhye, the Daughter of that Chief.

VIII. The Honourable Company engage to enter into no Treaty with the Rajahs of Oudeepore and Joudpore, and Kottah, or other Chiefs, Tributaries of Dowlut Rao Scindia, situated in Malwa, Mewar or Marwar, and in no shape whatever to interfere with the Settlement which Scindia may make with those Chiefs.

IX. The Honourable Company are now engaged in a war with Jeswunt Rao Holkar, and using every exertion for his reduction; but should they hereafter make a Peace, or enter into any Agreement with that Chief, they engage not to restore to him, or desire to be restored to him, any of the possessions of the Family of Holkar, in the Province of Malwa, lying between the Rivers Tapti and Chumbul, which may have been taken by Dowlut Rao Scindia; nor will the Honourable Company interfere, in any manner whatever, in the disposal of those Provinces; and they will consider Dowlut Rao Scindia at full liberty to make such arrangement as he chooses with Jeswunt Rao Holkar, or with any other branch of the Holkar Family, respecting the claims of that Family to Tribute from the Rajahs or others, or to any Possessions situated to the North of the River Tapti, and to the South of the River Chumbul. But it is clearly to be understood that, as the Company's Government agrees not to concern itself with the Arrangements which Scindia may make with the Family of Holkar, respecting their claims or hereditary Possessions situated between the Tapti and the Chumbul, that Government will not take part in any dispute or

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