War which may be the result or consequence of such Arrangement or settlement. X. As Serjee Rao Ghaultka has acted in a manner calculated to disturb the Friendship between the 2 States, the Maha Rajah agrees never to admit that Chief to share in his Councils, or to hold any public employment under his Government. XI. This Treaty, consisting of 11 Articles, has been this day settled by Lieutenant Colonel Malcolm, acting under the directions of the Right Honourable Lord Lake, on the part of the Honourable Company, and by Moonshee Kavil Nyne, on the part of Dowlut Rao Scindia. Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm has delivered one Copy thereof, in Persian and English, Signed and Sealed by himself, to the said Moonshee Kavil Nyne, to be forwarded to the Maha Rajah Dowlut Rao Scindia, and has received from the said Moonshee Kavil Nyne a Counterpart of the said Treaty, Signed and Sealed by the said. Moonshee. Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm engages, that a Copy of the said Treaty, ratified by the Honourable the Governor General, in every respect a Counterpart of the Treaty now executed by himself, shall be delivered to Moonshee Kavil Nyne, to be forwarded to the Maha Rajah, within the period of one month from this date; and, on the delivery of such Copy to the Maha Rajah, the Treaty executed by Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm, under the immediate direction of the Right Honourable Lord Lake, shall be returned; and Moonshee Kavil Nyne in like manner engages, that another Copy of the said Treaty, ratified by the Maha Rajah Ali Jah Dowlut Rao Scindia, in every respect a Counterpart of the Treaty now executed by himself, shall be delivered to Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm, to be forwarded to the Honourable the Governor General, within the period of one month from this date; and, on the delivery of such Copy to the Honourable the Governor General, the Treaty executed by Moonshee Kavil Nyne, by virtue of the Full Powers and authority vested in him, as above-mentioned, shall also be returned. Done at Mustafapoor, this 22d day of November, Anno Domini 1805, or 29th Shuban, in the year of the Higera 1220. JOHN MALCOLM. No. 13.—DECLARATORY ARTICLES with Dowlut Rao Scindia.-Illahabad, 3d December, 1805. Declaratory Articles annexed to the Treaty concluded between the Right Honourable Lord Lake, on the part of the Honourable Company, and Maha Rajah Dowlut Rao Scindia, on the 22d November, 1805. WHEREAS objections have arisen to the terms of the Vth, VIth, and VIIth Articles of the aforesaid Treaty; it is hereby agreed and de clared, that in lieu of those 3 Articles, the 2 following shall be substituted: ART. I. With a view to prevent any misunderstanding relating to the respective Possessions of the Honourable Company and Maha Rajah Dowlut Rao Scindia, in the quarter of Hindostan, the Maha Rajah hereby agrees to cede to the Honourable Company all the Territory North of the River Chumbul, which was ceded to the Maha Rajah by the VIIth Article of the Treaty of Serjee Anjengaum, that is to say, the whole of the Districts of Dholepore, Baree, and Rajah Kerrah; and the Honourable Company shall have no claim or right to any rule, tribute, revenues, or possessions on the South Bank of that River. The Talooks of Bhadeck and Soorseperarah, which are on the banks of the Jumna, will, however, remain in the possession of the Honourable Company. II. The Honourable Company, from friendship to the Maha Rajah, agree to grant him, personally and exclusively, the annual sum of 4 lacks of rupees, to be paid by quarterly instalments, through the Resident at the Durbar. And the Honourable Company also agree to assign, within their Territories in Hindostan, a jaggeer, (to be holden on the same footing as that enjoyed by Ballah Bhye,) amounting to a revenue of 2 lacks of rupees per annum, to Bauzah Bhye, the Wife of Dowlut Rao Scindia, and a jaggeer amounting to 1 lack of rupees per annum, to Chummah Bhye, the Daughter of that Chief. Done at Illahabad, this 3rd day of December, 1805. G. H. BARLOW. No. 14.-TREATY with Jeswunt Rao Holkar.-Raipoor Ghaut, 24th December, 1805. Treaty of Peace and Amity between the British Government and Jeswunt Rao Holkar. WHEREAS disagreement has arisen between the British Government and Jeswunt Rao Holkar, and it is now the desire of both Parties to restore mutual harmony and concord; the following Articles of Agreement are therefore concluded between Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm, on the part of the Honourable Company, and Sheik Hubeeb Oolla, and Balla Ram Seit, on the part of Jeswunt Rao Holkar; the said Lieutenant Colonel Malcolm having special authority for that purpose from the Right Honourable Lord Lake, Commander-in-Chief, &c. &c. his Lordship aforesaid being invested with Full Powers and authority from the Honourable Sir George Hilaro Barlow, Governor General, &c. &c.; and the said Sheik Hubeeb Oolla, and Balla Ram Seit, also duly invested with Full Powers on the part of Jeswunt Rao Holkar. ART. I. The British Government engages to abstain from the prosecution of Hostilities against Jeswunt Rao Holkar, and to consider him henceforward as the Friend of the Honourable Company; Jeswunt Rao Holkar agreeing, on his part, to abstain from all measures and proceedings of a hostile nature against the British Government and its Allies, and from all measures and proceedings in any manner directed to the injury of the British Government or its Allies. II. Jeswunt Rao Holkar hereby renounces all right and title to the Districts of Tonk Rampoora, Boondee, Lekheree, Sameydee, Bhamungaum, Daee, and other places North of the Boondee Hills, and now in the occupation of the British Government. III. The Honourable Company hereby engages to have no concern with the ancient Possessions of the Holkar Family in Mewar, Malwa, and Harowtee, or with any of the Rajahs situated to the South of the Chumbul; and the Honourable Company agrees to deliver over immediately to Jeswunt Rao Holkar, such of the ancient Possessions of the Holkar Family in the Deckan, now in the occupation of the Honourable Company, as are situated South of the River Tapti, with the exception of the Fort and Pergunnah of Chandore, the Pergunnahs of Ambar and Sengham, and the Villages and Pergunnahs situated to the Southward of the River Godavery, which will remain in possession of the Honourable Company. The Honourable Company, however, in consideration of the respectability of the Holkar Family, further eugages that, in the event of the conduct of Jeswunt Rao Holkar being such as to satisfy that State of his amicable and peaceable intentions towards the British Government and its Allies, it will, at the expiration of 18 months from the date of this Treaty, restore to the Family of Holkar the Fort of Chandore and its District, the Pergunnahs of Ambar and Sengham, and the Districts formerly belonging to the Holkar Family, situated to the South of the Godavery. IV. Jeswunt Rao Holkar hereby renounces all claims to the District of Koonch, in the Province of Bundelcund, and all claims of every description in that Province; but, in the event of the conduct of Jeswunt Rao Holkar being such as to satisfy the British Government of his amicable intentions toward that State and its Allies, the Honourable Company agrees, at the expiration of 2 years from the date of this Treaty, to give the District of Koonch, in jaggeer, to Bheemah Bhye, the Daughter of Jeswunt Rao Holkar, to be holden under the Company's Government on the same terms as that now enjoyed by Ballah Bhye. V. Jeswunt Rao Holkar hereby renounces all claims of every description upon the British Government and its Allies. VI. Jeswunt Rao Holkar hereby engages never to entertain in his service Europeans of any description, whether British Subjects or others, without the consent of the British Government. VII. Jeswunt Rao Holkar hereby engages not to admit into his Council or service, Serjee Rao Ghaultka, as that Individual has been proclaimed an Enemy to the British Government. VIII. Upon the foregoing conditions, Jeswunt Rao Holkar shall be permitted to return to Hindostan without being molested by the British Government, and the British Government will not interfere in any manner in the concerns of Jeswunt Rao Holkar. It is however stipulated, that Jeswunt Rao Holkar shall, immediately upon this Treaty being signed and ratified, proceed towards Hindostan by a route, which leaves the Town of Putteala Khytull Jheend, and the Countries of the Honourable Company and the Rajah of Jypoor, on the left; and Jeswunt Rao Holkar engages, on his route, to make his Troops abstain from plunder, and that they shall commit no act of hostility in any of the Countries through which they may pass. IX. This Treaty, consisting of 9 Articles, being this day settled by Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm, on the part of the Honourable Company, and by Sheik Hubeeb Oolla and Balla Ram Seit, on the part of Jeswunt Rao Holkar, Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm has delivered one Copy thereof, in Persian and English, signed and sealed by himself, and confirmed by the Seal and Signature of the Right Honourable Lord Lake, to the said Sheik Hubeeb Oolla and Balla Ram Seit, who, on their part, have delivered to Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm a Counterpart of the same, signed and sealed by themselves; and engage to deliver another Copy thereof, duly ratified by Jeswunt Rao Holkar, to the Right Honourable Lord Lake, in the space of 3 days; the said Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm also engaging to deliver to them a Counterpart of the same, duly ratified by the Honourable the Governor General in Council, within the space of one month from this date. Done in Camp, at Raipoor Ghaut, on the banks of the Beah River, this 24th day of December, Anno Domini 1805, corresponding with the 2d of Shawaul, in the year of the Higera 1220. JOHN MALCOLM. SHEIK HUBEEB OOLLA. No. 15.-DECLARATORY ARTICLE with Jeswunt Rao Holkar.-River Ganges, 2nd February, 1806. Declaratory Article annexed to the Treaty of Peace and Amity, concluded between the British Government and Maha Rajah Jeswunt Rao Holkar, through the Agency of the Right Honourable Lord Lake, on the 24th December, 1805. WHEREAS by the IInd Article of the above-mentioned Treaty, Maha Rajah Jeswunt Rao Holkar renounces all right and title to the Districts of Tonk Rampoora, Boondee, Lekherree, Sameydee, Bhamungaum, Daee, and other places North of the Boondee Hills, and now in the occupation of the British Government: And whereas it has been understood that the Maha Rajah attaches great value to the District of Tonk Rampoora and other Districts in that vicinity, which constituted the ancient Possessions of the Holkar Family; and the relations of Amity and Peace being now happily restored between the British Government and Maha Rajah Jeswunt Rao Holkar, the British Government is desirous of gratifying the wishes of the Malia Rajah to the utmost practicable extent, consistent with considerations of equity, and of manifesting its solicitude to cultivate the friendship and good will of the Maha Rajah: therefore, the British Government hereby agrees to consider the provisions of the IInd Article of the Treaty aforesaid to be void and of no effect, and to relinquish all claim to the Districts of Tonk Rampoora, and such other Districts in their vicinity as were formerly in the possession of the Holkar Family, and are now in the occupation of the British Government. Done on the River Ganges, the 2nd of February, 1806. G. H. BARLOW. No. 16.—TREATY with the Ranah of Gohud, or the Rajah of Dholepoor, Baree, and Rajah Kerrah.-Agra, 10th January, 1806. Treaty between the Honourable the English East India Company and Maha Rajah Seway Ramah Keerut Sing Luckender Bchauder, providing for the Relinquishment to the Honourable Company, of the Country and Fort of Gohud and others, on the part of Ranah Keerut Sing; and for the investiture, on the part of the Honourable Company, of Ranah Keerut Sing, in the Sovereignty of the Districts of Dholepoor, Baree, and Rajah Kerrah; concluded by Mr. Grome Mercer, in virtue of Authority vested in him for that purpose by the Honourable Sir George Hilaro Barlow, Baronet, Governor General of all the British Possessions in the East Indies, on the part of the Honourable Company; and by Maha Rajah Seway Ranah Keerut Sing Luckender Behauder, for Himself, his Heirs and Successors. ART. I. Whereas a Treaty of Amity and Alliance was concluded on the 29th day of January, 1804, corresponding with the 15th day of Sowal, 1218, Higera, and with the 3rd Phagon, 1860 Summut, between the Honourable the English East India Company and Maha Rajah Ranah Keerut Sing, providing for mutual advantages to be derived by the Contracting Parties: And whereas, from the inability of Maha Rajah Ranah to settle the Country of Gohud and others, and to fulfil the Engagements therein entered into with the Honourable Company, |