Imágenes de páginas

It might have seemed more natural to begin this notice with a discussion of the folk-tales in this book, but they are important enough to require a much fuller analysis than can be given here. "Kachirambe" is the same as the Yao " Kalikalanje" (see Macdonald, Africana, II., 336) and the Ronga "Moutipi" given by M. Junod. "The Rabbit and the Elephant" is a variant of the tale concerning all the animals and the pool of water, and "The Tortoise and the Antelope" is equally familiar. Of two other stories "The Cock and the Swallow," and "The Tortoise and the Baboon," I have MS. variants. The riddles and proverbs, and the descriptions of dances with their characteristic songs, are all highly interesting.


Books for Review should be addressed to







[No. 3.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th, 1908.


THE Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The enrolment of the Royal Dublin Society as a subscriber to the Society was announced.

The Chairman announced that Miss D. Bleek and Miss H. Tongue were exhibiting their Bushman pictures in the Library of the Royal Anthropological Institute for a fortnight commencing on Monday the 25th May, and would be glad to explain them to any Members of the Society who might care to inspect them.

Mr. G. L. Gomme read a paper entitled "The Telling of the Bees," and in the discussion which followed Mr. Calderon, Mr. Major, Mr. Wright, Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Dunnill, Mr. Tabor and the Chairman took part. The meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Gomme for his paper.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17th, 1908.


THE Minutes of the last Meeting were last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The enrolment of the Bishopsgate Institute as a subscriber to the Society was announced.

The resignation of Mr. R. Shirley and the death of Sir John Evans were also announced.

On the motion of the Chairman it was resolved that a letter of condolence be sent to Lady Evans.

Mr. A. R. Wright and Mr. E. Lovett exhibited and explained a large number of Ancient and Modern British Amulets and Charms, and Charms, and an interesting discussion followed, in which Mr. Tabor, Mr. Hildburgh, Mr. Gomme, Mr. Calderon and the Chairman took part. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the exhibitors.

The following papers were read, viz. :-" Female Infanticide in the Punjab," by Captain O'Brien, "The Balemba,' by M. Henri Junod, and "Turks praying for Rain," by the Rev. G. E. White.

The Secretary reported that the following books and pamphlets had been presented to the Society since the 17th April, 1907, viz.:

24th and 25th Annual Reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology, presented by the Smithsonian Institution; Archaeological Survey of Western India, Vol. XXXIII.; The Man who Married the Moon, by Charles F. Lummis;

Yorkshire Legends and Traditions, by the Rev. T. Parkinson;

Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Mythology, by R. Payne Knight;

Tales and Legends of the Tyrol, by Mme. la Comtesse

Manx Ballads and Music, by A. W. Moore, presented

by Mr. A. R. Wright;

The Department of Anthropology of the University of California, presented by the University;

The Village Deities of Southern India (Madras Govt. Museum, Bulletin, Vol. V., No. 3), presented by the Govt. of Madras;

Annual Report of the Archaeological Survey (Eastern Circle), presented by the Government of Bengal ;

The Journal of the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Vol. VIII, No. 1;

Archaeological Survey of Ceylon (North Central and Central Provinces), by H. C. P. Bell, presented by the Government of Ceylon;

Analecta Bollandiana, Vol. 26, Parts 2, 3, 4; Vol. 27, Part 2, by Exchange;

Le lait de la mère, by E. Cosquin, presented by the Author;

Mata. Hari, by Professor Dr. Renward Brandstetter, presented by the Author;

Les Sociètes secrètes au Bas Congo, by Ed. de Jonghe, presented by the Author;

Historical Account of North American Indians, by Cyrus Field, presented by the Author;

Skeletal remains suggesting or attributed to early man in North America (Bureau of North American Ethnology, Bulletin 33), presented by the Smithsonian Institution;

Anthropometric Data from Bombay and Anthropometric Data from Burma, presented by the Government of India; Actes de XIV. Congrès International des Orientalistes, Alger, 1905;

Slavische Volkforschungen, by Dr. F. S. Krauss, presented by the Author;

Epigraphia Zeylanica, Parts II. and III., presented by the Government of Ceylon;

Department (Southern Circle), 1906-07, presented by the Government of Madras;

Preliminary, second, and third notes on the Observations of Stars made in some British Stone Circles, by Sir Norman Lockyer, F.R.S., presented by the Board of Education;

The Commercial Possibilities of West Africa, by Viscount Mountmorres, presented by the University of Liverpool.

Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, No. 47, and The Dual Origin of the Town of Cambridge, by Arthur Gray (Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Quarto Publication. New Series, No. 1), by Exchange.

Jahrbuch des Stadtischen Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig, Part I., 1906;

Annual Report of the Archaeological Survey of India (Frontier Circle), 1906-07, and (Eastern Circle), 1905-06, presented by the Government of India;

Report of the Superintendent, Archaeological Survey, Burma, 1906-07; and Annual Report of the Government Museum and Connemara Library, 1906-07, presented by the Government of Madras.

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