Imágenes de páginas

d'après les collections du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle de Paris. Par M. Henri de Boissieu. (Bul. Soc. Botan. de France, Juin 1906, pp. 418/437.)

Les Holboellia de la Chine centrale, par M. G. Réaubourg. (Ibid., pp. 451/461.)

Di una nuova specie di Madotheca della Cina, descritta dal Dott. C. Massalongo. (Bul. Soc. Botan. Ital., 1906, p. 141.) G. Bargagli-Petrucci. Cecidi della Cina. (Nuovo Giorn. Botan. Ital., N. S., XIV, April 1907, pp. 235/245.)

-Les Pedicularis du Kouy-Tchéou de l'Herbier Bodinier. Par M. G. Bonati. (Académie de Géographie botanique, pièce in-8, pp. 240 à 245.)

Les Pédiculaires de Chine de M. Wilson dans l'herbier du Muséum de Paris; par M. G. Bonati. (Bul. Soc. Botan. de France, Avril 1907, pp. 183/8.)

Contribution to the Nomenclature of Chinese Plants. By the late Dr. Ernst Faber. (Journ. N.China Br. R. As. Soc.,XXXVIII, 1907, pp. 97/164.)

Classification of the List of Plants. By D. Macgregor, pp. 99/132. Alphabetical List of Plants, pp. 132/161.

List of Plants for which the English equivalent is not known, pp. 162/4.

Voir CORÉE, col. 2969.

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Observatio XXXIX. D. Christiani Mentzelii, De Radice Chinensium Gin-Sen. (Miscellanea curiosa, Annus V, 1686, Norimb., pp. 73/79, 3 pl.)

Observatio CLXXXIX. D. Laurentii Blumentrost. De Radicis Chin Sen usu, lapide Thensy Chinensium, & H. claustrali. (Ibid., Annus VIII, 1689, pp. 487/9, 1 pl.)

-The Method of preparing the Ginseng Root in China. Communicated by Dr. Heberden. (Medical Trans. pub. by the College of Physicians in London, III, 1785, pp. 34/6.) Read Nov. 11, 1785.

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A. Petrowsky. (Bul. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou, 1876, No. 1, pp. 204/209, avec 1 pl.) -The Domestication of Ginseng. By Frank Carney, High School, Ithaca, N. Y. (Journ. of Geog., Chicago, Jan. 1903, pp. 26/31, fig.)

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*F. Berteaux. Le Ginseng coréen. (Echo de Chine, Chang-hai, 1903, nos. des 25, 26, 27 mai.)

Em. Perrot [et] Philippe de Vilmorin. — Du Ginseng et en particulier du Ginseng de Corée et de Mandchourie. (Bul. des Sciences Pharmacologiques, 1904, T. X, pp. 129/141, 200/218.)

Voir pp. 216/217 une longue liste d'Indications bibliographiques. Le Ginseng en Chine Par V. F. (Revue Indo-Chinoise, 15 Mai 1907, pp. 658/9.)

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Beiträge zur Geschichte der Edelsteine. und des Goldes. Von dem w. M. Dr. Aug. Pfizmaier. (Sitzb. k. Akad. d. Wiss., Phil.hist. Cl., 58. Bd., 1868, pp. 181/256.)

Voir col. 1540.

Herr v. Richthofen. Entwurf einer Höhenschichtenkarte von China. (Verhand. Ges. Erdk. Berlin, I, 1873, pp. 29/31.)

K. Futterer. Prof. F. v. Richthofens Geomorphologische Studien aus Ostasien. (Petermanns Mitt., 1902, pp. 261/5; 1903, pp. 158/162.)

Ferdinand von Richthofens Geomorphologische Studien aus Ostasien. Von Dr. W. Schjerning, Charlottenburg. (Geogr. Anzeiger, 1904, Heft 1, pp. 1/4.)

- Grundlinien im Aufbau Ost-Asiens nach

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- C.R.Eastman. On Remains of Struthiolithus chersonensis from Northern China. (Bul. Museum Comparative Zoology, Harvard, XXXII, 1898, pp. 127/144, 1 pl.) Discovery of a second Specimen of the Fossil Egg of Struthiolithus. By C. R. Eastman. (Geolog. Mag., 1898, pp. 434/9, 1 pl.) E. von Cholnoki. Kurze Zusammenfassung der orotektonischen Verhältnisse der südlichen Mandschurei. (Földtani közlöny, Budapest, 1899, XXIX, pp. 223/235, 277/291, fig.)

Геологическое описаніе южной оконечности Ляо-дунскаго полуострова въ преДѣлахъ квантунской области и ея мѣсторожденія золота. - Горн. инж. К. И. БогДановича (съ картой, 5 фиг. и 2 табл. въ текстѣ и 12 такблицами автотипій). (Машеріалы для Геологіи Россіи, XX, 1900, pp. 1/236.)

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par M. A. Leclère, Ingénieur en Chef au Corps des Mines. (Bul. Soc. Géog. Lille, XXXV, 1901, pp. 397/410.)

-M. Abbado. - Contributo alla Flora carbonifera della Cina. (Palaeontographia italica, Pise, 1900, V, pp. 125/144, fig., 5 pl.)

Ueber triassische Versteinerungen aus China. Von Ernst Koken in Tübingen. (Neues Jahrbuch f. Mineral., Geolog. u. Palaeont., 1900, 1. Bd., Stuttgart, pp. 186/ 215, 1 pl.)

-B.Navarra.- Zum Erzreichthum Chinas. (Zeitschft.f.Berg-, Hütten- u. Salinenwesen im preuss. Staate, Berlin, 1900, XLVIII, Abh., pp. 423/431.)

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-- J. V. B. Murdoch. Notes on Brine and Oil Wells in Western China. (Trans. Inst. Mining & Metall., 1901, IX, pp. 362,5.) -F. Frech. Lethaea Geognostica. I. Theil. Lethaea Palaeozoica, Bd. II, no. 2. Die Steinkohlenformation. Stuttgart, 1899, in-8, pp. 257/433, fig., 9 pl. et 3 cartes. -F. Frech.-Lethaea Geognostica. I. Theil. Lethaea Palaeozoica. III. Lief. 3. Die Dyas. Stuttgart, 1901, in-8, pp. 1/v, 435/478, fig. & 13 pl.

-F. Frech.-Lethaea Geognostica. II.Theil. Das Mesozoicum. No. 1. Trias von E. Philippi & J. Wysogórski. Stuttgart, 1903, in-8, pp. 105, fig., pl. 1-VIII.

G. Fliegel. Ueber obercarbonische Faunen aus Ost- und Südasien. (Palaeontographica, XLVIII, 1901, pp. 91/136, fig. et pl. vi-vm.)

F. Krasser. Die von W. A. Obrutschew in China und Centralasien 1893-1894 gesammelten fossilen Pflanzen. (Denkschr. k. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 1901, LXX, pp. 139/ 154, pl. I-IV.)

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- M. Schlosser. Die fossilen Säugetiere China's. (Centralbl. f. Min., 1902, pp. 529/ 535.) -M. Schlosser. Die fossilen Säugethiere Chinas, nebst einer Odontographie der recenten Antilopen. (Abh. k. bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1903, XXII, pp. 1/221, fig., pl. I-XIV.) E. Schellwien. Trias, Perm und Carbon in China. (Schrift. phys.-ökon. Gesellsch. Königsb. in Pr., 1902, XLIII, pp. 59/78, pl. m.)

S. A. Schriften d. Phys.-ökonom. Ges. in Königsberg i. Pr. 1902. Notice Petermanns Mitt., 50. Bd., 1904, VII, p. 126, par Supan.

Notes on some specimens of Straight shelled Nautiloidea collected by the Rev. Samuel Couling, M. A., Ching Chow Fu, Kiaochow, North China. By G. C. Crick. (Geolog. Mag., Nov. 1903, pp. 481/5, 1 pl.) -W. H. Hobbs. Tectonic Geography of Eastern Asia. (Amer. Geolog., XXXIV, 1904, pp. 69/80, 141/151, 214/226, 283/ 291, fig., pl. ш, iv & xiv.)

-Beitrag zur Gesteinskunde des KiautschouSchutz-Gebietes. Von Herrn F. Rinne in Hannover. (Zeitschft. Deutsch. Geolog. Ges., LVI, 1904, Aufsätze, pp. 122/167, 1 pl. et 17 fig. dans le texte.)

Echantillons de minerais de provenance chinoise. Par F. (Bul. Soc. Géog. Com. Paris, XXVI, 1904, pp. 641/650.)

Die Schmuck- und Edelsteine bei den Chinesen. Von T. Wada in Tokyo. (Mitt. Deutsch, Ges. j. Nat. u. Völk. Ostasiens, Bd. X, Teil I, Tokyo, 1904, pp. 1/16.)

Voir col. 1860.

Die Grundzüge des Gebirgsbaues und die Bodenschätze Chinas. Von Dr. Ernst Tiessen. (Asien, 1904, No. 4, pp. 52/5; No. 6, pp. 91/94; No. 7, pp. 105/9.) -La structure de l'Asie orientale d'après les travaux récents. Par L. Gallois. (Annales de Géog., 15 mai 1905, pp. 245/258.)

Résultats de la Mission géologique et minière du Yunnan méridional (septembre 1903-janvier 1904):


I. Note sur la géologie et les mines de la région comprise entre Lao-kay et Yunnansen. Par M. H. Lantenois, Ingénieur en Chef des Mines, Directeur du Service des Mines de l'Indo-Chine. (Annales des Mines, XI, 1907, pp. 298/383, 385/428.)

II. Note sur la géologie de la région de Po-si, Lou-nan, Mi-leu, Tou-tza, A-mi-tchéou par M. Counillon, Géologue au Service des Mines de l'Indo-Chine. (Ibid., pp. 429/ 446.)

III. Résultats paléontologiques par M. H. Mansuy, Géologue au Service des Mines de l'Indo-Chine. (Ibid., pp. 447/471.)

IV. Note sur quelques empreintes végétales des gites de charbon du Yunnan méridional. Par M. R. Zeiller, Inspecteur Général des Mines, Membre de l'Institut. (Ibid., pp.472/ 494.)

V. Note sur quelques échantillons de plantes tertiaires du Yunnan. Par M. L. Laurent, Docteur ès sciences. (Ibid., pp. 495/503.)

Beiträge zur Geologie und Palaeontologie von Ostasien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Provinz Schantung in China. I. Teil. Von Herrn Th. Lorenz in Marburg. - 5 Beilagen und 2 Textfig. (Zeitschft. Deutsch. Geolog. Ges., LVII, 1905, pp. 438/ 497.) II. Palaeontologischer Teil.

3 Taf. u. 55 Textfig. (Ibid., LVIII, 1906, pp. 53/109.)

Voir la bibliographie à la fin du 2o article.
Notice par Max Friedrichsen, Petermanns Milt., XII, 1906, pp. 281/
Réponse de Th. Lorenz, Ibid., IV, 1907, pp. 93/96.


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T. Ogawa, Rigakushi. (Ibid., March 1905, Geology of the Environs of Phyong-yang,
No. 138, p. 71.)

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C. D. Walcott. Cambrian Faunas of
China. [Including the following unfigured
New Genera of Trilobites - Anomocarel-
la, Damesella, Dorypygella, Pagodia, &
Shantungia.] (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1906,
XXIX, pp. 1/106.)

[Shen-si & Shan-si.] (Ibid., XXX,

1906, pp. 563/595.)

On a Collection of Trilobites from the Up-
per Cambrian of Shantung, North China,
by Henry Woodward. (Geolog. Mag., 1905,
pp. 211/215, 251/255, 1 pl.)

Note on Fragments of Chert from North
China. By Dr. George J. Hinde. (Ibid.,
pp. 255/6.)

- On the Geotectonics of a Portion of Man-
churia Lying Beyond the Palisades. By
N. Fukuchi, Rigakushi. (Jour. Geolog.
Soc. Tokyo, Jan. 1906, No. 148, p. 18, Map;
March 1906, No. 150, p. 93.)

En japonais.

On the Geology of the Environs of Dai-
tonzan, Formosa. By J. Oshima, Kogaku-
shi. (Ibid., Feb. 1906, No. 149, p. 54.)

En japonais.

Geodynamics of the Liau-tung Peninsula,
China. By Y. Ōtsuki, Rigakushi. (Ibid.,
March 1906, No. 150, p. 100, carte.)

En japonais.


Geological Map of the Middle Feng-hung-
ting, Prov. Hsing-king. China. — Geology
and Ore-deposits of the Middle Feng-hung-
ting, Hsing-king, Prov. China. By N. Kane-
hara, Rigakushi. (Ibid., May 1906, No. 152,
p. 147.)

A Black Mineral from the Kin-kwa-seki
Gold-Mine, Formosa. By J. Oshima, Kō-
gakushi. (Ibid., June 1906, No. 153, p. 192.)
Enargite from the Kin-kwa-seki Gold-
Mine, Formosa. By K. Kamiyama. (Ibid.,
p. 201.)

En japonais.


Korea. By T. Iki, Rigakushi. (Ibid., May
1906, No. 152, p. 173.)

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Mineral Resources of Korea. By B. K.
(Ibid., Oct. 1906, No. 157, p. 354.)
En japonais.

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RESEARCH IN CHINA in three volumes and
Atlas - Volume one in two Parts Part
one Descriptive Topography and Geology
by Bailey Willis, Eliot Blackwelder, and
R. H. Sargent. Washington, D. C. Pu-
blished by the Carnegie Institution of
Washington April 1907, in-4, pp. xiv-353-
XVI [Index], 51 cartes et pl., 65 fig.





Part I. Preface. Chap. I. Topographic Surveys, by R. H.
Sargent. Section I. Northeastern China. Chap. II. Strati-
graphy of Shan-tung, by Eliot Blackwelder. Chap. III.
Structural Geology of Shan-tung, by Bailey Willis.
Chap. IV.
Physiography of Shan-tung, by Bailey Willis. - - Chap. V. -
Reconnaissance in Southwest Lian-tung, by Eliot Blackwelder.
Section II. Northwestern China. Chap. VI. Stratigraphy
of Western Chi-li and Central Shan-si, by Bailey Willis and
Eliot Blackwelder. Chap. VII. Structural Geology of the
Ning-shan Basin, by Bailey Willis.
Chap. VIII.

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Geology of the Wu-t'ai District, by Bailey Willis.
· Chap. IX.
Observations in Central Shan-si. Chap. X. Quaternary:
Huang-t'u Formation in Northwestern China, by Bailey Willis.
Chap. XI.
Physiography of Northwestern China, by Bailey
Willis. Section III. Central China. Chap. XII. — Strati-
graphy of the Middle Yang-tzi Province, by Eliot Blackwelder.
Chap. XIII. Structural Geology of the Middle Yang-tzi
Province, by Bailey Willis. Chap. XIV. Geology of Cen-
tral Shen-si, by Bailey Willis and Eliot Blackwelder.
Chap. XV. - Physiography of Southern Shen-si, by Bailey Wil-
Appendix. Topographical Data. - List of Illustrations.
RESEARCH IN CHINA... Volume one in two
Parts Part two Petrography and Zoo-
logy by Eliot Blackwelder - Syllabary of
Chinese Sounds by Friedrich Hirth...
Ibid., June 1907, in-4, pp. iv + pp. ch. 357
à 528+ pp. XXIV [Index], 12 pl.

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Abendanon. Voir col. 3068.

Fossile Pflanzen aus den Kohlenlagern von Fuschun in der südlichen Mandshurei. Von J. Palibin. (3апuскu Имu. С. - Пеш. Минерал. Общ., XLIV, 1906, pp. 419/434.)

Geologische Untersuchungen im südlichen Tian-Schan nebst Beschreibung einer obercarbonischen Brachiopodenfauna aus dem Kukurtuk-Tal. Von Hans Keidel. (Neues Jahrbuch f. Mineralogie, Geolog. und Paläontologie, XXII. Beilage-Band, 2tes Heft, 1906, pp. 266/384, 4 pl. et 22 fig. dans le texte.)

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Jade. By Herbert A. Giles. (Nineteenth Century, Jan. 1904, pp. 138/145.)

*The Bishop Collection. Investigations and Studies in Jade. New York, privately printed, 1906, 2 vol. gr. in-fol.

Notice: T'oung Pao, Juillet 1906, pp. 396/400. Par Ed. Chavannes.

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Die Goldgruben an der chinesisch-russischen Grenze. (Globus, XLVII, 1885, pp. 269/270.)

H. C. Hoover.

Metal-Mining in the Provinces of Chi-li and Shan-tung (China). (Trans. Inst. Mining & Metall., 1900, VIII, pp. 324/331.)

A. Reid. Chinese Mines and Miners. (Trans. Inst. M. E., 1902, XXIII, pp. 26/37, fig.)

Silver-Mining and Smelting in Mongolia. By Yang Tsang Woo, Tong Shan, China. (Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng., XXXIII, 1903, pp. 755/760.)

W. A. Moller.

Mining in Manchuria. (Trans. Inst. M. E., XXV, 1903, pp. 139/ 145.)

-H. Beelich. - Chinese Methods of Mining Quicksilver. (Trans. Inst. Mining. & Metall., 1905, XIV, pp. 483/495, fig.)


Col. 526.

-Notes on the Coal-Fields and Coal-Mining
Operations in North Formosa (China).
By David Tyzack. (North of England
Instit. of Mining and Mechan. Engin.,
XXXIV, 1884/5, Newcastle, pp. 67/79.)
I. L. Bishop. The Chinese Far-West.
(Photographic Journ., London, 1898,
XXII, pp. 322/334.)

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Mineral Wealth of China. (Colliery Guardian, London, LXXV, 1898, p. 304). Sir C. McDonald.

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The Coalfields of China. (Ibid., p. 496.) Coal and Iron in Eastern China. [Abstract]

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