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To the Memory of the Rev. J. L. Whiting, D. D. By Rev. W. A. P. Martin, D. D., LL. D. (Chin. Rec., XXXVII, Oct. 1906, pp. 556/7.)

Pearl Grotto, near Peking, August 27th, 1906.

Williams, James Edward, né à Seaford, Lincolnshire, Angleterre, 1855; † 1er juin 1907, à Tchen kiang.

In Memoriam. James Edward Williams, M. R. C. S., L. R. C. P. By Mr. James Stark. (Chin. Rec., XXXVIII, July 1907, pp. 379/ 880.)


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1888 г., бывшій членъ означенной Миссіи). - C.-Пет., 1889, in-8, pp. iv-82-76-33-11.

Les pp. 76-33 renferment le catalogue - planches.


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Die Muhammedaner in China. (Das Ausland, XXXI, 1858, p.400.) The Derivation of the word Panthay. By Taw Sein ko. (IRdian Antiq., XXX, 1901, pp. 39/40.)

Inscriptions arabes et persanes des mosquées chinoises de K'ai-fong-fou et de Singan-fou publiées et traduites par Cl. Huart. Extrait du T'oung-pao, Série II, Vol. VI, No. 3. E. J. Brill, Leide, 1905, in-8, pp. 62.

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Les Musulmans chinois. (Revue du Monde musulman, Nov. 1906, pp. 118/9.)

Notes sur les Musulmans Chinois. Par Nigârèndé. (Ibid., Janv. 1907, pp. 388/397.)

Un Uléma chinois à Constantinople et au Caire. Par Al-Katib. (Ibid., pp. 398/400.)

*Islam and Christianity in India and the Far East. By Rev. E. M. Wherry, M. A., D. D. For thirty years a missionary of the Presbyterian Church in India. Author of The Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran, The Muslim Controversy etc. F. H. Revell Co. 1907, pp. 237.


Notice: Chin. Rec., Sept. 1907, pp. 507/8, by A. H. S.


Manuel d'Art musulman - I. L'Architecture par H. Saladin... Paris, Alphonse Picard, 1907, in-8, pp. xxш-594+1 f. n. ch. tab.

Chap. VI. Ecole indoue Monuments musulmans de Chine et d'Extrême Orient, pages 545 seq.

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E.-H. Parker. Islam in China. (Imp. & Asiat. Quart. Rev., July 1907.)

Das arabische Alphabet nach dem Tienfang tse-mu chich-yi von A. Forke. (T'oung Pao, No. 5, Déc. 1907, pp. 693/703.)

Zur chinesischen Umschrift des Arabischen von Martin Hartmann. (Ibid., pp.704/ 708.)


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-The Classics of Confucius Book of History (Shu King) rendered and compiled by W. Gorn Old... London, John Murray, 1906, in-16, pp. 67.

The Wisdom of the East Series Edited by L. Cranmer-Byng [and] Dr. S. A. Kapadia.

* Extracts from Shu Ch'ing. Translated by W. Gorn Old, with Introduction by W. Loftus Hare. 1906, in-16, pp. 36.

Léopold de Saussure. - L'Astronomie chinoise dans l'Antiquité. (Rev. gén. des Sciences pures et appliquées, 28 fév. 1907, pp. 135/144.)

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3o LOUEN Yu.

Col. 1404.

Voir col. 1713 Méprises singulières, critique de Marshman.

The Sayings of Confucius, a new Translation of the greater part of the Confucian Analects. By Lionel Giles, M. A. London: John Murray, 1907.

Notice: London & China Express, Nov. 29, 1907.


Index of Annotations in a Christian Commentary to Mencius. By Rev. P. Kranz. (Chin. Rec., XXXVI, Dec. 1905, pp. 617/ 626.)

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Philosophy and Paganism. By Amicus. (Indo-Chinese Gleaner, April 1819, pp. 79/81.)

Col. 1413.

-Geschichtliches über einige Seelenzustände und Leidenschaften. Von dem w. M. Dr. August Pfizmaier. (Sitzb. k. Akad. d. Wiss., Phil.-hist. Cl., 59. Bd., 1868, pp. 247/326.)

Col. 1417.

Chinese Thought an Exposition of the Main Characteristic Features of the Chinese World Conception by Dr. Paul Carus Being a Continuation of the Author's Essay « Chinese Philosophy ». Illustrated. Chicago, The Open Court Publishing Co., 1907, in-8, 1 f. n. ch. tab. + pp. 195.

Notices Journ. R. A. Soc., July 1907, pp. 722/3. By S. W. B.[ushell.] Lond. & China Express, 5 Juillet 1907.


Col. 1418.


De Chineesche Filosofie toegelicht voor niet-sinologen Kh'oeng foe tsz' (Confucius) door Henri Borel. Tweede Druk

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L. Nocentini. Specchio prezioso del Cuor puro Massime tradotte dal Cinese. (Rivista degli Studi Orientali, I, f. 1, Roma, 1907, pp. 81/116...)

Cf. 1429, Ming sin pao kien.


Ein Memorandum über die Erziehung in China. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. (Das Ausland, XXXV, 1862, pp. 997/8.)

Nach Mittheilungen des kaiserlichen Excommissärs Yeh.


Col. 1432.

The School System of China. By Arthur H. Smith. (East of Asia, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1904, pp. 1/10; Special Number, June 1904, pp. 96/105.)

Educational Benefactions of Wealthy Chinese. By John C. Ferguson, B. A., Ph. D. (Ibid., Special Number, June 1904, pp. 244 29.)

Western Education in South China. By 0. F. Wisner. (Ibid., pp. 73/89.)

The Chinese Educational Exhibit at St. Louis. C. M. Lacey Sites, Ph. D. (Ibid., Vol. 4, No. 1, March 1905, pp. 90,97.)

One Phase of the New Education in China. By D. Willard Lyon, B. A. (Ibid., Pt. 4, Dec. 1905, pp. 818/324.)

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Education and Reform in China. By R.W. Swallow, Government University, T'aiyuen-fu, Shansi, China. (Imp. & Asiat. Quart. Rev., July 1905, pp. 138/147.)

The Pedagogical Literature of the Chinese. By J. Genähr. (The Far East, Vol. I, 1906, pp. 243/255, 281/290.)

[Chinese School Books.]

Notice: Journ. N. C. B. R. A. Soc., XXXVII, 1906, pp. 208/214. By John Darroch.

-L'éducation nouvelle en Chine. Par Noël Perri. (Revue de Paris, 1er juin 1907, pp. 473/494...)

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Col. 1433.

Albert Maybon. - La Réforme scolaire en Chine. (La Revue, 15 nov. 1907, pp. 228/242.)

Programmes et examens. Par Albert Perrot, S. J. [Zi-ka-wei, Avril 1907.] (Chine, Ceylan, Madagascar, Déc. 1907, pp. 23/27; [Zi-ka-wei, 2 Mars 1907], p. 33.)

Programmes et examens. Par Henri Viot, S. J. [Tai-ming-fou, Avril 1907.] (Ibid., pp. 27/32.)

Programmes et examens. Par Paul Jung, S. J. [Kai-tcheou, 14 Février 1907.] (Ibid., pp. 32/33.)

Programmes et examens. Par Albert Wetterwald, S. J. [Hsienhsien, 12 Mars 1907.] (Ibid., pp. 35/38.)

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Extrait des Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles. Quatrième période, t. XXIII. Juin 1907. — Genève, pp. 537 à 557. Note sur les Étoiles fondamentales des Chinois par Léopold de Saussure. Genève, 1907, br. in-8, pp. 15.

Ext. des Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles, Juillet 1907, pp. 19 à 33.

Le texte astronomique du Yao-tien par Léopold de Saussure. (T'oung Pao, No. 3, Juillet 1907, pp. 301/390.)

Note rectificative et complémentaire. (Ibid., No. 4, Oct. 1907, pp. 559/561.)

OBSERVATIONS EUROPÉENNES. -*Telegraphic Determination of longitudes in Japan, China and the East Indies... with the latitudes of the several stations, by Lieut.

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Commanders F. M. Green and C. H. Davis, and Lieut. J. A. Norris, U. S. N. in 1881 and 1882, published by order of Captain J.G.Walker, U.S. N., Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1883. ECHECS, ETC.

Col. 1460.

MANDRAGORIAS, seu || historia Shahiludii, || viz. ejusdem Origo, Antiquitas, Ususque per totum Orientem celeberrimus. || Speciatim prout usurpatur apud Arabes, Persas, || Indos, & Chinenses, cum harum Gentium Schema- tibus variis & curiosis, & Militum lusilium Figuris | inusitatis, in Occidente hactenùs ignotis. Ad- || ditis omnium Nominibus in dictarum Gen- tium linguis, cum Sericis Characteri- bus & eorundem Interpretationibus || & Sonis genuinis. — De Ludis Orientalium Libri primi pars prima, quae est Latina. - Accedunt de || eodem Rabbi Abraham Abben-Ezrae || elegans Poëma rythmicum : | R. Bonsenior Abben -Jachiae facunda Oratio prosaïca: Liber Deliciae Regum Prosâ, || Stylo puriore, per Innominatum. || Ludis Orientalium Libri primi pars || 2da, quae est Hebraïca. ||| Horis succisivis olim congessit THOMAS HYDE S. T. D. Linguae Arabicae Professor Publicus in Universitate Oxon. Protobibliothecarius Bodlejanus. Praemittuntur de Shahiludio Prolegomena curiosa, & || Materiarum Elenchus. | Oxonii, e theatro Sheldoniano, || MDCXciv, pet. in-8.



Historia Nerdiludii, hoc est dicere, Trunculorum; cum quibusdam aliis || Arabum, Persarum, Indorum, Chinensium, & aliarum Gentium Ludis tam Politicis quàm Bellicis, || plerumque Europae inauditis, multò minùs visis: additis omnium Nominibus in dictarum Gen- tium Linguis. Ubi etiam Classicorum Graecorum & Latinorum loca quaedam meliùs quàm hactenùs factum est explicantur.

Item, | Explicatio amplissimi Chinensium Ludi, qui eo- rum Politiam & modum perveniendi ad Dignitates in Aulâ Regiâ exponit, & egregio ac peramplo | Schemate repraesentat. De Ludis Orientalibus Lib. 2dus, quem horis suc- || cisivis congessit THOMAS HYDE S. T. D. Linguae Arabicae Professor Publicus in

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Sciences médicales.

Col. 1466.

Review of the History of Medicine, by Thomas A.Wise, M. D... London: J. Churchill, MDCCCLXVII, 2 vol. in-8, pp. 7+ XCVIII+397,7 + 574.

Review of the History of the Chinese System of Medicine, II, pp. 451/574.

Calculus in China. By J. Dudgeon, M. D., etc., Pekin. (Medical Times and Gazette, 1876, II, Sept. 2d, pp. 252/3.)

Chinese Medicine. (British Medical Journal, March 10, 1900, p. 597.)

D'après Dr. W. S. Caldwell, Journ. of the American Medical Association.

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of Tropical Medicine, Sept. 15, 1904, pp. 297/300.)

From the China Medical Missionary Journal, April 1903. Instruction in the Prevention of Malaria in China. By Mareus Mackenzie, M. B., C. M. S. Hospital, Fub-ning, S. China. (Chin. Rec., XXXVIII, July 1907, pp. 375/6.)

Taken from Climate. A Quart. Journ. of Health and Travel, edited by Chas. F. Harford. Since Jan. 1906 incorporated with the Journal of Tropical Medicine.

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Marseille - Typ. et Lith. Barlatier.

- Klinische Beobachtungen über Beri-Beri. Von Dr. F. Grimm Berlin Berlin 1897. S. Karger, in-8, pp. vi-136.

The Etiology of Beri-beri. By Dr. A. Van der Scheer. (Journ. of Tropical Medicine, Nov. 1900, pp. 96/7.)

Beri-beri in Hongkong, with special reference to the Records of the Alice Memorial and Nethersole Hospitals, and with Notes on two years' experience of the Disease. By R. MacLean Gibson, M. D. (Ibid., 1901, March 15, pp. 96/99; April 1st, pp. 111 114.)

Congrès français de Médecine (Sixième Session. Toulouse, 1902). - Un nouveau cas de Béribéri à la clinique médicale de Toulouse Le Béribéri est-il une polynévrite palustre? Par, Mossé... et Destarac... Toulouse, Édouard Privat, 1902, in-8, pp. 11.

Cf. Revue médicale, 1895, p. 977.

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