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eight pund with ten dayes loan to each on of them at sex shilling scots per diem. IV 220.

The said day in respect of divers outrages thifts and pillages and others enormities comitted in New Abd. by loose and ydle persones and for the preventing of the lyk in this toune and also for defence of the toune from forraigne or inbred invasiones and conforme to that preparative in the said brugh of Abd. The provest and baillies hes enacted and ordained and by thir pnts. enactes and by thir pnts. ordaines that ther sall be ane guard nightlie within the toune consisting of tuell armed men and ane overseer of each guard and the provest and baillies appoynts George Nicolsone James Watt William Andersone John Mckdonald John Fergusone Androw Cassie James Sheipheard George Gareoch John Marnoch George Ronald Allex' Hatt Patrick Walace George Hunter James Fiddes Allex' Christall Arthur Knight Patrick Fraser Robert Milne Allex' Symsone Duncan Cassie and Androw Robertsone to be the overseers of the sd. guard and they to attend nightlie with the sd. guard ilk ane of them per vices within ther oune precincts and quarters as it shall befall them and for that effect that the toune be divyded in four equall quarters And ordors the said guard and watch to enter with ther overseer in that pairt q' it sall begin upon Monday nixt at ten houres at night and to continue till fyve houres in the morning and so furth to continue frae ten houres at night till fyve in the morning in all tyme therafter sae lang as the samen shall be found necessar And for the better ordoring of the sd. watch and guard the provest and baillies nominats and appoynts John Couper James Knight David Murray and Patrick Walace to be the four quarter maisters w'in the toune and ilk ane of them within the revive. quarters to sie the said watch and guard set and ordored according to the instructiones to be given to them be the magistrates to that effect. IV 220.

24 NOVEMBER 1688.

The said day compeired James Thomsone Thes within the councel hous and produced the armes coft and payit be him by ordor of the magistrates for the vse of the toune With the armes qch did belong to the toune abefore and delyvered the samen to Maister George Fraser on of the baillies To witt nyne fyrelock guns, ten halberts tuo swords and

tuo banderls, with tuo militia muskets, tuo picks and other tuo swords qch did belong to the toune abefore Qlks fyre locks and muskets ar brint with the tounes mark and birn yron which is Old Abd Qlk armes the sd. M' George Fraser accepted of and receaved from him and discharged the sd. James Thomsone of the samen. IV 221.

16 MARCH 1689.

The said day it is enacted statute and ordained by the provest and baillies that none of the tounes officiars presume in any tyme to come to sute or chairge any Inhabitant within the old toune of Abd. or friedome thairoff before the Bischops baillie nor medle with any affaires belonging to that court against the sd. Inhabitants and tounes people nor execute any of the bischops baillies decreites against any of the sds. tounsmen wnder the paine of Ten punds scots toties quoties for ilk contraventione and deprivatione of ther office and friedome within the


Item the said day it was enacted that the wals of the Councel hous and schooll sall be repaired with all convenient dilligence, and the schooll to be floored and convenient seats made (such as ar wanting) for the schollars of the musick schooll. IV 226.

23 MARCH 1689.

The said day it is appoynted be the baillie with consent of the councell that a letter be drawan and sent to the Bischop holding furth the designe some of the heretors and parishioners have anent the divisione of the kirk To prefeir the heretors not reseiding within the paroche and all the tenents within it to the magistrates merchants and tradesmen within this brugh contrair to ther just right and therfor to entreatt the Bischop to recomend them to the presbetrie that they be not wronged and that they may have ther seats conforme to ther rights and priviledges. IV 226.

26 MARCH 1689.

The said day it is enacted statute and ordained be the provest and baillies that no persone nor persones within the old toune of Abd. or chanonrie wasch any cloathes or any thing els at any pairt of the Chanonrie from the head to the fute theroff, bot onlie at the backsyde

nixt to the loch, and that they sett ther fyres and washeing vessels ther, and throw out ther fowll water on the south syde of the entrie of the sd. chanell that no pairt of the sd fowl water may fall in the sd. chanell As lykwyse that no persone wash at any pairt of Powies burne above the bridge, unles they set ther fyres, wash and throw out ther fowll water at some distance from the Burne where the fowll water may not fall or come therto And sick lyke dischairges all persones to Tramp and wash in Tubs upon any pairt of the high streit from the on end of the toune to the other and that vnder the penaltie of fourtie shilling scots to be payit to the Thes' for the vse of the toune and tuell shilling scots to the officiars who are heirby impowered to poynd ther cloathes and washing tubs thairfor whill they be payit and that for each transgressione toties quoties. IV 226.

I MAY 1689.

The sd. day forsaemeikill as it hes beene many and divers tymes in practise that the magistrates of the toune and any on of them by themselfes without the consent of the provest and the councell of the toune hes taken up and also forgiven pairtes of wnlawes as also of the compositiones of friemen set doune in the court acts, so that the Thes' knowes not what to exact from them, the acts of the court being his onlie rule Thairfor it is enacted statute and ordained be the provest baillies and councell that in all tyme cuming naither the provest nor any of the baillies of the toune sall have power to forgive any pairt aither of fynes or compositiones for friedome or any pairt of the tounes comon guide without the speciall consent and approbatione of the haill councell or most pairt therof hade and obtained for that effect and therto. IV 229.

4 MAY 1689.

The said day forsaemeikill as the saids baillies intend for the better accomodatione of the tounes people for casting ther peites therin this current yeir For that effect they nominat and appoynt the persones underwrittin To witt John Couper, Thesaurer John Pedder William Baxter, Allexander Couper, William Mackie, Robert Milne, William Sangster, James Fiddes, Thomas Angus, Duncan Cassie, James Knight, Patrick Walace, William Orem and Allexander Watt to goe furth to the said comon mos with the saids baillies themselves upon

Monday nixt the sext day of this instant and with them to tack inspectione of the said mos and find out the best method that can be fallen upon for the heretors of the tenements and rigs of land and ther tenents ther tymens and regular casting ther peites this current yeir, and that the said mos may be improven to ther best advantage and accomodatione proportionallie amongst them without the unnessarie abuse thairoff as hes beine done formerlie and to conveine preceisie betwixt eight and nyne houres in the foirnoone the foirsaid day for that effect at the Theasurers hous or at the crose And lykwyse ordores that the principall of the Colledge be advertised of the day and tyme in respect (as it is informed) he intends to goe furth lykwyse As also ordores the officiars to chairge Robert Drum, James Mathewsone William Robertsone and all others who ordinarlie hyres themselves to cast peites to the tounes people in the said mos To compeir at the said mos the foirsaid day under the paine of fyve punds Scots. IV 230.

8 MAY 1689.

The said day the Baillies foirsaids with the visitors nominat and appoynted for visiteing the comon mos haveing conveined the day appoynted for the visitatione therof past to the said mos and haveing surveyed the samen and taken all the difficulties and impediments qch might hinder the regular casting of peites be the tounes people therin and the great abuse of the said moss by irregular casting therin After mature deliberatione The saids baillies and councell thinks and finds it expedient that for the right improveing of the said moss for the future ther be ane stank casten with all dilligence nixt to the east end of the moss across the samen from south to north, and from that cross stank ane other stank comeing from the midle of the said cross stank towards the west lineallie to be casten to the east [sic west] end of the said moss and that ilk heretor of tenements and houses of sex elnes in breadth cast no more peites bot onlie threttie loads of win peites and the heretors of field land and Rigs of tuell elnes threttie loads and no more As also that no heretor set any pairt of the moss q'of they ar in possessione to any persone whatsumever within or without the toune nor suffer nor permitt any persone to cast peites therin bot what sall be for ther oune or ther tenants vses allenarlie As also that no heretor nor possessor cast peites in ther rexive. mosses and sell the samen to any

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person within or without the toune bot lead the samen for ther oune vses as said is And that they cast onlie according to the number above written at sex elnes breadth the tenement With certificatione to those who doe in the contrair heiroff aither sets ther moss or sels ther peites sall pay Ten pund toties quoties and ther peites sall be confiscat Lykas the foirsaids baillies and councell ordores and impowers John Cooper Thes' Patrick Kilgour, Patrick Walace, and Andrew Cassie to try out for men to cast the saids stanks and agree with them for the same at als cheap a rait as they can and to report ther agriement to the magistrates and show them what the casters will have. IV 231.

24 MAY 1689.

The said day there was ane greivance given in to the baillie and councell be the shoemakers of Old Abd. against John Hutcheon in the colledge bounds for encroacheing upon their priviledges by bringing in new shoes severall tymes to sell within the said toune and for qch shoes he hes many tymes receaved payment albeit he be no frieman aither in the toune or trade and q'for the said trade craved that he might be fyned according to law and that the shoes pntlie. taken by them from him might be confiscat to the vse of the cordiner trade and he lykwyse to desist from selling or bringing of any shoes for the future and in respect the said John Hutcheon compeired not being laufullie sūmondit to this day for that effect the baillie decerns the shoes taken to be confiscat for the vse of the sd. trade Reserveing actione to Patrick Walace who coft and payit for the saids shoes as accords of the law. IV 232.

IO JUNE 1689.

The said day the baillies and councell (to the effect the inhabitants and people of Old Abd. may be instructed and acquainted in and with the heates and discipline of war and learne to handle ther armes handsomlie) have ordored and heirby ordors and ordaines that ther sall be ane daylie Randevouze of tuantie four of the sd. tounes men ilk day heirafter at thre aclock in the afternoone and to conveine in the Bowling greene at the Kings Colledge ilk day at the tyme foirsaid where John Keyth wreitter in Edz' at the earnest desyre of the magistrates of the toune will attend and wait upon them and teach learne and instruct and exercise them in all the poynts of handling ther armes aright according

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