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The said day anent the expensis and compts debursed anent the building the Tolbuith and repairing the Counsell house, and proces of law anent baillie Robertson and seing ther is ane representation given in by the toun and traids at least many of them that they might sie and inspect the compts and be satisfied ther anent Therfor to the Counsell for stoping all mens mouthes and to satisfie them doe nominat the persons vnderwritten to meet and inspect the saids accounts in the Counsell house vpon the eight day of this instant in the efternoon tyme efter two hours efternoon, viz. John Grigg Robert Clerk and James Smith for the merchands, James Duguitt, George Robertson vyver, Jon Simson taillor, George Adam cordoner, William Hervie flesher, William and George Laing or any other person who desyre to sie and visit the saids accompts who shall also be receaved at the sd. tyme Togidder with one or two of the bailleis ther to attend the dyot and efter the inspection of the saids account The said persons ar to report to the heid court of Old Abirdein, which is appoynted to be preceislie vpon Monday the tenth of this instant and the drum to goe therfor vpon Saterday befor, with certification to any of the saids persons who keeps not the said meetting That they shall not be heard. to grumbell heirefter anent the saids accompts and the thesaurer to convein the saids persons to keep the meitting. V 128.

5 JANUARY 1704.

The said day the bailleis haveing desyred the deacons and maisters of Traids of Old Abd. and masters of families theroff to repair to the Counsell house, and ther the Counsell signified to them what haid past anent ane call by the session to Mr. David Corse to be colligg minister with Mr Thomas Thomson of Cocklae It wes vnanimouslie agried that the magistrats suld signe in name of the toune ane procuratrie to Adam Gordon of Inverebrie in conjunction with the masters of the Colledge and heritors of the parisch to protest aganest the call of the sd. Mr Corse for the reasons and causis conteyned in the said protestation And also that the saids magistrats of Old Abd. might goe to the church and signifie the same to the presbitrie therin conveyned for moderating the said call. V 129.

12 FEBRUARY 1704.

The which day anent bill of complent given in by Mr Alex' Gordon professor of humanitie, Mr George Gordon professor of the orientall Languadges in the Kings Colledge and George Adam toun clerk of Old Abd. aganest Alex' and George Cristalls wrights in Old Abd. and

wright ther and ther imployers anent the removeing of ane dask or pew in the church of Old Machar befor baillie Knight's, presentlie possest by the sd. George and disponed to him by the sd. Mr Alex' Gordon, out of its place contrar to equitie and justice at ther awen hands as the complaint [bears]. V 133.

13 MAY 1704.

The which day anent Alexander Hendrie his paynes for ringing the tolbooth bell The Counsell be thir presents ordaynes and appoynts that he gett from each familie within this toun and freedom sex pennies scots moe. quarterlie, to be collected and wplifted by the said Alex' Hendrie, and to begin presentlie and exact it for the current quarter which did begin the first day of Aprill last by past and ordaynes ilk familie to pay the same to him as above. V 136.

15 MARCH 1705.

The which day anent the overture proponed concerning the inhabitants of this toune to have armes for keeping the toune in ane posture of defens conform to the act of parliament The bailleis and Counsell ordaynes and appoynts that all the inhabitants of this toun provyd and furnish themselves in armes such as guns and fyre-locks, and such as ar not able to provyd guns that they may have halberts or dens axes and that betwixt and the nixt to come and this to be intimat by took of drum to morrow the sextein instant, and ordayns all the inhabitants betwixt sextie and sextein yeires of age to furnish the same. V 145.

day of

The said day it is statute and ordayned that no aill house nor change keeper within this toun or liberties theroff recept or harbor any prenteis or servant within the toun or sell them drink vpon the week dayes efter nyn hours at night and on the sabbeth day efter sex a clock.

at night vnder the payne of fourtie shilling scots toties quoties by the sellers and imprisonment of the prentissis and servants men or women. V 145.

5 MARCH 1705.

The said day compeired Jon Slidders mert in this Citie and represented to the bailleis and Counsell That notwithstanding of ane act of banishment past by the Magistrats of this Citie aganest William Montgomry measson for the causis mentioned in the said act of the daitt the twentie sext day of December Mvje nyntie eight yeires Yit the sd. Wm. Montgomrie haid contrair to the said act of banishment had returned to this citie and haid thretned him and his familie mischeiff Wpon which he haveing meaned himselff to the Magistrats they caused incarcerat the said William Montgomrie in the tolbooth of this citie wher he now remayns prisoner, and the said Jon Slidders haveing compeired as above, and consented to the said William Montgomrie his liberation, vpon his inacting himselff of new againe and signing ane voluntar act of banishment in the terms vnderwritten, Lykas compeired the said William Montgomrie and inacted himself as followes, I William Montgomrie, sometyme measson in Old Aberdein Doeth in obedience to the former act of banishment above narrated and for severall vther weightie considerationes inact and oblidge myselff imediatlie after my subseryving thir pnts. to depairt out of the Citie of Old Abd. and haill priviledges theroff never to return to the same week day nor holy day vpon any pretext whatsomever vnder the penaltie and payn of being brunt in the cheeck and whipt out of this Citie by the hand of ane comon hangman in the vsuall maner And also I oblidge me never to molest or trouble the said Jon Slidders or his wyff or familie in ther persons or goods or by any opprobrious or base languadge in tyme coming vnder the payn forsaid. V 148.

22 SEPTEMBER 1705.

The said day in the baillie court of the said Citie holden within the Tolbooth of the said Citie David Rickart of Arnadge wes served as heir in general to the deceist William Rickart burges of Abirdein his vncle and ane inquest of good gentlemen being ther present conform to the breeff and pettion given in ther anent Mr Archibald Forbes of Putachie being chancellor. V 151.

26 NOVEMBER 1705.

The said day it being represented by Baillie Baxter anent ane protestation given in be John Crukshank and George Adam cordoner vpon the last Counsell day the nyntenit instant wherin the Conveiner and Adam protested that in respect baillie Fraser wes not then present they could not proceid and so most illegally declyned their authoritie and the Counsells and farder they alleadged that baillie Troup wes fomenter of all the differences among the Traids And that baillie Baxter wes not doing good things, All which the Counsell haveing taken to their consideration it wes aggried nomine contradicente that both the above named persons John Crukshank and George Adam ar suspended instantlie from sitting or voting in Counsell and delayed ther farther sentence to the nixt Counsell day.1 V 157.

23 SEPTEMBER 1706.

The said day anent ane representation made to the Counsell how vseful it wold be to the toun to have the convenience for ane flesh mercat in this toun The Counsell recomends to the Magistrats to imploy workmen to effectuat the forsaid designe and to buy timber and vther materialls for building theroff and to set about the same with all convenience and to report ther dilligence to the nixt Counsell. V 171.

2 JUNE 1707.

The said day it being represented by Alex' Molysson from the kirk session that ther were great abusses comitted in and about the toun vpon the Sabbath day in tym of divyn service and at other tymes and therfor craved that the magistrats and Counsell might give ther concurrance to the kirk session for preventing of the saids abusses Which representation being considered by the Baillies and Counsell, They renew all former acts maid anent the breatch of Sabbath and ordaynes the same to be put to full execution and for discovering transgressors ordaynes ane list to be made of such ane number of the inhabitants as anyone of the magistrats and ane member of the kirk session shall apoynt with one of the Tounes officers to goe through the Toun on the


1 Conveener Cruickshank apologised and was re-admitted while Adam was declared vncapabell to be ane member of this Counsell or to bear any publict office, as decon, master or vtherwyse".

Sabbath day, Bridge of Don, Spittell and Seatton and ther to take notice of all ydle persons and vthers who doe not dewlie attend divyn service and worship vpon the Sabbath day and also to tak exact accompt of all ydle persons vaiging on the streit or otherwyse on the Sabbath day And to report the same to the magistrats and kirk session that the transgressors may be dewlie punished and ordaynes the persons to be named for going throw the toun to attend all the dyots they shall be warned to by the officer vpon the Satterdayes night befor vnder the faillie of fourtie shilling scots toties quoties and ordaynes the saids persons appoynted to goe throw the toun to meitt at the ringing of the last bell fornoon and efternoon sermons. V 185.

29 OCTOBER 1709.

It is to be mynded that ther hes been no courts nor Counsells in Old Abd. efter the 13 day of October 1707 vntill the 29 day of October 1709 yeires.

The said day in presens of the Bailleis and Consellors efter named, viz. Mr. Alexander Fraser Alex' Molysson baillies George Aberdein Thomas Cassie William Taillor Alex' Miln William Watt James Miln William Martin elder James Duguitt Mr. Andro Aberdein Andro Charles Andro Dyce Counsellors of the said Citie and thesaurer and John Grigg The Which day the haill persons above named wpon severall weightie considerations moveing them Doe adhear to the former election of the election of the Baillies Thesaurer and Counsell maid by them vpon the threttein day of October 1707 yeíres, and the forsaid Counsell recomends to the Bailleis abovenamed to qualifie themselves according to law And that with their convenience that they may officiat legallie for this ensewing yeir. V 191.

12 NOVEMBER 1709.

The said day the Counsell appoynts the Thesaurer to bestow fyftein shilling scots money of the halfe crown payed in by every entring burgess as the sd. entring burgess shall appoynt and the Thesaurer to be alwayes countable for the other fyftein shilling of the sd. halfe croun and which fyftein shilling moe. forsd. is to be bestowed for pious uses as occasione offers. V 194.

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