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pannum laneum et lineum latum et strictum aliaque mercimonia ac habendi et tenendi pistores brasiatores carnifices tam carnium quam piscium macellarios aliosque artium operarios ad libertatem burgi in baronia qualitercunque spectantes. necnon concessimus et concedimus vt in dicta ciuitate vniuersitate et burgo sint burgenses prepositus balliui seriandi et alii officiarii pro gubernatione earundem necessarii. et concedimus dicto reuerendo patri suisque successoribus Abbirdonensibus episcopis plenariam potestatem et libertatem annuatim predictum prepositum balliuos seriandos et alios officiarios necessarios eligendi constituendi et ordinandi ac ipsos in et ab eorum officiis quotiens expediens videbitur imponendi et remouendi. et quod habeant teneant et possideant crucem et forum in eodem et diem fori singulis ebdomadis in die lune. et nundinas publicas singulis annis imperpetuum vnam videlicet in Cena Domini ante Pascha vulgariter nuncupata Skeyrthurisday aliam vero in die Sancti Luce evangeliste et per octauas eorundem cum omnibus theloneis libertatibus et priuilegiis ad huiusmodi nundinas et liberum burgum in baronia et ad ciuitatem et vniuersitatem spectantibus seu iuste spectare valentibus quomodolibet infuturum. ac etiam dedimus et concessimus ac presenti carta nostra domus et concedimus

and of haveing and keeping bakers, brewers, fleshers and butchers alsewell of fleshes as of fishes and other craftsmen of trades whatever manner of way belonging to the Libertie of a Burgh of Barronie. And also Wee have

granted and do grant that in the said Citie University and Burgh there may be Burgesses, Provest, Baillies Serjants and other Officers necessar for the government of the same; and Wee grant to the said Reverend Father and his Successors Bishops of Aberdon full power and libertie of chuseing appointing and ordaining yearly the said Provost Baillies, Sergeants and other necessar officers, and of inputting and removeing the saids persons to and from their respective offices as they shall find expedient, and that they shall have a cross and mercat place at the same and a mercat day every week on munday and publict faires every year for ever to witt one in the supper of the Lord before Pasch, commonly called Skier thursday's fair, another in the day of St. Luke the Evangelist through their whole eight dayes wt all the emoluments liberties and priviledges belonging or which justly do belong to such faires and to a free Burgh of barronie and to a City and University all manner of way. As also We have given and granted and by this our present Charter Wee give and grant to the said reverend father and his successores and Chapter, Chan

predicto reuerendo patri suisque successoribus ac capitulo canonicis capellanis et suppositis ecclesie cathedralis ciuitatis et vniuersitatis predicte nunc presentibus et futuris plenarium priuilegium libertatem et potestatem quecunque victualia vina aut alias mercantias infra portum nostrum de Abbirdeyn seu extra eundem deportatas a quibuscunque nostris legeis seu extraneis aliorum regnorum illuc venientibus pro eorem oportunis vtilitatibus ed ad ipsorum et suorum domiciliorum sustentationes honestas emendi et dicta victualia vina seu mercancias iterum minime vendendi aut desuper quouismodo marcandi pro vt temporibus retroactis inuiolabiliter obseruatur. Tenendam et habendam predictam villam de Ald Abbirdone cum bondis et pertinentiis in ciuitatem et vniuersitatem ac in merum et liberum burgum in baronia predicto reuerendo patri suisque successoribus capitulo canonicis capellanis et suppositis ac huiusmodi inhabitantibus et in posterum inhabitaturis in perpetuum cum supradictis priuilegiis libertatibus et concessionibus ac vniuersis aliis libertatibus proficius commoditabus asiamentis ac iustis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque tam non nominatis quam nominatis ad ciuitatem vniuersitatem et liberum burgum in baronia spectantibus

nones, Chaplaines and Substitutes of the Cathedral Church City and University forsd., now present and to come full priviledge libertie and power of buying all sort of victuals wines or other merchandise brought win our port of Aberdeen or wout the same by any of our Liedges whatsomever or strangers of oth' Kingdomes resorting thither for their own comodious utility for the honest sustentation of themselves and families, and of selling again the said victualls wines or merchandice, or by and attour of traficqueing and ploying the Merchand any manner of way as it has been in times bygone inviolablie observed of holding and possessing the forsd. Village of Ald Aberdon with the bounds and pertinents in a Citie and University, and in a meer and free burgh of Barronie to the said reverend Father and his Successors Chapter Channones Chaplains Substitutes and to such as inhabite or shall inhabite in time comeing for ever, with the forsaid priviledges liberties and gifts, and all other liberties, profites, commodities, easments whatsomever justly belonging thereunto alsewell nominat as unnominate appertaining or that may justly appertain any manner of way in time comeing to a Citie, Universitie and free burgh of Barronie, and alse freely, quietly, fullie, whollie, honourablie well and in peace in all and through all as any Citie University or Burgh of Barronie within our Kingdome in any time bygone hes been

seu iuste spectare valentibus quomodolibet in futurum et adeo libere quiete plenarie integre honorifice bene in pace in omnibus et per omnia sicuit aliqua ciuitas vniuersitas aut burgus in baronia infra regnum nostrum Scotie quibuscunque temporibus retroactis infeodatur seu tenetur. predicta nostra generali reuocatione aut aliis non obstantibus quibuscunque ac sine aliqua reuocatione et contradictione nostri et successorum nostrorum quorumcunque quouismodo super premissis faciendis in futurum. In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precipimus. Testibus carissimo fratre nostro Jacobo Sancti Andree archiepiscopo duce Rossie etc. reuerendisque in Christo patribus Roberto archiepiscopo Glasguensi. predicto Willelmo episcopo Abbirdonensi. dilectissimisque consanguineis nostris Georgio comite de Hunthlye domino Badzenoth cancellario nostro. Archebaldo comite de Argylle domino Cambell et Lorne magistro hospicii nostri. Archibaldo comite Angusie domino Douglas. Patricio comite de Bothwell domino Haylis. Alexandro domino Hoome camerario nostro. Johanne domino Drummond iusticiario nostro. venerabilibus in Christo patribus Johanne priore Sancti Andree. Georgio abbate de Dunfermling. Henrico abbate de Cambuskynnoth. Roberto Londy de Ballgony milite thesaurario nostro. et dilectis clericis nostris magistris Richardo Muyrheid decano Glasguensi secretario nostro.

fewed and possessed, our forsaid generall revocation and others whatsomever nowwayes gainstanded, and without any revocation or contradiction of us or of our Successors whosomever to be made any manner of way in time comeing upon the premisses. In Testimony whereof Wee have commanded our Great Seal to be appended to this our present Charter, before Witnesses Our most dear Brother James Archbishop of St. Andrews Duke of Ross &c. the right reverend and reverend Fathers in Christ Robert Archbishop of Glasgow, the forsaid William Bishop of Aberdeen, our beloved Cousens George Earle of Huntley Lord Badenoch our Chancellour, Archibald Earle of Argile Lord Campbell and Lorn Master of our house, Archibald Earle of Angus Lord Douglass, Patrick Earle of Bothwell Lord Halls, Alexander Lord Hoom our Chamberlain, John Lord Drummond our Justice, Venerable Fathers in Christ John Prior of St. Andrews, George Abbot of Dunfermling, Henry Abbot of Cambuskenneth, Sir Robert Lundie of Balgonie Knight our Thesaurer, and our beloved Clerks, Masters Richard Muirhead Dean of Glasgow our Secretary, Robert Wales Archdean of St. Andrews, and Walter Drummond Dean


Roberto de Fontibus archidiacono Sancti Andree. et Waltero Drommunde decano Dumblanensi nostrorum rotulorum et registri ac consilii clerico. Apud Lythquho vicesimo primo die mensis Augusti anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo nonogesimo octauo et regni nostri vndecimo.

of Dunblane Clerk of our Rolls and Register and Councill, at Linlithgow the twentie first day of the Moneth of August the year of God one thousand foure hundred nyntie eight and the eleventh of our Reign.


Act anent the consistorie of Abirdene, 1st November, 1597.1

Oure Souerane Lord and estaitis of this pñt parliament vndirstanding that the citye of the auld toun of abirdene hes bene of auld Erectit be his matiesteis predicessore and foundit in the tyme of bischop williame elphingstoun gryt chancellar of this realme for the tyme In ane ancient toun and Citye ffor the habitatioun and remaning of the bischopis seat College and Jurisdictioun of officialitie and comissary thairin and that be altera°un of the residence of the chanonis furth thairof The said Citie sen the alteratioun of the religiouñ hes thir diuers zeiris bygane had navther moyane nor support Bot be the Jurisdictioun of the cōmissariat and college haldin w'in the sami like as the cōmissaris of the said comissariat thair clerkis and memberis of court and the principall subprin" regentę and remanēt mēberis of the said college hes evir bene in vse t costome To remane w'in the said citye of the auld toun of abirdene and to sit and hald the consistorie and college th'in In all tymes bigane sene the first erectiouñ thairof as priuilegis Immoniteis and vphaldis of the said citye and qrof it hes bene in possessioun and thairwt vphaldin now and in all tymes bigane: For preseruatioun of the qlk ancient Citye priuilegis t Immuniteis th'of Oure said souerane Lord With auise of the three estaitis of this pñt parliāent Ratifeis appreceis and confirmis all And quhatsumevir Liberteis priuilegis fredomes t Immvniteis grantit of auld be his mateis pgenitore to the said Citye of auld abirdene and Inhabitante th'of and in speciall Annevis In and to the same citye of auld abirdene for the better vphald

1 Acts of Scots Parliament, iv., 154.

th'of The foirsaidis liberteis and seattis of the consistorie and College foirsaid to be haldine w'in the sami In all tymes cũing Eftir the forme and tenno' of the erectiouñt fundatioun th'of and conforme to the auld vset consuetude had thairin of the sami / lyk as his matie / with auise foirsaid Statutis t ordanes be this pñt act That the seattis of the said comissariat and college foirsaid Sall sit hald and remane w'in the said Citye of auld abirdene In all tymes cumig Siclyke and als frele In all thingis as the memberis of the said qsistorie t college hes bene in vse and custome in all tymes bigane w'out ony removing or transportatioun of the sami th'fra to the newtoun of abirdene or ony vther touñ or place w'in the diocie of abirdene And to this effect Ordanes the lordis of counsall and sessioun To grant and direct lrez of horning heirapone at the desyre and instance of the pvest and bailleis of the said citye of auld abirdene Chargeing the comissare of abirdene pñt and [to] cum thair clerkis and memberis of court and the principall subprin" regentes m' and memberis of the said college of abirdene pñt t to cum To sit hald and contenw the said consistoriall place and College foirsaid w'in the said Citye of auld abirdene and nawyis to remoue the sami consistorie or College th'fra to ony vther touñ or place w'in the saidis boundis vndir the pane of rebelliouñt putting of thame to the horne and gif thay failzie to denunce the dissobeyeris his maties rebellist put thame thairto tc.


An Ordinance for the better support of the Universities of Scotland, and encouragement of public preachers there, in which inter alia the Superiorities &c. of the Bishopric are conveyed to the Universities of Aberdeen, 8th August, 1654.1

His Highness the Lord Protector taking into consideration the great Advantage that may redound to the People of this Commonwealth, inhabiting in Scotland, That the Universities there should receive both Countenance and Encouragement, and be provided for with Competent Maintenance for the Members of the said Universities, for the better training up of Youth in Piety and good Literature; Doth ordain, and be it Ordained by his Highness by, and with the consent of his Council

1 Acts of Scots Parliament, vi., pt, ii., 831.

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