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frimane sall not be entrit nor admittit frimane vntill such tyme that he give in ane sufficent seye of quhat traid so ever they be and no other wayes and quhen they goe to mak ther sey it is statut and ordainit that ther be tua of the traid he is of and to put him in ane close hous and seightit twa tymes evrie day q'by they gait no help from others for his help to the sd. traid. I 133.

30 DECEMBER 1654.

The said day compeirit Johne Andersone and present ane sey of men and womanes gloves in pnt. of the sd. dicone and remnent of the said traid And finds the said seyes sufficent and that he may and is abell to serve the commonwealth in his said traid of glovrie And decernes and ordanes him to pay for his fridome of the said traid for his pairt of the dask in the Kirk and the mort cloath ane soume of aught merks scotis. I 135.

18 FEBRUARY 1660.

The said day the said Robert Broune [late deacon] and reminent of the haill hamermen traid hes amerciat Andro Barcar [present deacon] in the soume of fourtie shilling scotis to be payit be him to the box m' of the said traid for meddeling and finishing Frances Irving irone wark and the samen to be payit befor ever he receave his pleace And not to haue charge therin till he pay the samen And with all to aggre and drink with George Cuming for bygane transgreationes. I 161.

7 JANUARY 1661.

The said day the dicone maisters and remniant members of the hamermen traid haveing caled and conveined Johne Leidgartwood, wright befor them and haveing examined the said Jon and fund him giltie and not giveing obedience to the dicon and maister conforme to dyvers actis in this book Thairfor the said dicone and maisters discharges the said Jon Leidgartwood of his friedome and of all bennefit that belanges to the said traid dask and mortclothe and of all vther bennifit within the bounds and preiveledges therto belanging in all tyme comeing Ay and vntill he be admittit of new againe vpon his proper charges By and attour the payment of any onlaw or fyne dew be him to them preceiding the dait heirof and thir pnts. to stand but any recalling. I 167.

2 DECEMBER 1664.

The said day anent ane divisioune quhilkis fallin out amongest the hamermen tred in Old Aberdeine concerning the ellectioune of ther maisters and boxmaister Bothe the saids pairtie being discontentit hes submitit the decesioune of the said divisioune to Johne Harvie lait deacane conveinar and to Williame Angus present decane conveinar Hendrie Adam Patrik Clerk lait deacanes arbiters and Thomas Angus lait bailzie odmans and ouermanes and obleigit thairselfis by handis holdin vp and ther honest wordis to stand to ther determinatioune quho tuik vpoune thaim to determene the said divisione The forsaids arbiters and ourmans Doethe allowe the first four maisters to continewe for this present yeir and the boxmaister also and for paice in the tred, They have added Robert Broune Gilbert Smithe to be adjoynat maisters and to continewe for this present yeir and to go on wpoune leit for the ensuing yeir at ther ellectione als veill as the vther four and the forsaid sex persones to be lyable to the deacane conveinar court for the said yeir give the deacane conveinar putts thaim to any chairge. . . I 191.

2 MAY 1668.

The sd. day forsaemeikill as ther being ane contraversie and debait amongst the hamerman trade to witt betuixt the glovers and the remanent members of the sd. trade anent the glovers ther separatione from the rest of the sd. hamermen as intending ane Incorporation be themselfis And the sd. haill trade haveing mett and the forsd. contraversie being debaitted amongst them and haveing finallie agriet and condiscendit with the speciall advyce and consent of the bischop of Abd. and baillies of Old Abd. and deacon conveiner of the haill trades of the sd. citie of Old Abd. to remane and continue in one Incorporatione with the rest of the sd. hamerman trade as they were in vse and custome abefore and the decisione of the sd. contraversie being referrit to the said deacon conveiner and haveing condiscendit unanimouslie to remaine and continue in ane incorporatione as formerlie as sd. is Thairfor the deacon conveiner forsd. decerns and ordains in the first that James Symsone one of the sd. glover trade sall pntlie. be installed wt consent of the haill deacons and maisters of the trades w'in this toune as ane maister till michaelmas nixt Mvje sixtie aucht yeires As lykwyse that the glovers


sall have full power everie yeir to nominat and present ane maister of thair oune trade to the deacon of the trade and whosoever beis upon the leit and the voices being equall the deacon to have full power to nominat any of those who ar upon the sd. leit and his determinatione to stand w'out any contradictione under the faillie of ane hundreth punds scots money to be payit to the partie braker. I 207.


The sd. day compeirit Jon Couts wright and being conveinit before the trade for abuseing of James Symsone pnt. deacon of the trade wpon the sabbath day anent there seatts in the hamermans dask and the sd. Jon compeirand appealled from the court to the deacon conveiner court and protested that qt sould be decerned against him sould be null and of no availl force strength nor effect and therupon tuik act and instru

The sd. day it is enacted statute and ordainit be the deacon maisters and haill members of the hamerman trade that the tuo foire pewes of the dask belonging to the trade and nixt to the pulpitt sall be reserved onlie to Wm Lin the deacon of the trade four maisters and boxmaister to sitt therein and whosoever vther of the trade sall sitt in the sds tuo foir pewes at any tyme heir after sall pay 40s and the samen to be payit w'in 15 dayes nixt after ilk faillie and breach. I 214.

29 SEPTEMBER 1670.

The sd. day George Cuming deacon haveing submitted himself to the trade for his submitting of Alex Sym capper his compositione to the deacon conveiner and his court without the consent and advyce of the members of the hamerman trade and therfor was decernit be James Symsone judge substitute and appoynted be the trade in ane amerciament of court and therfor to pay to the trade fyve pund scots money w'in terme of law and to acknowledge his fault before the trade. I 223

18 JANUARY 1675.

The sd. day Allex' Christall wright was decernit in ane amerciament of court and that for his tacking of Johne & James Coutes ther work over ther heads qlk they were working in the Colledge bounds to Johne Branes cordiner burges of Abd. conforme to a contract past betuixt the sd. Johne

Branes and the sds. Johne and James Coutes of the dait the tuantie day of March Mvjc seventie tuo yeires the sd. Jon Branes being restand to the sds. wrights seven pund scots of the pryce of ther work and this conforme to ane act of the trades court maid theranent Mvjc and sextie [?] yeires and that be vertue of lau" probatione led and deduced against him anent his intromissione with the sd. work and therfor to pay to Jon Jonstone pnt. boxmaister of the trade and his successors box maisters for the vse and vtilitie of the trade four pund scots money conforme to the tenor of the sd. act within terme of law wnder the paine of poynding of his reddest guides and geir for the samen. I 248.

16 MARCH 1685.

The said day it is enacted statute and ordained be the deacan with consent of the haill members of the trade That whatsumever persone who is prenteise to any frieman within the trade at present or sall be prenteise to any frieman heirafter sall presume to abuse ther maisters by giveing them evill language or any sort of provocatione for stirring them to wrath and sall not give ther maisters due obedience as becometh servants to ther maisters ilk persone prenteise transgressand sall pay fourtie shilling scots for the first fault and four pound for the second fault lyk as it is enacted that if the maister abuse strick or provok his servant without ane relevant caus and reasone showen to the deacan and trade and maid out and accepted be them as reasonable Than and in that caise the maister so provocking and abuseing the servant sall pay als much to the trade toties quoties. I 303.

26 NOVEMBER 1692.

The said day forsaemeikill as Allex' Christall pnt. deacan of the trade being absent workeing in the countrie in the paroche of Glas as sd. is and being advertised be the trade by letters to come home for electing ther deacan (the tyme of electione being long since elapsed) and he nevertheless remaining absent The haill trade conforme to the act of the baillie court haveing therby ordered the trade to meit this day preceislie and chuise ther deacan under a certaine fyne and Androw Gray lait deacan to sit as judge in the sd. electione in place of the sd. Allex' Christall and accordinglie the haill members of the trade haveing

mett and being all punctuallie conveined (James Thomsone on of the baillies lykwyse sittand with the said Androw Gray to sie the electione ordorlie proceided in) and ane debait aryseing amongst the members of the trade some of them being for the electione this same day conforme to the act of the baillie court, and others for continuatione therof for eight dayes space The Baillie foirsd. for ending and tacking away that debait ordored the electione to be referred to voites onlie for keiping peace amongst them, and after ther voites were all collected, by pluralitie of the same the electione was to be this same day and so the trade lykwyse by pluralitie foirsd. of voites did elect and chuise the sd. Androw Gray to be ther deacan for the ensueing yeir who accepted the sd. office in and upon him and gave his oath to the trade of his fidelitie in pns. of the foirsd. baillie. I 341.

23 DECEMBER 1699.

The said day Thomas Moir compeired and gave in his sey appoynted to him be the trade being a copper tankard which being seene and visited was found unsufficient being but ane old tankard and therfor was rejected and the deaken and trade tacking the same as ane affront and a peice of mockerie Therfore the deaken and trade ordores the said Thomas Moir to mack the same kynd of sey againe new and sufficient and may be found of such qualitie as may fit to please his majesties leiges and to supplicat the trade for his admissione before the macking of the sey otherwayes depryves the sd Thomas of working any work qch concerns the trade and of all benefite he may have by the same and depryves of the benefite off dask and mort cloathes. I 385.

8 NOVEMBER 1707.

The said day it is statute and ordained be the decon and haill members of the Court vnanimouslie That in all tym coming that the smithes and glovers wrights and coupers shall have Two of the smiths and glovers and Two of the wrights and cowpers in all tyme coming to be the four masters of the Traid provyding alwyse that they be capable for the sd. place and that they shall be chosen by the plurall voce of the decon and Traid notwithstanding of the former act maid theranent which is vnanimouslie maid voyd and null. II 17.

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