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receavit nor ludgeit w'in this towne w'out accorde as said is ilk persoun disobeyand vnder the paine of xl s. I 18.

12 NOVEMBER 1604.

The said day the prouest and bailleis counsall and communitie of the citie of Auld Aberdein hes consentit all in ane voice to the submission betuixt Mr Thomas Gardin off Blairtoun and the citinaris of Auld Abd. anent the decisioun of the contrauersie of the loche And the haill Inhabitantis ar content that quhatsumeuer thing beis done in that mater that thay sall stand and abyde thairat as ane irreuocabill decreeit and in respect Sir Thomas Gordoune of Cluny knicht hes takin the burding vpone him for the forsaid inhabitantis of this citie Thay bind and faithfullie oblegis tham to relief him. I 22.

17 DECEMBER 1604.

The said day it is statute that na persone sall wesche fra the heid of the channell to the fute th'of vnder the paine of fourtie s. I 23.

The said day it is ordaint that na darer milk be sauld nor xij d for ilk poynt and that nane be sauld outwith this bruch wnder the pain of xl s. I 23.

19 DECEMBER 1604.

The said day comperit judiciallie in pns. of the balleis Agnes Hay spous to Mr Williame Barclay aduocat and thair outwith the pns. of hir said spous of hir awin free motive will uncoactit or compellit q'vpoun sche gaue corporall aith renunceit quyteclamet and dischargeit hir lyfrent and coniunct fee off ane croft or rig of land lyand on the wast syd of the citie of Auld Aberdein of tuelff elnis of breid Betuixt the croft of the airis of vmqll Johne Gordone of Birsmoir at the southe the rig of Johne George smith at the northe the tenement and yeard of Mr Johne Chalmer at the eist and the Loche of Auld Aberdein at the west Togidder with thrie rigis or taillis adjacent th'to lyand on the west syd of the said Loche in the taillis betuixt the rigis of the aires of the said vmqll Johne Gordoune at the wast the rigis of the said Johne George at the eist The get that passis to the Hiltoun at the southe and the Landis of Cottoun at the northe In fauoris of the said John George his aires and assignaes quhatsumeuir With all richt titill of richt clame

entres and possessione qlk scho onywyse hes had or may pretend th❜to renudceand all exceptioun of the law maid in fauoris of wemen speciallie senatus consulti velleam And imlie th'efter compeirit the said Mr Williame Barclay and ratefeit and approveit the said renudceatioun and gaue his expres consent and assent th'to. I 24.

14 JANUARY 1605.

The said day Archebald Makgie is admittit watcheman of the toune for removeing of the stranger begaris th'off and to watche the toune on the nicht for vpsitteris and drinkeris on the samen And to dilait sic as he aprehendis walking or drinking on the nicht fra ten houris at even furth to the balleis And hes found Syr James Balfour off Petcullo knicht cautioner for his fidelitie and faithfull seruice in his said office and the said Archebald to releive him th'of. I 27.

The said day the balleis decernis and ordanis Duncan Barker to exhibet and produce befoir thame ane pair of hewit plaidis takin be him fra ane seruand of Johne Dauidsones in Auld Abd. four yeiris sensyne or th❜by within fyftein dayis wnder the pain of law. I 27.

18 MARCH 1605.

The said day the balleis decernis and ordains ilk persone fewar fermorar and taxsman within the stent roll seit doune be the stenteris in Auld Aberdein anent the Loche of the samen to pay ilk ane for thair awin partis sic perticuler soumes of money as thay ar stentit to within the said roll, Within fyftein dayis wnder the paine of poinding And siclyk ordains the heretoris to reteine the tennentis th❜of and thay to retein the fermes for thair releiff in thair awin hands ay and quhill thay be releuit alswell in the toune as colledge bounds (The induelleris within houssis and tenementis onlie being exceptit). I 28.

22 APRIL 1605.

The said day comperit Alex' Schand as pro for Johne Clerk his father in law and grantit him to haue receaued compleit payment fra Williame Gareoche off his maillis of ane tenement ocupeit be the said Wm and perteining to the said Johne qll the feist of Witsonday nixt cuming exclusind And siclyk the said Alex settis the said tenement and yeard to the said Williame for ane yeir nixt and imlie following the

feist of Witsonday forsd. And sall give fyve chreaves of streay to the said Wm for making the samen watter thigt Or then the said Wm sall do the samen with the first end of his maill for the qlk the said Williame sall pay sex merkis maill fourtie s. therof betuixt this and Midsymmer nixt and the vther fourtie s. betuixt that and Candlemes nixt therefter allanerlie for all vther thing that may be askit therfoir. I 29.

6 JUNE 1605.

The said compeirit the maist pairt of the Counsal and commvnitie of Auld Aberdein and reponit Mr. Thomas Gairdin of Blairtoun in his auin place anent the bying of the Loche and grantis libertie to him to posses the samen in tymes cuming but interruptioun as his awin proper heretage with thair titill kyndnes and gudewill For the qlk the said Mr Thomas discharges be thir pntis. all byrun charges gevin apone letters of horning againis the Inhabitantis of the toun, Prouyding alwayis that gif the heretoris Inhabitantis and croftismen of the toune payis the soume of thrie hundreth merkis, betuixt this and the first day of Julii nixt In that case he sall sell the heretabill richt off the Loche conforme to the contract maid alreddie And in the mein tyme the loche to be hanit and ilk persones gudes to wit ilk beist that hapins to be found within the said to pay fourtie s. toties quoties to the said day And therefter gif the soume hapins not to be payit It salbe lesum to the said Mr Thomas to vse his letteris agains them conforme to the Lawis of this realme and but prejudice of the penaltie foirsaid sett doun vpone ilk beist. I 31.

The Colledge Court of Auld Abirdein haldin within the hall theroff the Nynt day of Junii 1605 yeiris be the principall subprin" Mris and memberis of the said Colledge and Berrold Innes the ballie.

The said day the prin" foirsaid constitute Mr Rot Mitchell ballie of court quha gaue his aith de fideli administratione.

The said day anent the bill gevin in be Jon Sangster agains Helen Scott anent the feing of hir sister with the said Jon Comperit the defender and grantit the bill anent the feing of hir sister and away taking of hir agane In respect q'of the ballie Ordanit hir sister to enter

hame to the said Johnes seruice or els to pay hir fie to wit four elnis plaiding four elnis hardin and ane pair of schone. I 33.

At Abd. the 13 of August 1605 In pns. of the balleis of Auld Abd. As also the Colledge Court.

Item it is statute that na browster givf any scholler ather meit or drink within this citie vnder the pain of losing sic as sho


gif they tak ony money therfoir fra the scholler the same salbe gevin bak agane And this act to be publisht as effeiris. I 36.


College Court. The said day Dauid Skeddna younger confessit that he wes drinking efter ten houris at evin in Eduart Crukschankis hous In respect therof the balleis decernit him to pay ten merkis for transgressing of the act maid theranent. I 36.

30 DECEMBER 1605.

The said day it is statute and ordanit be the saids balleis with consent of the haill Inhabitantis of this toune that na yeoung man within this toune that hes not ane hous or rent of his awin play at cartis tabillis or dyss and that no man recept thame to that effect And give they salbe the recepteris of thame sall pay xl s. toties quoties And give the gudman of the hous playis wt thame they sall pay xl s. And the young men playeris sall pay xl s. toties quoties or els sit vpon the stuill of repentanis. I 38.

The said day it is statute be the balleis wt consent foirsd. that the haill croftismen within this toune salbe reddie to cum to menis awin houssis as thay ar requirit and work according to thair vocatione for meit and fee as vse is for day or half day Ilk croftisman dissobeyand without he be wirking tile ane vy' within the toun for the tyme for the first fault xl s. the second thrie lib. the third tinsall of the fredome within this toun And give the croftisman wirk and be not peyit the awner of the work sall incur the lyke pecuniall pain toties quoties. I 38.

The said day it is statute and ordanit that give ony birnebeirar beis found taking or beiring his nichtbouris peitis the persone found steilling or away taking salbe baneshit this citie and the challenger to be free. I 39.

26 JANUARY 1606.

The said day it is statuit and ordanit be the bailies that the haill Infantorie w'in this toune sick as Arthure alis Wa Auld Thomas Robertsone Robert Ortoun Alex' Herwie James and Alex' Raines sall cumpeir befoir the pulpet and sit doun on thair knies and ask first God the congrigatioun and thair fatheris forgievence and sick lyk it is statuit and ordainet that the fathers of the said Infantrie sall w'in ilk fyftein dayis delait thair bairnes lyffis and behaweor to the bailzes and giwe thay failzie ilk persone failzeand sall pay the sowme of fourtie s. toties quoties. I 40.

The said day it is statut and ordanit be the bailzies that na persone ly in Thomas Ortouns bairne in tyme cuming vnder the paine of fourtie s. toties quoties becaus it is ane commoune resett of knawerie. I 41.

3 MARCH 1606.

The said day it is statut and ordainit be the bailzies that na stranger beger be resauit w'in this toun under the paine of deid and that for eschewing of the present plaige of pestilens and sic lyk it is statut and ordainet that the begeris w'in the towne sall compeir w'in the kirk at twa houris efter noune and resaue thair taikins and sick as compeiris nocht to be baniset the toune. I 41.

The said day it is statut and ordainet be the said prowest and bailzies wt consent of the haill inhabitantis of towne That the toune sall be dewyeit in four pairtis for allaying of the said plaige and quarter maisteris apointet therto and twa browsteris to be admitit in ewerie quarter alenarlie. I 41.

The said day it is statut and ordainet be the bailzies wt the consent of the haill Inhabitantis of this towne that ilk Indwaller w'in this toune sall big up thair bak dykis betuix this and thurisday at ewin nixt to cum ilk persone disobeyand to pay the sowme of ten pundis. I 42.

II JULY 1606.

The said day Gilbert Clark Robert Cowie Patrik Protte Thomas Cuming and Margrat Duncane ar accuisit for the resetting fra Janet Samsone ane banist theiff woll suspect of the pest qlk sho brocht out of Straquhin and the said Thomas Cuming and Gilbert Clerk for recept of

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