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14 OCTOBER 1608.

The said day the wissitoris of the croftis is ordanit be the bailleis to gif in thair compts befoir tham betuixt this and this day aucht dayis vnder the pain of xx lib. I 69.

26 NOVEMBER 1608.

The said day James Pantone in Perslie Alex' and Patrik Pantones in Auld Abd. his sones ye ar indytit for the thiftious steilling of ane yow fra Alex' Merschall qlk ye can not deney Item ye are indytit for the thiftious steilling and away takin fra Johne Clark cordoner tuelff threwis aittis furth of the taills of Auld Abd. qlk ye can not deney Item ye ar indeytit for the thiftious steilling fra Patrik Gordone at Gordonesmyil of tua yowis qlk ye can not deney Item ye ar indytit for the thiftious steilling and away takin out of the byir of Peterstone of tua yowis perteneng to Charlis Robertsone and the wther fra James Eleis for the qlk thow the said James was fugitiwe and the said Patrik conuict therfoir qlk ye can not deney as also the said Alex Pantone was airt and pt. with the said James and Patrik and specialie actiw as the said James thai father hes confessit this day in pns. of sindrie famous witnesses qlk thow can not deney Item siclyik thow the said Alex' Pantone is indytit for the thiftious steilling of ten threwis of grytt aittis qlk grew on the landis of Piterstone occupet be William Lyndsay qlk cornes throw threith and sauld to Johne Birs qlk thow can not deney Item thow the said Alex' is indytit for the thiftious steilling fra Johne Torrie of sex peckis beir qlk thow caussit James Torre his sone bring it to the maisteris yaird and wondoutit in tyme of preiching qlk thow can not deney Item thow the said Patrik is indytit that thow being seruand to James Myill in Auld Abd. the said James hawing lend to Thomas Ortone his nichtbour ane stouk of stray thow maist thiftiouslie pat in w'in the windluigis qlk thow maid the said James threschin beir on vndouit tua peckis of beir or therby q'uith thow was callengit be the said James wyiff qlk thow can not deney Item the all thrie commone theiffis ar indytit for the thiftious steilling fra James Barcar present beidman in Auld Abd. of ane yow and ane lamb qlk ye can not deney Item thow the said James Pantone is indeytit for braking of Mr Alex' Cheynes brewhous and steilling of the creuikine qlk thow can not deney Item thow the saidis Alex' and Patrik ar indeytit for the thiftious steilling

furth of Mr George Seytone chancleris his ludging in Auld Abd. of thrie pair of new blankatis half ane boll of quhyt meill ane mart of biuff furth of his flesch falt twa stane of butter ane pair of new schoin twa pair of hois wt certane wther geir qlk ye can not deney Item ye all thrie ar indeytit as commone notorious theiffis sa reput and haldin be opin woce and commone fame Compirit the said James and Patrik Pantones and confessit the first four poyntis of the dita aboue spect and denyit the rest and the said Alex' Panton denyit the haill poyntis of dita aboue spect qlk was remitit to the assyis forsaid quha being admitit and sworne the maist pt. of the said assis in ane woce be the mouth of Johne Chalmer chancler conwictis the said James and Patrik Pantones in the four first poyntis of dita of thair awin confessione and siclyk conuictis the said Alex' Panton for stelling of thrie threwis corne furth of Pitterston and stelling of the geir furth of the chancleris hous contenit in the dita and obsoluis the said Alex' of the rest of the haill dita and in respect therof the ballie ordanit the sds. James and Patrik Pantones to be hangit on the galhous q" thai be deid and siclyik the said Alex' Panton to be skurgit nakit throw this towns and therefter to be baneschit perpetualie furth of the north partes of Scotland and neuer to cum in this syid of the watter of Forth and if ever he hapins to be aprehendit w'in the boundis of the north of Scotland therefter he to be hangit but dome or law. I 69.

22 MAY 1609.

The said day the wissitoris of the croftis to witt William Kelman Johne George Alex' Paull James Thomsone Robert Law Johne Wylie Patrik and William Barnets and James Myill ar ordanit to be warnit personaly to compeir wpone the tuentie thrie day of Maii inst efter the prayeris to gif wpe the compt of sic siluer as is w'in thair handis concerning the croftis ilk ane for thair awin proces ilk persone dissobeyand and wnder the pain of ten lib. I 74.

The Court of Auld Abd. haldin w'in the Bischops palace of Auld Abd. 31st May 1609 in pns. of Alexander Gordone of Cluny prouest of Auld Abd. and ballie of the bischoprick therof and remanent balleis of Auld Abd.

The said day comperit judicalie ane reuerend father in god Pitter

day of

Bischope of Abd. and producit ane lybill sumonds dewlie execute to this day at his just aut aganes the persones eftir following makand mentione that q' he is bischope of Abd. laule concecrat hes obtenit ane decret in this pnt. at his instance aganes the persones efter following ilk ane for thair awin proces allegit fewaris w'in the said Bischoprik of Abd. decerning tham and ilk ane of tham to enter wt the said reuerend father and tak the fewis of thair landis halden of him as thair vndoutit superior and to pay at thair entrie the quadrubill of thair few dewtie conforme to the act of parliament maid theranent In respect thai enterit not w'in yeir and day efter thai war lautfullie citat to haue enterit and to haue peyit the dowbill of thair dewites at thair entrie lykas the decret obtenit theranent of the dait at Abd. the the yeir of god 1607 yeiris at mair leynt is contenit and albeit it be of trenchand weretie that be wertew of the said decret the persones efter followng was lautfully chargit to haue enterit and to haue peyit the quadrabill of thair dewiteis as said is yit thai haue continualie dissobeyit the said charge and sua be ressone therof and for non peyment of thair yeirlie few deuteis thair haill landis ar fallin in non entrie and the said reuerand father aucht and sould haue the propertie of thair landis w'in the bischoprik of Abd. appropriate to him selff and his successoris als weill as the superiorite and thai and ilk ane of tham aucht and sould be decernit to pay to the said reuerend father the hiest maillis fermes and dewiteis of the landis. efter spectt as thai pay pntlie. to allegit fewaris and pnt. possessoris of the landis subsequent that is to say Elspet Gordone in Auld Abd. and George Clark hir sone pn' occupearis of tua tenementis of land wt ane rig perteneng to wmqll Alex' Craufurd lyand on the eist syid of the citie of Auld Abd. the maill and ferme therof will extend yeirlie to xx merkis maill and four bollis beir thir aucht yeiris last bypast Adame Beuerlay ther allegit fewar and occupear of tua tenementis of land lyand on the eist syid of the citie of Auld Abd. the maill extending yeirlie to xx lib thir aucht yeiris bygane Alex' Barnet and Jon Ray burges of Abd. pnt. occupearis equalie betuixt thame of ane wther tenement of land on the eist syid of the said citie the yearlie maill therof extendis to tuentie merkis thir aucht yearis bypast Johne Cheyne pnet. fewar of ane tenement of land w tua riggis or croftis perteneng therto the yeirlie dewitie therof extending to xx lib maill and aucht bollis beir thir aucht yeiris last bypast Alex' Donaldsone burges of Abd. pne'. occupear of ane tenement

of land w ane rig perteneing therto on the eist syid of the said citie the yeirlie maill therof extendis yeirlie to xx markis maill and four bollis beir thir aucht yeiris bypast Alex' Wadie pnet. occupear of ane tenement of land extending to xx merkis maill yeirlie thir aucht yeiris last bypast James Thomsone pnet. occupear of ane tenement of land the yeirlie maill q'of thir aucht yeiris last bypast extendis to xx merkis maill Androw Gordone occupear of tua tenementis of land lyand on the west syid of the said citie the yeirlie maill therof thir aucht yeiris last bypast extending to xx merkis James Aleis flescher for his occupatione of ane wther tenement of land lyand on the west syid of the said citie extending yeirlie in maill thir aucht yeiris bygane to xx merkis Issobell Emslie and Jon Torre hir spous occupearis of tua tenementis of land on the west syid of the said citie the yeirlie maill therof extendis to xx lib thir aucht yeiris bygane Thomas Ortone occupear of ane tenement of land the maill therof extendis yeirlie thir aucht yeiris last bypast to aucht lib. Marrione Lowrie and Mr Alex' Cheyn hir spous pnet. occupearis of ane tenement of land on the vest syid of the said citie the maill therof thir aucht yeiris last bypast extendis to ten lib. Jon Touch burges of Abd. for him selff and as tuter to the bairnes of wmqll. Gilb' Rob occupearis of tua tenements of land at the riggis and taillis adjacent therto lyand on the west syid of the said citie the yeirlie maill therof extendis to xx merkis maill and aucht bollis beir thir aucht yeiris bypast Eduart Crukshank occupear of ane tenement of land the maill therof extendis yeirlie thir aucht yeiris bypast to viij lib. Johne Clark occupear of ane wther tenement of land w'in the said citie the maill therof extendis yeirlie to viij lib thir aucht yeiris bypast lyikas in the said lybill sumondis at mair leynt is contenit and conforme therto the said bischope desyrit proces and decret wpone the dewites contenit in the said lybill aganies the persones supramentionat ilk ane for thir awin proces qlk being callit comperit Alex' Wadie Johne Cheyne Johne Touch Marione Lowrie and Mr Alex' Cheyne Androw Gordone Alex Donaldsone James Eleis Jo" Ray Elspet Gordone and George Clark Alex' Schand George Crawfurd quha oblesit tham selffis to enter w'in xv dayis vnder the panes continet in the sd. sumondis and in respeck of the contomacie of the remanent persones supra mentionet the baillie decernit ilk persone absent to pay fywe lib and siclyik decernit proces probatione vpon the haill lybill. I 77.

The said day the baillie forsaid wt consent of the fewaris of the bischoprick conwinet for the tyme hes ordanet that Mr Andro Watt notar publict clark of the bischoprik of Ald Abd. salbe clark in tymes cuming to the haill seasings w'in the bischoprik of Abd. and sic as is not giwen be him to be null and of na force strent nor effect. I 81.

24 OCTOBER 1609.

The said Thomas Beuerlay bedman in Auld Abd. is descernit in amerciment of court for troubling of the toune and giffing of Janet Lamb ane cuff and to pey therfoir the sowme of xl s. and Jon Chalmar messenger is becum cauto' for the said Thomas to pey the said sowme wtin terme of law. I 90.

19 FEBRUARY 1610.

The said day Thomas Car in Auld Abd. and Cathren Lyne his spous ar convicted be ane conding assyis be the mouthe of Johne Torrie chanclar for trubling and injuring of Alex' Forbes be saying of thir words to him that he nor na beartbak in this towne durst put him in vard for thair lugis and that the said Alex' durst nocht cum to the bak dykis for hinging of him and siclyik convictis the said Cathrin for miscalling of the said Alex' Forbes baillie be calling of him suetie hatt clipit brecis and blottit hippis and saying to hir guid man ar thow takin af thai bonnat to ane skait cretor and obsoluis tham fra the injuris spokin to the said Alex's wyiff and the bailles in respect therof ordanes the said Thomas and Cathrin to be banieschit af of this towne w'in tuentie four houris and gif thai be fund heirefter to be skurgit nakit and brunt on the cheikis and therefter to be perpetualie banieschit and q'sumeuer persone or personis recceptis tham w'in this towne efter the saids houris be expyrit the partie receptar to pey ten markis toties quoties and this act to be publishit at the marcat cros. I 91.

15 JUNE 1610.

The said day Thomas Quhyt of Piterstoun is becum actit and oblesit of his avin proper confession to caus his tennentis and occupearis of his landis of Petterstoune southe croft and cuikis croft pey and delyuer to Mr Jon Chalmer subprin" of the kingis collige of Auld Abd. or his assigns tuentie thrie bolls beir wt twa peckis to ilk boll for the fermes of the said Mr Jonis landis of Petterstoune for the crop and yeir


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