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12 NOVEMBER 1634.

The said day it is institut and ordainit be the bailzies with consent of the Inhabitantes of Auld Aberdeine that quhosoeiur within the said toune receptes any beggeris sturdie beggeris or straingeris or guies them ludging or hospitalitie within the said toune fra this day foorthe shall pay the onlaw of Ten pundes toties quoties and quhateuir he beis that reveiles on his neighbour and proues the recept of beggeris shall haue the quarter of the onlaw. III 1.

15 DECEMBER 1634.

The said day the baillies decerns Agnes Morieson to pay the onlaw aboue writtin for the recept of strong beggers to be payed within terme of law under the paine of poynding.

The said day it is statute and ordainit that no man within the Towne shall by mair meill nor serues his awin house being freman under the paine of Ten poundes toties quoties. III 1.

13 MAY 1635.

The said day the baillies foirsaides hes set the loch of Auld Abd to George King Gilbert Bauerlay Robert George and Johne Forsythe for the space of ane yeir for the quhilk they bind and obleges thame to pay the soume of sex pundes money at Witsonday nixt to the thesaurer thairof. III 2.

9 MAY 1636.

The said day was taken vp ane roll of the haill inhabitantis of the Auld toune chanrie and spittell thair bairnes and servandis As also ane roll of all the other poor folkes within the said Toune and parische as followes.1 III 3.

16 MAY 1636.

The said day wer elected threttie persones of the most honest and aged persones of the Toune as ane double assyses to pass upoun the

1 See infra,

inquest of such thinges as they should be requyred and giue their aith de fidelitate quhairof the names followes viz Williame Troup in Spittell, Androw Youngsone, wobster, Johne Andersone tailzeour, James Innes, Thomas Merser, Robert Law, Androw Adame, Andro Hendersone, George King, David Abell, Johne Forbes, William Hay, skinner, Alexander Tellie, Williame Knolles, Alexander Schand, George Chalmer, flescher, Robert Andersone, cordiner, Andro Barker, smythe, Johne Andersone, cordiner, James Tailzeour, George Moir, smythe, Thomas Angus, wobster, Andro Torrie, Robert George, smythe, Donald Wrquhart, George Andersone, Thomas Cuming, Williame Burnet, Mr Thomas Lillie, and Alexander Moutray To pas upoun the inquest of ane assyss of all infamous persones all ydleris, and those that hes no certaine calling to liue be and wer not provyded of kaill and fewall and other necessaries of good neighbourheid and upoun recepteris of begeris ydleris and vagaboundes or strangeris without licence as also to cognosce quhat number of brousteris may serue the whole boundes of the Auldtoun Spittell, and Chanrie, and to set downe their names and the said assyss being first solemnelie suorne to delait no persone for malice nor for to conceill any through favour or to reveal any speeches of thair officiales that past upoun the said inquest and being removed from the consistorie to Dumbares yll efter conference thair amonges themselves about ane hour returned the subscrivit declaratioun following viz The haill inquest be the mouthe of Thomas Merser chancellur ordaines

Thomas Elmslie to be amerciat for recept and to find cautioun in tyme cuming Cristiane Cruikshanke and hir dochter to be banished with the haill companie within the house, Creple Forbes and his wyff to be banished, Beatrix Cheilles hes nothing to liue on to be banished or else set cautioun, Alexander Couttes with his wyff to be banished, Beatrix Torrie to remoue, Issobell Gray to go to seruice, set cautioun or els remoue, Elspet Clerke, Thomas Turner his wyff and bairnes to remoue, Janet Heruie to set cautioun for recept of beggeris, Johne Ritchie with his wyff and bairnes to be removed, Johne Garioche and his wyff to be banished, Janet Cruickshanke and her dochtir to remoue or els set cautioun in Mr Alexander Irwinges hous, the haill houshold within the chancellaris clois to be removed, Alexander Gordoun and his wyff to remoue sic as he hes in his hous and set cautioun in tyme

cuming to that effect, Williame Gibsone to pay the former onlaw for transgressioun of the former actes and set cautioun in tyme cuming, and if the said Williame findis it not expedient to do the samen the said Williame to be absolutlie banished with his whole familie, Williame Maxuell to set cautioun for his wyff, Issobell Carnecorse, Margaret Couper with her dochter all three to be banished, Robert Ros to find cautioun both for himselfe and his wyff under the pain of baneschment, Mariorie Carle and Williame Hutcheone, Helene Thomsone and Elspet Norie all to be removed, Johne Irwing to go to seruice or els to remove, George Haldan to be amerciat conforme to Thomas Elmslie for recept of Thomas Barnett couper. Ordaines Thomas Cumming to pay ane onlaw according as the baillies shall modifie and set down for recept of beggeris and that for bygones, and the said Thomas to remove his sone aff of the towne, set cautioun or than put him to seruice.

Lykwayes the haill inquest be the mouth of thair said chancellor referris the brousteris the number thairof and.quha sall brew to the baillies thamselves to judge thairin.

The said day the preceiding actes concerning the recept of beggares and vagabondes wer ratified and all the foirnamit persones convict and declairit to be infamous be the judgment of the assyss wer ordainit by the authoritie of the baillies to red and remoue themselues aff of the Towne under the paines following, that is to say eftir the publict proclamatioun of thir present actes at the mercat croce if any of the saides persones be found within the Toune for the first fault to be put in the stockes or joges all the foirnoone and imprisoned efter till they set sufficient cautioun for removall. And if they be found the second tyme to lay ane burne yron on thair cheik or shoulder and both the tymes to be punished in their goodes according to the judges discretioune and quha ewer induelleris in the Toune beis found to recept thame or giue thame harbour efter the said proclamatioun to be amerciat and pay the onlaw of four pundis toties quoties, thairof tuentie shillinges to be giwen to the delaitteris of the names of the saides recepteris to the baillies.

Item the same day it was ordainit that henceforth no fewares in this Towne or landes lordis set any persones for thair sub-tennentes in any of thair housses till first they bring ane testimoniall from the minister of the parioche quhair they remained last and thair maister

they served and then till thei be brought to the baillies and tryed quhat calling thay ar of and how they may liue and lastlie till thair landes lord become cautioner for thame to liue honestlie and if they be found thaireftir in any manes skaith thair landes lord or thair cautioner to pay ten pundes toties quoties and thamselues to be punished according to the qualitie of thair fault and the judges discretione. And if so be that any fewar or friehalder in the said boundes beis found in thift or declaired infamous to be delaitted to the Bishope thair superior and to lose thair fewes according to the lawes of this kingdome and besyid that to be punished at the judges arbitriment. III 13.


Item concerning the poore that ar allowed be the sessioun to remain within the Toune and thair names giwen up to the baillie that naine be acknowledged to be of that number but those that caries the tounes marke on thair breastes to wit ane floure de luce in leid. that all those shall come preceislie and get almes at the yetis of honest men on such dayes allanerlie as they have or shall appoint for dealling thair almes and shall not molest thair yetes nor housses upoun wther dayes under the pain of chastisment and removall aff of the toune. And concerning the poore of the parioche they shall have thair awin marke viz. ane star in lead and sall have libertie to cum in to the toune allanerlie on Sunday to heir the preiching and with this provisioun that thai cum in to the kirke befoir the reading of the text and byd thair the tyme of the sermon, and if thay be found on any weeke dayes in the Toune in that caice to be punished as stranger beggares and chaised away be the scurger.

Item the said day Archbald Bischope was ordainit to be scurger and gave his aith of fidelitie and thair was aucht shelinges weeklie appointed to be collected for him according as the fyfteine assesores shall stent the Toune and in executing of his office if he fall upon any strong beggeris that will not be commanded be him in that caice he shall requyre two of the neirest neighbours to that place quhair the sturdie beggar is found to assist him. And in caice they refuis their helps he shall take witnes thairon and the saides refuiseris ar ordainit to pay for thair penaltie thrie weekes wages toties quoties. And on the contrarie if any man resist or imped him in the executioun of his office to be put in ward and pay four pundis for thair offence.

Item the said day it was statute and ordainit quhatsumeuir persones receptes thair neighboures servantes and selles thame drink or allures thame thairto by thair maisteris knowledge or againe his will thei shall pay fyw pundes toties quoties they ar found in that fault.

Item the said day the grass of the loch being rouped it was adjudged to Thomas Simsone untill the tyme of haining the nixt yeir and the said Thomas became oblegit to pay to the saides baillies for the said grasse Ten pundes 6s. 8d. betuixt this and midsummer nixt 1636 yeirs. And for his better injoying of the said grase it was ordainit that quhaeuir putes in thair hors goodes without his leive shall pay thretteine shillinges four pennies toties quoties. III. 15.

13 JUNE 1636.

The said day compeirit Williame Hay, Visitor of the Hemermen craft, David Abell, visitor of the wobster craft, Jhone Andersone, visitor of the tailzeour craft, Androw Adame, visitor of the Cordoner craft, and George Chalmer, visitor of the flescher craft, and became actit and obleist of thair awin consentis with express consentis and assent of the remanent brethren of the saidis craftis to pay and delyuer ilk ane of thair awin pairtis to the saidis baillies for thair relieff at the handis of Maister Gilbert Ross maister of the musick scoole ilk ane of the saidis visitouris to pay to the saidis baillies as efter followes viz. the said David Abell band and obleist him and his successores to pay to the saidis baillies the soume of Ten merkis Scotis money the first day of November nixt in this instant yeir of God M. sex hundreth threttie sex yeires and ilk ane of the saidis visitoures ilk ane for thair auin pairtes band and obleist thame to pay the saidis baillies the soum of fyw merkis money foirsaid at the said day and the saidis baillies bindis and obleisses thame to pay the merkis money foirsaid quhilk makis in the haill the soume of fourtie merkis Quhilk soum of fourtie merkis the saidis baillies bindis and obleisses thame and thair successores to pay to the said Mr. Gilbert Ross upon the feist and terme of Mertimes ewin nixt to cum in the said yeir of God and siclyk yeirlie upon Mertimes ewin during the said Mr. Gilbert is remaining with the said Schooll and reiderschip and the visitoures for the tyme and thair successoures to be bund and obleist to pay as said is yeirlie at the dayis foirsaid upon the quhilkis premises the said

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