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21 AUGUST 1648.

The said day comperit Johne Forbes bailzie and producit the tounes charter grantit be King James the fourt concerning the liberties of the toune of Old Abd and desyrit he be freed of any former act of reset thairof conteanit in this buik quhilk richt vas putt in in ane publict box maid for the tounes weill and vtilitie.

The said day it is ordeanit that na kaill sellar or dilse sellar sall go to the toune of Abd to sell the samen but only to the Cross of the Old Toune vnder the paine of five pundis toties quoties. III 101.

9 DECEMBER 1648.

The said day it is ordeanit that forsameikill as thair is ane horsman to be put out and for help of the Laird of Shiwes and that the tounes pairt will extend to the sowne of ane hundreth and aucht merks thairfor the Toune to be stentit thairfor and stent maisteris choissine to that effect viz :-Thomas Angus Wm Lin George Cuming Heidlie Adame Wm Cumings Wm Knolls Johne Mutrey Wm Vobster and they that peyis not thair dew stents stentit in tyme sall be quartered wpon. III 103.

3 MAY 1649.

The said day it is ordeanit that ilk hors or beist that is fund amongst his nichtbouris corne or girse sall pey fyve libs. to the veill of the toune and fourtie pennies for ilk fit to the pairtie damnifiet. 105.

10 ОстовER 1649


The said day Alexander Schand tuik the small customes within the toune for the spaice of ane yeir for the quhilk the said Alex' obleist him to pey to the veil of the toune fourtie merkis of money and to furnes all misseris and vechtis on his awine charges and expenses as is done within the toune of Aberdene and the said Alex' at his removing to keip the said misseris and vechtis to himself or quhosoever tuik the said customes sould pey sic pryces to the said Alexander as the said Alex' peyit for himself. III 109.

29 OCTOBER 1649.

The said day Alexander Gordone provest vas choissine for keeping of the command box and the tounes vreitties thairin quho acceptit the samen on him and choissit Mr Johne Lundie Johne Forbes Thomas Merser and Thomas Angus keiper of the keys. III 110.

28 JANUARY 1650.

The said day the counsall of Old Aberdene being convenit and in name of the rest of the haill Inhabitantis of Old Aberdene be thir pntis. inactis thaimselfis to varrand frie releve and skaithles keip Johne Forbes bailzie in Old Abd of and concerning ane band and obligatioune maid and subscrivit be the said Johne Forbes to Robert Leidbeiter on the sowme of thrie hundrethe poundis scottis money quhilk wes for the pryce of threttie muscattis bandeleiris pudder ball and metche conforme and that becaus the saidis muscattis bandeleiris pudder metche and ball as saidis is was delyverit to the habitants of the citie of Old Aberdene for defence of the countrey againes the Ereis rebellis and wnnaturall countrey men in September jai sex hundrethe fourtie four yieres, And trew it is that Maister Williame Raitt lait bailzie in Old Abd hes takine assignatioune of the forsaid band, and hes raissit letteris of horning thairon aganes the said Johne Forbes and intendes to chairge compell and caus the said Johne Forbes to pey the forsaid sowme-for prevening of the forsaid chairge and peyment of the forsaid sowme of thrie hundrethe pound the said Johne Forbes hes raissit suspentioune, and hes found Thomas Angus in Old Abd his cautioner, And trew it is that the said Amonitioune ves takine vp for the service of the countrey. The forsaid counsaloris vndersubserywing in name of the said Toune Bindis and obleisses tham and thair successoris to warrand defend and manteine the said Johne Forbes and Thomas Angus thair airis and executouris of the forsaid band and suspentioune, and of all that hes followit or may follow thairon, the said Johne Forbes and Thomas Angus peying pairt and pairt lyk withe the forsaides counsaleris and commounitie as said is of the said soume of thrie hundrethe pound or any pairt thairof that sall happine to be evickit. III III.

APRIL 1650.

The said day the haill inhabitants of the said toune being convenit and being desyrit be the provest and bailzies to reseave the proportionall


pairt reservit be the bailzies fra the schouldioris quarterit within the toune according to the schouldioris billiets. The haill inhabitantis refussit to reseave peyment bot villinglie gave the said moneyis and dischairgit the samen to the veil of the toune and for helping of thair chairges and expenses in the mantenence and chairgis debursit be the magistratis for the veill and vtilitie of the said citie.. III 113.

30 AUGUST 1650.

Vpon the penult day of August 1650 compeirit Thomas Angus and gaue in his countis bothe charge and discharge vith the intromission of the skoole muneys contributions thairto vnlayis custom silver and borrowit muneys quhilk he resevit for putting vp of the skoole, as also gaue in his countis bothe charge and discharge of the hors and foote levies preseiding quhilk countis ves givin in vpone the said day befor Williame Cumingis Williame Lind Thomas Orum vith oursicht of Thomas Merser balzie conforme to the act aboue vrettine quho hes fund the said Thomas Angus honestlie dischairgit of all his former intromissions preseiding the dait heirof and findis the toune of Old Abd restand to the said Thomas Angus of hors and foote levies tuentie sex pundis thrie shillingis four penneis and thair vill be restand of the skoole debursementis tuentie ane pund seven shillingis five penneis and that efter exact count and reckning being takine vith the forsaid countis. We declar the above vrettine premises to be of treuthe In testimonie quhairof we hawe subscrivit thir presentis with our handis as also we provost and bailzies undersubscryving does heirby humolugat and alow the forsaidis haill countis both chargis and dischairgis takine vp be the forsaidis persons and dischargis the said Thomas Angus thairof be this present licence and of all other preceiding countis befor the daitt heirof At Old Abd the last day of August 1650 yeirs. III 115.

22 SEPTEMBER 1652.

The said day ane woman called Margrat Strachan being apprehendit and accussed as ane notorious comon theif for braiking of Johnne Levie tailzeor in Old Abd his hous at the eiffing thairof with ane gryt knyf and tuik out of the said hous sundrie clothes perteining toe sundrie peopell this was doone betuixt tuelff and ane in the nicht and taiken back againe from hir quhilk dittie shoe hes confessit and con

fessit that Williame Muer and his wyf was airt and pairt of all hir doeingis for the quhilk caus shoe is referrit to ane assys the names of the assysers ar Androw Barker Alex Airthe Robert Andersoune Thomas Wylye George Cuming Williame Wobster Johnne Baverley Gilbert Forsay Johnne Sumner Gilbert Walker Johnne Leask William Andersoun Henrie Adame Williame Orum James Hervie Georg Gibsoun The said day the haill assyseres in ane voice be the mowthe of George Cuming thair chancellor hes conveicted the said Margrat Strachane as ane notorious theife for the quhilk caus the bailzies foirsaid hes ordanit the said Margrat Strachan to be scourgit be James Andersoune hangman throw the haill toune of Old Abd betuixt the churche and the spittall hiell and give ever shoe beis fund in the said toune in any tyme thairefter to be drunit without doome or law. III 134.

9 OCTOBER 1653.

As also the said bailzies cunsell and toune hes sett the loche toe Williame Cumingis and Patrik Steven till Michelmes nixt Jai vis feftie thre yeirs and sould pey for the samen aucht pundis at Witsonday nixt as also the bailzies cunsell and toune hes assinged toe Alexander Sandisoune thair clark the entress moneyes and brew customes to be vplifted be him or till his vse ay and quhill he be peyit of fourtie merkis money for two yeirs service by past and tuantie merkis yeirlie in tyme cuminge during his servic.

As also the said bailzies and counsell hes ordanit and ordanes in all tymes cuming that no deacon of treadis be chossen without the boundis of the said toune. III 135.

6 JUNE 1653.

The said day compeired Johnne Forbes and Thomas Merser delyverit and producit the haill wrettis with thair awin dispositiounes quhilk belongis to the customes with ane charter granted be King James the fourt for the privelieges of the said toune with ane band put in since granted be Capitane Williame Nilsoune contining the sowme of three score ten merkis prin' sowmes the quhilk boix and wreittis and two keyis to be keiped be the persounes efter following to witt:-Thomas Merser bailzie to keip ane key Thomas Orum ane vther and William Lynne to keip the boix till Michalmes nixt and qua evir keips the samen heireftir

sall be ane responsall heritour within the toune according toe the dispositioune the quhilk boix wrettis and keyes we the saids persounes grantis every ane of ws the resait therof everi ane for our awin pairtis and obleisses ws to haue the samen furth cummand at Michalmes nixt or quhen they sall be requyret be the cunsell and toune. III 138.

30 JUNE 1653.

The said day the bailzies cunsell and town foirsaid decernit and ordanit Johnne Lyall to pey tuantie shillingis for refuissing bailzie Wm. Gordoune to go [to] Enveruri with his hors toe carry baigege to the English camp conforme toe the ordoure. III 140.

I AUGUST 1653.

The said day anent the complent given in againes Johnne Forbes lait bailzie in Old Abd for casting of muck feall in the loche thairfoire the said Johnne Forbes and the haill inhabitantes in the toune obleisses themselvis in all tymes heirefter not toe cast any heirefter vnder the paine of ane hundrethe pundis. III 141.

19 AUGUST 1654.

The said day the baillies Counsell and remanent Inhabitantes of the said burgh all in ane voyce dischargit Alexander Sandisone notar ther court clerk and that in respect of ane former meitting haldine be the saidis baillies counsell trades and remanent inhabitantes of the said burgh in accussing the said Alexander for som miscarriage of his office of Clerkschip being intrusted to him be them and efter his accusatione he obleidgit himself to denude him of his office of clerkschip if they could mak it good against him and at lenth efter certaine tryell and inquisitione werifeir and prowine be


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the saidis baillies of ther meitting and therfor conforme to his awin obleidgement They as said is dischargit him and declairit his place to be vaceant and at the dispossall of the saidis baillies counsel and remanent Inhabitantis of the said burgh and ordainit treyell to be maid for ane to succeid in his place for serveing of them in the said office. III 154.

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