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" Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth Unseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep : All these with ceaseless praise his works behold Both day and night. "
The perennial calendar, and companion to the almanack, revised and ed. [or ... - Página 190
por Thomas Ignatius M. Forster - 1824
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The Seasons: By James Thomson; with His Life, an Index, and Glossary ...

James Thomson - 1793 - 298 páginas
...beautiful passage from MILTON ; Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth, Unseen both when we walk, and when we sleep : All these, with ceaseless praise,...night. How often from the steep • ; Of echoing hill, or thicket, have we heard Celestial voices, to the midnight air Sole, or responsive each to other's...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. Printed from ...

John Milton - 1795 - 316 páginas
...would want speftators, God want pniise: Mili'ons of spiritual creatures walk the earth U.iseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep; All these with ceaseless...behold Both day and night : how often from the steep 68e Of echoing hill or thicket have we heard Celestial voices to the midnight air, Sole, or responsive...
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Paradise Lost: With Notes, Selected from Newton and Others, to ..., Volúmenes1-2

John Milton, Samuel Johnson - 1796 - 610 páginas
...Chough unbeheld in deep of night, Shine not in vain; nor think, tho' men werenone, That Heav'n would want spectators, God want praise : Millions of spiritual...and night. How often from the steep Of echoing hill or thicket have we heard Celestial voices to the midnight air, Sole, or responsive each to other's...
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Hermès,: ou, Recherches philosophiques sur la grammaire universelle,

James Harris - 1796 - 554 páginas détermine d'ailleurs que comme un simple présent, passé ou futur. Ainsi , quand Milton a dit : Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth Unseen , both when we wake, and when we sleep. PI iv , 177. < Des millions d'esprits célestes parcourent » la terre, invisibles aussi bien...
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Paradise lost, a poem. With the life of the author [by E. Fenton].

John Milton - 1800 - 300 páginas
...though unheheld in deep of night, Shine not in vain ; nor think, though men were none, That heav'n would want spectators, God want praise ; Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth Unseen, hoth when we wake, and when we sleep t Ail these with ceaseless praw:c his works hehuld Both day and...
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Paradise lost, a poem. Pr. from the text of Tonson's correct ed. of 1711

John Milton - 1801 - 396 páginas
...unbeheld in deep of night, 674 Shine not in vain ; nor think, though men were none, That Heaven would want spectators, God want praise : Millions of spiritual...behold Both day and night : how often from the steep 680 Of echoing hill or thicket have we heard Celestial voices to the midnight air, Sole, or responsive...
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The Powers of Genius: A Poem, in Three Parts

John Blair Linn - 1802 - 196 páginas
...tho' unbeheld in deep of night, Shine not in vain; nor think tho' men were none, That Heaven would want spectators, God want praise; Millions of spiritual...both when we wake and when we sleep: All these, with ceasless praise, his works behold Both day and night: how often from the steep Of echoing hill or thicket,...
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The Spectator: In Eight Volumes. : Vol. I[-VIII]., Volumen1

1803 - 422 páginas
...following passage: Nor think, though men were none, That Heav'n would want spectators, God want praije ! Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth Unseen, and night. How often from the steep Of echoing hUl or thicket have we heard Celestial voices to the midnight air, Sole, or responsive each to other's...
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Select British Classics, Volumen11

1803 - 436 páginas
...were none, That Heav'n would want spectators, Gcd vant praise ! Millions of spiritual creatures viialk the earth Unseen, both when we wake and when we sleep...and night. How often from the steep Of echoing hill or thicket have we heard Celestial voices to the midnight air, Sole, or responsive each to other's...
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The Powers of Genius: A Poem, in Three Parts

John Blair Linn - 1804 - 192 páginas
...tho' unbeheld in deep of night, Shine not in vain ; nor think tho' men were none, That Heaven would want spectators, God want praise ; Millions of spiritual...and night : how often from the steep Of echoing hill or thicket, have we heard Celestial voices, to the midnight air, Sole, or responsive each to other's...
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