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The present catalogue is the first of a new series which has been devised and undertaken with the view of enabling every reader to ascertain with the least possible trouble what works the. National Art Library contains on any particular branch of art. In addition to books and pamphlets specially relating to the subject these catalogues will contain the titles of others which incidentally illustrate it, a reference in all such cases being given to the page or plate to which the student's attention should be directed.

Those who consult this catalogue are requested to bear in mind that the order followed in the sub-divisions of each section is chronological, and that works are entered under one heading only, namely, that to which they chiefly relate. Cross-references are added at the end of each sub-division to works entered elsewhere which should be consulted.

As the classification of Books under Sections XI and XII will perhaps appear to be rather arbitrary, it may be as well to state that for convenience all works relating to Ceramics manufactured subsequently to the discovery of the composition of true Porcelain by Bötticher have been included in Section XII.

The present volume comprises nearly twice as many titles as any list of Works on Ceramics yet published. It includes all works acquired by the library between September, 1890, and 31 May, 1895, and all such previously acquired that it has been possible to re-catalogue.

Whilst the first part (pp. 1-266) containing 2,943 titles was being set up in type, a considerable number of books had been re-catalogued and several new works acquired. The titles of these-641 in number-are included in a supplement (pp. 267333) bringing up the total number of titles to 3,584.

An interleaved copy will shortly be placed in the Reading room in which additional titles from the weekly catalogues of accessions and from the occasional new catalogues of books acquired before September 1890, will be inserted in their proper place.

A table of contents at the head of the volume will show at once the page or pages at which each separate class of works is catalogued. An index of persons at the end will enable the works of any particular author or the catalogue of any collection to be referred to with ease.

30 August 1895.



Manufacture of Porcelain

Manufacture of Bricks, Tiles, and Terra-cotta
Manufacture of Earthen- and Stone-ware

Manufacture of Glazes and Enamels


[ocr errors]

1, 267

3, 268

4, 268

[blocks in formation]

6, 269

[blocks in formation]

Persia (with Rhodian, Damascus, and Arab wares) 37, 281

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