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[Vid. Labbe, tom. xiv.

col. 744,

SS. SYNODUS, præsidentibus in ea tribus Apostolicæ et seq.} Sedis Legatis,... perspiciens Veritatem salutarem et morum disciplinam contineri in Libris Scriptis, et sine Scripto traditionibus,... orthodoxorum Patrum exempla secuta, omnes libros tam Veteris quam Novi Testamenti, (cum utriusque unus Deus sit Auctor,) nec non traditiones ipsas, tum ad Fidem, tum ad Mores pertinentes, tanquam vel ore tenus a Christo, vel a Sp. S. dictatas, et continua successione in Ecclesia Catholica conservatas, pari pietatis affectu, ac reverentia, suscipit et veneratur.

Sacrorum vero librorum indicem huic decreto adscribendum censuit, ne cui dubitatio suboriri possit, quinam sint, qui ab ipsa Synodo suscipiuntur.

Sunt vero infra scripti:

Test. V.-Quinque Mosis, Jos., Judic., Ruth, IV Reg., II Paralip., Esdræ I. et II., (qui dicitur Nehem.,) Tobias, Judith, Esther, Job, Psalterium David. CL. Psal., Parab., Ecclesiastes, Cantic. Canticorum, Sapientia, Ecclesiasticus, Esaias, Hieremias cum Baruch, Ezech., Daniel, XII Proph. Minores, Duo Maccabæorum, I. et II.

Test. N.-Quatuor Evang., &c.

Si quis autem libros ipsos integros cum omnibus suis partibus, prout in Ecclesia Catholica legi consueverunt, et in

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veteri vulgata Latina editione habentur, pro Sacris et Canonicis non susceperit, et traditiones prædictas sciens et prudens contempserit, anathema sit.

Omnes itaque intelligant, quo ordine et via ipsa Synodus, post jactum Fidei Confessionis fundamentum, sit progressura; et quibus potissimum testimoniis ac præsidiis, in confirmandis dogmatibus, et instaurandis in Ecclesia moribus, sit usura.

[Vid. Labbe, tom. xiv. col. 944, et seq.]


Super Forma Juramenti Profess. Fidei
Juxta Concil. Trid., in fine ejusd. Conc.

Item omnia. . . a SS. Trid. Synodo tradita, definita, et declarata, indubitanter recipio, atque profiteor: simulque contraria omnia... damno, rejicio, (et) anathematizo. Hanc veram Catholicam Fidem, extra quam nemo salvus esse potest, .. veraciter teneo; (et) eandem integram a meis teneri curaturum me... spondeo, voveo, ac juro. Sic me Deus adjuvet, et hæc S. Dei Evangelia ; &c.


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In this Scholastical History I give an account of the canonical and indubitate books of Holy Scripture, as they are numbered in the VI. Article of Religion set forth by the Vid. Art.

VI. Eccl.

Church of England, and have been received by the Catholic Angl.supra Church in all several ages, since the time of the Apostles, recit. fill the Church of Rome thought fit to compose and dress. up a new additional canon thereof for themselves in their late Council of Trent:

cret. Conc.

Where it was one of the first things they did, to lay this Vid. Defoundation for all their new religion, which they built upon it, Trid. su"That the apocryphal writings and traditions of men were pra recitat, nothing inferior, nor less canonical, than the sovereign dictates of God, as well for the confirmation of doctrinal points pertaining to Faith, as for the ordering of life and manners, but that both the one and the other ought to be embraced with the same affection of piety, and received with the like religious reverence," not making any difference between them.

Those writings of holy and learned men, who have been (next after the Prophets and Apostles) as the shining lights of the world in their several generations before us, we reverence and honour in their kind; and those ecclesiastical traditions, which have been in use among us, and tend to the better preservation of order and piety in that Religion

ver. 3.


only, "which was once delivered to the saints," we acknow- S. Jud. ledge and receive, as far as their own variable nature and Fidei condition requireth, with all due regard: but to make either sanctis of these equal in dignity or authority with the Divine Will traditæ. and Word of God, (as the masters of the assembly at Trent have done,) and, above all this, to canonize a tradition which

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was not so much as a tradition received in their own Church before, (as will appear by this present history,) nevertheless commanding it to be received as a necessary article of faith, under pain of their unhallowed curse, and the peril of eternal damnation, this is so high and transcendent a presumption, as that God Himself hath laid His curse upon it; whereof it concerns them to take heed, lest what they have vainly laid upon others do not effectually reach to themselves, and fall upon their own heads.

But after this manner they began to set up their first doctrinal tradition, in their last Council, at Trent; which they call an Ecumenical Council, as if all the Bishops in Christendom had been there present, and voted in it; when it is well known, that at the same timea wherein this their additional canon of Scripture was first made, (which was Vid. hujus then done chiefly by the procurement of Catharin, and his cxcii. faction there, whose credit had otherwise been quite lost, having been much impaired already by his former and fierce opposition herein against the writings of Cardinal Cajetan, the far more learned and Catholic Doctor of the two,) it consisted not of above fifty persons in all; among whom some of them were only Prelates titular, and hired with num.cxciv. pensions to serve the present turn.

libri num.

Vid. num.
clxxiii. in

fine; et

Vid. num.


Ibid.; et

And the rest of their traditions that follow, (wherein now consisteth the very life and being of their peculiar and proper religion, that differeth from ours, and the true Catholic Religion of every Church, and every age before them,) having been confirmed by Pope Pius his bull", and made so many new articles of their faith, (as the former was,) are all alike.

a Conc. Trid. sess. iv. April. viii. anno 1546. [Vid. Concil. Labbe, tom. xiv. col. 746.-Decretum de Canonicis Scripturis, octavo Aprilis promulgatum in quarta Sessione.]

b Bulla Papa Pii IV. super forma juramenti Professionis Fidei, sub finem Conc. Trid. [Labbe, tom. xiv. col. 944, et seq.]-Vid. num. cxcviii,

Ad cap. Cum Christus, Extra de Hæreticis. Papa potest inducere novos articulos Fidei. [These words are

not found; but see Gregorii IX. Decretal., lib. v. tit. vii. cap. 7. Cum Christus, not. ad verb. Sub anathemate; ap. Corp. Jur. Can. tom. ii. col. 1533. ed. Par. 1612.-Est articulus Fidei nostræ de quo habetur in prædicta Constitutione. . . . Et cap. i. ad illos articulos, de quibus tractatur in illa Constitutione, firmiter credimus. Omnes indistincte tenentur, tam Clerici, quam Laici: sed Clerici magis; &c. ... Quilibet ergo tenetur credere

As, first: I. "That the Church of Rome is the mother and mistress of all other Churches d;" which is not only said against the truth of all ecclesiastical history, and the public declaration of an ancient General Council (the second among the first four) received and approved by all good Christians, but likewise against the express words of the Gospel itself, and against the common sense, and knowledge of all persons, that can but read or hear it. II. "That the Pope of Rome is the monarch or head of the universal visible Church, the vicar or deputy of Christ, and, in that sovereign authority, the true successor of S. Peter, as prince of the Apostles; by virtue whereof his papal determinations and prescripts are to be obeyed, in what matter soever he shall be pleased to declare himself." I will not now men

secundum quod Catholica tenet Ecclesia; et hoc sufficit in talibus articulis, dummodo nil in contrarium sentiat.] Et Leo X. damnat hanc Lutheri propositionem: "Certum est in manu Ecclesiæ vel Papæ prorsus non esse statuere articulos Fidei; [imo, nec leges morum seu bonorum operum."-Vid. Bull. Apost. Leonis Papæ X. contra errores Lutheri, sect, 22; Labbe, tom. xiv. col. 393.]

d Conc. Trid. sess. vii. can. iii. de Bapt. [Labbe, tom. xiv. col. 778.] Si quis dixerit, in Ecclesia Romana, quæ omnium Ecclesiarum mater est et magistra, non esse [veram de Baptismi Sacramento doctrinam,] anathema sit. -Et sess. xxii. de Sacr. Missæ, cap. viii. [Labbe, tom. xiv. col. 855.] ... a Sancta Romana Ecclesia, omnium Ecclesiarum matre, [et magistra, .] -Et in Bulla prædicta. [Vid. Bull. P. Pii IV.; Labbe, tom. xiv. col. 944.] Juxta hanc et non aliam formam, professionem [prædictam] (Fidei) solemniter fieri... districte præcipiendo mandamus, hujusmodi sub tenore: Ego N. firma fide credo et profiteor omnia et singula. . . . (Item credo, et) agnosco Romanam Ecclesiam omnium Ecclesiarum matrem (esse) et magistram. Extra hanc Fidem nemo potest esse salvus.


e Concil. Constantinopolit. I., in Epist. Synodali ad Damasum Papam, et Rom. Synodum. [Vid. Labbe, tom. ii. col. 966.] τῆς δέ γε μητρὸς ἁπασῶν τῶν ἐκκλησιῶν τῆς ἐν Ἱεροσολύμοις,

[τὸν αἰδεσιμώτατον καὶ θεοφιλέστατον Κύριλλον ἐπίσκοπον ἐπιγνωρίζομεν.]

iS. Luke xxiv. 47. "And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to [among] all nations, beginning at Jerusalem."

Ex ipsis pontificiis Dictatibus Hildebrandi sive Greg. VII. in Concil Gen. Rom. [Vid. Epist. lv. ad Laudenses, anno 1075, sub Concil. Rom. I.; ap. Labbe, tom. x. col. 110. Dictat. xi.

Quod] unicum est nomen in mundo, (Papæ, videl., Rom.)-Item: [Dictat. ii. Quod ]solus Romanus Pontifex jure dicitur [dicatur] Universalis. (Addit Gretserus Jesuita: Jure Divino. [Vid. P. Greg. VII. vit., elect., res gest., &c. lib. iv. Onuphrii Panv. de varia creatione Romani Pontificis; ap. Jac. Gretseri Op. ed. Ratisbona, 1735. tom. vi. p. 105.-Vid. etiam Grets. Def. Bellarm. tom. ii. col. 250. not. in marg. Hæc omnia Decreta ex jure Divino deducuntur, partim directe, partim indirecte. Nec quidquam novi sanxit Pontifex, sed quæ apud multos in oblivionem venerant.])-Conc. Lugd. Gen. sub Greg. X., ut habetur in Sexto Decretal., tit. De elect. c. Ubi, [i. e. lib. i. tit. vi. cap. 3.-Corp. Jur. Can. ed. Lugd. 1571. tom. iii. col. 73.] (Romanus Episcopus est) Vicarius Christi, successor Petri, Rector universalis Ecclesiæ. [The precise words are: Cardinales... pensantes attentius quid eis imminet, cum agitur de creatione Vicarii Jesu Christi, successoris Petri, rectoris universalis Ecclesiæ, gregis

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