Imágenes de páginas

was established in the reading-room, to the shelves of which all readers have free access; in addition to the regular seminary collections, a large number of volumes was transferred from the stacks to the seminary rooms; and with the institution of a separate periodical room, current periodicals were no longer called for at the delivery desk. Under these circumstances a considerable falling off in the number of volumes given out at the delivery desk might have been expected; but during the period embraced in the Report the number of volumes recorded as given out is 29,736, as against 26,988 volumes in the corresponding period of 1890-91,- a very gratifying increase. Taking into account these changed conditions, and judging from observations made of the use of the books in the reference library, it is safe to estimate the use of the library by students to have been four times greater than it was last year.

The number of cards of admission to the stacks, granted during the year, was 151, as against 178 cards of admission to the alcoves of the old library in the preceding year. The decrease in the number of cards issued falls entirely within the historical and literary departments, those granted for the scientific and technical departments showing an increase of over fifty per cent. The falling off is due in part, no doubt, to the free access given to the reference library, but chiefly to the equipment of the numerous seminary rooms in history and literature, and the free admission of advanced students in history to the White Historical Library.

4. Columbiana. — From the collections of the University Library, and more especially from the White Historical Library, there has been brought together an exhibition of Columbiana, comprising rare volumes, portraits, maps, and fac-similes relating to the discovery of the New World. Among them are the Imago Mundi of Pierre d'Ailly (1483); Giustiniani's Polyglot Psalter (1516), containing the earliest biographical sketch of Columbus; the oration of Carvaial, Bishop of Carthagena, before the Pope at Rome, June 19, 1493; the May edition of Waldseemüller's Cosmographiæ Introductio (1507); facsimiles of the first letter of Columbus, and of his letter to the Bank of St. George, Genoa; a series of editions of Ptolemy's Geography, ranging from 1482 to 1522, showing the gradual changes introduced into the maps after the first discovery of America. These are perhaps the most noteworthy objects in the exhibit, which includes a number of less important works, fac-similes of early maps, and portraits of Columbus.

5. Mormonism.—The books on Mormonism catalogued on pp. 46-48 of this number of the Bulletin were mainly collected by Ex-President White during his visit to Utah in the spring of 1892. They consist chiefly of histories of the Mormon community and of its leaders, of its sacred and devotional books, and of its doctrinal and educational literature. The only notable rarity is a copy of the original edition of the Book of Mormon. A score or so of minor pamphlets, unavoidably omitted here, will be inserted in the next Bulletin.



Only the more important titles are given, including occasionally other than recent additions, for the purpose of correcting the old cataloguing or of calling attention to important books.

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Cornell University. Exercises at the opening of the library building, containing a description of the building; the address of H. W. Sage, presenting the building and its endowment; the address of A. D. White, presenting the White library of history and political science; the addresses of acceptance by President Adams and Librarian Harris, with the addresses of D. C. Gilman and M. C. Tyler. October 7, 1891. Ithaca, N. Y., 1891. 4o. pp. 56. Portrs, and photogravures. 6901 G 14 Delalain, P. Etudes sur le libraire parisien du XIIIe au XVe siècle, d'après les documents publiés dans le cartulaire de l'Université de Paris. Paris, 1891. 80. pp. xliii +76. Orn.

2966 E 53

Delisle, L. V. Le cabinet des manuscrits de la bibliothèque impériale; étude sur la formation de ce dépôt, comprenant les éléments d'une histoire de la caligraphie, de la miniature, de la reliure et du commerce des livres à Paris avant l'invention de l'imprimerie. Paris, 1868-81. 3 v. and atlas of 51 plates. fo. (Paris Conseil Municipal. Histoire générale de Paris.) 2964 G 41-44

Hackley Public Library, Muskegon, Mich. Dedication, Oct. 15, 1890, address of Hon. T. W. Palmer; laying of corner stone, May 25, 1889, address of Prof. A. C. McLaughlin. Chicago, 1891. 8°. pp. 91. Illus. 2971 D 71 Linde, A. van der. Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckkunst. Berlin, 1886. 3 v. 4o. Illus. 2966 G 31-33 Mercantile Library Association of St. Louis. Catalogue. Section 1: English prose fiction. St. Louis, 1892. 8°. 2972 C 7 Peabody Institute, Baltimore. Catalogue of the library. Baltimore, 1883-92. 5 v. 1. 8°.

2972 B 15-19 Springer, J. Verlagskatalog von J. Springer, 1842-1892. Berlin, 1892. 8°. pp. 200. 2996 F 61 U. S. War Department Library. Alphabetical list of additions from May, 1884, to June, 1891. 2972 D 71 Washington, 1891. 4°. pp. (3) + 114.

Theology and Philosophy,

De in

Including Ecclesiastical History and Biography, Mythology, and Folklore. Albizzi (Lat. Albitius), F., cardinal. constantia in judiciis tractatus, additis decisionibus S. rotae Romanae, praesertim recentissimis, nullibi antea impressis; et responsum M. Severoli signaturæ justitiæ votantis &c. in cavsa florentina legitimæ inter fratres Marchiones de Ferroniis. Romæ, 1698. 4o. pp. (592). 7522 G 53 Berendt, M., and J. Friedländer. Spinoza's Erkenntnisslehre in ihrer Beziehung zur modernen Naturwissenschaft und Philosophie. Berlin, 1891. 80. pp. xix + (1) + 315. 7135 D 31

Berkeley, G., Bp. of Cloyne. Selections from Berkeley, with an introduction and notes by A. C. Fraser. 4th ed., revised. Oxford, 1891. sm. 8o. pp. liii402. (Clarendon press series.)

7135 F 55 Bestmann, H. J. Geschichte der christlichen Sitte. Teil i., ii. Nördlingen, 1880-85. 2 v. 8°. 7335 E 22-23 Contents: i. Die sittlichen Stadien. -ii. Die katholische Sitte der alten Kirche. In progress.

Bible. Biblia Sacra vulgatæ editionis, Sixti v. et Clementis VIII. jussu recognita atque edita. London, n. d. 160. pp. (775). 7456 c 8

The New Testament has a separate t.-p. and paging. New Testament. Die Septemberbibel : das Neue Testament deutsch von M. Luther; Nachbildung der zu Wittenberg 1522 erschienenen ersten Ausgabe zum vierhundertjährigen Geburtstage Luthers, mit einer Einleitung von J. Köstlin. Berlin, (Scherer, 1883. 4o. pp. (446). Plates and orn. W. (L.), editor. Deutsche Drucke älterer Zeit in Nachbildungen.__i.) 7456 G 65 Bordonus, F. Manuale consultorum in causis S. Officii contra hæreticam pravitatem refertum. Accessit Discvrsvs de concursu et examine clericorum ad benefitia vacantia. Parmæ, 1693. 4o. pp. (653). 7599 G II The "Discvrsvs" has a separate t.-p., imprint, and paging. Handbook of moral philosoCalderwood, H. sm. 8o. phy. 14th ed. London, 1888. Pp. x + 376. 7336 c 8 Champagny, F. J. M. T. NOMPERE, comte de. La charité chrétienne dans les premiers siècles de l'église. Paris, 1854. 120. pp. vii +386. 7574 D 34 Clair, C., S. J. La vie de Saint Ignace de Loyola, d'après P. Ribadeneira, son premier historien. 7594 G 5 Paris, 1891. 1. So. pp. iv + 459. Illus.

Davis, N. K. Elements of psychology. New York, etc., 1892. 8°. pp. xiii + (1) + 346.

7245 D 89 Döllinger, J. J. I. von. Kleinere Schriften; herausgegeben von F. H. Reusch. Stuttgart, 1890. 8°. pp. viii+608. 3266 F 42 Contents: Erste Abteilung (1848-53). Kirche und Staat. -Rede in der Nationalversaninilung zu Frankfurt, 22 Aug., 1848. Reden gehalten auf der Versammlung der katholischen Vereine zu Mainz, 3. bis 6. Oct., 1848. Gutachten, auf der Konferenz der deutschen Bischöfe zu Würzburg im Oktober und November 1848 abgegeben. - Die Freiheit der Kirche. - Rede in der Versammlung des katholischen Vereins zu Linz am 26. Sept., 1850. Betrachtungen über die Frage der Kaiserkrönung. -Zweite Abteilung (1863-78). Die Vergangenheit und Gegenwart der katholischen Theologie. Die Speyerische Seminarfrage und der Syllabus. · Geschichtliche Uebersicht des Konzils von Trient. Die Broschüre zur Belehrung für Könige. - Rom und die Inquisition. - Die spanische und die römische Inqui sition. Die Lehre von der päpstlichen Unfehlbarkeit seit dem sechzehnten Jahrhundert. Das vatikanische Dogma. - Der Weissagungsglaube und das Prophetentum in der christlichen Zeit, -Pius IX. Register.

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Dopffel, H. Kaisertum und Papstwechsel unter den Karolingern. Freiburg i. B., 1889. 8°. pp. vii + 167. 7586 B 41 Drobisch, M. W. Neue Darstellung der Logik nach ihren einfachsten Verhältnissen, mit Rücksicht auf Mathematik und Naturwissenschaft. 5o Aufl. Hamburg, etc., 1887. 8°. pp. xxviii+247. 7195 € 41 Du Bois-Reymond, P. Uber die Grundlagen der Erkenntnis in den exacten Wissenschaften ; nach einer hinterlassenen Handschrift. Tübingen, 1890. 80. pp. vi + (1) + 130. Port. 7185 D 11 Dühring, E. Logik und Wissenschaftstheorie. Leipzig, 1878. 89. pp. xvi + 561, 7195 C 47

Du Plessis d'Argentré, C., Abp. of Tulle. Collectio judiciorum de novis erroribus qui ab initio duodecimi seculi usque ad 1632 in ecclesia proscripti sunt & notati; censoria etiam judicia insignium academiarum; cum notis, observationibus, &c. Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1728. 3 v. fo. 7596 T 11-13 Du Puy-Herbaut (Lat. Putherbeus), G. Theotimvs, sive de tollendis & expungendis malis libris libri tres, Parisiis, 1549. 160. pp. (46) + 283+ (2). Orn. 7599 A II Bucken, R. Beiträge zur Geschichte der neuern Philosophie, vornehmlich der deutschen. Heidelberg, 1886. 8o. pp. iii + 184. 7085 D II Contents:- Forschungen zur ältern deutschen Philosophie: Nikolaus von Kues als Babnbrecher neuer Ideen;- Paracelsus' Lehren von der Entwicklung; Kepler als Philosoph. - Ueber Bilder und Gleichnisse bei Kant. Zur Charakteristik der Philosophie Trendelenbergs. Parteien und Parteinamen in der Philosophie: Bildung und Wirkung der Parteien; - Zur Geschichte der Parteinamen.

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sketches of men of Christian faith who have had connection with the national and state governments. New York, (cop. 1890). 80. pp. xix + (2) +590. Frontisp. and portrs. 5046 D 5 Gore, C., editor. Lux mundi; a series of studies in the religion of the incarnation. 11th ed. London, 1891. 8°. pp. liv + 538. 7478 D 15 Contents:- Hollands, H. S. Faith.Moore, A. The Christian doctrine of God.- Illingworth, J. R. The problem of pain: its bearing on faith in God.-The incarnation in relation to development. Talbot, E. S. The preparation in history for Christ.-Moberly, R. C. The incarnation as the basis for dogma.-Lyttelton, A The atone ment. Gore, C. The Holy Spirit and inspiration. Lock, W. The church. - Paget, F Sacraments. Campion, W. J. H. Christianity and politics. - Ottley, R. L. Christian ethics.

Granger, F. S. Psychology; a short account of the human mind. London, 1891. sm. 8°. pp. (5) +235 (University extension series.) 7245 D 85 Great Ingersoll controversy (The); battle between the famous infidel orator and the distinguished champions of Christianity. New York, [1892]. sm. 8o. pp. 256. 7486 F 19

Gretser, J., S. J. De ivre et more prohibendi, expvrgandi, et abolendi libros haereticos et noxios, aduersus Franciscvm Ivnivm & Ioannem Pappvm, aliosque praedicantes Lutheranos; insertum est examen libelli M. Lvtheri, quo se purgare nititur ob ius canonicum VVitebergae exustum. Ingolstadii, 1603. 4o. pp. (30) + 380 + (28). Orn. 7599 B II

Grisar, H. Galileistudien; historisch-theologische Untersuchungen über die Urtheile der römischen Congregationen im Galileiprocess. Regensburg, etc., 1882. 8°. pp. xi + 374. 7599 D 73 Hahn, H. Bonifaz und Lul; ihre angelsächsischen Korrespondenten; Erzbischof Luls Leben. Leipzig, 1883. 8°. pp. xii +351 + (1).

7585 P75 Harms, F. Ethik; aus dem handschriftlichen Nachlasse des Verfassers herausgegeben von H. Wiese. Leipzig, 1889. 8°. pp. xi + 283.

7336 c 16 Logik; aus dem handschriftlichen Nach lasse des Verfassers herausgegeben von H. Wiese. Leipzig, 1886. 80. pp. xii + 308. 7195 DIZ Harnack, G. A. Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte. Freiburg i. B., 1888-90. 3 v. 89. Sammlung theologischer Lehrbücher.) 7478 B 31-33

Contents:i. Die Entstehung des kirchlichen Dogmas. 2e Aufl. ii., iii. Die Entwickelung des kirchlichen Dogmas. re und ze Auf.

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Herbart. J. F. A text-book in psychology; an attempt to found the science of psychology on experience, metaphysics, and mathematics; translated from the German by M. K. Smith. New York, 1891. sm. 80. pp. xlv + 200. (Harris, W. T. International educational series. 18.)

Heymans, G. Die Gesetze und Elemente des wissenschaftlichen Denkens; ein Lehrbuch der Erkenntnisstheorie in Grundzügen. Bd. i. Leiden, etc., 1890. 80. 7185 D 15 Contents:i. Allgemeiner Theil und Theorie des mathematischen Denkens.

[Holbach, P. H. D., baron, von.] Système de la nature; ou, Des loix du monde physique & du

monde moral; par M. Mirabaud. Londres, 1774. 2 V. 8. 7295 B 15-16 For some time thought to be the work of M. Mirabaud, but now known to have been written by Holbach.

Hovey, A. Studies in ethics and religion; or, Discourses, essays, and reviews pertaining to theism, inspiration, Christian ethics, and education for the ministry. New York, etc., 1892. 8°. pp. viii+ 573

7311 C 37 Immerwahr, W. Die Kulte und Mythen Arkadiens. Bd. i. Leipzig, 1891. 8°. 456 D 77

Contents:- i. Die arkadischen Kulte. Jevons, W. S. Elementary lessons in logic; with questions, examples, and vocabulary. New ed. London, etc., 1891. 16o. pp. xi + 340. 35 D II Kant, I. Kant's Kritik of judgment; translated with introduction and notes by J. H. Bernard. London, etc, 1892. 80. pp. xlviii + 429. 7140 B 83 Lange, F. A. Logische Studien; ein Beitrag zur Neubegründung der formalen Logik und der Erkenntnisstheorie. Iserlohn, 1877. 8°. pp. vi +

(1) + 149. Table.

7195 D 18 Leibnitz, G. W., Freiherr von. Philosophical works; translated from the original Latin and French, with notes, by G. M. Duncan. New Haven, 1890. 8°. pp. (4) + 392 + (1).

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7135 D 74 Comprising the Monadology, New system of nature, Principles of nature and of grace, Letters to Clarke, Refutation of Spinoza, and other philosophical opuscules, with the Abridgement of the Theodicy, and extracts from the New essays on human understanding."

Leoni, A. Raccolta d'alcune operette proibite; nuovamente data alla luce con altre operette e con un'aggiunta sommaria delli decreti pertinenti al S. Uffizio e delle proposizioni dannate da Martino v. sino al regnante pontefice Clement XI., dal padre G. M. Berti. Pavia, 1717. 16o. pp. 204. 7599 A 27 Liber pontificalis (Le): texte, introduction et commentaire par L. Duchesne. Paris, 1886-92. 2.v. 4o. Plan and fac-sims. (France-Ministère de l'Instruction Publique. Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes & de Rome. 2o série.)

7586 Limborch, P. van. Historia inquisitionis. Subjungitur, Liber sententiarum inquisitionis Tholosanæ ab anno Christi MCCCVII. ad annum MCCCXXIII. Amstelodami, 1692. 4o. pp. (824). Plates and 7599 G 18


The Liber sententiarum has a separate pagination.

Lipsius, R. A. Die Apokryphen, Apostelgeschichten und Apostellegenden; ein Beitrag zur altchristlichen Literaturgeschichte. Braunschweig, 1883-1890. 3 v. 8°. 7574 A 81-83

Locke, J. The philosophy of Locke, in extracts from the Essay concerning human understanding; arranged, with introductory notes, by J. E. Russell. New York, 1891. 8°. pp. iv + 160. (Sneath, E. H., editor. Modern philosophers.)

34 C 32

Luther, M. Schriften; herausgegeben von E. Wolff. Stuttgart, [1891]. sm. 80. pp. xv +434. Portrs., fac-sims., and photogravures. (Kürschner, J., editor. Deutsche National-Litteratur. xv.)

9 A 21

Contents: An den Christlichen Adel deutscher Nation. Von der Freyheyt eyniss Christen Menschen. - Eyn treu Vormanung M. Luther tzu allen Christen. Wider den falsch genantten geystlichen Stand des Babst und der bischoffen. — An die Radherrn aller stedte deutsches lands. Wider Hans Worst.- Predigten. -Geistliche Lieder. - Etliche Fabeln aus Esopo von D. M. L. verdeudscht. - Briefe. - Tischreden Mackenzie, Miss H. Evolution illuminating the Bible. London, 1891. sm. 8°. pp. x + 393

7488 B II Modern science unlocking the Bible; or, The truth seen from three points. London, 1892. sm. 80. pp. ii +216 + xcvi. 7488 B 12

Marshall, John. A short history of Greek philosophy. London, etc., 1891. sm. 8o. pp. viii + 253. 7075 E 43 Martens, W. Die falsche General-Konzession Konstantins des Grossen (sogenannte Konstantinische Schenkung). München, 1889. 80. pp. v + (1) + 130. 7586 B 44 Martha, C. Les moralistes sous l'empire_romain philosophes et poètes. 5e éd. Paris, 1886. sm. 8°. pp. viii+ 384 + (1).

7335 A 76 Contents: La morale pratique dans les lettres de Sénèque. Un poëte stoïcien: Perse. La vertu stoïque: Epictète L'examen de conscience d'un empereur romain: Marc-Aurèle. -La prédication morale populaire: Dion Chrysostome. - La société romaine: Juvenal. Le scepticisme religieux et philosophique: Lucien.

Mitchell, Miss E M. A study of Greek philosophy; with an introduction by W. R. Alger. Chicago, 1891. sm. 80. pp. xxvií + 282. 7075 E 45 Muirhead, J. H. The elements of ethics. New York, 1892. sm. 80. pp. xiii + 239. 7336 c 19 Müller, (F.) M. Anthropological religion. London, etc., 1892. sm. 8°. pp. xxvii + 464. 7426 B 5 Gifford lectures. 1891."

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Contents: Science and religion. Analysis of terms. Ontology. Consciousness. Heredity. - Life.- Evolution. -Miracle.-Man, the anomaly. - Immortality.

Oldenberg, H., translator. The Grihyasûtras; rules of Vedic domestic ceremonies. Pt. ii. Oxford, 1892. 80. (Müller, F. M., editor. The sacred books of the East. xxx.) 7436 c 6 Contents: - ii. Gobhila, Hiranyakesin, Âpastamba. Apastamba, Yağua-Paribhâshâ-sûtras, translated by F. M. Müller.

Perry, W. S. The general ecclesiastical constitution of the American church, its history and rationale. New York, 1891. 8°. pp. (5) + 291. 7643 A SI

"Bohlen lectures. 1890."

Philosophisches Jahrbuch. Bd. i.-iv., 18881891. Fulda, 1888-91. 4 v. bd. in 2. 8o. 7013 G "Auf Veranlassung und mit Unterstützung des Görres Gesellschaft herausgegeben [Bd. i., ii.] von C. Gutberlet und J. Pohle.' Bd. iii., iv., edited by C. Gutberlet. To be continued.

Ratzinger, G. Geschichte der kirchlichen Armenpflege. 2e umgearbeitete Aufl. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1884. 8°. pp. xiv + (1) + 616.

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Reid, T. The philosophy of Reid as contained in the Inquiry into the human mind on the principles of common sense; with introduction and selected notes by E. H. Sneath. New York, 1892. 8°. pp. vii 367. (Sneath, E. H., editor. Modern philosophers.) 34 C 33

Repertorivm inqvisitorvm pravitatis haereticae ; correctionibus & annotationibus Q. Mandosii ac P. Vendrameni auctum. Venetiis, 1575. 8°. pp. (14)+797 + (2). Orn. 7599 D II Reynolds, J. W. The natural history of immortality. London, etc., 1891. sm. 80. pp. xxvii + (1) + 389. 7311 F 18 Ronchini, A. Giovanni III. di Portogallo, il card. Silva e l'inquisizione. Modena, 1879. 8°. PP. 43. 7599 E 91 Rusca, F. Osseruazioni pratiche sopra la torLugano, 1776. 8°. pp. (2) + 126. 6071 A 52


Novum or

St. Albans, F. BACON, viscount. ganum; edited with introduction, notes, etc., by T. Fowler. Oxford, 1878. 8°. pp. xvi + 619 + (2). (Clarendon press series.)

7135 B 38 Schaff, Rev. P. The progress of religious freedom as shown in the history of toleration acts. New York, 1889. 8°. pp. vi + (1) + 126.

7571 F 4 Reprinted from the papers of the American Society of Church History, vol. i.

editor. A select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church. Ist series. Buffalo and New York, 1886-90. 14 v. 8o. 7531 F 1-14. Contents: i-viii. Augustinus, A., Saint, Bp of Hippo. [Works]: i. Confessions and letters. ii. City of God and Christian doctrine. iii. On the Holy Trinity. - Doctrinal treatises. Moral treatises. iv. The writings against the Manichæans and against the Donatists. - v. Anti-Pelagian writings. vi. Sermon on the mount. - Harmony of the gospels. Homilies on the gospels. vii. Homilies on the gospel of John. Homilies on the first epistle of John. Soliloquies. -viii. Expositions on the book of Psalms.

ix-xiv. Joannes Chrysostomus, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople. [Works] ix. On the priesthood. - Ascetic treatises. Select homilies and letters. — Homilies on the statutes. x. Homilies on the gospel of St. Matthew. — xi. Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistle to the Romans.xii. Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians. - xiii. Homilies on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon xiv. Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews.

Seelye, Rev. J. H. Duty; a book for schools. Boston, 1891. 120. pp. 71. 7350 A 45 Spinoza, B. de. The philosophy of Spinoza as contained in the first, second, and fifth parts of the Ethics, and in extracts from the third and fourth; translated from the Latin and edited, with notes, by G. S. Fullerton. New York, 1892. sm. 8o. + (1) + 204. (Sneath, E. H., editor. philosophers.)

Steele, G. M. schools and colleges. sm. 80. pp. xxiii + 264. Stephens, W. R. W. his life and times. 3d ed. xvi 456. Port.

pp. vi Modern 34 C 31

Rudimentary psychology for Boston, etc., (cop. 1889). 7245 D 87 Saint John Chrysostom, London, 1883. 80. pp. 7531 D 78 Streitwolf, F. G., and R. E. Klener, editors. Libri symbolici Ecclesiae Catholicae, notis, prolegomenis indicibusque instructi. Gottingae, 1838. 2 v. 8o. 7486 B 31-32 Sully, J. The human mind; a text-book of psychology. New York, 1892. 2 v. 80. 7245 D35-36 Ueberweg, F. System der Logik und Geschichte der logischen Lehren. 5e vermehrte und mit einem Register versehene Aufl., bearbeitet und herausge geben von J. B. Meyer. Bonn, 1882. 80. Pp. xviii +504. 7195 C 44 Uhlhorn, G. Die christliche Liebesthätigkeit. Stuttgart, 1882-90. 3 v. 7574 D 37-39 ii. Im Mittelalter.

sm. 8°.

Contents: i. In der alten Kirche.

iii. Zeit der Reformation.

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Weisse, C. H. Gründzüge der Metaphysik. Hamburg, 1835. 8°. pp. xviii + (1) + 564.

7215 B 18 Wendell, B. Cotton Mather, the Puritan priest. New York, (cop. 1891). 16o. pp. vi 321. (Makers of America.) 5086 E 35 West, E. W., translator. Pahlavi texts. Pt. iv. Oxford, 1892. 8°. (Müller, F. M., editor. The sacred books of the East. xxx.) 7436 C 13

Contents:- iv. The contents of the Nasks as stated in the 8th and 9th books of the Dinkard. - Details of the Nasks from other sources.

Wide, S. De sacris Troezeniorum, Hermionensium, Epidauriorum commentatio academica. Upsaliae, 1888. 8°. pp. 93 + (1). 455 D 85

Wolf, C., Freiherr von. Vernünfftige Gedancken von den Kräfften des menschlichen Verstandes und ihrem richtigen Gebrauche in Erkäntniss der Wahrheit. 9e Aufl., vermehret. Halle im Magdeburgischen, 1738. 16o. pp. (23)+233 + (13). Frontisp.

7215 B 6

Wundt, W. Logik; eine Untersuchung der Principien der Erkenntniss und der Methoden wissenschaftlicher Forschung. Stuttgart, 1880-83. 2 v. 7195 € 55-56 - ii. Methodenlehre.


Contents: i. Erkenntnisslehre.

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pp. 512. 7688 B 31

Careless, G., and others. The Latter-Day Saints' psalmody; a collection of original tunes composed and compiled by G. Careless, E. Beesley, J. J. Daynes, E. Stephens, T. C. Griggs. Salt Lake City, 1889. 8°. pp. (288). 7688 G 15

Carlton, A. B. Wonderlands of the wild West; with sketches of the Mormons. n. p., 1891. 8°. pp. 346 + (2). Plates. 5441 C 55 Cornaby, H. Autobiography and poems. Salt Lake City, 1881. 16o. pp. 158. 7688 A 81

Deseret Sunday School Union. Deseret Sunday school catechism, no. 1; questions and answers on the life and mission of J. Smith. Salt Lake City, 1891. 120. pp. 52. 7688 A 29 Deseret Sunday school reader; second book for our little friends. Salt Lake City, 1892. sm. 80. pp. (2) + 116. Wdcts. 7688 A 84 Music book for the use of Sunday schools.. 3d ed. Salt Lake City, 1888. obl. 160. pp. (3)

7688 B 93

+ 100. Ferris, B. G. Utah and the Mormons, from personal observations. New York, 1856. 12o. pp. 377. Illus. 5441 C 15 Hand-book (A) of reference to the history, chronology, religion, and country of the Latter-Day Saints, including the revelation on celestial mar riage. Salt Lake City, 1884. 12°. pp. (2) + 157 + (1). 7688 A 14 Heroines of "Mormondom." Salt Lake City, 1884. sm. 80. pp. 96. (Noble women's lives series. 2.) 7688 A 72

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