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But after a final sentence has been rendered against those subsidiarily liable, new proceedings can not be brought against the person principally liable, should he become known.

ART. 821. If during the course of the cause it shall appear that some person who, in the order established in the respective article of the penal code, should before the accused answer criminally for the crime, the proceedings shall be dismissed with regard to the latter and directed against the former.

ART. 822. Only the printed copies of the writing or impression and the plate of the latter shall be considered as instruments or effects of crime.

ART. 823. After the printed matter, engraving, or other mechanical means of publication which may have served for the commission of the crime shall have been attached to the cause, and after the author or the person subsidiarily liable has been ascertained, the sumario shall be closed.



ART. 824. Los fiscales de las audiencias y el del Tribunal Supremo, cada uno en su caso y lugar, pedirán que el juez ó tribunal proponga al gobierno que solicite la extradición de los procesados ó condenados por sentencia firme, cuando sea procedente con arreglo á derecho.

ART. 825. Para que pueda pedirse ó proponerse la extradicion, será requisito necesario que se haya dictado auto motivado de prisión ó recaído sentencia firme contra los acusados á que se refiera.

ART. 826. Sólo podrá pedirse ó proponerse la extradición:

1.° De los españoles que, habiendo delinquido en España, se hayan refugiado en país extranjero.

2.° De los españoles que, habiendo atentado en el extranjero contra la seguridad exterior del Estado, se hubiesen refugiado en país distinto del en que delinquieron.

3.o De los extranjeros que, debiendo ser juzgados en España, se hubiesen refugiado en un país que no sea el suyo.

ART. 827. Procederá la petición de extradición:

1.o En los casos que se determinen en los tratados vigentes con la potencia en cuyo territorio se hallare el individuo reclamado.

2.° En defecto de tratado, en los casos en que la extradición proceda según el derecho escrito ó consuetudinario vigente en el territorio á cuya nación se pida la extradición.

3. En defecto de los dos casos anteriores, cuando la extradición sea procedente, según el principio de reciprocidad.

ART. 828. El juez ó tribunal que conozca de la causa en que estuviere procesado el reo ausente en territorio extranjero será el competente para pedir su extradición.

ART. 829. El juez ó tribunal que conociere de la causa acordará de oficio ó á instancia de parte, en resolución fundada, pedir la extradición desde el momento en que, por el estado del proceso y por su resultado, sea procedente con arreglo á cualquiera de los números de los artículos 826 y 827.

ART. 830. Contra el auto acordando ó denegando pedir la extradición podrá interponerse el recurso de apelación, si lo hubiese dictado un juez de instrucción.



ART. 824. The fiscales of audiencias and of the Supreme Court, each in his case and place, shall request the judge or court to recommend to the Government that it make a request for the extradition of persons accused or condemned by a final sentence when proper according to law.

ART. 825. In order that the extradition may be demanded or recommended, it shall be necessary that a warrant of commitment or final sentence shall have issued against the persons accused in reference. ART. 826. Extradition can only be demanded or recommended:

1. Of Spaniards who, having committed a crime in Spain, shall have taken refuge in a foreign country.

2. Of Spaniards who, having made a criminal attempt in a foreign country against the external security of the State, shall have sought refuge in a country other than that in which they committed the crime.

3. Of foreigners who, being subject to trial in Spain, shall have sought refuge in a country not their own.

ART. 827. A request for extradition shall be proper:

1. In the cases specified in the treaties in force with the nation within whose territory the individual wanted may be.

2. In the absence of a treaty, in the cases in which extradition is proper according to written law or the law of custom in force in the territory of the nation of which the extradition is requested.

3. In the absence of the two preceding cases, when the extradition is proper, according to the principles of reciprocity.

ART. 828. The judge or court taking cognizance of the cause in which a criminal is undergoing trial who is absent in foreign territory shall have jurisdiction to demand his extradition.

ART. 829. The judge or court taking cognizance of the cause shall order at its own or at the instance of a party, in a resolution setting forth the reasons therefor, that the extradition be demanded from the moment that, on account of the stage of the proceedings and the result thereof, it may be proper in accordance with any of the numbers of articles 826 and 827.

ART. 830. An appeal lies from a decree ordering or refusing to order a demand for extradition, if said decree shall have issued from a judge of examination.

ART. 831. La petición de extradición se hara en forma de suplicatorio dirigido al Ministro de Ultramar.

Se exceptúa el caso en que, por el tratado vigente con la nación en cuyo territorio se hallare el procesado, pueda pedir directamente la extradición el juez ó tribunal que conozca de la causa.

ART. 832. Con el suplicatorio ó comunicación que hayan de expedirse, según lo dispuesto en el artículo anterior, se remitirá testimonio en que se inserte literalmente el auto de extradición, y en relación la pretensión ó dictamen fiscal en que se haya pedido y todas las diligencias de la causa necessarias para justificar la procedencia de la extradición con arreglo al número correspondiente del art. 826 en que aquélla se funde.

ART. 833. Cuando la extradición haya de pedirse por conducto del Ministro de Ultramar, se le remitirá el suplicatorio y testimonio por medio del presidente de la audiencia respectiva.

Si el tribunal que conociere de la causa fuese el Supremo ó su sala segunda, los documentos mencionados se remitirán por medio del presidente de dicho tribunal.

ART. 831. The request for extradition shall be made in the form of a supplication addressed to the Colonial Department.

The case is excepted in which, by a treaty in force with the nation. within whose territory the person accused may be found, the extradition can be requested directly by the judge or court taking cognizance of the cause.

ART. 832. With the supplication or communication to be issued, according to the provisions of the preceding article, a certificate shall be transmitted containing literally the decree of extradition and an abstract of the demand or report of the prosecuting official in which it shall have been requested and all the proceedings in the cause necessary to justify the propriety of the extradition, in accordance with the proper number of article 826, upon which it is based.

ART. 833. When the extradition must be requested through the Colonial Minister, the supplication and certificate shall be transmitted to him through the presiding judge of the respective audiencia.

If the court taking cognizance of the cause should be the Supreme Court or its second chamber, the documents mentioned shall be transmitted through the presiding judge of said court.

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