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The fiscal, five thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.
The associate justices, five thousand five hundred dollars each.
The assistant fiscals, five thousand dollars each.

The secretary or chief clerk, four thousand dollars.

The deputy clerks of the court, two thousand five hundred dollars. The clerks of the secretary and of the fiscal, one thousand dollars.

Other clerks, six hundred dollars each.

The doorkeeper and "alguaciles," four hundred and fifty dollars. Laborers, three hundred dollars each.

Should the court or the fiscal deem it necessary, they may require one of the last-named clerks of the secretary's office and of the fiscal's office to be stenographers, in which case they shall have an annual salary of one thousand dollars.

XXXVI. The court shall be granted fifteen hundred dollars annually, in United States money or its equivalent, for the purchase of material. This amount shall be distributed between the offices of the President and the fiscal, in such proportion as may be decided by the court in administrative session. The President and fiscal shall have authority to disburse their respective amounts in such manner as they may deem proper.


XXXVII. To be eligible for appointment to the office of President, justice, fiscal, assistant fiscal, secretary or deputy clerk of the Supreme Court, the following requirements must be complied with:

1. The person must be a Cuban, or declare on oath that he accepts Cuban citizenship, provided he be a person included within the provisions of article 9 of the Treaty of Paris of December 10, 1898.

2. He must be of age; that is, more than twenty-three years of 3. He must be a lawyer.


4. He must not labor under any of the disqualifications or incapacities herein stated.

XXXVIII. The following persons shall not be appointed to any of the aforesaid offices:

1. Those mentally or physically unsound.

2. Those against whom true bills have been found on any indictment whatever.

3. Those who have been sentenced to any "pena correccional" or "aflictiva," unless he shall have duly completed such penalty, or shall have been totally pardoned.

4. Los que hubieren sufrido y cumplido cualquier pena que, ya por sí misma, ya por razón del delito que la hubiera motivado, les haga desmerecer en el concepto público.

5. Los quebrados no rehabilitados.

6. Los concursados mientras no fueren declarados inculpables.

7. Los deudores á fondos públicos como segundos contribuyentes. 8. Los que tuvieren vicios vergonzosos; y en general los que hubieren ejecutado actos ú omisiones que, aunque no penables, los hagan desmerecer en el concepto público.

XXXIX. Los cargos antes expresados (Art. XXXVII) son incompatibles:

1.° Con el ejercicio de cualquiera otra jurisdicción.

2.° Con otros empleos ó cargos del Estado, provincia ó municipio.

3. Con empleos de auxiliares ó subalternos de tribunales ó juzgados.

XL. Se declaran aplicables al Tribunal Supremo los artículos 76, 77, 78 y 79 de la compilación; pero la cita que el 77 hace del 75 se entenderá referida al artículo anterior de este Decreto.

XLI. El presidente y magistrados del Tribunal Supremo, así como el fiscal y tenientes fiscales, no podrán ejercer las profesiones de abogado, procurador ni notario, ni tampoco ejercerán por si, ni por sus mujeres, ni á nombre de otro, industria, comercio ni granjería, ni tomarán parte en empresas ni en sociedades mercantiles como socios colectivos ni como directores, gestores, administradores ó consejeros. Los que contravinieren esta disposición se considerarán como renunciantes de sus cargos.

XLII. El secretario del tribunal y sus oficiales de sala no podrán ejercer las profesiones de abogado, procurador, ni notario. Su ejercicio dará lugar á que se les aplique el último precepto del artículo anterior.

XLIII. Para ser individuo del personal subalterno del tribunal se requerirán la primera y segunda condición del artículo XXXVII, de este decreto y además las de saber leer y escribir, ser de buena conducta y no estar incluídos en las incapacidades que se determinan en los cuatro primeros incisos del artículo XXXVIII.

El Brigadier General de Voluntarios, Jefe de Estado Mayor Interino, O. H. ERNST.

4. Those who have served a sentence for any offense which by reason of the nature of the offense itself, or the character of the penalty, would injure the reputation.

5. Those who are bankrupt, or who have made assignments and have not been discharged.

6. Those persons, not merchants, who have made assignments for the benefit of creditors, until their good faith shall have been adjudged. 7. Debtors to the public funds as "second contributors."

8. Persons of immoral or vicious habits, and in general those whose acts of omission or commission, though not punishable by law, give them an unsavory reputation.

XXXIX. The offices mentioned in Article XXXVII, are incompatible with:

1. The exercise of any other jurisdiction whatever.

2. The holding of any other office, or position of the Government, of a Province or municipality.

3. Employment as a clerk, or in any other subordinate position in any other tribunal or court.

XL. Articles 76 to 79, inclusive, of The Digest, are declared applicable to the Supreme Court, but the reference made in article 77 to article 75, shall be understood as relating to the preceding article of this decree.

XLI. The President and justices of the Supreme Court, as well as the fiscal and the assistant fiscals, shall not practice the business of lawyer, solicitor or notary public; they shall not engage in any industrial, mercantile, or speculative pursuits, in the name of themselves, their wives, or other persons, nor shall they take part in any enterprise, such as a commercial company or corporation, as partner, director, managing partner, superintendent, or counsel. Violation of this rule shall be considered as resignation of office.

XLII. Neither the secretary nor any clerk of the court shall practice law or be a solicitor or a notary public. Violation of this rule shall be considered as a resignation of office.

XLIII. To be a subordinate employee of the court, the person must possess the first two requirements of Article XXXVII of this decree, must be able to read and write, must be of good moral character and free from any of the first four disqualifications enumerated in Article XXXVIII.


Brigadier-General of Volunteers,
Acting Chief of Staff.

No. 63.


Habana, 25 de Mayo de 1899. El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido á bien disponer la publicación de la orden siguiente:

I. En lo sucesivo, los llamados votos reservados que puedan formular los magistrados de un tribunal que no estén conformes con la sentencia dictada por la mayoría, serán públicos y se consignarán á continuación de la propia sentencia en el libro registro de las mismas, en igual forma que éstas, salvo el que los firmarán tan sólo aquellos que los formularen.

II. Los votos en cuestión se denominarán en lo adelante votos particulares y se consignarán en los autos originales como las sentencias. se consignan, al pié de las mismas. Al hacerse la notificación de las sentencias se notificarán igualmente y de la propia manera los votos particulares que se hubieren formulado.

III. Lo dispuesto se entenderá aplicable á los votos que se consignen en discrepancia de resoluciones que no deban denominarse sentencias. El modo de hacerlos constar y notificar será el mismo que se adopte respecto de las resoluciones de que discreparen, salvo el firmalos tan sólo los que los formulan.

El Brigadier General, Jefe de Estado Mayor,

No. 92.



Habara, 26 de Junio de 1899.

El Gobernador General de Cuba ha tenido á bien disponer la publi cación de la orden siguiente:


I. Al efecto de determinar los casos en que procede el recurso de casación en materia civil, se estará á lo dispuesto en los artículos del 1687 al 1695, ambos inclusive, de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, que continuarán en vigor en los propios términos en que se consignan por la expresada ley.

II. Al efecto de determinar los casos en que dicho recurso procede en materia criminal, se estará igualmente á lo dispuesto en los artículos del 847 al 854 y del 910 al 915, todos inclusive, de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal que asimismo continuarán vigentes.

No. 63.


Havana, May 25, 1899. The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order:

I. Hereafter the so-called votos reservados, of the justices of a court, who do not agree with the decision of the majority, shall be public, and shall be recorded in the book of decisions in the same manner as the decision itself, but the dissenting opinions shall be signed only by the dissenting justices.

II. Such dissenting opinions shall hereafter be known as votos particulares, and shall be entered in the original records in the same manner as the judgments and immediately after them. When the interested parties are notified of the judgments, they shall likewise be informed of the votos particulares given in the case.

III. The above provisions shall apply to dissenting opinions in all rulings of the court. The manner of recording such opinions and of notifying interested parties shall be the same as that usually followed in such cases, except that dissenting opinions shall be signed only by the dissenting justices.


Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 92.


Havana, June 26, 1899.

The Military Governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order:


I. In order to determine the cases in which appeal for annulment of judgment may be had in civil suits, the provisions of articles 1687 to 1695, both inclusive, of the Law of Civil Procedure shall remain in force as expressed in the said law.

II. To determine the cases in which appeal for annulment of judgment may be had in criminal suits, the provisions of articles 847 to 854, both inclusive, and of 910 to 915, both inclusive, of the Law of Criminal Procedure, shall likewise remain in force.

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