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denying the inhibition, an entry being made of all this in the original record.

ART. 61. While the separate record is being heard and determined the person challenged can not act in the cause nor in the issue of the challenge, and shall be substituted by the proper person in accordance to law.

If the person challenged be a judge of examination, he must, nevertheless, under his own liability, take such urgent measures as can not be delayed until his successor takes charge of continuing the examination.

ART. 62. The challenge shall not delay the course of the cause unless the issue of the challenge shall not have been decided when the parties are cited for the hearing of some question or interlocutory issue or for the oral trial.

ART. 63. The separate record of challenge shall be prepared

By the senior presiding justice of chamber if the person challenged be the presiding judge or a presiding judge of a chamber of a territorial audiencia or of the supreme court; and if the judge challenged be the senior, by the one next below him in seniority.

By the senior justice of the criminal chamber of the territorial audiencia if the person challenged be the presiding judge of a criminal audiencia.

By the senior justice of the respective chamber or court if the person challenged be a justice of a criminal or territorial audiencia or of the supreme court; and if he be the senior, by the one next below him in seniority.

If, as a result of the challenge of one or more justices of the criminal audiencias, these courts should not have members sufficient to form a quorum, the preparation of the separate record shall pertain to the junior justice of the criminal chamber of the respective territorial audiencia.

The junior justice of the respective audiencia shall prepare the record of challenge when the judge of examination is challenged.

ART. 64. After the separate record has been prepared, the other party or parties to the cause shall be heard for a period of three days. for each one, which period can only be extended for two days more when in the opinion of the court there be just cause therefor.

ART. 65. When the period fixed in the foregoing article has elapsed, as well as the extension in a proper case, and the cause is taken up again without the necessity of a petition by the challenging party, evidence on the issue of the challenge shall be admitted for eight days if the question be a question of fact, during which time the evidence submitted by the parties and admitted as pertinent shall be received. ART. 66. There shall be no remedy against rulings of audiencias or of the supreme court admitting or rejecting evidence.


ART. 67. Cuando por ser la cuestión de derecho, no se hubiere recibido á prueba el incidente de recusación, ó hubiese transcurrido el término concedido en el art. 65, se mandará citar á las partes, señalando día para la vista.

ART. 68. Decidirán los incidentes de recusación:

Cuando el recusado fuese el presidente ó un presidente de sala de audiencia territorial ó del Tribunal Supremo, el tribunal en pleno. De igual manera se procederá cuando los recusados fueren dos ó más magistrados de una misma sala ó sección de estos tribunales.

En los demás casos decidirán estos incidentes los tribunales ó salas á que pertenezcan los magistrados instructores de las piezas separadas. ART. 69. Los autos en que se declare haber ó no lugar á la recusación, serán siempre fundados.

Contra el auto que dictaren las audiencias sólo procederá el recurso de casación.

Contra el que dictare el Tribunal Supremo, no habrá recurso alguno.

ART. 70. En los autos en que se deniegue la recusación, se condenará en las costas al que la hubiere promovido.

Además se impondrá al recusante una multa de 125 á 250 pesetas cuando el recusado fuese juez de instrucción, y de 250 á 500 cuando fuese magistrado de audiencia.

Se exceptúa de la imposición de las costas y la multa al ministerio fiscal.

ART. 71. Cuando no se hicieren efectivas las multas respectivamente señaladas en el artículo anterior, el multado quedará sujeto á la responsabilidad personal subsidiaria correspondiente, por vía de sustitución y apremio, en los términos que para las causas por delitos establece el código penal.




ART. 72. En los juicios de faltas se propondrá la recusación en el mismo acto de la comparecencia.

ART. 73. En vista de la recusación, si la causa alegada fuese de las expresadas en el artículo 54 y cierta, el juez municipal se dará por recusado, pasando el conocimiento de la falta á su suplente.

ART. 74. Cuando el recusado no considerare legítima la recusación, pasará el conocimiento del incidente á su suplente, haciéndole constar en el acta.

ART. 67. If, on account of the question being one of law, evidence on the challenge is overruling, or when the period granted in article 65 has elapsed, the parties shall be cited, a day being fixed for the argument.

ART. 68. The challenge shall be decided

By the court in banc, if the person challenged be the presiding judge or a presiding judge of a chamber of a territorial audiencia or of the supreme court. Like procedure shall be observed if the persons challenged be two or more justices of the same chamber or section of said


In other cases these issues shall be decided by the courts or chambers to which the examining justices of the separate record belong. ART. 69. The decision sustaining or overruling the challenge shall always state the reasons therefor.

An appeal for annulment of judgment lies from a decision rendered by an audiencia.

There shall be no remedy whatsoever against a decision rendered by the supreme court.

ART. 70. Decisions overruling a challenge shall contain the taxation of the costs of the same against the person interposing it.

There shall also be imposed on the challenging party a fine of not less than 125 pesetas nor more than 250 pesetas if the authority challenged be a judge of examination, and not less than 250 nor more than 500 pesetas if a justice of the audiencia.

The prosecuting officials shall be exempt from the payment of costs or the fine.

ART. 71. If the fines respectively mentioned in the foregoing article are not paid, the party fined shall be subject to such proper compulsion in substitution thereof as provided for crimes in the penal code.



ART. 72. In trials for misdemeanors the challenge shall be interposed at the time of the appearance.

ART. 73. In view of the challenge, should the cause alleged be of those mentioned in article 54, and be true, the municipal judge shall consider himself challenged, transferring the cognizance of the misdemeanor to his substitute.

ART. 74. If the challenged party should not consider the challenge to be legitimate, he shall transfer the cognizance of the issue to his substitute, making note thereof in the record.

Ni en este caso ni en el del artículo anterior se da recurso alguno contra lo resuelto por el juez municipal.

ART. 75. El juez municipal recusado no podrá intervenir en la sustanciación de la pieza de recusación, y se suspenderá la celebración del juicio de faltas hasta que aquélla se decida.

ART. 76. El juez suplente encargado de la sustanciación be la pieza de recusación hará comparecer á las partes á su presencia, y en el mismo acto recibirá las pruebas que ofrezcan y conceptúe pertinentes cuando la cuestión verse sobre algún hecho.

Contra el auto denegatorio de la prueba podrá pedirse reposición en el acto de hacerse saber á las partes.

ART. 77. Recibida la prueba, ó cuando por tratarse de cuestión de derecho no fuera necesaria, el juez municipal suplente resolverá si ha ó no lugar á la recusación en auto fundado, y en el mismo acto si es posible. En ningún caso dejará de hacerlo dentro de segundo día. De lo actuado y del auto se hará mención en el acta que se extienda.

ART. 78. Contra el auto del juez suplente declarando haber lugar á la recusación, no se dará recurso alguno.

Contra el auto en que la denegare, habrá apelación para ante el juez de instrucción.

ART. 79. La apelación se interpondrá verbalmente en el acto de la comparecencia ante el mismo juez municipal suplente, si éste resolviese en el momento.

Si para resolver utilizare el término de segundo día, se interpondrá la apelación en el acto mismo de la notificación siempre que sea personal, y si no dentro de las veinticuatro horas siguientes á ella. La apelación en este caso se interpondrá también verbalmente ante el secretario del juzgado y se hará constar por diligencia.

ART. 80. Cuando no se apelase dentro de los términos señalados en el artículo anterior, el auto del juez suplente será firme.

Interpuesta apelación en tiempo, se remitirán los antecedentes al juez de instrucción respectivo con citación de las partes y á expensas del apelante.

ART. 81. En el juzgado de instrucción se dará cuenta inmediatamente por el secretario, sin admitir escritos, y se citará á las partes á una comparecencia dentro del término de segundo día.

Los interesados ó sus apoderados podrán hacer en ella verbalmente las observaciones que estimen, previa la venia del juez de instrucción.

Este pronunciará auto en el mismo día ó en el siguiente, y contra lo que decida no habrá ulterior recurso.

Neither in this case nor in that of the foregoing article shall there be any remedy against the decision of the municipal judge.

ART. 75. The municipal judge challenged cannot take part in the hearing and determination of the issue of the challenge, and shall suspend the trial for the misdemeanors until the question of the challenge is decided.

ART. 76. The substitute judge charged with the hearing and determination of the issue of the challenge shall order the parties to appear before him, and shall at once hear the evidence they may offer and which he may consider pertinent, if the question be one of fact.

If a decision ruling out the evidence is made, a rehearing may be requested as soon as the parties are notified thereof.

ART. 77. The evidence having been taken, or when a question of law being involved it is not necessary, the substitute municipal judge shall decide at once, if possible, whether the challenge is or is not well taken in a ruling stating the reasons for his decision. In no case shall he fail to render a decision within two days.

The proceedings had and the ruling shall be entered upon the record made.

ART. 78. There shall be no remedy against a ruling of a substitute judge sustaining a challenge.

From a decree overruling a challenge an appeal lies to the judge of examination.

ART. 79. The appeal shall be interposed orally at the appearance for decision before the substitute judge, should he render a decision at


If, in order to render a decision, he should take the period of two days, the appeal shall be filed at the time of the notification, provided it be personal; otherwise within the twenty-four hours following the notification. The appeal in such case shall also be interposed orally before the clerk of the court, and it shall be made a matter of record.

ART. 80. If an appeal be not taken within the periods prescribed in the foregoing article, the ruling of the substitute judge shall become final.

If the appeal be taken in due time, the proceedings shall be forwarded to the proper judge of examination, with a citation of the parties, at the expense of the appellant.

ART. 81. In the court of examination the clerk shall immediately make a report without admitting any documentary evidence, and the parties shall be cited to appear within a period of two days.

With the permission of the judge of examination the parties in interest or their attorneys may make orally at that time whatever remarks they may consider proper.

The judge of examination shall render his decision the same day or the day following, and against his decision there shall be no further remedy.

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