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Republic of May 19, 1897, must be complied with, particularly the conditions stated in Articles IV and XVI of said law.


Applications for intervention by the United States authorities, in order to obtain the provisional arrest and detention of fugitives in foreign countries, in advance of the presentation of formal proof, upon which demand for their extradition may be based, should state specifically the name of the fugitive, the offense with which he is charged, the circumstances of the crime, as fully as possible, and a description and identification of the accused.

It must be shown, also, that an indictment has been found or a warrant of arrest has been issued for the apprehension of the accused. The foregoing instructions will be carefully followed in all future applications for extradition and for arrest of fugitives from justice in foreign countries.


Assistant Adjutant-General.

No. 84.


Havana, March 25, 1901.

The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice, directs the publication of the following order: I. The following shall be added to Article XIII of Order No. 92, series 1899, Headquarters Division of Cuba:

"Promise to furnish the aforesaid bond shall be given within the three days next following the day upon which notice has been served on the appellee of the ruling allowing the appeal; and said bond shall be furnished, as prescribed by the laws, within the five (5) days next following the day upon which the promise to furnish same is accepted by the respective judge or court. The bond having been furnished. and approved, a transcript shall be issued of such part of the proceedings as the judge or court deems pertinent for the execution of the sentence, after hearing the parties thereon, for a period of three days common to all; the appraisement of the costs which the party that solicits and guarantees the execution of the sentence may designate, shall be made by the judge or court rendering the decision against which the appeal for annulment should have been taken and said

Supremo dentro de los respectivos plazos que determina el último párrafo del artículo VII de esta orden.

"Transcurridos los tres días que se dan en el párrafo anterior para ofrecer la fianza, sin que se haga tal ofrecimiento, se remitirán los autos originales al Tribunal Supremo, sin nuevo emplazamiento.

"Declarado sin lugar el recurso de casación, se entenderá de derecho cancelada la fianza."

II. Se derogan todas las disposiciones anteriores que se opongan á las contenidas en la presente orden, la cual empezará á regir desde su publicación en la Gaceta de la Habana.

El Comandante de Estado Mayor,

No. 95.


Habana, 10 de Abril de 1901.

El Gobernador General de Cuba, á propuesta del Presidente y Magistrados del Tribunal Supremo, ha tenido á bien disponer la publicación de la siguiente orden:

Por la presente se modifica en la forma que á continuación se expresa la orden No. 41, serie de 1899 del Cuartel General de la División de Cuba, por la que se creó y organizó el Tribunal Supremo de esta isla: I. El artículo II dicha orden se entenderá redactado como sigue: "II. El Tribunal Supremo se compondrá de un presidente, dos presidentes de sala, ocho magistrados, un fiscal, dos tenientes fiscales, un secretario del tribunal, dos secretarios de sala, y demás personal subalterno que luego se enumerará."

II. Además del personal subalterno asignado al tribunal por el artículo III de la citado orden y otras disposiciones posteriores, se aumenta un escribiente, un typewriter y un alguacil.

III. El tribunal se dividirá en tres salas de justicia: una para conocer de los asuntos civiles, otra para los asuntos criminales y otra para los asuntos contencioso-administrativos. La sala de lo civil se compondrá de un presidente y cuatro magistrados; la de lo Criminal también se compondrá de un presidente y cuatro magistrados; la de lo contenciosoadministrativo la formarán el Presidente del Tribunal, los dos presi

appraisement of costs being approved and included in the transcript aforementioned, the original records shall be forwarded to the Supreme Court, and the parties in interest shall be summoned again, in order that they may enter appearance before the said Supreme Court, within the respective periods of time prescribed in the last paragraph of Article VII of this order.

"Should the bond have not been offered after the expiration of the three days allowed in the preceding paragraph for said offer, the original records shall be forwarded to the Supreme Court without serving any other summons.

"The appeal for annulment having been denied, the bond shall be considered canceled, ipso jure."

II. All rulings heretofore published which may conflict with the provisions of this order are hereby repealed, and the latter shall take effect on and after its publication in the Gazette of Havana.


Assistant Adjutant-General.

No. 95.


Havana, April 10, 1901.

The Military Governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the President and associate justices of the publication of the following order:

Supreme Court, directs the

Order No. 41, series 1899, Headquarters Division of Cuba, whereby the Supreme Court of this island was created and organized, is hereby modified as follows:

I. Article II of the order aforesaid shall read as follows:

"II. The Supreme Court shall be composed of one President or Chief Justice, two presidents of chambers, eight associate justices, one 'fiscal' (public prosecutor), two assistant 'fiscals,' one secretary or chief clerk, two secretaries of the chambers, and such subordinate employees as may be provided for hereinafter."

II. In addition to the subordinate employees assigned to the court by Article III of the order aforementioned and other subsequent rulings, there shall be appointed one amanuensis, one typewriter, and one bailiff.

III. As a court of justice, the court shall be divided into three chambers; one to take cognizance of civil actions, another of criminal cases and another of administrative matters in litigation (contencioso-administrativos). The civil chamber shall be composed of one president and four associate justices; the criminal chamber shall also be composed of ne president and four associate justices; and the chamber

dentes de sala y dos magistrados á ese efecto nombrados, dentro de los que compongan el tribunal, por el presidente del mismo. Este nombramiento se hará anualmente y los que cesen podrá ser reelegidos.

IV. En los casos en que, conforme al artículo IV de la orden de 14 de April de 1899, á lo dispuesto en esta orden, ó en otras especiales, sea necesario constituir salas con más de cinco jueces, se completarán aquéllas con magistrados del mismo tribunal, y sólo en el caso de que fuere preciso completar el número normal de cinco magistrados de una sala y las atenciones de la otra no permitieran distraer los magistrados necesarios á ese efecto, ó cuando en el tribunal no quedare número suficiente de magistrados, no impedidos, para constituir las salas de siete jueces, se hará la sustitución en la forma establecida en el artículo V de la citada orden. Al Presidente del Tribunal lo sustituirán los presidentes de sala por orden de antigüedad, y á éstos los magistrados de sus respectivas salas, también por orden de antigüedad.

V. El artículo VI de la repetida orden se modifica como sigue: "Para dirimir discordias, si se tratare de providencias dictadas por menos de cinco jueces, se constituirá la sala con su dotación normal, y cuando haya ocurrido la discordia en salas así constituidas ó se tratare de autos y sentencias, se aplicará lo dispuesto en el artículo LXXIX de la orden No. 92, serie de 1899, con la modificación de que los dirimentes, cuando la concurrencia de ellos sea necesaria, han de serlo el Presidente del Tribunal y el de la Sala en la que no hubiera ocurrido la discordia, caso de no estar impedidos, y en este caso los demás magistrados del tribunal por orden de antigüedad, y en su defecto los que deban sustituirlos conforme al artículo V de la orden de 14 de Abril ya citada."

VI. Corresponde á la sala de lo criminal el conocimiento de los asuntos comprendidos en los números 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 17 y 19 del artículo VII de la repetida orden de 14 de Abril, y en los números 7 al 12, ambos inclusive, y en el 14 de dicho artículo cuando se trate de asuntos criminales. En los casos previstos en los números 2, 3, 4 y 5, la sala se constituiría con siete jueces.

VII. Corresponde á la sala de lo civil el conocimiento de los asuntos, comprendidos en los números 6, 13, 15, 16 y 19 del citado artículo VII, y los comprendidos en los del 7 al 12, ambos inclusive, y en el 14 de dicho artículo, cuando se trate de materia civil. En el caso del número 6 la sala se compondrá de siete jueces.

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for administrative matters, of the President of the court, the presidents of the two chambers thereof, and two associate justices appointed therefor, from among those composing the court, by the President thereof. These appointments shall be made every year, and those persons who cease in the performance of their duties may be again appointed.

IV. Where, in conformity with the provisions of Article IV of the order of April 14th, 1899, as well as with this order, or with other special ones, it becomes necessary to create chambers with more than five justices, the required number of said justices shall be completed with those of the same court, and only in case it should be necessary to complete the regular number of five justices of one chamber, and the matters considered in the other prevent the members thereof from forming a part of the former, or where a sufficient number of justices not incapacitated, does not remain in the court to constitute the chambers of seven justices, the substitution shall be made in the manner specified in Article V of the order aforementioned. The President of the court shall be substituted by the senior justice in length of service, and the latter by the associate justices, also senior in office of their respective chambers.

V. Article VI of the order aforesaid shall read as follows: "To determine the questions in which the justices may be divided in opinion, in cases where an order (providencia) has been issued by less than five justices, the chamber shall be composed of its regular number; and where the disagreement has occurred in chambers thus constituted, or if a ruling or decision is involved in the case, the provisions of Article LXXIX of order number 92, series 1899, shall be applied, with the exception that the justices who are to adjust the disagreement, where same are required, shall be the president of the court and that of the chamber wherein the disagreement did not originate, provided they are not disqualified therefor, and in this last case the other justices of the court senior in service, and in default thereof, those who should substitute them in conformity with Article V of the order bearing date April 14th, herein before cited, shall adjust said disagreement.

VI. The criminal chamber shall take cognizance of all the matters specified in numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 17, and 19, Article VII, of the order aforesaid, bearing date April 14th, as well as in numbers 7 to 12, both inclusive, and in number 14 of said article when criminal actions are involved. In the cases specified in numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5, the chamber shall be composed of seven judges.

VII. The civil chamber shall take cognizance of all matters specified in numbers 6, 13, 15, 16, and 19 of the aforementioned Article VII, as well as in numbers 7 to 12, both inclusive, and in number 14 of said article when civil actions are involved. In the case specified in number 6 the chamber shall be composed of seven judges.

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