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This article is not applicable to those apprehending the slaves or serfs of others, who are fugitives, in order to deliver them to their masters or the authorities, in the cases prescribed in the regulations, provided that the delivery be made within the term of seventy-two hours after the capture.

Fugitives shall be considered those of whose flight notice shall have been given by their masters or patrons to the local authorities, by publication in the newspapers, or that are found three leagues away from the farms upon which they were employed without a permit from their master, manager, or overseer or with a permit whose term of license had already expired.



SECCIÓN CUARTA.-De los recursos de queja contra las autoridades administrativas.

ART. 116. Los gobernadores de provincia son las únicas autoridades que podrán suscitar en nombre de la administración competencias positivas ó negativas á los juzgados y tribunales, por exceso de atribuciones, en el caso de que éstos invadan las que correspondan al orden administrativo.

ART. 117. Las competencias positivas ó negativas que la administración suscitare á los jueces y tribunales, se sustanciarán y decidirán en la forma establecida por las leyes y reglamentos que la determinen.

ART. 118. Los jueces y tribunales no podrán suscitar cuestiones de competencia á las autoridades del orden administrativo.

Sin embargo, podrán sostener la jurisdicción y atribuciones que la constitución y las leyes les confieren, reclamando contra las invasiones de dichas autoridades por medio de recursos de queja que elevarán al Gobierno.

ART. 119. Podrán promoverse los expedientes de recurso de queja— 1.° Á instancia de parte agraviada.

2. En virtud de excitación del ministerio fiscal.

3.° De oficio.

ART. 120. Sólo las salas de gobierno de las audiencias y la del Tribunal Supremo, podrán recurrir en queja al Gobierno contra las invasiones de la administración en las atribuciones judiciales.

ART. 121. Los juzgados municipales y los primera instancia, cuando sean invadidas sus atribuciones por autoridades del orden administrativo, lo pondrán en conocimiento de la sala de gobierno de la audiencia, para que ésta pueda formular el recurso de queja, si lo estima procedente.

Al afecto los juzgados municipales remitirán á los de primera instancia de su partido los expedientes en que consten los hechos relativos al exceso de atribuciones cometido por los agentes del orden administrativo, y los segundos los pasarán con su informe á la audiencia respectiva.




SECTION IV.-Remedy of complaint against administrative authorities.

ART. 116. The governors-general of the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico are the only authorities which may raise questions of positive or negative competencies in the name of the administration against superior or inferior courts exceeding their jurisdiction in cases where they invade the powers pertaining to administrative officials.

ART. 117. Positive or negative questions of competency which the administration may raise against judges or courts shall be heard and determined in the manner prescribed by the laws and regulations relating thereto.

ART. 118. Judges or courts can not raise questions of competency against the officials of the administrative service.

Nevertheless, they may maintain the jurisdiction and powers vested in them by the constitution and laws, and they may complain against the invasions of said authorities by means of appeals to the Government.

ART. 119. Remedies of complaint may be sought

1. At the instance of the party injured.

2. At the instance of the department of public prosecution.

3. Officially (de oficio).

ART. 120. The chambers of administration of the audiencias and that of the Supreme Court only may seek the remedy of complaint against the invasions of the administration in judicial powers.

ART. 121. Municipal courts and those of first instance, when their powers are invaded by the administrative authorities, shall inform the chamber of administration of the audiencia thereof, in order that the latter may seek the remedy of complaint, if it considers it proper.

For this purpose the municipal courts shall forward to those of first instance of their judicial district the record of the proceedings containing the facts relative to the abuse of power committed by the agent of the administrative service, and the latter shall forward the same with their report to the proper audiencia.

Cuando los expedientes nacieren en los juzgados de primera instancia, serán remitidos directamente á la audiencia.

Si se formaran en las salas de justicia de las audiencias ó del Tribunal Supremo, se pasarán después de instruidos á la respectiva sala de gobierno.

ART. 122. Las salas de gobierno de las audiencias, recibidos que sean los expedientes á que se refiere el artículo que antecede, ó en vista de los que ante ellas se hayan comenzado ó instruido, y la del Tribunal Supremo en su caso, los pasarán al ministerio fiscal para que con toda preferencia emita su dictamen.

ART. 123. En vista del dictamen fiscal y completando el expediente si fuere necesario, resolverán las salas de gobierno de las audiencias, ó la del Tribunal Supremo en su caso, si debe ó no elevarse el recurso de queja.

Cuando acordaren que debe elevarse, lo harán en una exposición fundada, á no ser que aceptaren el dictamen fiscal sin adición alguna.

ART. 124. El Gobierno resolverá estos conflictos en la forma que determinen las leyes y reglamentos.

When the proceedings have been initiated in the courts of first instance they shall be forwarded directly to the audiencia.

If they should have been instituted in the chambers of justice of the audiencias or of the Supreme Court, they shall be referred to the respective chamber of administration after their conclusion.

ART. 122. The chambers of administration of the audiencias, after receiving the proceedings referred to in the foregoing article, or in view of the proceedings commenced or prosecuted before them, and that of the Supreme Court, in a proper case, shall forward the same to the department of public prosecution for a report thereon with precedence over everything else.

ART. 123. In view of said report, and after completing the proceedings, if necessary, the chambers of administration of the audiencias, or that of the Supreme Court, in a proper case, shall decide whether the remedy of complaint should or should not be sought.

If they decide that said remedy should be sought, they shall do so in a statement containing the reasons, unless they should accept the report of the department of public prosecution without any other addition. ART. 124. The Government shall decide these disputes in the manner prescribed in the laws and regulations.

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