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ART. 97. If the public prosecutor of the supreme court or the public prosecutors of audiencias be included in any of the causes by reason of which they should abstain, according to the provisions of the foregoing article, they shall appoint as their substitutes the deputy public prosecutor, and in his absence the assistant deputy public prosecutors, in the order of their rank and term of service.

The provisions of the foregoing paragraph are applicable to the deputy or assistant deputy public prosecutors when they discharge the duties of their respective chief.

ART. 98. The deputy and assistant deputy public prosecutors of the supreme court and of the audiencias shall submit their excuses to the proper superior, who shall relieve them from taking part in the judicial proceedings, and shall select as a substitute the person he may deem proper from among their subordinates.

ART. 99. When the prosecuting officials do not excuse themselves, notwithstanding their being included in any of the causes mentioned in article 54, those who consider themselves injured may appeal in complaint to the immediate superior.

The latter shall hear the subordinate who may have been the object of the complaint, and if he shall find it proper shall order his substitution. If he shall not find it proper he may order him to appear in the case. There shall be no remedy against this decision. The public prosecutors of the territorial audiencias shall decide the complaints addressed to them against the public prosecutors of the criminal audiencias.

If the public prosecutor of the supreme court be the subject of the complaint, it must be addressed to the Minister of Grace and Justice through the chief justice of the said court. The Minister of Grace and Justice after hearing the chamber of administration of the supreme court, should he consider it necessary, shall decide what he may deem proper.



ART. 100. De todo delito ó falta nace acción penal para el castigo del culpable, y puede nacer también acción civil para la restitución de la cosa, la reparación del daño y la indemnización de perjuicios causados por el hecho punible.1

ART. 101. La acción penal es pública.

Todos los ciudadanos españoles podrán ejercitarla con arreglo á las prescripciones de la ley.

ART. 102. Sin embargo de lo dispuesto en el artículo anterior, no podrán ejercitar la acción penal—

1o. El que no goce de la plenitud de los derechos civiles.2

"Las acciones penales, por su naturaleza, y con arreglo á los principios del derecho, nunca deben ampliarse, sino por el contrario, entenderse y aplicarse siempre de un modo restrictivo." (Sentencia de Junio 3, 1874.)

2Sin la pretensión de conseguir una enumeración completa, las personas que no pueden comparecer en juicio ni, por consiguiente, dar poder á otro para que comparezcan en su nombre, á no ser con la intervención de sus representantes legítimos, son las siguientes:

Los huérfanos menores.-Su representación legal corresponde al tutor (código civil, artículo 262), el cual en ciertos casos necesita el consentimiento del consejo de familia (id., 269, números 12 y 13). Si los intereses del tutor son opuestos á los del huérfano, por ejemplo, en el supuesto del número 9o, artículo 237, la representación en juicio corresponde al protutor (236, apartado 2o).

Los hijos no emancipados, por los que comparecen sus padres (código civil, artículo 155), y cuando éstos tengan interés incompatible con el de los hijos, el defensor á que alude el artículo 165, que equivale al antiguo curador para pleitos, de que hablan los artículos 1852 á 1860 de la ley de enjuiciamiento civil. Si los padres están privados de la patria potestad, 6 tienen suspendido su ejercicio (código civil, artículos 70, párrafo 3o, 73, párrafo 2o del número 2o, y 168 á 171), representará á los hijos el tutor nombrado.

Los menores de edad emancipados por concesión del padre 6 de la madre, son representados en juicio por sus padres, y en su defecto por un tutor. (Artículos 314, número 3o, y 317 del código civil.)

Los menores que obtienen el beneficio de la mayor edad por concesión del consejo de familia, son representados por un tutor. (Código civil, artículos 322 á 324 y 317 á que se refiere el último.)

Los casados mayores de 18 años, pueden comparecer por sí en juicio en nombre propio y en el de su mujer, según los artículos 59 y 315 del código civil, que deben así entenderse, pues la emancipación de que habla el artículo 317 se refiere á la del número 3o del 314.



ART. 100. A criminal action arises from every crime or misdemeanor for the punishment of the culprit, and a civil action may also arise for the restitution of the thing, the repair of the damage, and the indemnity of the losses caused by the punishable act.1

ART. 101. A criminal action is public.

All Spanish citizens may bring a criminal action according to the provisions of law.

ART. 102. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing article a criminal action can not be brought by:

1. A person not in the full enjoyment of civil rights."

1Criminal actions, by reason of their character and in accordance with the princiles of law, can never be extended, but, on the contrary, must be understood and applied always in a restricted manner. (Supreme Court, decision of June 3, 1894.) "Without attempting a full enumeration, the persons who can not appear in an ction, and consequently who can not grant powers of attorney to others to appear in their behalf, unless it be with the intervention of their legal representatives, are the following:

Minors who are orphans are legally represented by their guardians (Civil Code, art. 262), who in certain cases require the consent of the family council. (Ibid., 269, Nos. 12 and 13.) If the interests of the tutor are opposed to those of the orphan, as, for example, in the case of number 9 of article 237 of the Civil Code, the representation of the minor in court pertains to the protutor. (Ibid., 236, second par.) Children not emancipated are represented by their parents (Civil Code, art. 155), and when said parents have an interest which is incompatible with that of their children the latter shall be represented by the next friend referred to in article 165, which is equivalent to the former curator ad litem referred to in articles 1852 to 1860 of the Law of Civil Procedure. If the parents are deprived of the parental authority, or if it be suspended (Civil Code, articles 70, paragraph 3; 73, par. 2 of number 2, and 168 to 171), the tutor appointed shall represent the children.

Minors emancipated by the concession of the father or mother are represented in court by their parents, or, in their absence, by one tutor. (Articles 314, number 3, and 317 of the Civil Code.)

Minors who obtain the benefit of majority by concession of the family council are repre'sented by one tutor. (Civil Code, articles 322 to 324 and 317, referred to.)

Married persons over 18 years of age may appear in person in court in their own name and in that of their wives, according to articles 59 and 315 of the Civil Code, which must be understood in this manner, because the emancipation referred to in article 317 relates to that of number 3 of article 314.

2o. El que hubiera sido condenado dos veces por sentencia firme como reo del delito de denuncia ó querella calumniosas.

3o. El juez ó magistrado.

Los comprendidos en los números anteriores podrán, sin embargo, ejercitar la acción penal por delito ó falta cometidos contra sus personas ó bienes, ó contra las personas ó bienes de sus cónyuges, ascendientes, descendientes, hermanos consanguíneos ó uterinos y afines.

Los comprendidos en los números 2 y 3 podrán ejercitar también la acción penal por el delito ó falta cometidos contra las personas ó bienes de los que estuviesen bajo su guarda legal.

Art. 103. Tampoco podrán ejercitar acciones penales entre si

1o. Los cónyuges, á no ser por delito ó falta cometidos por el uno contra la persona del otro ó la de sus hijos y por los delitos de adulterio, amancebamiento y bigamia.

Los condenados 6 interdictos. (Véanse los artículos 228, 229, 262, 269, números 12 y 13, y 274 del código civil, y los 26, 43, 54 y 57 del penal.)

Los locos, dementes y sordomudos.—Su representación legal corresponde al tutor ó en su caso al defensor que nombren los tribunales ó al ministerio público. (Código civil, artículos 215, apartado 3o, 262, 269, números 12 y 13, y 274.)

En los pleitos sobre prodigalidad, cuando el demandado no comparezca, tendra su representación el fiscal ó en su caso el defensor nombrado por el juez. (Código civil, artículo 223.

La mujer casada.-Los casos en que necesita licencia de su marido para comparecer por sí en juicio y los en que no necesita, se determinan en los artículos 60 y 1387 del código civil.

Consursados.-Una vez hecha la declaración de concurso, quedan incapacitados para la administración de sus bienes todos (1161 de la ley de enjuiciamiento civil y 1914 del código civil), y consiguientemente privados del pleno ejercicio de sus derechos civiles. La representación legal del concurso corresponde al depositario administrador (ley, artículo 1181) hasta el nombramiento de síndicos. Verificado éste, los síndicos representan al concurso en juicio defendiendo sus derechos y ejercitando las acciones y excepciones que le competan. (Id, artículo 1181, regla 1a.)

Personas jurídicas (corporaciones, sociedades y demás entidades jurídicas).—Los pueblos y ayuntamientos son representados en juicio por los procuradores síndicos y en los pueblos agregados á otros para formar ayuntamiento, los presidentes de sus juntas administrativas representan también á sus respectivos pueblos, cuando se trate de acciones 6 derechos que corresponden exclusivamente á sus mismos pueblos. (Artículos 56 y 90 á 96 de la ley de 1877, y R. O. 30 Enero 1875.)

Las provincias eran representadas por el diputado provincial nombrado al efecto con arreglo al artículo 37 de la ley de 25 de Septiembre de 1863; luego lo fueron por el gobernador, conforme á los artículos 9o y 70 de la ley de 2 de Octubre de 1877, y hoy lo son por el vice presidente de la comisión provincial, conforme al artículo 98, número 6o de la ley de 29 de Agosto de 1882.

La hacienda pública ha venido siendo representada por el ministerio fiscal en la forma prescrita por el decreto de 9 de Julio de 1869 y por la orden de la misma fecha; pero desde el decreto de 16 Marzo 1886 corresponde su representación á los abogados del estado.

1 Las palabras de este artículo no significan que el delito objeto de la querella haya de ser precisamente de los que el código penal denomina contra las personas en el

2. A person who has been twice condemned by a final sentence as guilty of the crime of calumnious denunciations or complaints.

3. The judge or justice.

Those included in the foregoing numbers may, however, bring a criminal action for a crime or misdemeanor committed against their persons or property, or against the persons or property of their spouses, ascendants, descendants, uterine brothers or sisters, or relatives by consanguinity or affinity.

The persons included in numbers 2 and 3 may also bring a criminal action for a misdemeanor or crime committed against the persons or property of those who may be under their legal care.

Art. 103. Nor can the following persons bring criminal actions against each other:

1. Spouses, except for a crime or misdemeanor committed by one against the person of the other or that of his or her children,' and for the crimes of adultery, concubinage, and bigamy.

Persons suffering interdiction or undergoing a sentence. (See articles 228, 229, 262, 269, numbers 12 and 13, and 274 of the Civil Code, and the proper articles of the Penal Code.)

The deaf and dumb and the insane are legally represented by their guardian or, in a proper case, by the next friend appointed by the court or by the public prosecutor. (Civil Code, articles 215, paragraph 3; 262, 269, numbers 12 and 13, and 274.)

In actions relating to prodigals, when the defendant does not appear, he shall be represented by the public prosecutor or, in a proper case, by the next friend appointed by the court. (Civil Code, article 223.)

Married woman.-The cases in which she does and does not require the permission of her husband to appear in an action are mentioned in articles 60 and 1387 of the Civil Code.

Bankrupts.-After a declaration in bankruptcy the bankrupts are disqualified from administering any of their property (1161 of the law of Civil Procedure and 1914 of the Civil Code), and consequently are deprived of the full exercise of their civil rights. The depositary-administrator is the legal representative of the estate of the bankrupt (law, art. 1181) until trustees are appointed. After this has been done the trustees represent the bankrupt in court, defending his rights and taking the actions and exceptions incumbent upon them. (Ibid., article 1181, rule 1.)

Judicial persons (corporations, associations, and other judicial entities).—Towns and municipalities are represented by the procuradores sindicos, and in towns annexed to others in order to constitute a municipality, the presidents of their administrative boards also represent the respective towns, when actions or rights are involved which pertain exclusively to the said towns. (Articles 56 and 90 of the law of 1877, and Royal order of January 30, 1875.)

Provinces were represented by the provincial deputy, appointed for the purpose in accordance with article 37 of the law of September 25, 1863; afterwards they were represented by the governor, in accordance with articles 9 and 70 of the law of October 2, 1877, and now they are represented by the vice-president of the provincial commission, in accordance with article 98, number 6, of the law of August 29, 1882. The public treasury has been represented by the department of public prosecution in the manner prescribed by the decree of July 9, 1869, and by the order of the same date; but since the decree of March 16, 1886, it is represented by the state attorneys. 1The words of this article do not signify that the crime which is the subject of the complaint must be of those which the Penal Code denominates crimes against the

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