Imágenes de páginas

die Vererbung des Kopfindex von seiten der Mutter (Korrespondenzblatt der deutschen Anthrop. Gesellschaft, München, XXXIV, 1904, 172).

33. Viasemsky, N. W. Résumé de l'ouvrage sur les modifications de l'organisme de 10 à 20 ans . . . Paris, Marthieux, 1902. (A study of 4,872 school children of St. Petersburg).

34. Chamberlain, A. F. Some recent anthropometrical studies (Ped. Seminary, VIII, 1901, 239/57).

35. Matiegka, H. Über die Beziehung zur Körperbeschaffenheit und geistigen Tätigkeit bei den Schulkindern (Mitteilungen der Anthrop. Gesellschaft in Wien, XXVIII, 1898, 122/6); Stature, development and health of school children in Prague. Prague, 1896, 78 (Bohemian).

36. Engelsperger and Ziegler. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der physischen und psychischen Natur des sechsjährigen, in die Schule eintretenden Kindes. I. Anthropometrischer Teil (Meumann's Zeitschrift für die Experimentelle Pädagogik, 1905, 173/235).

37. Schliz, A. Eine Schulkinderuntersuchung zum Zweck der Rassenbestimmung nach Farbencomplexion und primären Körpermerkmalen (Archiv für Anthropologie, XXVII, 1902, 191).

38. Teumin, S. Topographisch-anthropometrische Untersuchungen über die Proportionsverhältnisse des weiblichen Körpers (Archiv für Anthropologie, XXVII, 1902, 379/432).

39. Browne, C. R. Report of the Work Done in the Anthropometric Laboratory of Trinity College, Dublin from 1891 to 1898 (Proceed. Royal Irish Academy, Ser. 3, vol. 5, 1899, 269/93).

40. Venn, J. Cambridge Anthropometry (J. Anthr. Institute, London, XVIII, 1888, 140/54).

41. Kraitschek, G. Die anthropologische Beschaffenheit der Landskroner Gymnasialjugend (Jahresbericht des K. K. Staats-Obergymnasium in Landskron, 1901).

42. Hrdlička, A. Skeletal Remains suggesting or attributed to early man in North America (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 33, Washington, 1907. See pages 12 and 13, especially); Measurements of the cranial fossa (Proceedings U. S. National Museum, XXXII, No. 1521); Physiological and medical observations among the Indians of Southwestern United States and northern Mexico (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 34, Washington, 1908); Report on Anthropological Work in the State Institution for feebleminded children, Syracuse, N. Y., 1899.

43. Klaatsch, H. The Skull of the Australian Aboriginal (Reports from the Pathological Laboratory of the Lunacy Department, New South Wales Government, vol. I, part 3, 1908, pp. 43/167).

44. Kollmann, J. Der Schädel von Kleinkems und die Neandertal-Spy-Gruppe (Archiv für Anthropologie, v, 1906, 208/27).

45. Martin, R. Die Inlandstämme der malaischen Halbinsel. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer Reise durch die vereinigten malaischen Staaten.

Jena, Fischer, 1905, pp. 1052 + 137 Textabbildungen, 26 Tafeln + 1 Karte.
Martin's long expected Lehrbuch der Anthropologie is in print.

46. Deniker, J. The Races of Man: An Outline of Anthropology and Ethnography. London and New York, Scribner's Sons, 1907. (Translation from French.)

47. Ripley. The Races of Europe, a Sociological Study. New York, Appleton, 1889; Notes et Documents pour la Construction d'une Carte de l'Indice Céphalique en Europe (L'Anthropologie, VII, 1896, 513); The European Population of the United States (J. Anthr. Institute, London, XXXVIII, 1908, 221/4).

48. Beddoc, J. The Somatology of eight hundred boys in Training for the Royal Navy (J. Anthr. Inst., XXXIV, 1904, 92/100).

49. Ammon, O. Die natürliche Auslese beim Menschen. Auf Grund der Ergebnisse der anthropologischen Untersuchungen der Wehrpflichtigen in Baden und anderer Materialien dargestellt. Jena, 1893; Zur Anthropologie der Badener. Statistik über rund 30,000 Wehrpflichtigen und Gymnasiasten, 1899.

50. Demolins. A quoi tient la supériorité des Anglo-Saxons, Paris, Didot, 1897. 51. Ranke, J. Frühmittelalterliche Schädel aus Lindau (Sitz. der bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1897, xxvII). After Lapouge's L'Aryen, 1899, pp. 338.

52. Weisbach, A. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Schädelformen österreichischer Völker (Mediz. Jahrbücher der Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien, Jahrgang, 1864, 119/54; 1867, 1/120); Die Oberösterreicher (Mitteil. Anthrop. Gesell. in Wien, XXIV, 1894, 232/46).

53. Livi's distribution of the cephalic indices for Italy is given by Lapouge, L'Aryen, 1899, pp. 441, 443. See also Ripley, Races of Europe, 1899, pp. 41.

54. Topinard, T. Anthropology. English Translation by R. T. H. Bartley, London, 1890, pp. 237.

55. Hrdlička, A. Anthropometrical Investigations on One Thousand White and Colored Children of Both Sexes, the Inmates of the New York Juvenile Asylum, With Additional Notes on One Hundred Colored Children of the New York Colored Orphan Asylum (47th Annual Report of the New York Juvenile Asylum, New York, 1899, pp. 86); Physical Difference between White and Colored Children of the Same Sexes and the Same Ages (Proc. Amer. Ass. Sci., xxvii, 1898, 475/6). See also his measurements of Indian children in Bull. 34, Bureau of American Ethnology. 56. Hoesch-Ernst, L. Anthropologisch-psychologische

Untersuchungen an

Züricher Schulkindern nebst einer Zusammenstellung der Resultate der wichtigsten Untersuchungen an Schulkindern in andern Ländern (Meumann's "Das Schulkind in seiner körperlichen und geistigen Entwicklung, 1. Teil, Leipzig, Nemnich, 1906).

57. Landsberger. Das Wachstum im Alter der Schulpflicht (Archiv für Anthro

pologie, XVII, 1888, 229/64); Das Wachstum der Knaben vom 6. bis zum 16. Lebensjahre (Zeitschrift für Schulgesundheitspflege, 1, 1888, 65/9). 58. Ranke, O. Anthropometrische Untersuchungen an gesunden und kranken Kindern mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des schulpflichtigen Alters (Zeitsch. f. Schulgesundheitspflege, XVIII, 1905, 719/45, 816/37).

59. Reuter, F. Beiträge zur Anthropologie Hinterpommerns. Eine Schulkinderuntersuchung in Pollnow (Arch. f. Anthr., XXVIII, 1903, 1/91); Kopfform and Körperbau (Archiv für Rassen and Gesellschafts-Biologie, v, 1908, 449/77).

60. West, G. M. Anthropologische Untersuchungen an Schulkindern in Worcester, Mass. (Archiv für Anthrop., 1893); Worcester (Mass.) school children; the growth of the body, head and face (Science, N. Y., XXI, 1893, 2/4).

61. Windle. On the physical characters of a group of Birmingham pupil teachers (female) (Proc. of Birmingham Nat.-hist. and Phil. Soc., 1895). 62. Muffang, M. H. Écoliers et étudiants de Liverpool (L'Anthropologie, Paris, 1899, 21/41).

63. Mackenzie, W. L. The Medical Inspection of School Children. Edinburgh and Glasgow, Hodge & Co., 1904, pp. 395; Observations on physical characteristics of children and adults taken at Aberdeen in Banffshire, and in the island of Lewis (Rep. Brit. Asso. Adv. Sci., 1897. London, 1898, LXVII, 506).

64. Retzius. Ethnologische Schriften. Stockholm, 1864. After: L. Milykovich The Science of Man: Somatology and Anthropology. Belgrade, Serbian Government Printing Office, 1891, pp. 385.

65. Török, A. Versuch einer systematischen Characteristik des Kephalindex (Archiv für Anthropologie, 1905, 110/29); Reform der Kraniologie (Int. Monatsschrift f. Anatomie und Physiologie, vol. x1); Grundzüge einer systematischen Kraniometrie, Stuttgart, 1890.

66. Fishberg, M. Physical Anthropology of the Jews. 1. The Cephalic Index (Amer. Anthropologist, 1902, 684/706).

67. Martin, R. Anthropometrische und Craniometrische Technik. Zurich, Füssli, 1903, pp. 6.

68. Wissler, C. Correlation of Mental and Physical Tests (Psych. Rev., Monogr. Suppl., Whole No. 16, 1901).

68a. Schwerz, F. Untersuchungen über das Wachstum des Menchen (Arch. f. Anthrop., X, 1911, pp. 1–38).

69. MacDonald, A. Experimental Study of School Children. Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, 1899.

70. Bertillon, A. Signaletic Instructions. Chicago, New York, and London: The Werner Co., 1896, pp. 107.

71. Archiv für Anthropologie, XV, 1883.

72. L'Anthropologie, Paris, XVII, 1906, 560/572.

73. Quetelet.. Anthropométrie ou Mesure des Différentes Facultés de L'Homme. Bruxelles, 1870.

74. Sergi, G. Die Variationen des menschlichen Schädels und die Klassification der Rassen (Archiv für Anthropologie, 111, 1905, iii/22). Translation from Italian.

75. Haddon, A. C. The Study of Man. London, Bliss, Sands & Co., 1898, plate 1, pp. 64.

76. Manouvrier, L. L'indice céphalique et la pseudo-sociologie (Rev. l'école d'anthrop., Paris, 1x, 1899).

77. Weissenberg, S. Die südrussischen Juden. Eine anthropometrische Studie (Archiv für Anthropologie, XXIII, 1895, 347/425, 531/81).

78. Lucae, J. Ein Beitrag zum Wachstum des Kindeskopfes von 3.-14. Lebensjahre (Festschrift der 13. Jahresversammlung der deutschen anthropologischen Gesellschaft zu Frankfurt a. M., 1882).

79. Lecourtois. Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie, 1869, pp. 720; Forme du crâne dans l'Hydrocéphalie (Rev. mensuelle des maladies de l'enfance, 1894).

80. Bonnifay, J. Du développement de la tête au point de vue de la céphalométrie depuis la naîssance jusqu'à l'âge adulte. Thèse de Lyon, 1897. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY,





N the first day of June, 1911, there died in Winnebago, Nebraska, Mr J. M., a prominent member of the Winnebago tribe and a member of the Bear clan. In accordance with the old Winnebago customs, the first individual to be notified of the death was Mr J. F., a member of the Wolf clan. To Mr F. fell the lot of taking charge of all the funeral rites-dressing the deceased, laying his body in the casket, burying him, and finally, of conducting the elaborate funeral wake lasting four nights.

One of Mr F's most important duties is to invite the brave men or warriors who play such an all-important part in the wake and

1 The following description of a Winnebago funeral is based almost entirely on the notes taken by Mr Lamere some months ago, at the funeral of a prominent member of his tribe. Dr Radin's work has been confined to editing these notes and adding additional observations wherever, in his opinion, they were needed for the better understanding of the rites in question.

2 According to the Winnebago social organization every clan is paired off with another one, which it calls "friend" (hitcakaro). These friendship-groups have reciprocal duties to perform, the most important of which are those relating to the burial of one another's members. They are expected to show the strictest courtesy to one another, may at times exchange clan names, and are at all time forbidden to intermarry. The friend clan of the Bear is the Wolf and that is why Mr F. was called upon to take charge of the funeral obsequies in this particular case. If it is impossible to obtain a member of the Wolf clan, one of any other clan may be called, and, if even that is impossible, it is permissible to select a member of the Bear clan itself, for, as disagreeable as this may be, it is distinctly less disagreeable than not burying a person or omitting to perform those rites that are essential for the welfare of his soul.

3 Warriors are invited to the wake because, according to Winnebago beliefs, the souls of the enemies they have killed become their slaves in spirit-land and they can order them to take charge of the soul of the recently departed individual, and clear his path of the obstacles that beset him on his journey from the land of the living to that of the spirits. Especially difficult to the passage of the soul is an enormous girdle of fire which it must be carried over to reach the spirit home of its clan. The warrior relates his war experiences, but in so doing he is strongly admonished to be very careful and not tell them in a boastful way or to exaggerate in any detail, for if he does so the soul of the departed would fall into the abyss of fire. In this connection it may perhaps be suggestive to note, that it is not any transgression of the deceased that prevents him from reaching his goal but a transgression of the warrior relating his war experience.

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