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countries for this class of stock created, during the first half of the year, a demand in this city for slaughter hides which kept the market nearly bare.

At the commencement of the year there was a stock of over 200,000 hides in this market, much of which had cost the importers more than the current selling rates at that time, which were for Buenos Ayres 23 @24c., for Orinoco, 21 @ 22c., and for country and city slaughter, 84c. per lb. The demand at first was very moderate, stronger for a concession in prices than for quantity; this was steadily resisted by holders, and before the middle of January rates were advanced fully one cent per lb., which had the effect to stimulate quite an active trade for the season. During the month of February several considerable parcels of hides were shipped to Europe, a moderate inquiry only existing for tanning purposes. Meantime receipts had been heavy and the stock had accumulated to over 300,000 hides. Towards the middle of March many of the tanners who, on account of the disparity in prices of hides and leather, had been working in small amounts of stock through the winter, began to look anxiously about for a further supply, and to purchase more freely from the lower priced hides; leading descriptions being held firmly at extreme rates, while the demand for export continued, to some extent, for dry, and became active for wet salted at 9 cents per lb. cash. Receipts of both domestic and foreign continued steady; still, before the close of the month, sales in various directions had reduced the stock to 260,000 hides, and prices had advanced for Orinoco to 23, and for Buenos Ayres to 25 @ 25 cents, with still an active trade in slaughter and all the common classes of dry hides.

Business from this time held on the even tenor of its way, the trade and tanners purchasing with great reluctance sufficient to keep their yards in operation, while a heavy stock of leather burdened the market at prices much below the cost of production at ruling rates for the raw material. Towards the middle of May, tanners being anxious to work in a large supply of hides before "the heated term," began to purchase in larger amounts, and rates for Buenos Ayres further advanced to 26 cents, and other kinds of dry hides proportionately. Before the close of the month the demand for export ceased for dry hides, because our stock was not suited to European markets, and for slaughter hides on account of the bad condition in which many lots had been shipped, rendering the traffic unprofitable. Sales were light and unsatisfactory, at prices slightly easier, until the middle of July, when intelligence of the failures and panic in England reached this city, causing, for a time, almost an entire suspension of business. Receipts, meanwhile, had surpassed the sales, and the supply on hand had again accumulated to over 300,000 hides, and before the close of the month to 340,305 hides and 474 bales do., the highest number held at any one time during the year. The market now became languid and prices began to recede, which, before the revival of trade, touched the figure of 21 @ 22 cents for Buenos Ayres, and 19 @ 21 cents for Orinoco. Country and city slaughter also sympathizing in the general depression, declined to 7 @ 8 cents. A limited amount of dry hides, however, were purchased at these low rates. Before the first of September, as it became evident that the heavy stocks of the suspended firms in England were not to be thrown precipitately upon the market, importers began to strengthen their views, and an advance of one

or two cents was readily effected under an increasing demand from the trade.

Sales became generally active, and prices further advanced, until near the last of October, when the accepted rates for Buenos Ayres were 24 @25 cents, and for Orinoco 23 @ 24 cents. City and country slaughter found a ready market at 81 @ 9 cents per lb. These rates continued with little variation, under an active request, gradually reducing the heavy supply on hand, until after the presidential election and the political agitations of the country had proved the source of a panic from which trade has not yet recovered. From the middle of November to the middle of December few transactions were effected, and prices declined to 5 @ 6 cents for city slaughter, and 20 cents for Buenos Ayres, and proportionately on other descriptions; since which time an improved inquiry has been manifested, and a slight improvement realized. The year closes with a stock of 205,000 pieces, partly held above the current rates, which are 21 cents for Buenos Ayres, and 63 cents for wet salted city hides.

EXPORTS OF HIDES AND SKINS FROM NEW-York during the year 1860.

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Exports of Hides from the United States during the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1860.

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Reported by J. A. SCHMIDT, Broker, 8 Old Slip, N. Y.

With importations of Wines, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Champagne, Porter, Ale, Cordials, Whiskey, Vinegar, Oil, Plums and Prunes, Cherries, Mustard, Sardines, Herrings, Anchovies, Sauce, Pickles, Capers, Preserved Fruit.

THE year 1860, in regard to the wine and liquor trade, has not been very favorable, and did not realize the hopes expressed in our report for 1859. With the exception of a short period, when the report of the reforms in the commercial relations between England and France aroused some speculative feeling-a general tranquillity was the chief feature of the market through the whole year.

The demand for foreign spirits, French and Spanish wines, being light, prices were weak, even at times when they were reported firm and advancing in France, and at several periods of the year, by comparing our prices with the quotations in France, it could be seen that goods sold here at the ruling market price could not be replaced but at higher cost, This state of affairs is so much more to be regretted, as the crops of the past year in France-regarding the quality-are far inferior to those of 1857 and 1858, which cannot fail to have a discouraging influence on the trade.

But what makes the year 1860, perhaps, a remarkable one in the history of our liquor trade, is the first appearance of the MORRILL tariff bill, which, although it had not taken effect yet, made an unfavorable impression on any house connected with the trade, even by the mere idea of the possibility of its passing, and when in force will show itself ruinous to trade and importation.

Brandies.-The year opened with a heavy stock of nearly all kinds of liquors, principally of Brandies; but prices were firm, as only a small importation was looked for. Prices of the favorite brands of Cognac were

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The inquiry remaining small through all the month of January, and some holders exhibiting a desire to realize, prices became weak, until the middle of February, when the news of the reforms in the commercial policy of France, recently proposed by the Emperor of the French, by which it was believed the exportation of Brandy would be greatly increased to Great Britain, and doubtless diminish to this country, induced a speculative movement, and the sales, which were mostly to arrive, reached a higher figure than for some time past. This speculative feeling lasted till end of March, when market prices were as follows:

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From this time the market remained quiet and without any change in prices till the beginning of September, when, the accounts of the French vintage being unfavorable, it became more active, and there was a most lively demand, particularly for Brandies of 1858, which had become the favorite vintage on account of its fine quality. Nearly all the stock of this vintage (imported in 1859) was disposed of.

The unfavorable reports of the crops in France being continued, a fair activity ruled until the middle of November, since when the demand has been moderate till the end of the year.

From the prices named it will be seen that, though at some periods of the year large parcels have been changing hands, prices have appreciated but little, the quantity going into consumption always being small.

The current prices of the favorite brands of Cognac on the 1st of January, in the years named, are as follows:

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Gin has been without any remarkable change, and erally corresponding to the quotations from Holland. 1st of January, in the years named, as follows:


prices were genThey were, on the

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The importation of Gin has been increasing from year to year, as will be seen from the table p. 128.

Rum. The importation, although it did not reach that of 1859, exceeded those of former years.

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Prices have been without change, from 90 cents to $1 25 for Jamaica, and 65 cents to 75 cents for St. Croix. The superior qualities of Jamaica

Rum, which are received in smaller quantities from England, were held at $1 75 to $250.

Whiskey. The importation was again in excess of former years, as may be seen by reference to the table appended. The demand was fair.

Scotch from 85 cents to $1 30, and Irish $1 to $1 20.

French Wines were not in so good a demand as last year; prices in France were higher on account of the inferior crops of 1859 and 1860. The common qualities have to be quoted now

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Marseilles white wine,$ 28 00 @ $35 00
Rochelle wines,... 25 00 @ 30 00
Claret in cases,..
2 25 @


1 00 @

1 30

28 @ 35

wines on the 1st of January of the

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Marseilles claret,....

The following shows the average prices of the lower qualities of French

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Cette Wines.

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40 @


30 @


2 25 @


25 @


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2 00 @

2 25

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2 25 @


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2 25 @


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Hhds. Blls. Cases. Hhds.
7,030 555 130,229 10,476
120 844
1,208 10,949
19,105 7,781 181,552 21,769 10,667 116,122 5,885 2,314 49,801

Bbls. Cases. Hhds. Bbls. Cases.
1,652 115,482 4,028 594 49,248

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The importation of Champagne has exceeded again that of last year, and reached the high figure of 214,559 baskets, thus exceeding the quantity of all other wines imported in glass by 63,229 dozen bottles. Of leading brands have been imported by the different agents, 101,132 baskets. German Wines have continued to be a favorite article, and there is hardly any kind of wines imported that met with so ready sale as Hock and Moselle wines. The following shows the extraordinary increase of importations within the last four years:

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