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R. H. FITZ, M. D.




J. W. S. GOULEY, M. D.

J. O. GREEN, M. D.




D. HUNT, JR., M. D.

J. N. HYDE, M. D.











J. C. WHITE, M. D.
E. S. WOOD, M. D.

H. C. WOOD, JR., M. D.


Amory, R. Malignant pustule, 509.

Anatomy. A probable error, O. W. H., 59; re-
cent progress in anatomy, Dwight, T., 306, 334;
Jourdain's "Anatomical Museum," 337.
Army. Notes on contributions to the Army (U.S.)
Medical Museum by civil practitioners, Otis, G. A.,
163; army medical service, 512; recent progress in
military surgery, Otis, G. A., 531, 568; the National
Medical Library, 710.

Ayer, J. B. Treatment of epilepsy, 385; Tuber-
cular meningitis, 705.

[blocks in formation]

Berlin. Surgery in Berlin, Platt, W. B., 582.
Bibliography. Sayre, L. A., Spinal Disease and
Spinal Curvature, 18; Remsen, I., Principles of
Theoretical Chemistry, with Special Reference to
the Constitution of Chemical Compounds, 22;
Mitchell, S. W., Fat and Blood, and How to make
them, 47; Burnett, C. H., The Ear, its Anatomy,
Physiology, and Diseases, 48; Oldendorff, A., Der
Einfluss der Beschäftigung auf die Lebensdauer der
Menschen: nebst Erörterung der wesentlichen
Todesursachen, 82; Virchow, R., A Description
and Explanation of the Method of Performing
Post-Mortem Examinations, with Especial Refer-
ence to Medico-Legal Practice, 150; Orth, J., A
Compend of Diagnosis in Pathological Anatomy,
with Directions for making Post-Mortem Exam-
inations, 151; Chadwick, J. R., Second Annual Re-
port of the Boston Medical Library Association,
173; Ziemssen, Cyclopædia of Practical Medicine,
vol. xiv., 179; Naphey, G. H., Modern Medical Thera-
peutics, 180; Transactions of the New York Patho-
logical Society, 212; First Annual Report of the
State (Miss.) Board of Health, 212; Gerrish, F. H.,
Prescription Writing, designed for the Use of Med-
ical Students who have never studied Latin, 214;
Wheeler, C. G., Outlines of Modern Chemistry, Or-
ganic, based in part upon Richel's Manuel de Chimie,
214; Radcliffe, C. B., Proteus, or Unity in Nature,
245; Hutchinson, J., Illustrations of Clinical Sur-
gery, consisting of Plates, etc., 247; Michel, C., Dis-
eases of the Nasal Cavity and the Vault of the
Pharynx, 280; Transactions of the American Neu-
rological Association, vol. ii., 313; Maudsley, H.,
The Physiology of Mind, 414; A Manual of Nurs-
ing, 445; Bose, B., A New System of Medicine, en-
titled Recognizant Medicine, 478; Bose, B., Princi-
ples of Rational Therapeutics, 479; The Journal of
Physiology, 480; Davis, N. S., Contributions to the
History of Medical Education and Medical Institu-
tions in the United States of America, 1776-1876,
542; Farquharson, R., A Guide to Therapeutics,
514; Ranvier, L., Traité technique d'Histologie,
546; Dubring, L. A., Atlas of Skin Diseases, 611;
Erichsen, J. E., The Science and Art of Surgery,
611; Althaus, J., Diseases of the Nervous System,
their Prevalence and their Pathology, 638; Smith,
H., Practical Gynecology, a Hand-Book of the
Diseases of Women, 639; Ziemssen's Cyclopædia,
vol. xvii., 641; Sadtler, S. P., Chemical Experi-
mentation, 641; Holden, L., Landmarks, Medical
and Surgical, 709; The National Medical Library,
710; Delafield, F., Studies in Pathological Anatomy,
845 Charteris, M., Hand-Book of the Practice of
Medicine, 845; Anstie, F. E., On the Uses of Wines
in Health and Disease, 846; Dobell, H., Annual Re-
ports on Diseases of the Chest, 846.
Bigelow, H. J. Lithotrity by a single operation,
259, 291.

Biography. Jones, J. S., 32; Sands, A. L., 32;
Miller, A., 61; Pratt, H., 62; Bartlett, J., 88;
Hersey, G. E., 89; Peaslee, E. R., 153; Haskell,
B., 158, 221; Stokes, W., 190; Bartlett, J. C., 190;
Tucker, S., 222; Yandell, L. P., 253; Smith, A.,
290; Ruhmkorff, 318; Bachelder, S. F., 322; Tyler,
J. E., 350, 385; Morris, W. B., 419; Bernard, C.,
446; Voillemier, L., 546; Smith, F. G., 549; Car-
penter, B., 617; Bickford, H. C., 618; Casserius,
J., 629.

Blake, C. J. Dennison's absorbent cotton, 472.
Bolles, W. P. Hysteria in a male, 16; cancer of
the spleen, 16; spinal fracture in bone from leg of
a horse, 477; acute atrophy of the liver (autopsy),
Bowditch, H. I. Case of pleurisy, 15; arsenical
poisoning, 16; malignant disease of the lung, 607;
Jenning's closet, 707; letter from Buffalo, 788.
Bowditch, H. P. Skin pigment, 478; recent
progress in physiology, 593, 631.
Bradford, E. H. Recent progress in orthopædic
surgery, 504; new method of applying plaster-of-
París jacket, 702.

Breast. Malignant tumor of the breast, Cheever,
D. W., 795.
Brigham, C. B. Subperiosteal excision of the en-
tire scapula and head of the humerus; recovery, 455.
Brown, M. L. Chloral hydrate, 536.
Buffalo. Letters from Buffalo, 788, 820.
Bundy, F. E. Case of poisoning, 16.
C., T. B. Cool precision, 584.
Cabot, S. Sacral teratoma, 112; surgical cases at
Massachusetts General Hospital, 647.


Capron, G. Forceps in breech presentations, 313.
Cellular tissue. Abscess under the scalp, Cheever,
D. W., 588; cold abscess, Cheever, D. W., 791; ab-
scess over the liver, Cheever, D. W., 792; secondary
inflammation, Cheever, D. W., 794.
Chadwick, J. R. Second annual report of the
Boston Medical Library Association, 173; rupture
of an abdominal cyst by palpation, 503.
Chamberlain, C. W. Perityphlitic abscess, 844.
Chandler, T. H. Recent progress in dentistry,
Channing, W. A case of feigned insanity, 655.
Chapin, F. W. Aortic aneurism, 312.
Cheever, D. W. Clinical lecture, case of syphilis
following rape; necrosis; compound fracture, 33;
Surgical clinic, ulcer following amputation in a
child; malignant tumor of the mouth; malignant
tumor of the jaw; suppurating bubo; excision of
the upper jaw; nasal polypus, 127; Clinical lecture,
traumatic aneurism; weeping sinew; fracture of the
external condyle of the humerus; hydrocele, 223;
Clinical lecture, malignant stricture of the rectum;
painful subcutaneous tumor; double fistula in ano;
croup; tracheotomy; lupus, 387; Clinical lecture,
naso-pharyngeal polypus; abscess under the scalp;
anal fissures; housemaid's knee, 587; Clinical lect-
ure, cold abscess; abscess over the liver; suppura-
tive periostitis; secondary inflammation; malig-
nant tumor of the breast, 791.

Chemistry. Recent progress in medical chemistry,
Wood, E. S., 170.

Chenery, E. Double rupture of the jejunum, 672;
a rib fractured by a cough, 673.
Chicago. Letter from Chicago, 29; the hospitals
of Chicago, 712.
Children. Recent progress in the treatment of
children's diseases, Hayden, D. H., 73, 101; incon-
tinence of urine in children, Kemble, A., 526; den-
tition, the scarification of the gums of infants, Gar-
land, G. W., 528; gum cutting again, Yale, J., 851.

Circulatory System. Aneurism of the thoracic
aorta, Pepper, W., 1; progress in the treatment of
thoracic diseases, Knight, F. I., 205, 237; traumatic
aneurism, Cheever, D. W., 223; rupture of the
heart, Nichols, C. B., 304; aortic aneurism, Chapin,
F. W., 312; aneurism of the abdominal aorta,
Loomis, A. L., 323; thrombus of the vulva, Nichols,
J. T. G., 538; aortic aneurism, Lyman, G. H, 575;
aneurism of the arch of the aorta, Lyman, G. H.,
576; thrombosis of the inferior cava, Shattuck, G.
C., 579; cerebral hæmorrhage, Webber, S. G., 598;
aneurism of the aorta, Knight, F. I., 605; rupture
of left ventricle, Nichols, J. T. G., 610; heart clot,
Hamilton, J. B., 610; fat embolism, Fitz, R. H.,
703; pneumothorax with embolism of the pulmo-
nary artery, Lyon, I. W., 843; cardiac thrombosis,
Lyon, I. W., 843.
Clark, D. Suppurative inflammation of gall-blad-
der, 311.

Connecticut. Letter from Connecticut, 186; Con-
necticut State Board of Health, 649.
Cook, Rev. Joseph. Criticism on his "Monday
Lecture," 584.


Letter from Chicago, 29;
Hartford Hospitals, 55; a probable error, O. W. H.,
59; a few remarks on the date in obituary notices,
60; letter from Dr. Sayre, spinal disease and spinal
curvature, 93; letters from Philadelphia, 123, 286,
483, 680; letters from London, 155, 217; letter
from Connecticut, 186; letter from New York, 254;
treatment of epilepsy, J. B. Ayer, 385; surgery in
Berlin, W. B. Platt, 582; cool precision, T. B. C.,
584; the hospitals of Chicago, 712; compulsory
state examinations in Great Britain, 750; letter
from Buffalo, H. I. Bowditch, 788; letter from Buf-
falo, 820; diffusion of gases, I. S. B., 853.
Curtis, H. Cases at Boston City Hospital, 615.
Curtis, T. B. Anal speculum and modified ureth-
rotome, 17; the relations of diphtheria and croup,
331; new urethrotome, 376; recent progress in uri-
nary surgery, 438; rapid lithotrity, 560, 704; a
new apparatus for fractures of the leg, 691.
Cutaneous System. Ulcer following amputation
in a child, Cheever, D. W., 127; ringworm, tinea
trichophytina, White, J. C., 191; painful subcuta-
neous tumor, Cheever, D. W., 389; lupus, Cheever,
D. W., 391; auto-inoculation, Wigglesworth, E.,
412; skin pigment, Bowditch, H. P., 473; melano-
derma, White, J. C., 619; faulty innervation as a
factor in skin disease, Wigglesworth, E., 702; re-
cent progress in dermatology, White, J. C., 769,
796; non-venereal cutaneous affections of the geni-
tals, Hyde, J. N., 823.

Cutler, E. G. Pathological specimen from the
urethra, 17.

Da Costa, J. M. Gastric vertigo, 719.
Dalton, J. C. Lectures on the physiology of the
spinal cord, 355, 428, 459, 487.

Danforth, I. N. The diagnostic value of the
"ovarian cell," 159.

Dean, H. A. A fibro-cystic tumor of the uterus
cured by ergot, 100.

Digestive System. A case of third dentition,
Forster, E. J., 37; foreign body imbedded in the
base of the tongue, Knight, F. I., 109; colloid can-
cer of the intestines at the ileo-cæcal valve, Tarbell,
G. G., 111; malignant tumor of the mouth, Cheever,
D. W., 128; malignant tumor of the jaw, Cheever,
D. W., 128; Sprudel salts in the treatment of gall-
stones, Goldsmith, M., 133; strangulated hernia,
Marcy, H. O., 176; two cases of death from im-
pacted gall-stones, Holmes, C. C., 278; obscure
forms of liver disease, Stebbins, G. S., 309, 450;
intestino-vesical fistula, Reed, A. F., 311; suppura-
tive inflammation of gall-bladder, Clark, D., 311;
intestinal cast, Wing, C. E., 339; "obscure forms
of liver disease," Medicus, 352; chronic ulcers of
the stomach and duodenum, old pyelonephritis,
Shaw, B. S., 374; malignant stricture of the rec-
tum, Cheever, D. W., 387; double fistula in ano,
Cheever, D. W., 386; treatment of deciduous teeth,
Rollins, W. H., 392; arsenical poisoning, Wood, E.
S., 412; cases of strangulated hernia, Jackson, A.,
435; obscure forms of liver disease, Stebbins, G. S
450; dentition, the scarification of the gums of in-
fants, Garland, G. W., 528; tape-worm, F. G. M.
553; the heroic treatment of idiopathic peritonitis,
Wood, H. C., 555; hernia treated by Heaton's

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method, Langmaid, S. W., 578; anal fissures,
Cheever, D. W., 589; sarcoma of the pancreas, liver,
and gall-bladder, Ingalls, W., 601; double rupture
of the jejunum, Chenery, E., 672; acute atrophy
of the liver, Bolles, W. P., 706; gastric vertigo,
Da Costa, J. M., 719; recent progress in dentistry,
Chandler, T. H., 728; perforation of vermiform ap-
pendix, Wainwright, W. A. M., 843; enlarged
spleen, Lyon, I. W., 843; perity phlitic abscess,
Chamberlain, C. W., 844; gum cutting again, Yale,
J., 851.

Drake, J. W. Artificial limbs, 339.
Draper, F. W. Recent progress in forensic medi-
cine, 136; fatal poisoning by the inhalation of lime-
kiln vapors, carbonic oxide gas predominating, 375;
mortality-rate among physicians, 701; rare fract-
ure of clavicle and ribs, 704.

Dwight, T. (Allusion to), 22; recent progress in
anatomy, 306, 334.

Ear. Coagulated fibrin simulating polypus of the
ear, Green, J. O., 379; exostosis of the auditory
meatus, death from meningitis, with remarks,
Green, J. O., 494; caries of the temporal bone,
Green, J. O., 575; subjective and objective aural
sound, Green, J. O., 700.

Edes, R. T. Anatomy and physiology of the kid-
ney, 140; microscopic segments of rabbit's kidney,
showing the action of the secreting epithelium, 474;
what is the object of the Massachusetts Medical
Society, and how can it best be fulfilled? 724.
Edgerly, D. M. Chorea in pregnancy, 175.
Editorials. The future, 22; diphtheria, 50; the
sewerage of Boston, 85; the International Medical
Congress, 114; limited responsibility, 116; Harvard
Medical School, 153; Ziemssen's Cyclopædia, vol.
xiv., 179; rabies and hydrophobia, 181; dogs and
hydrophobia, 215; the Massachusetts Board of Su-
pervisors of Statistics, 247; the treatment of drunk-
enness, 249; our semi-centennial anniversary, 250;
insanity and medical education, 280; treatment of
hydrophobia, curara, 315; the diphtheria ques-
tion, 347; society reports, 381; the sewerage of
Boston, 417; Claude Bernard, 447; the pollution
of streams, 479; the Journal of Physiology, 480;
diphtheria at Newport, 513; dangerous amuse-
ments, 580; the national quarantine, 612; Amer-
ican Medical Association, 642; Dr. Lombard's re-
searches, 643; admission of women to the State
Society, 676; the National Medical Library, 710;
the obligation of the Massachusetts Medical Society
to female physicians, 747; female medical students
at Harvard, 786; grave-robbing, 818; the attitude
of the Massachusetts Medical Society towards the
"pathies," 847.

Ellis, C. Osteomalacia in a man, 5.
Eye. Injury of orbit, Gardner, 312; eserine and
pilocarpine in the treatment of eye disease, Williams,
H. W., 327; incurability of congenital color-blind-
ness, Jeffries, B. J., 398; recent progress in ophthal
mology, Wadsworth, O. F., 467; observations on
the colors of sunset, Jeffries, B. J., 472; perception
of color, Hall, G. S., 475; eserine and pilocarpine in
ulceration of the cornea, Williams, H. W., 671;
traumatic amaurosis, Bacon, 843.

Fisher, T. W. Feigned insanity, 674; new delu-
sion, 702.
Fitz, R. H. Recent progress in pathology and
pathological anatomy, 666, 695; fat embolism, 703.
Folsom, N. Water-closets, 337.
Forster, E. J. A case of third dentition, 37.

Galloupe, I. F. A case of uterine fibroids, 201.
Gardner, W. W. Injury of orbit, 312.
Garland, G. M. Dynamic conditions at work
within the thorax, 472; pneumono-dynamics, 670.
Garland, G. W. Dentition: the scarification of
the gums of infants, 528.

Gay, G. W. Surgical cases at Boston City Hos-
pital, 90, 285, 420.

General Diseases. Cancer of the spleen, Bolles,
W. P., 16; case of syphilis following rape, Cheever,
D. W., 33; cerebro-spinal meningitis, Nichols, S.,
44; diphtheria, 50; colloid cancer of the intestines
at the ileo-cæcal valve, Tarbell, G. G., 111; suppu-
rating bubo, Cheever, D. W., 120; syphilis and
marriage, Hildreth, J. L.. 177; puerperal fever,
McClean, A. S., 243; recent progress in syphilol-

ogy, Wigglesworth, E., 271; tuberculosis, Stickney,
H. G., 312; the relations of diphtheria and croup,
Curtis, T. B., 331; the diphtheria question, 347;
malignant disease of the spine, Hildreth, J. L. 414;
malignant pustule, Amory, R., 509; diphtheria at
Newport, 513; malignant tumor, Marcy, H. 0.,
536; diphtheria, Wright, J. H., 538; cancer of the
trachea, Shattuck, G. C., 578; amyloid degenera-
tion, Webber, S. G., 598; sarcoma of the pancreas,
liver, and gall-bladder, Ingalls, W., 601; cancer of
liver, kidney, and spleen, Stevens, E. H., 603; ma-
lignant disease of the lung, Bowditch, H. I., 607;
cerebral syphilis, Post, A., 698; diphtheria, house
drainage, Minot, F., 707; malignant tumor of the
breast, Cheever, D. W., 795; treatment of strumous
disease by what may be called the Solfatara method,
Storer, H. R., 831.

Generative System. Recent progress in gynæ-
eology, Baker, W. H., 40; recto-vaginal fistula,
Hill, L. G., 45; a fibro-cystic tumor of the uterus
cured by ergot, Dean, H. A., 100; the diagnostic
value of the ovarian cell," Danforth, I. N., 159;
a case of uterine fibroids, Galloupe, I. F., 201;
occlusion of the vagina, with retained menses, of
fifteen months' standing, Jordan, G. A., 203; hy-
drocele, Cheever, D. W., 227; a case of scirrhous
testis, cured by electricity, Spaulding, M., 257;
rupture of the uterus, Nichols, C. S., 305; rupture
of an ovarian cyst by palpation, Chadwick, J. R.,
503; laceration of the cervix uteri, Thomas, T. G.,
519; thrombus of the vulva, Nichols, J. T. G., 538;
vicarious menstruation, Wells, D. E., 617; a case of
vicarious menstruation, Putney, G. E., 628; non-
venereal cutaneous affections of the genitals, Hyde,
J. N., 823.

Gleason, J. C. On strapping the affected side in
cases of acute pleuritis, 98.
Goldsmith, M. Sprudel salts in the treatment of
gall-stones, 133.

Gouley, J. W. S. A clinical lecture on catheter-
ism versus urethrotomy, 651.
Green, J. O. Coagulated fibrin simulating poly-
pus of the ear, 379; exostosis of the auditory mea-
tus, death from meningitis, with remarks, 494;
caries of the temporal bone, 575; subjective and
objective aural sound, 100.

Gross, S. W. The rational treatment of stricture
of the urethra, 733.

Hall, G. S. Perception of color, 475.
Hall, J. F. Pistol-ball wound, 46.
Hamilton, F. H. Clinic of Professor Frank H.
Hamilton, Bellevue Hospital, New York, disloca-
tion of the humerus, with obscure fracture about
the shoulder-joint; valgus of both toes, 63.
Hamilton, J. B. Heart clot, 610.
Harris, F. A. The so-called "West End horror,"

Hartford. Letter from Hartford, 55.
Hayden, D. H. Cases treated by bleeding, 17;
recent progress in the treatment of children's dis-
eases, 73, 101.

Healy, J. J. Large dose of chloral, 189.
Hildreth, J. L. Syphilis and marriage, 177; ma-
lignant disease of the spine, 414.

Hill, L. G. Recto-vaginal fistula, 45.

Pennsylvania, notes of practice and peculiarities of
treatment, 383; Boston City Hospital, clinical lect-
ure, Cheever, D. W., 387; Boston City Hospital, sur-
gical cases, Gay, G. W., 420; Boston City Hospital,
clinical lecture, Cheever, D. W., 587; Boston City
Hospital, cases,jCurtis, H., 615; Massachusetts Gen-
eral Hospital, surgical cases, Cabot, S., 647.
Hunt, D. Pneumono-dynamics, 339; Julius Casse-
rius, 629; the blood corpuscle, 852.
Hutchinson, W. F. Climate cure in nervous
diseases, 515.

Hyde, J. N. On the non-venereal cutaneous affec-
tions of the genitals, 823.
Hygiene, Health, and State Medicine.
The sewerage of Boston, 85; the Mississippi Board
of Health, 212; water-closets, Folsom, N., 337;
the sewerage of Boston, 417; the pollution of
streams, 449; Connecticut State Board of Health,
649; mortality-rate among physicians, Draper, F.
W., 701; Jennings's closet, Bowditch, H. I., 707;
hints in ethics and hygiene, Minot, F., 755.

Ingalls, W. Sarcoma of the pancreas, liver,
gall-bladder, 601.


Instruments and Apparatus. Anal specu-
lum and modified urethrotome, 17; Carr's radial
splint, Martin, H. A., 145; artificial limbs, Drake,
J. W., 339; new urethrotome, Curtis, T. B., 376;
Dennison's absorbent cotton, Blake, C. J., 472;
fracture of the leg treated by a new method of ex-
tension, Robertson, W. D., 662; a new apparatus
for fractures of the leg, Curtis, T. B., 691; modifica-
tion of Barwell's elastic muscle apparatus, Put-
nam, J. J., 701; new method of applying plaster-of-
Paris jacket, Bradford, E. H., 702; Jennings's closet,
Bowditch, H. I., 707; the tourniquet in treatment
of fracture of the patella, Root, R. B., 851.
International Medical Congress, 114.

Jackson, A. Cases of strangulated hernia, 435.
Jackson, J. B. S. Rhinencephalus and some al-
lied forms of monstrosity, 66; fractured patella,
Janeway, E. G. Clinical lecture, Bellevue Hospi-
tal Medical College, New York, peri-pachy meningitis,
Jeffries, B. J. Incurability of congenital color-
blindness, 398; observation on the colors of sunset,

Jones, C. M. A case of hydrophobia, 233.
Jordan, G. A. Occlusion of the vagina, with re-
tained menses of fifteen months' standing, 203.
Jurisprudence. Limited responsibility, 116; re-
cent progress in forensic medicine, Draper, F. W.,
136; syphilis and marriage, Hildreth, J. L., 177;
legislation regulating the practice of medicine, 185;
the so-called "West End horror," Harris, F. A.,
465; hints in ethics and hygiene, Minot, F., 755.
Kemble, A. Incontinence of urine in children,

Knight, F. I. Foreign body imbedded in the base
of the tongue, 109; recent progress in the treatment
of thoracic diseases, 205, 237; aneurism of the aorta,

Holmes, C. C. Two cases of death from impacted Langenbeck, B. von. Clinic, Royal University
gall-stones, 278.

Horr, W. H. Pistol-ball wound, 44.
Hosmer, A. A peculiar condition of the cervix
uteri which is found in certain cases of dystocia,

Hospital Reports, Clinics, and Lectures.
Massachusetts General Hospital, surgical cases, War-
ren, J. C., 25; Boston City Hospital, clinical lect-
ure, Cheever, D. W., 33; Hartford Hospital, 55;
Bellevue Hospital, clinic of Prof. F. H. Hamilton,
63; Boston City Hospital, surgical cases, Gay, G.
W., 90; Bellevue Hospital Medical College, lect-
ures, peri-pachy meningitis, Janeway. E. G., 95; Bos-
ton City Hospital, surgical cases, 121; Boston City
Hospital, surgical clinic, Cheever, D. W., 127; Cook
County Hospital, Chicago, lecture on the diag-
nostic value of the "ovarian cell," Danforth, I. N.,
169; Boston City Hospital, clinical lecture, Cheever,
D. W., 223; Boston City Hospital, surgical cases,
Gay, G. W., 285; Massachusetts General Hospital,
surgical cases, Warren, J. C., illustrating the anti-
septic system, 319; Hospital of the University of

at Berlin, 850.

Langmaid, S. W. Hernia treated by Heaton's
method, 578.

Lathrop, W. H. The volumetric method of writ-
ing prescriptions, 39.

Local Injuries. Pistol-ball wound (chest), Horr,
W. H., 44; Pistol-ball wound (abdomen), Hall, J.
F., 46; Foreign body imbedded in the base of the
tongue, Knight, F. I., 109; gun-shot fracture of
skull, Whitney, J. O., 567; a rib fractured by a
cough, Chenery, E., 673; rare fracture of clavicle
and ribs, Draper, F. W., 704.
Locomotion, Organs of. Osteomalacia in a
man, Ellis, C., 5; necrosis; compound fracture,
Cheever, D. W., 33; excision of knee-joint, Richard-
43; a probable error (condyles of humerus), O.
W. H., 69; dislocation of the humerus, with obscure
fracture about the shoulder-joint; valgus of both
great toes, Hamilton, F. H., 63; spinal disease and
spinal curvature, letter from Dr. Sayre, 93; weep-
ing sinew, 225; fracture of the external condyle of
the humerus, Cheever, D. W., 226; disease of knee,

Webb, M. E, 339; excision of the scapula and head
of the humerus, Brigham, C. B., 455; spinal fract-
ure in bone from leg of a horse, Bolles, W. P., 477;
recent progress in orthopedic surgery, Bradford, E.
H., 504; fractured patella, Jackson, J. B. S., 572;
new apparatus for fractures of the leg, Curtis, T. B.,
691; housemaid's knee, Cheever, D. W., 590; fract-
ure of the leg treated by a new method of exten-
sion, Robertson, W. D., 662; suppurative periostitis,
Cheever, D. W., 793; the tourniquet in treatment
of fracture of the patella, Root, R. B., 851.
Lombard, J. S. Researches on the temperature
of the head, 643.

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Letters from London, 155, 217.
Loomis, A. L. Aneurism of the abdominal aorta,

Lyman, C. P. Rabies and hydrophobia, 79.
Lyman, G. H. Croupous, fibrous, or pseudo-
membranous bronchitis, 108; phthisis; ulceration
of the larynx, 108; morphia habit, 574; aortic
aneurism, 575; aneurism of the arch of the aorta,

Lyon, I. W. Enlarged spleen, 843; Pneumo-
thorax with embolism of the pulmonary artery,
843; cardiac thrombosis, 844.

M., F. G. Note on tape-worm, 553.
McClean, A. S. Puerperal fever, 243.
McCollom, J. H. Delirium tremens, 14.
Malformations, Congenital. Rhinencepha-
lus and some allied forms of monstrosity, Jackson,
J. B. S., 66; sacral teratoma, Cabot, S., 112.
Marcy, H. O. Strangulated hernia, 176; malig-
nant tumor, 536.

Marine Hospital Service. Examinations and
appointments, Doering, E. J., 251; circular con-
cerning use of the metric system, 646.
Marion, H. E. Case of disease of female urethra,
18; extra-uterine foetation, 608.

Markoe, G. F. H. United States Pharmacopoeia,
140; ergotine, 145; revision of the Pharmacopoeia,

Martin, H. A. Carr's radial splint, 145.
Mason, A. L. Recent progress in the theory and
practice of medicine, 370, 405.

Materia Medica and Therapeutics.


eral waters of New England, Seaverns, J., 141; large
dose of chloral, Healy, J. J., 189; Aiken, S. C., as a
health resort, Nichols, A. H., 228; case of scirrhous
testis, cured by electricity, Spaulding, M., 257;
Massachusetts General Hospital, surgical cases of
Dr. Warren illustrating the antiseptic system, 319;
cases treated by bleeding, Hayden, D. H., 17; the
volumetric method of writing prescriptions, Lathrop,
W. II., 38; alcohol, Pray, T. J. W., 45; sulphate of
cinchonidia, salicylic acid, salicine, 55; stimulants,
Parsons, J. W., 46; a fibro-cystic tumor of the
uterus cured by ergot, Dean, H. A., 100; Sprudel
salts in the treatment of gall-stones, Goldsmith, M.,
133; United States Pharmacopoeia, Markoe, G. F.
H., 140; climate cure in nervous diseases, 515;
chloral hydrate, Brown, M. L., 536; revision of the
Pharmacopoeia, Markoe, G. F. II., 706; treatment
of strumous disease by what may be called the Sol-
fatara method, Storer, H. R., 831.
Maynard, J. P. Hydrophobia, 236.
Medical Schools and Colleges. Harvard
Medical School, 153; compulsory state examina-
tions in Great Britain, 750; female medical stu-
dents at Harvard, 786.
Medicine. Recent progress in the theory and prac-
tice of, Mason, A. L., 370, 405.
Metric System. Metric system in the Marine
Hospital service, 646; the metric system in a nut-
shell, Wigglesworth, E., 766.

Mind. Insanity and medical education, 280; rela-
tions of insanity to civilization, Stearns, H. P., 666;
a case of feigned insanity, Channing, W., 655; feigned
insanity, Fisher, T. W., 674; new delusion, Fisher,
T. W., 702.

Minot, F. Diphtheria, house drainage, 707; hints
in ethics and hygiene, 755.

Morrill, F. G. Two cases of uræmic convulsions,

Mussey, W. H. Hydrophobia, 289.

Nervous System. Hysteria in a male, Bolles, W.
P., 16; rabies and hydrophobia, Lyman, C. P., 79;
peri-pachy meningitis, Janeway, E. G., 95; cerebral

tumors, Webber, S. G., 110; chorea in pregnancy,
Edgerly, D. M., 175; rabies and hydrophobia, 181;
dogs and hydrophobia, 215; a case of hydrophobia,
Jones, C. M., 233; hydrophobia, Maynard, J. P.,
236; hydrophobia, Mussey, W. H., 289; hydropho-
bia, Potter, W. W., 313; treatment of hydrophobia,
curara, 315; physiology of the spinal cord, Dalton,
J. C., 355, 428, 459, 487; severe neuralgic pain fol-
lowing herpes zoster, Shattuck, F. C., 379; treat-
ment of epilepsy, Ayer, J. B., 385; cerebral tumors,
Webber, S. G., 411; tumor of the cerebellum,
Webber, S. G., 411; nerve cell from spinal cord hav-
ing two nuclei, Webber, S. G., 477; climate cure in
nervous diseases, 515; epilepsy, Park, J. G., 539;
uræmic convulsions, Morrill, F. G., 491; cerebral
syphilis, Post, A., 698; post-diphtheritic paralysis,
Putnam, J. J., 703; tubercular meningitis, Ayer, J.
B., 705; gastric vertigo, Da Costa, J. M., 719.
New York. Letter from New York, 254.
Nichols, A. H. Aiken, S. C., as a health resort,

Nichols, C. B. Three cases in private practice,
rupture of the heart, rupture of the uterus, 304.
Nichols, J. T. G. Thrombus of the vulva, 538;
rupture of left ventricle, 610.

Nichols, S. Cerebro-spinal meningitis, 44.
Nose. Nasal polypus, Cheever, D. W., 131; naso-
pharyngeal polypus, Cheever, D. W., 587.

Obituary Notices. A few remarks on the date in
obituary notices, 60.

Otis, G. A. Notes on contributions to the Army
(U. S.) Medical Museum by civil practitioners, 163;
recent progress in military surgery, 531, 568.

Park, J. G. Epilepsy, 539.

Parks, E. L. A case of belladonna poisoning,


Parsons, J. W. Stimulants, 46.
Pathology and Pathological Anatomy.
Osteomalacia in a man, Ellis, C., 5; recent progress
in pathology and pathological anatomy, Fitz, R. H.,
666, 695,
Penrose, R. A. F. The symptoms and treatment
of post-partum hæmorrhage, 300.
Pepper, W. Aneurism of the thoracic aorta, 1.
Philadelphia. Letters from Philadelphia, 123,
286, 483, 680.

Physiology. Recent progress in physiology, Bow-
ditch, H. P., 593, 631; Dr. Lombard's researches,
643; germ theory, Wilcox, L. S., 844; the blood
corpuscle, Hunt, D., 852.

Poisons. Delirium tremens, McCollom, J. H., 14;
case of poisoning, Bundy, F. E., 16; arsenical poi-
soning, Bowditch, H. I., 16; plants in rooms, Spaf-
ford, G., 43; the treatment of drunkenness, 250;
fatal poisoning by the inhalation of lime-kiln va-
pors, carbonic acid gas predominating, Draper, F.
W., 375; arsenical poisoning, Wood, E. S., 412; &
case of belladonna poisoning, Parks, E. L., 551;
morphia habit, Lyman, G. H., 574.
Porter, C. B. Cases of plastic surgery, 423.
Post, A. Cerebral syphilis, 698.
Potter, W. W. Hydrophobia, 313.
Practice of Medicine. A quack routed, 44;
medical ethics, Sargent, B. W., 45; admission of
women to practice, 318; Jourdain's "Anatomical
Museum," 337; admission of women to the State
Society, 676; the obligation of the Massachusetts
Medical Society to female physicians, 747; hints in
ethics and hygiene, Minot, F., 755.
Pray, T. J. W. Alcohol, 45.
Pregnancy, affections connected with. Recent
progress in obstetrics, Richardson, W. L., 10; case
of induction of premature labor for pelvic deform-
ity, Richardson, W. L., 131; chorea in pregnancy,
Edgerly, D. M., 175; the symptoms and treatment
of post-partum hemorrhage, Penrose, R. A. F.,
300; rupture of the uterus, Nichols, C. B.,
forceps in breech presentations, Capron, G., 313; a
peculiar condition of the cervix uteri which is
found in certain cases of dystocia, Hosmer, A.,
360, 683; extra-uterine foetation, Marion, II. E.,


Putnam, J. J. Modification of Barwell's elastic
muscle apparatus, 701; post-diphtheritic paralysis,

Putney, G. E. A case of vicarious menstruation,


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