The Publications of the Surtees Society, Volumen2

Surtees Society, 1835
Report of Society appended to many volumes.

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Página 434 - Durham, and in accordance with his pursuits and plans ; having for its object the publication of inedited Manuscripts, illustrative of the intellectual, the moral, the religious, and the social condition of those parts of England and Scotland included on the east between the Humber and the Frith of Forth, and on the west between the Mersey and the Clyde, a region which constituted the ancient Kingdom of Northumbria.
Página 434 - Esquire, the author of the History of the County Palatine of Durham, and in accordance -with his pursuits and plans; having for its object the publication of inedited Manuscripts, illustrative of the intellectual, the moral, the religious, and the social condition of those parts of England and Scotland, included on the east between the Humber and the...
Página 278 - Cattels to constitute and make my Last will and testament in maner and forme followinge ffirst I...
Página 434 - The Officers of the Society shall be elected at each Third Annual Meeting. Any vacancy which may occur in the Offices of Treasurer or Secretary shall be provisionally filled up by the Council. III. Those gentlemen who have assented, or do now assent, to the general principle of its proposed Rules and Regulations, and have signified their wish to become Members, shall be deemed original Members of the Society. In the case of persons applied to previously to the 27th of May, by Mr. Raine, at the request...
Página 148 - Almightie god maiks this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge that is to...
Página 245 - S'm oun' bonor' de ciar' xix1 xviij'.* CXCVI. JOHN OGLE, OF OGLECASTEI., GENT1LMAN.1 In the name of god Amen the iiijth day of aprill in the yere of our lord god A thousand fyve hundreth threscore and five I John ogle of oglecastel in the Countie of northu'b'rland gentilma...
Página 315 - Soveraigne Lady ELIZABETH by the grace of GOD QUENE OF ENGLAND FRAUNCE and IRELAND Defender of the Fayth &c 1600. " (Signed) WILLM. CAMDEN, Clarencieux Kinge of Armes.
Página 435 - ... account of its Author, and brief Notes illustrative of his phraseology, and of the customs and manners and opinions of his time, will be permitted to a reasonable extent, with the modern names of the places which he mentions, and occasional notices of persons who occur in his writings. The Council shall have a discretionary power of rejecting any additions of the contributor which do not, in their opinion, come within these limitations. X. The number of copies of each publication shall be regulated...
Página 343 - Elizabethe by the grace of god Quene of England ff'rance and Ireland Defender of the faythe &c. in man' and forme folowing ffyrst I gyve and bequeathe my Sowie vnto Alm'ghty god my maker and Redemer And my body to be buryed wthin my p'yshe churche of S'.
Página 431 - They conceive that a monument of this nature, combining a permanency more durable than brass or marble, with a purpose of great public utility, will the most strongly express their grief for the loss which they and the general cause of literature have sustained, and best accord with the feelings of him whom they lament, knowing, as they do, that if he had survived the completion of the work in which he was engaged, it was his intention to...

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