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ys of the last Meeting were read and confirmed. tion of Miss M. Lovett Cameron as a member Society, and the admission of the Nebraska Library as a subscriber to the Society were

The resignations of Major Fink and Mr. Newitt were also announced.

. Westermarck read a paper entitled "The Principles ng" [vol. xviii., p. 391], and in the discussion followed Mr. G. L. Gomme, Mr. G. Calderon, NW. Thomas, Mr. Major, Mr. Kirby, and the man took part. The meeting terminated with a A vote of thanks to Dr. Westermarck for his paper.




THE Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were read and confirmed.

The Annual Report, Statement of Accounts, and Balance Sheet for the year 1907 were duly presented, and upon the motion of Dr. Haddon, seconded by Sir John Rhys, it was resolved that the same be received and adopted.

Balloting papers for the election of President, VicePresidents, Council, and officers having been distributed, Mr. Tabor and Mr. Thomas were nominated by the Chairman as Scrutineers for the ballot.

The Chairman having delivered his presidential address, announced the result of the ballot, and the following ladies and gentlemen were declared duly elected, viz. :As President, Dr. Gaster. As Vice-Presidents, The Hon. John Abercromby, The Rt. Hon. Lord Avebury, D.C.L., F.R.S., LL.D., Sir E. W. Brabrook, C.B., F.S.A., Miss C. S. Burne, E. Clodd, Esq., J. G. Frazer, Esq., LL.D., Litt.D., G. Laurence Gomme, Esq., F.S.A., A. C. Haddon, Esq., D.Sc., F.R.S., E. S. Hartland, Esq., F.S.A., Andrew Lang, Esq., M.A., LL.D., Alfred Nutt, Esq., Professor Sir J. Rhys, M.A., LL.D., F.R.A., F.S.A., W. H. D. Rouse, Esq., Litt.D., The Rev. Professor A. H. Sayce, M.A., LL.D., D.D., and Professor E. B. Tylor, LL.D., F.R.S. As Members of Council, G. Calderon, Esq., A. B. Cook, Esq., M.A., W. Crooke, Esq., B.A.,

M. Longworth Dames, Esq., Miss E. Hull, The Rev. H. N. Hutchinson, A. W. Johnston, Esq., F.S.A. Scot., A. F. Major, Esq., R. R. Marett, Esq., M.A., C. S. Myers, Esq., M.A., M.D., T. Fairman Ordish, Esq., F.S.A., W. H. R. Rivers, Esq., M.D., Walter W. Skeat, Esq., M.A., C. G. Seligmann, Esq., M.D., C. J. Tabor, Esq., N. W. Thomas, Esq., M.A., E. Westermarck, Esq., Ph.D., and A. R. Wright, Esq. As Hon. Treasurer, Edward Clodd, Esq. As Hon. Auditors, F. G. Green, Esq., and N. W. Thomas, Esq. As Secretary, F. A. Milne, Esq., M.A.

Upon the motion of Mr. Nutt, seconded by Mr. Clodd, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the President for his address; and a vote of thanks was also accorded to the outgoing members of Council, Mr. E. K. Chambers and Miss Eyre, on the motion of Mr. Tabor, seconded by Mr. Dames.



15TH JANUARY, 1908.

THE Council are glad to record that the numbers of the Society are well maintained. Five libraries have been added as subscribers, and twenty-two new members have been elected. On the other hand twenty old members have resigned, and one has died; and the subscription of one library has been withdrawn. There is, therefore, a net gain of five on the roll of the Society. A smaller number of members than usual are in arrear with their subscriptions; but greater regularity in the payment of subscriptions is much to be desired. Thoughtfulness in this respect on the part of members would relieve the Secretary of much ungrateful work.

In the list of members published during the past year, a distinction has for the first time been drawn between ordinary members and libraries and other institutions of a similar nature subscribing to the funds of the Society; and the year in which the first subscription was paid is now printed opposite the name of each member and library or other institution. This change was foreshadowed by the Council in their last report.

Three members of the Society have been appointed Professors during the year, viz.: Dr. J. G. Frazer, for whom a Chair of Social Anthropology has been instituted in the University of Liverpool; Mr. J. C. Myres to the Chair of Greek in the same University; and Dr. E. Westermarck to the recently-founded Martin White Professorship of Sociology in the University of London. The papers read during the year have been as follows:

Jan. 16.

Feb. 20.

March 20.
April 17.

May 15.

June 19.

Nov. 20.

The President's Address. (Folk-Lore, March, 1907.)

"L'Ar, or the Transference of Traditional Curses in Morocco." Dr. Westermarck.

"Well Cures and Children." Dr. Dan M'Kenzie.

"Some Notes from New Guinea" (illustrated by lantern slides). Dr. C. G. Seligmann.

"Homeric Folklore." Mr. W. Crooke.

"A Danish Survival." The Rev. H. F. Feilberg.

"Death's Deeds: a Bi-located Story." Mr. A. Lang.

"Local Traditions of the Quantocks." The Rev. C. W.


Dec. 18. "The Principles of Fasting." Dr. Westermarck.

The meetings were usually well attended, and the discussions which followed the reading of the papers were very suggestive.

The Council have to thank Mr. A. R. Wright for so kindly contributing to the success of the meetings in February and June by exhibiting on the former occasion a most interesting collection of Mohammedan amulets, and on the latter a number of objects used by secret societies in West Africa. Other objects exhibited during the year were some charms against the evil eye illustrating Dr. Westermarck's paper on Morocco, and a Lincolnshire charm of bog oak made by a farm lad to give to his sweetheart, which was kindly lent by Miss Mabel Peacock. The Council hope that members generally will

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