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Erd pins, Demons and evil Female Infanticide in the Punjab, by

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Exos at meetings, 1. 6-7, 130-1,
“alies), 253, 288-303(piates)
Whats Australia, 99-103, 244
Bachelsa. Lower Niger, 498; north
www.pened 10, Warwickshire, 459
es Votive offerings

Eye diseases: amulets against, Flan-
eis, 200; cures for, Flanders, 206
byes. amulets 'n shape of, Italy, 220,
Portugal, 219-20 (plate); gold ear-
rings improve sight, Flanders, 207;

doi last detail provided, China,
Q1: one-eyed giants &c., 172-3
Byrbyggja saga, 72, 157-8

Babies, see Beast fables
Fairies: amulet against, Antrim, 299
(late); cannibalism of, Celts, 176;
in tolktales, 18, 324-7; ointment to
see, 74: pixies, Somerset, 48-50;
vila or mar, Balkan Penin., 503
Fairs: South Queensferry, 379-87

Faith-cures, by Mrs. A. Montague,

Falaise: tradition of William the
Conqueror, 493

Falling, injuries from:


against, Flanders, 206
Familiar spirits: Wales, 329-30
Family: on Lower Congo, 425-6
Faroe islands: folktale, 168; seal
beliefs, 168

Farringdon Hill: Stoke Courcy once
upon, 39, 46; witch, 88
Fasting: before marriage, Lower
Congo, 412

Father-right, see Agnation or father-

Fauni, Latium, 172

Feast of St Wilfrid, The, 464-6

Feasts: Abruzzi, 313-5 (plate); Ger-
many, 509; India, 506; Japan,

Feathers summon animal relatives in
folktale, Tibet, 118

February, see Candlemas Day; and
Valentine's Day

Feet: (see also Footprints); barefoot

ites, Romans &c., 68; of priests
wawashed, Dodona, 67-9; un-
covered in holy places, 68
male, see Women

Capt. A. J. O'Brien, 258, 201-75
Fern: eating gives knowledge of beast
language, 65; seed gives invisi-
busty, 74

Ferrymen of dead, 176, 187
Festivals, see Feasts

Fetishes; accused of "eating"
deceased, Lower Congo, 417;
activity, rousing to, Lower Congo,


Fever: amulets against, Cologne,
83-4. Flanders, 206, 210
Fez: in folktale, 443 450-2
Fifeshire: (see als Inverkeithing;
and North Queensferry); propitia-
tory harvest rites, 387

Fifteen 15th day of 6th month
auspicious, Tibet, 117

Fifth of November and Guy Fawkes,
The, by Miss E. H. Carey, 104-5

Fig-tree: Charybdis under, 179
Fiji islands: totemism, 483

Finding lost things; saint invoked,
Belgium, 210

Finger-nails, see Nails, human
Finger-rings, see Rings, finger

Fingers: blood from little f. in charm,
Scotland, 85

Finland; Kalevala, 61, 98; progress
of study in, 2, 98

Finn MacCoul: understood beast
language, 65

Finn sagas, see Ossianic sagas
Fire: afreet as, Arabian Nights,

167; amulets against, Flanders, 204,
Japan, 298; bonfires, Guernsey,
104-5, Ireland, 323, Orkneys, 128;
circumcision lodge burnt, Trans-
vaal, 284; cult, Celto-Latins, 368;
feared by afreets, Egypt, 472; fire
custom in burial rites, Australia,
392-4, 397, 400-4; no fire god,
Lower Niger, 498; flame-shaped
amulets, Portugal, 218 (plate);
Nereid takes form of, Greece, 168;
purifies after touching corpse, Upper
Congo, 93

First-born; cannot be 'overlooked,'
Devon, 340; cannot see ghost,
Buckinghamshire and Devon, 342
Firstfruits: amongst Celto-Latins, 368
Fir-tree cones as 'burs,' 383, 385
Fish gods, 166

Fish in folklore: (see also Bream;
Cod-fish; Eel; Haddock; Octopus;

Porpoise; and Shark); afreet in
form of, Egypt, 472; as amulet,
362; broiled fish gives knowledge
of beast language, 65; not eaten,
Basutos, 283; Echeneis, 107; in
folktales, Australia, 224-6, Celebes,
231-2; in linked totems, New
Guinea, 483; tabooed, Meitheis,

Fishers' Folklore, by D. Townshend,

Fishing boats, see Sea customs and

Fishing customs and beliefs; mermaid

descent affects luck, Kerry, 319;
saffron unlucky, Cornwall, 108
Fits, see Epilepsy
Fitzwarren slays dragon, 35
Fiucarn, sunken island of, 185
Five: as protective number, Moors, 223
Flames, see Fire

Flanders: (see also West Flanders);

Notes on Some Flemish Amulets
and Beliefs, by W. L. Hildburgh,
131, 200-13
Flatholme made by devil, 43
Flintshire, see Mold

Fljótsdæla saga, translation of, 127
Floating islands, legends of, 184-5
Flood legends, see Deluge legends
Flowers in folklore: (see also Jasmine
flower; and Pomegranate-tree); in
amulets, Naples, 223, Portugal,
222-3, Spain, 223-4; clan names
from, Panjab, 268

Folk-Lore as an Historical Science, by

G. L. Gomme, reviewed, 241-6
Folk-Lore de France, Le, by P. Sébillot,
reviewed, 111-3

Folklore Fiction: a Warning, by R.
Harris, 104

Folklore from Tangier, by Miss F. K.
Green, 440-58

Folklore of Aristotle, by T. E. Lones,
Folklore of the Holy Land, Moslem,

Christian and Jewish, by J. E.
Hanauer, reviewed, 500-3
Folk-music: Broadwood's English
Traditional Songs and Carols re-
viewed, 476; Some Characteristics
of English Folk Music, by C. J.
Sharp, 130, 132-52; Sweden, 510
Folk-sayings, see Proverbs
Folk Song Society: hints to collec-
tors, 148-50; leaflet to clergy,
150-2; prospectus, 147

Folk-songs (see also Folk-music);
Balkan Penin., 503-5; England, 66,
143, 145-6, 154, 190-200, 476;
France, 493; Germany, 503-4;
Ireland, 234-5; Isle of Man, 78,
80-1; Nyanja, 256; Orkney and
Shetland islands, 127; Roumania,
346, 505; Russia, 505; Scotland,
154, 171; Sweden, 510; Tibet, 116
Folktales: (see also under various
types, such as Cinderella); Ama-
zulu, 165; Amerindians, 70, 477-9,
500; Anatolia, 310-1; Arab, 76,
154, 158, 167, 173, 178, 501-3;
Australia, 224-7, 303-8; Babylonia,
157; Basques, 169, 173-4; beast
fables, 116, 502; Celtic, 173, 185,
188; Ceylon, 179; China, 73, 154;
Cyprus, 187-8; discussed in Presi-
dential address, 12-30; East Indies,
230-2; Egypt, 156, 181, 187;
England, 41-5, 49, 164-5, 169, 174,
242-3,333; Faroe islands, 168; Fin-
land, 61; France, 493; Germany,
61, 73, 128, 154, 156, 168-9, 178.9,
182; gipsy, 157; Greeks, 52-77,
153-89, 167-8, 173, 181, 501; in
Homeric poems, 52-77, 153-89;
Hottentots, 118; Hungary, 173, 188;
Iceland, 127; India, 61-2, 65, 72-
76, 113-5, 118, 156, 158, 167, 178,
187-8, 321-3, 347-52, 480-2, 501-
3; Ireland, 66, 75-6, 170-1,173,
181-2, 188, 327; Isle of Man, 78-
83, 324-7; Italy, 158, 169, 181-2,
327; jatakas, 113-5; Kafirs, 505;
Lithuania, 157; Mexico, 500; Mo-
rocco, 441-58; New Zealand, 177;
Norway, 167, 177, 183, 334; Nyanja,
254-6; Palestine, 500; Romans,
178; Roumania, 346-7; Russia, 173,
176, 179, 184, 478; Scotland, 158,
168, 173-4, 178, 181, 186-7, 235;
Sicily, 188; Sioux, 177; Slavonians,
170-1; Spain, 327; Tibet, 116-9;
Transylvania, 157; Wales, 119-23,
333-4, 459-63

Folk Tales from Tibet, by Capt. W.
F. O'Connor, reviewed, 116-9
Folk-Tales of the Aborigines of New
South Wales, by R. H. Mathews,
224-7, 303-8

Footprints: in charm against over-
looking, Somerset, 88; of devil,
Somerset, 43

Forgetfulness: drink or drug of,
Odyssey &c., 76-7

Fortune-telling: England, 289
Fossils in folklore, see Belemnites;
Echinoderms; Encrinites; and
Porosphora globularis

Fowler, W. W.: Sheep in Folk-
medicine, 345

Fowls: (see also Cock; and Hen);
introduced in Zoutpansberg, 281
Fox: in folktales, Norway, 167,
Tibet, 116; tongue in folk-medi-
cine, Louth, 317

Fox Indians, see Musquakie Indians
France: (see also Bouches du Rhône;
Bretagne ; Corsica; Haute Vienne;
Normandy; Provence; and Seine);
motor mascots, 292-3; Sébillot's
Le Folk-Lore de France reviewed,

Frey magic necklace, 71
Freyja feather shift, 73
Friday: (see also Good Friday);
amulet prepared on, U.S.A., 296;
fair, South Queensferry, 379
Frodi, King, see King Frodi
Frog in folktales, Assam, 481;
Tibet, 116; tadpole as delicacy,
Lower Congo, 419

Fruit and vegetables in folklore, see
Apple; Coco nut; Garlic bulb;
Lotus; Onion; Peas; Pome-
granate; and Potato
Fruit-trees: (see also Apple-tree; and
Pomegranate-tree); amulet for,
Somerset, 299 (plate)
Fulda river: spirit of, 171
Funchal: amulets, 213-4, 216, 218-9
(plate), 221 (plate)

Fungus: as amulet, England and
Germany, 295; fire of, after death,
Australia, 404

Future life, beliefs about, see Death
and funeral customs and beliefs
Fylfot, see Swastika

Galway county: (see also Letter-

mullan island); family descended
from seal, 319

Tauhria Zuußola, by N. T. Polites,
reviewed, 377

Games: France, 493; Japan, 374-5
Gandharva: derivation of Centaur

from, 159-60; the gandharvis, 170
Ganja, see Indian hemp


Gardens amulet for, Somerset, 299

Gargaros, see Mt Ida

Garlic bulb: as amulet, Rhodes, 469

[blocks in formation]

Gaster, Dr. M.: President, 3; Presi-
dential address, 3, 12-30; reviews
by,-Hanauer's Folklore of the Holy
Land, Moslem, Christian and
Jewish, 500-3; Salzberger's Die
Salomo Sage in der Semitischen
Litteratur, 500-3; Krauss's Slav-
ische Volksforschungen, Abhand-
lungen über Glauben Gewohnheits-
recht, Sitten, Bräuche und die
Guslaren-lieder der Südslaven, 503-5
Gauhar Shah, Hindu saint, 62
Gazaland, see Bandjao
Ge, in Greek cults, 238
Gebel-et-ter mountain: in myth of
herons, 184

Gems: (see also Chalcedony; Onyx;
and Turquoise); as amulets, 291,
293-4, 297, 361-6; occult powers
of, 363-6

Gendarme mascot in shape of,
France, 292

Genealogies: Schütte's Oldsagn om
Godtjod reviewed, 353-9
Gerent of Dyvnaint, 32
Germany (see also Fulda river;
Hanover; Hesse; Lorraine ; Mar-
mennil; Neckar river; Pomerania;
Prussians, ancient; Rhenish Prus-
sia; Rhine; and Wends) ; amulets,
295, 298; folktales, 61, 73, 168-9,
178, 182; nixies, 171; St Ger-
trude patroness of souls, 212-3;
sempervivum, beliefs about, 298;
shape-shifting by seal, 169;
southern, initials of Magi Kings
over sickrooms, 86
Geryon, grave trees of, 66
Gesta Romanorum, 156, 348
Ghost Invisible to a First-born Son,
by Miss C. S. Burne, 342
Ghost-raising in Wales, by J. C.
Davies, 327-31

Ghosts: (see also Headless ghosts;
and Wild Hunt); in animal form,
Torres Straits, 483-4; attracted by
bundle of sticks &c., W. Australia,
393; as death warning, Ireland,
320; ghost funerals, Ireland, 320;
gold-clad, Mold, 243; laid by re-
moving head of corpse, Gloucester-
shire, 37; Somerset, 37; cannot

touch earth, Panjab, 68; of un-
buried, malignant, Lower Niger,
498; Viking, Ballachulish, 243-4;
not visible to a first-born, Bucking-
hamshire and Devon, 342
Giants: (see also Balor; Ephialtes;
Gudmund; Hraesvelg; Hrungnir;
Orion; Otos; and Polyphemus);
famine giant, Iroquois, 183; in folk-
tales, 158, Highlands, 168, 173-4,
Iceland, 127, Isle of Man, 80-2,
Yorkshire, 174; in Shetland islands,
127; in Somerset, 39; in York-
shire, 128; one-eyed, 172-3
Gippsland: burial customs, 398-9;
grave hut, 405
Gipsies folktale, 157

Girdles of Aphrodite, Iliad, 70-1;
Bunna-do-At of Irish kings, 71; of
Egyptian kings, 71; of Hera,
Iliad, 71

Girls, see Women

Gisdhubar, in Babylonian tale, 157
Glamorgan, see Cwmdu; and Flat-

Glen Rushen: fairies, 324-6
Gloucestershire: ballad, 192; Christ-

mas customs, 192-3; headless
ghost, 37; north door opened at
baptisms, 459

Gnanji tribe: dead, disposal of,
Goat: black, jinn takes shape_of,
Morocco, 456-7; in folktales, Ger-
many, 233, Scandinavia, 233,
Tibet, 116; heart tabooed to Moyo
clan, Nyanja, 255; lactation of
he-goat, Hanover, 106; sacrificed
for rain, Anatolia, 309; shape-
shifting to, Morocco, 456-7, Russia,
179; sucklings not charged for,
Lower Congo, 421
Goblins: Japan, 375-6
Godrun, see Gudrun

Gods, see Deity, conceptions of; and
under names of gods

Gold: amulets, England, 295, 297,
Portugal, 215; articles and ani-
mals in Homeric poems, 71-2;
deer in folktales, India, 72; ear-
rings improve sight, Flanders,
207; peacocks, in Great Khan's
palace, 72; wedding ring in charm,
Ireland, 316

Gold Coast system of descent, 255
Gomme, G. L.: The Telling of the
Bees, 257

Gonachry the ship, 186
Gooaree, Australian deity, 485
Good Friday: flowers taken from
bier for luck, Sparta, 470; "hunt-
ing Judas," Somerset, 41
Gordonston Mill: journey omen, 344
Gorgoneion on deity's shield, 70
Gorm, King, see King Gorm
Gothland island: origin saga, 354-5
Grafton, Cape: initiatory rites, 391
Grani, Sigurd's horse, 65
Grateful Dead, The, by G. H. Ger-
ould, 8

Graves: Australia, 393-4, 398-400,
402; India, 506

Grave tree abode of spirit of dead,
Iliad &c., 66

Graveyard, see Churchyard
Greek folklore: (see also Arcadia;
Argolis; Attica; Corinth; Dorians;
Epirus; Greek islands; Laconia;
Mycenae; Phocis; Sparta; and
Thessaly); amulets against evil eye,
469; Farnell's The Cults of the
Greek States reviewed, 236-40;
demi-gods, pairs of, 163; folktales,
154, 167-8, 181, 501; Some Notes
on Homeric Folk-Lore, by W.
Crooke, 52-77, 153-89; sponge an
animal, 106

Greek islands: (see also Calymnos ;
Corfu; Crete; Delos; Lemnos ;
Rhodes; and Syra); amulets
against evil eye, 469; grass of denial,

Green: garters to elder sister by
bride, Balmoral, 339-40

Green, Miss F. K.: Folklore from
Tangier, 440-58

Greenland, see Disco island; and

Greenstone, amulets from, 293
Grim, waterfall spirit, 171
Grimhild in Siegfried saga, 76
Grindelwald, 438

"Grup" in cows, charm against,
Antrim, 299

Gryphon: in folktales, Tibet, 116
Gudmund the giant, 177
Gudrun in Siegfried saga, 65, 76
Guernsey: The Fifth of November
and Guy Fawkes, by Miss E. H.
Carey, 104-5 (plate)
Gujarat: Jain kingdom, 352
Gunasarman, tale of, 157

Gunpowder : to arouse fetishes,
Congo, 409

[blocks in formation]

Haddock: bones not burnt, Scotland,

Haddon, A. C.: lecture by, 129
Hades: (see also Hell); in folktales,

19-20; in Homeric poems, 182;
among Lower Niger tribes, 497
Hades the deity: in Greek cults, 238;
helmet worn by Athene, 74; Her-
cules fetches hound of, 157
Hæmorrhage, see Blood
Hair: in charm against epilepsy,
Meath, 316; of child cut by nganga,
Lower Congo, 421-2; of child in
magic towing, Eskimo, 185; cut
&c. in burial rites, Australia, 392,
405; offered before marriage, 157;
raised from head in charm against
heart disease, Cavan, 316; summons
animal relative in folktale, Tibet,
118; unlucky treatments of, Ire-
land, 319

Hair string as life-token, Japan, 375,
Micmac Indians, 70
Hal: miraculous statue, 205
Hampshire, see Hayling island
Hand: (see also Fingers); amulets in
shape of, Italy, 215, Madeira, 221
(plate), Naples, 223, Portugal, 214-
5, 217-23 (plate), Rhodes, 469
(plate), Spain, 223-4

Hand Cross: motor mascots, 293
Hangman's rope: as amulet, Flanders,

Hanover lactation in he-goat, 106
Hare: in folktales, 184, Tibet, 116-7;
in moon, Tibet, 116; symbol of
Buddha, 116

Hare-lip in Tibet, 117
Harpies, the, 159

Harris, R. Folklore Fiction: a
Warning, 104

Harrison, Mrs. M. C.: A Survival of
Incubation?, 313-5 (plate)
Hartland, E. S.: A Macassar Version

of Cinderella, 233-4; The Pedlar
of Swaffham, 333-6; reviews by,-
Madelaine's Au Bon Vieux Temps:

Récits, Contes et Légendes de
l'Ancien Bocage Normand: Jeux,
Vielles Chansons, 493; Bougle's
Essais sur le Régime des Castes,
488-92; Sébillot's Le Folk-Lore de
France, 111-3; Starr's In Indian
Mexico: a Narrative of Travel and
Labor, 499-500; Sébillot's Le
Paganisme Contemporain chez les
Peuples Celto-Latins, 366-9; Pub-
lications of the American Ethno-
logical Society, vol. I Fox Texts,
477-9; short notice by,-Spence's
The Popol Vuh, 505

Harvest customs and beliefs: (see also

Corn spirits, vegetation souls, and
the like); Apollo associated with
harvest, 240; buffalo races &c.,
India, 475; burry-man, South
Queensferry, 379-87 (plates); Lam-
mas, South Queensferry, 384; pro-
pitiatory rites, Scotland, 387
Hatton: legend, 458

Haute Vienne, see Limoges
Hawaii: Laamao-mao the wind-ruler,

Hawk: foot as amulet, England,
300; in Jataka story, 114
Hayling island: amulet, 299
Hazara: folktales, 507

Head: amulets for diseases of,
Flanders, 206, Portugal, 217-8
(plate); shaved, Balemba, 283, after
marriage, Abruzzi, 313, for mourn-
ing, Basutos &c., 283; singing in,
omen of death, Ireland, 318
Headache: amulets against, Cologne,
83-4, Flanders, 207; cure for,
Australia, 304

Head beside thigh of corpse, Glouces-
tershire, 37

Headless ghosts: Ireland, 320-1;
Gloucestershire, 37; Somerset, 37,


Heart: allotment after hunt, Lower
Congo, 434-5; amulets in shape of,
England, 293, 295, 362, Flanders,
204, Lincolnshire, 87, Naples, 223,
Portugal, 216 (plate), 218-9 (plate),
222-4 (plate); as clan name,
Nyanja, 255; Sacred Heart as
amulet, Flanders, 204, Portugal,


Heart disease: charm against, Cavan,

Heather: white, as amulet, England,

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