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Sect. 5.-Measures of the Earth.

THERE were, as we have said, few attempts made, at the period of which we are speaking, to improve the accuracy of any of the determinations of the early Alexandrian astronomers. One question naturally excited much attention at all times, the magnitude of the earth, its figure being universally acknowledged to be a globe. The Chaldeans, at an earlier period, had asserted that a man, walking without stopping, might go round the circuit of the earth in a year; but this might be a mere fancy, or a mere guess. The attempt of Eratosthenes to decide this question went upon principles entirely correct. Syene was situated on the tropic; for there, on the day of the solstice, at noon, objects cast no shadow; and a well was enlightened to the bottom by the sun's rays. At Alexandria, on the same day, the sun was, at noon, distant from the zenith by a fiftieth part of the circumference. These two cities were north and south from each other: and the distance had been determined, by the royal overseers of the roads, to be 5000 stadia. This gave a circumference of 250,000 stadia to the earth, and a radius of about 40,000. Aristotle says that the mathematicians make the circumference 400,000 stadia. Hipparchus conceived that the measure of Eratosthenes ought to be increased by about one-tenth. Posidonius, the friend of Cicero, made another attempt of the same kind. At Rhodes, the star Canopus but just appeared above the horizon; at Alexandria, the same star rose to an altitude of th of the circumference; the direct distance on the meridian was 5000 stadia, which gave 240,000 for the whole circuit. We cannot look upon these measures as very precise; the stadium employed is not certainly known; and no peculiar care appears to have been bestowed on the measure of the direct distance.


When the Arabians, in the ninth century, came to be the principal cultivators of astronomy, they repeated this observation in a manner more suited to its real importance and capacity of exactness. Under the Caliph Almamon," the vast plain of Singiar, in Mesopotamia, was the scene of this undertaking. The Arabian astronomers there divided themselves into two bands, one under the direction of Chalid ben Abdolmalic, and the other having at its head Alis ben Isa. These two parties proceeded, the one north, the other south, determining the distance by the actual application of their measuring-rods to the ground,

29 De Cœlo, ii. ad fin.

30 Plin. ii. (cviii.)

31 Montu. 357.

till each was found, by astronomical observation, to be a degree from the place at which they started. It then appeared that these terrestrial degrees were respectively 56 miles, and 56 miles and two-thirds, the mile being 4000 cubits. In order to remove all doubt concerning the scale of this measure, we are informed that the cubit is that called the black cubit, which consists of 27 inches, each inch being the thickness of six grains of barley.

Sect. 6.-Ptolemy's Discovery of Evection.

By referring, in this place, to the last-mentioned measure of the earth, we include the labors of the Arabian as well as the Alexandrian astronomers, in the period of mere detail, which forms the sequel to the great astronomical revolution of the Hipparchian epoch. And this period of verification is rightly extended to those later times; not merely because astronomers were then still employed in determining the magnitude of the earth, and the amount of other elements of the theory, for these are some of their employments to the present day,— but because no great intervening discovery marks a new epoch, and begins a new period;—because no great revolution in the theory added to the objects of investigation, or presented them in a new point of view. This being the case, it will be more instructive for our purpose to consider the general character and broad intellectual features of this period, than to offer a useless catalogue of obscure and worthless writers, and of opinions either borrowed or unsound. But before we do this, there is one writer whom we cannot leave undistinguished in the crowd; since his name is more celebrated even than that of Hipparchus; his works contain ninety-nine hundredths of what we know of the Greek astronomy; and though he was not the author of a new theory, he made some very remarkable steps in the verification, correction, and extension of the theory which he received. I speak of Ptolemy, whose work, "The Mathematical Construction" (of the heavens), contains a complete exposition of the state of astronomy in his time, the reigns of Adrian and Antonine. This book is familiarly known to us by a term which contains the record of our having received our first knowledge of it from the Arabic writers. The "Megiste Syntaxis," or Great Construction, gave rise, among them, to the title Al Magisti, or Almagest, by which the work is commonly described. As a mathematical exposition of the Theory of Epicycles and Eccentrics, of the observations and calculations which were employed in

order to apply this theory to the sun, moon, and planets, and of the other calculations which are requisite, in order to deduce the consequences of this theory, the work is a splendid and lasting monument of diligence, skill, and judgment. Indeed, all the other astronomical works of the ancients hardly add any thing whatever to the information we obtain from the Almagest; and the knowledge which the student possesses of the ancient astronomy must depend mainly upon his acquaintance with Ptolemy. Among other merits, Ptolemy has that of giving us a very copious account of the manner in which Hipparchus established the main points of his theories; an account the more agreeable, in consequence of the admiration and enthusiasm with which this author everywhere speaks of the great master of the astronomical school.

In our present survey of the writings of Ptolemy, we are concerned less with his exposition of what had been done before him, than with his own original labors. In most of the branches of the subject, he gave additional exactness to what Hipparchus had done; but our main business, at present, is with those parts of the Almagest which contain new steps in the application of the Hipparchian hypothesis. There are two such cases, both very remarkable,-that of the moon's Evection, and that of the Planetary Motions.


The law of the moon's anomaly, that is, of the leading and obvious inequality of her motion, could be represented, as we have seen, either by an eccentric or an epicycle; and the amount of this inequality had been collected by observations of eclipses. But though the hypothesis of an epicycle, for instance, would bring the moon to her proper place, so far as eclipses could show it, that is, at new and full moon, this hypothesis did not rightly represent her motions at other points of her course. This appeared, when Ptolemy set about measuring her distances from the sun at different times. "These," he says, times agreed, and sometimes disagreed." But by further attention to the facts, a rule was detected in these differences. "As my knowledge became more complete and more connected, so as to show the order of this new inequality, I perceived that this difference was small, or nothing, at new and full moon; and that at both the dichotomies (when the moon is half illuminated) it was small, or nothing, if the moon was at the apogee or perigee of the epicycle, and was greatest when she was in the middle of the interval, and therefore when the first inequal

32 Synth. v. 2.

ity was greatest also." He then adds some further remarks on the circumstances according to which the moon's place, as affected by this new inequality, is before or behind the place, as given by the epicyclical hypothesis.

Such is the announcement of the celebrated discovery of the moon's second inequality, afterwards called (by Bullialdus) the Evection. Ptolemy soon proceeded to represent this inequality by a combination of circular motions, uniting, for this purpose, the hypothesis of an epicycle, already employed to explain the first inequality, with the hypothesis of an eccentric, in the circumference of which the centre of the epicycle was supposed to move. The mode of combining these was somewhat complex; more complex we may, perhaps, say, than was absolutely requisite; the apogee of the eccentric moved backwards, or contrary to the order of the signs, and the centre of the epicycle moved forwards nearly twice as fast upon the circumference of the eccentric, so as to reach a place nearly, but not exactly, the same, as if it had moved in a concentric instead of an eccentric path. Thus the centre of the epicycle went twice round the eccentric in the course of one month: and in this manner it satisfied the condition that it should vanish at new and full moon, and be greatest when the moon was in the quarters of her monthly course.34

The discovery of the Evection, and the reduction of it to the epi

33 If Ptolemy had used the hypothesis of an eccentric instead of an epicycle for the first inequality of the moon, an epicycle would have represented the second inequality more simply than his method did.

34 I will insert here the explanation which my German translator, the late distinguished astronomer Littrow, has given of this point. The Rule of this Inequality, the Evection, may be most simply expressed thus. If a denote the excess of the Moon's Longitude over the Sun's, and b the Anomaly of the Moon reckoned from her Perigee, the Evection is equal to 10. 8. sin (2a-b). At New and Full Moon, a is 0 or 180°, and thus the Evection is-1o. 8. sin b. At both quarters, or dichotomies, a is 90° or 2700, and consequently the Evection is + 1o. 8. sin b. The Moon's Elliptical Equation of the centre is at all points of her orbit equal to 6o. 3. sin b. The Greek Astronomers before Ptolemy observed the moon only at the time of eclipses; and hence they necessarily found for the sum of these two greatest inequalities of the moon's motion the quantity 60.3. sin b-10. 3. sin b, or 50. sin and as they took this for the moon's equation of the centre, which depends upon the eccentricity of the moon's orbit, we obtain from this too small equation of the centre, an eccentricity also smaller than the truth. Ptolemy, who first observed the moon in her quarters, found for the sum of those Inequalities at those points the quantity 60. 8. sin b + 10. 8. sin b, or 70.6. sin b; and thus made the eccentricity of the moon as much too great at the quarters as the observers of eclipses had made it too small. He hence concluded that the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit is variable, which is not the case.

cyclical theory, was, for several reasons, an important step in astronomy; some of these reasons may be stated.

1. It obviously suggested, or confirmed, the suspicion that the motions of the heavenly bodies might be subject to many inequalities: -that when one set of anomalies had been discovered and reduced to rule, another set might come into view;-that the discovery of a rule was a step to the discovery of deviations from the rule, which would require to be expressed in other rules;-that in the application of theory to observation, we find, not only the stated phenomena, for which the theory does account, but also residual phenomena, which remain unaccounted for, and stand out beyond the calculation;-that thus nature is not simple and regular, by conforming to the simplicity and regularity of our hypotheses, but leads us forwards to apparent complexity, and to an accumulation of rules and relations. A fact like the Evection, explained by an Hypothesis like Ptolemy's, tended altogether to discourage any disposition to guess at the laws of nature from mere ideal views, or from a few phenomena.

2. The discovery of Evection had an importance which did not come into view till long afterwards, in being the first of a numerous series of inequalities of the moon, which results from the Disturbing Force of the sun. These inequalities were successfully discovered; and led finally to the establishment of the law of universal gravitation. The moon's first inequality arises from a different cause;—from the same cause as the inequality of the sun's motion;-from the motion in an ellipse, so far as the central attraction is undisturbed by any other. This first inequality is called the Elliptic Inequality, or, more usually, the Equation of the Centre. All the planets have such inequalities, but the Evection is peculiar to the moon. The discovery of other inequalities of the moon's motion, the Variation and Annual Equation, made an immediate sequel in the order of the subject to


35 The Equation of the Centre is the difference between the place of the Planet in its elliptical orbit, and that place which a Planet would have, which revolved uniformly round the Sun as a centre in a circular orbit in the same time. An imaginary Planet moving in the manner last described, is called the mean Planet, while the actual Planet which moves in the ellipse is called the true Planet. The Longitude of the mean Planet at a given time is easily found, because its motion is uniform. By adding to it the Equation of the Centre, we find the Longitude of the true Planet, and thus, its place in its orbit.-Littrow's Note.

I may add that the word Equation, used in such cases, denotes in general a quantity which must be added to or subtracted from a mean quantity, to make it equal to the true quantity; or rather, a quantity which must be added to or subtracted from a variably increasing quantity to make it increase equably.

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