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ΚΡΑΤΟΣ ΒΙΑ ΤΕ, σφῶν μὲν ἐντολὴ Διὸς
Ἔχει Τέλος δὴ, κ' οὐδὲν ἐμποδὼν ἔτι.

ESCHYLUS. Prom. Vinct. 18.

You, FoRCE and Power, have done your destined task ; And naught impedes the work of other hands.



E enter now upon a new region of the human mind. In passing from Astronomy to Mechanics we make a transition from the formal to the physical sciences;-from time and space to force and matter;-from phenomena to causes. Hitherto we have been concerned only with the paths and orbits, the periods and cycles, the angles and distances, of the objects to which our sciences applied, namely, the heavenly bodies. How these motions are produced;-by what agencies, impulses, powers, they are determined to be what they are;-of what nature are the objects themselves;-are speculations which we have hitherto not dwelt upon. The history of such speculations now comes before us; but, in the first place, we must consider the history of speculations concerning motion in general, terrestrial as well as celestial. We must first attend to Mechanics, and afterwards return to Physical Astronomy.

In the same way in which the development of Pure Mathematics, which began with the Greeks, was a necessary condition of the progress of Formal Astronomy, the creation of the science of Mechanics now became necessary to the formation and progress of Physical Astronomy. Geometry and Mechanics were studied for their own sakes; but they also supplied ideas, language, and reasoning to other sciences. If the Greeks had not cultivated Conic Sections, Kepler could not have superseded Ptolemy; if the Greeks had cultivated Dynamics,' Kepler might have anticipated Newton.

1 Dynamics is the science which treats of the Motions of Bodies; Statics is the science which treats of the Pressure of Bodies which are in equilibrium, and therefore at rest.





Sect. 1.-Prelude to the Science of Statics.

OME steps in the science of Motion, or rather in the science of Equilibrium, had been made by the ancients, as we have seen. Archimedes established satisfactorily the doctrine of the Lever, some important properties of the Centre of Gravity, and the fundamental proposition of Hydrostatics. But this beginning led to no permanent progress. Whether the distinction between the principles of the doctrine of Equilibrium and of Motion was clearly seen by Archimedes, we do not know; but it never was caught hold of by any of the other writers of antiquity, or by those of the Stationary Period. What was still worse, the point which Archimedes had won was not steadily maintained.

We have given some examples of the general ignorance of the Greek philosophers on such subjects, in noticing the strange manner in which Aristotle refers to mathematical properties, in order to account for the equilibrium of a lever, and the attitude of a man rising from a chair. And we have seen, in speaking of the indistinct ideas of the Stationary Period, that the attempts which were made to extend the statical doctrine of Archimedes, failed, in such a manner as to show that his followers had not clearly apprehended the idea on which his reasoning altogether depended. The clouds which he had, for a moment, cloven in his advance, closed after him, and the former dimness and confusion settled again on the land.

This dimness and confusion, with respect to all subjects of mechanical reasoning, prevailed still, at the period we now have to consider; namely, the period of the first promulgation of the Copernican opinions. This is so important a point that I must illustrate it


Certain general notions of the connection of cause and effect in motion, exist in the human mind at all periods of its development, and are implied in the formation of language and in the most familiar employ ments of men's thoughts. But these do not constitute a science of Me

chanics, any more than the notions of square and round make a Geometry, or the notions of months and years make an Astronomy. The unfolding these Notions into distinct Ideas, on which can be founded principles and reasonings, is further requisite, in order to produce a science; and, with respect to the doctrines of Motion, this was long in coming to pass; men's thoughts remained long entangled in their primitive and unscientific confusion.

We may mention one or two features of this confusion, such as we find in authors belonging to the period now under review.

We have already, in speaking of the Greek School Philosophy, noticed the attempt to explain some of the differences among Motions, by classifying them into Natural Motions and Violent Motions; and we have spoken of the assertion that heavy bodies fall quicker in proportion to their greater weight. These doctrines were still retained: yet the views which they implied were essentially erroneous and unsound; for they did not refer distinctly to a measurable Force as the cause of all motion or change of motion; and they confounded the causes which produce, and those which preserve, motion. Hence such principles did not lead immediately to any advance of knowledge, though efforts were made to apply them, in the cases both of terrestrial Mechanics and of the motions of the heavenly bodies.

The effect of the Inclined Plane was one of the first, as it was one of the most important, propositions, on which modern writers employed themselves. It was found that a body, when supported on a sloping surface, might be sustained or raised by a force or exertion which would not have been able to sustain or raise it without such support. And hence, The Inclined Plane was placed in the list of Mechanical Powers, or simple machines by which the efficacy of forces is increased: the question was, in what proportion this increase of efficiency takes place. It is easily seen that the force requisite to sustain a body is. smaller, as the slope on which it rests is smaller; Cardan (whose work, De Proportionibus Numerorum, Motuum, Ponderum, &c., was published in 1545) asserts that the force is double when the angle of inclination is double, and so on for other proportions: this is probably a guess, and is an erroneous one. Guido Ubaldi, of Marchmont, published at Pesaro, in 1577, a work which he called Mechanicorum Liber, in which he endeavors to prove that an acute wedge will produce a greater mechanical effect than an obtuse one, without determining in what proportion. There is, he observes, "a certain repugnance" between the direction in which the side of the wedge tends to

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