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gle was begun by Descartes, and they proclaim him the legislator of modern philosophers. But when we examine the philosophical writings of Fracastoro, of Benedetti, of Cardan, and above all, those of Galileo; when we see on all sides energetic protests raised against the peripatetic doctrines; we ask, what there remained for the inventor of vortices to do, in overturning the natural philosophy of Aristotle? In addition to this, the memorable labors of the School of Cosenza, of Telesius, of Giordano Bruno, of Campanella; the writings of Patricius, who was, besides, a good geometer; of Nizolius, whom Leibnitz esteemed so highly, and of the other metaphysicians of the same epoch, -prove that the ancient philosophy had already lost its empire on that side the Alps, when Descartes threw himself upon the enemy now put to the rout. The yoke was cast off in Italy, and all Europe had only to follow the example, without its being necessary to give a new impulse to real science."

In England, we are accustomed to hear Francis Bacon, rather than Descartes, spoken of as the first great antagonist of the Aristotelian schools, and the legislator of modern philosophy. But it is true, both of one and the other, that the overthrow of the ancient system had been effectively begun before their time by the practical discoverers here mentioned, and others who, by experiment and reasoning, established truths inconsistent with the received Aristotelian doctrines. Gilbert in England, Kepler in Germany, as well as Benedetti and Galileo in Italy, gave a powerful impulse to the cause of real knowledge, before the influence of Bacon and Descartes had produced any general effect. What Bacon really did was this;-that by the august image which he presented of a future Philosophy, the rival of the Aristotelian, and far more powerful and extensive, he drew to it the affections and hopes of all men of comprehensive and vigorous minds, as well as of those who attended to special trains of discovery. He announced a New Method, not merely a correction of special current errors; he thus converted the Insurrection into a Revolution, and established a new philosophical Dynasty. Descartes had, in some degree, the same purpose; and, in addition to this, he not only proclaimed himself the author of a New Method, but professed to give a complete system of the results of the Method. His physical philosophy was put forth as complete and demonstrative, and thus involved the vices of the ancient dogmatism. Telesius and Campanella had also grand notions of an entire reform in the method of philosophizing, as I have noticed in the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, Book xii.]




THE evidence on which Galileo rested the truth of the Laws of Motion which he asserted, was, as we have seen, the simplicity of the laws themselves, and the agreement of their consequences with facts; proper allowances being made for disturbing causes. His successors took up and continued the task of making repeated comparisons of the theory with practice, till no doubt remained of the exactness of the fundamental doctrines: they also employed themselves in simplifying, as much as possible, the mode of stating these doctrines, and in tracing their consequences in various problems by the aid of mathematical reasoning. These employments led to the publication of various Treatises on Falling Bodies, Inclined Planes, Pendulums, Projectiles, Spouting Fluids, which occupied a great part of the seventeenth century.

The authors of these treatises may be considered as the School of Galileo. Several of them were, indeed, his pupils or personal friends. Castelli was his disciple and astronomical assistant at Florence, and afterwards his correspondent. Torricelli was at first a pupil of Castelli, but became the inmate and amanuensis of Galileo in 1641, and succeeded him in his situation at the court of Florence on his death, which took place a few months afterwards. Viviani formed one of his family during the three last years of his life; and surviving him and his contemporaries (for Viviani lived even into the eighteenth century), has a manifest pleasure and pride in calling himself the last of the disciples of Galileo. Gassendi, an eminent French mathematician and professor, visited him in 1628; and it shows us the extent of his reputation when we find Milton referring thus to his travels in Italy:' "There it was that I found and visited the famous Galileo, grown old, a prisoner in the Inquisition, for thinking in astronomy otherwise than the Franciscan and Dominican licensers thought."

Besides the above writers, we may mention, as persons who pursued and illustrated Galileo's doctrines, Borelli, who was professor at Florence and Pisa; Mersenne, the correspondent of Descartes, who was

Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing.

professor at Paris; Wallis, who was appointed Savilian professor at Oxford in 1649, his predecessor being ejected by the parliamentary commissioners. It is not necessary for us to trace the progress of purely mathematical inventions, which constitute a great part of the works of these authors; but a few circumstances may be mentioned.

The question of the proof of the Second Law of Motion was, from the first, identified with the controversy respecting the truth of the Copernican System; for this law supplied the true answer to the most formidable of the objections against the motion of the earth; namely, that if the earth were moving, bodies which were dropt from an elevated object would be left behind by the place from which they fell. This argument was reproduced in various forms by the opponents of the new doctrine; and the answers to the argument, though they helong to the history of Astronomy, and form part of the Sequel to the Epoch of Copernicus, belong more peculiarly to the history of Mechanics, and are events in the sequel to the Discoveries of Galileo. So far, indeed, as the mechanical controversy was concerned, the advocates of the Second Law of Motion appealed, very triumphantly, to experiment. Gassendi made many experiments on this subject publicly, of which an account is given in his Epistolæ tres de Motu Impresso a Motore Translato. It appeared in these experiments, that bodies let fall downwards, or cast upwards, forwards, or backwards, from a ship, or chariot, or man, whether at rest, or in any degree of motion, had always the same motion relatively to the motor. In the application of this principle to the system of the world, indeed, Gassendi and other philosophers of his time were greatly hampered; for the deference which religious scruples required, did not allow them to say that the earth really moved, but only that the physical reasons against its motion were invalid. This restriction enabled Riccioli and other writers on the geocentric side to involve the subject in metaphysical difficulties; but the conviction of men was not permanently shaken by these, and the Second Law of Motion was soon assumed as unquestioned.

The Laws of the Motion of Falling Bodies, as assigned by Galileo, were confirmed by the reasonings of Gassendi and Fermat, and the experiments of Riccioli and Grimaldi; and the effect of resistance was pointed out by Marsenne and Dechales. The parabolic motion of Projectiles was more especially illustrated by experiments on the jet which spouts. from an orifice in a vessel full of fluid. This mode of experimenting

2 Mont. ii. 199.

is well adapted to attract notice, since the curve described, which is transient and invisible in the case of a single projectile, becomes permanent and visible when we have a continuous stream. The doctrine of the motions of fluids has always been zealously cultivated by the Italians. Castelli's treatise, Della Misura dell' Acque Corrente (1638), is the first work on this subject, and Montucla with justice calls him "the creator of a new branch of hydraulics;" although he mistakenly supposed the velocity of efflux to be as the depth of the orifice from the surface. Marsenne and Torricelli also pursued this subject, and after them, many others.

Galileo's belief in the near approximation of the curve described by a cannon-ball or musket-ball to the theoretical parabola, was somewhat too obsequiously adopted by succeeding practical writers on artillery. They underrated, as he had done, the effect of the resistance of the air, which is in fact so great as entirely to change the form and properties of the curve. Notwithstanding this, the parabolic theory was employed, as in Anderson's Art of Gunnery (1674); and Blondel, in his Art de jeter les Bombes (1683), not only calculated Tables on this supposition, but attempted to answer the objections which had been made respecting the form of the curve described. It was not till a later period (1740), when Robins made a series of careful and sagacious experiments on artillery, and when some of the most eminent mathematicians calculated the curve, taking into account the resistance, that the Theory of Projectiles could be said to be verified in fact.

The Third Law of Motion was still in some confusion when Galileo died, as we have seen. The next great step made in the school of Galileo was the determination of the Laws of the motions of bodies in their Direct Impact, so far as this impact affects the motion of translation. The difficulties of the problem of Percussion arose, in part, from the heterogeneous nature of Pressure (of a body at rest), and Momentum (of a body in motion); and, in part, from mixing together the effects of percussion on the parts of a body, as, for instance, cutting, bruising, and breaking, with its effect in moving the whole.

The former difficulty had been seen with some clearness by Galileo himself. In a posthumous addition to his Mechanical Dialogues, he says, "There are two kinds of resistance in a movable body, one internal, as when we say it is more difficult to lift a weight of a thousand pounds than a weight of a hundred; another respecting space, as

3 Mont. ii. 201.

when we say that it requires more force to throw a stone one hundred paces than fifty." Reasoning upon this difference, he comes to the conclusion that "the Momentum of percussion is infinite, since there is no resistance, however great, which is not overcome by a force of percussion, however small."5 He further explains this by observing that the resistance to percussion must occupy some portion of time, although this portion may be insensible. This correct mode of removing the apparent incongruity of continuous and instantaneous force, was a material step in the solution of the problem.

The Laws of the mutual Impact of bodies were erroneously given by Descartes in his Principia; and appear to have been first correctly stated by Wren, Wallis, and Huyghens, who about the same time (1669) sent papers to the Royal Society of London on the subject. In these solutions, we perceive that men were gradually coming to apprehend the Third Law of Motion in its most general sense; namely, that the Momentum (which is proportional to the Mass of the body and its Velocity jointly) may be taken for the measure of the effect; so that this Momentum is as much diminished in the striking body by the resistance it experiences, as it is increased in the body struck by the Impact. This was sometimes expressed by saying that "the Quantity of Motion remains unaltered," Quantity of Motion being used as synonymous with Momentum. Newton expressed it by saying that "Action and Reaction are equal and opposite," which is still one of the most familiar modes of expressing the Third Law of Motion.

In this mode of stating the Law, we see an example of a propensity which has prevailed very generally among mathematicians; namely, a disposition to present the fundamental laws of rest and of motion as if they were equally manifest, and, indeed, identical. The close analogy and connection which exists between the principles of equilibrium and of motion, often led men to confound the evidence of the two; and this confusion introduced an ambiguity in the use of words, as we have seen in the case of Momentum, Force, and others. The same may be said of Action and Reaction, which have both a statical and a dynamical signification. And by this means, the most general statements of the laws of motion are made to coincide with the most general statical propositions. For instance, Newton deduced from his principles the conclusion, that by the mutual action of bodies, the motion of their centre of gravity cannot be affected. Marriotte, in his Traité de la

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