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surface but he erroneously judged the velocity to be exactly proportional to the depth. Torricelli found that the fluid, under the inevitable causes of defect which occur in the experiment, would spout nearly to the height of the surface: he therefore inferred, that the full velocity is that which a body would acquire in falling through the depth; and that it is consequently proportional to the square root of the depth. This, however, he stated only as a result of experience, or law of phenomena, at the end of his treatise, De Motu Naturaliter Accelerato, printed in 1643.

Newton treated the subject theoretically in the Principia (1687); but we must allow, as Lagrange says, that this is the least satisfactory passage of that great work. Newton, having made his experiments in another manner than Torricelli, namely, by measuring the quantity of the efflux instead of its velocity, found a result inconsistent with that of Torricelli. The velocity inferred from the quantity discharged, was only that due to half the depth of the fluid.

In the first edition of the Principia,3 Newton gave a train of reasoning by which he theoretically demonstrated his own result, going upon the principle, that the momentum of the issuing fluid is equal to the momentum which the column vertically over the orifice would generate by its gravity. But Torricelli's experiments, which had given the velocity due to the whole depth, were confirmed on repetition: how was this discrepancy to be explained?

Newton explained the discrepancy by observing the contraction. which the jet, or vein of water, undergoes, just after it leaves the orifice, and which he called the vena contracta. At the orifice, the velocity is that due to half the height; at the vena contracta it is that due to the whole height. The former velocity regulates the quantity of the discharge; the latter, the path of the jet.

This explanation was an important step in the subject; but it made Newton's original proof appear very defective, to say the least. In the second edition of the Principia (1714), Newton attacked the problem in a manner altogether different from his former investigation. He there assumed, that when a round vessel, containing fluid, has a hole in its bottom, the descending fluid may be conceived to be a conoidal mass, which has its base at the surface of the fluid, and its narrow end at the orifice. This portion of the fluid he calls the cataract; and supposes that while this part descends, the surrounding

B. ii. Prop. xxxvii.

parts remain immovable, as if they were frozen; in this way he finds a result agreeing with Torricelli's experiments on the velocity of the efflux.

We must allow that the assumptions by which this result is obtained are somewhat arbitrary; and those which Newton introduces in attempting to connect the problem of issuing fluids with that of the resistance to a body moving in a fluid, are no less so. But even up to the present time, mathematicians have not been able to reduce problems concerning the motions of fluids to mathematical principles and calculations, without introducing some steps of this arbitrary kind. And one of the uses of experiments on this subject is, to suggest those hypotheses which enable us, may in the manner most consonant with the true state of things, to reduce the motions of fluids to those general laws of mechanics, to which we know they must be subject.

Hence the science of the Motion of Fluids, unlike all the other primary departments of Mechanics, is a subject on which we still need experiments, to point out the fundamental principles. Many such experiments have been made, with a view either to compare the results of deduction and observation, or, when this comparison failed, to obtain purely empirical rules. In this way the resistance of fluids, and the motion of water in pipes, canals, and rivers, has been treated. Italy has possessed, from early times, a large body of such writers. The earlier works of this kind have been collected in sixteen quarto volumes. Lecchi and Michelotti about 1765, Bidone more recently, have pursued these inquiries. Bossut, Buat, Hachette, in France, have labored at the same task, as have Coulomb and Prony, Girard and Poncelet. Eytelwein's German treatise (Hydraulik), contains an account of what others and himself have done. Many of these trains of experiments, both in France and Italy, were made at the expense of governments, and on a very magnificent scale. In England less was done in this way during the last century, than in most other countries. The Philosophical Transactions, for instance, scarcely contain a single paper on this subject founded on experimental investigations. Dr. Thomas Young, who was at the head of his countrymen in so many branches of science, was one of the first to call back attention to this: and Mr. Rennie and others have recently made valuable experiments. In many of the questions now spoken of, the accordance which engi neers are able to obtain, between their calculated and observed results,

Rennie, Report to Brit. Assoc.

is very great but these calculations are performed by means of empirical formulæ, which do not connect the facts with their causes, and still leave a wide space to be traversed, in order to complete the science.

In the mean time, all the other portions of Mechanics were reduced to general laws, and analytical processes; and means were found of including Hydrodynamics, notwithstanding the difficulties which attend its special problems, in this common improvement of form. This progress we must relate.

[2d Ed.] [The hydrodynamical problems referred to above are, the laws of a fluid issuing from a vessel, the laws of the motion of water in pipes, canals, and rivers, and the laws of the resistance of fluids. To these may be added, as an hydrodynamical problem important in theory, in experiment, and in the comparison of the two, the laws of waves. Newton gave, in the Principia, an explanation of the waves of water (Lib. ii. Prop. 44), which appears to proceed upon an erroneous view of the nature of the motion of the fluid: but in his solution of the problem of sound, appeared, for the first time, a correct view of the propagation of an undulation in a fluid. The history of this subject, as bearing upon the theory of sound, is given in Book viii.: but I may here remark, that the laws of the motion of waves have been pursued experimentally by various persons, as Bremontier (Recherches sur le Mouvement des Ondes, 1809), Emy (Du Mouvement des Ondes, 1831), the Webers (Wellenlehre, 1825); and by Mr. Scott Russell (Reports of the British Association, 1844). The analytical theory has been carried on by Poisson, Cauchy, and, among ourselves, by Prof. Kelland (Edin. Trans.), and Mr. Airy (in the article Tides, in the Encyclopædia Metropolitana). And though theory and experiment have not yet been brought into complete accordance, great progress has been made in that work, and the remaining chasm between the two is manifestly due only to the incompleteness of both.]

Perhaps the most remarkable case of fluid motion recently discussed, is one which Mr. Scott Russell has presented experimentally; and which, though novel, is easily seen to follow from known principles; namely, the Great Solitary Wave. A wave may be produced, which shall move along a canal unaccompanied by any other wave: and the simplicity of this case makes the mathematical conditions and consequences more simple than they are in most other problems of Hydrodynamics.



Sect. 1.-Generalization of the Second Law of Motion.-Central Forces.

THE Second Law of Motion being proved for constant Forces which

act in parallel lines, and the Third Law for the Direct Action of bodies, it still required great mathematical talent, and some inductive power, to see clearly the laws which govern the motion of any number of bodies, acted upon by each other, and by any forces, anyhow varying in magnitude and direction. This was the task of the generalization of the laws of motion.

Galileo had convinced himself that the velocity of projection, and that which gravity alone would produce, are "both maintained, without being altered, perturbed, or impeded in their mixture." It is to be observed, however, that the truth of this result depends upon a particular circumstance, namely, that gravity, at all points, acts in lines, which, as to sense, are parallel. When we have to consider cases in which this is not true, as when the force tends to the centre of a circle, the law of composition cannot be applied in the same way; and, in this case, mathematicians were met by some peculiar difficulties.

One of these difficulties arises from the apparent inconsistency of the statical and dynamical measures of force. When a body moves in a circle, the force which urges the body to the centre is only a tendency to motion; for the body does not, in fact, approach to the centre; and this mere tendency to motion is combined with an actual motion, which takes place in the circumference. We appear to have to compare two things which are heterogeneous. Descartes had noticed this difficulty, but without giving any satisfactory solution of it. If we combine the actual motion to or from the centre with the traverse motion about the centre, we obtain a result which is false on mechanical principles. Galileo endeavored in this way to find the curve described by a body which falls towards the earth's centre, and is, at the same time, carried

Princip. P. iii. 59.

round by the motion of the earth; and obtained an erroneous result. Kepler and Fermat attempted the same problem, and obtained solutions different from that of Galileo, but not more correct.

Even Newton, at an early period of his speculations, had an erroneous opinion respecting this curve, which he imagined to be a kind of spiral. Hooke animadverted upon this opinion when it was laid before the Royal Society of London in 1679, and stated, more truly, that, supposing no resistance, it would be "an eccentric ellipsoid," that is, a figure resembling an ellipse. But though he had made out the approximate form of the curve, in some unexplained way, we have no reason to believe that he possessed any means of determining the mathematical properties of the curve described in such a case. The perpetual composition of a central force with the previous motion of the body, could not be successfully treated without the consideration of the Doctrine of Limits, or something equivalent to that doctrine. The first example which we have of the right solution of such a problem occurs, so far as I know, in the Theorems of Huyghens concerning Circular Motion, which were published, without demonstration, at the end of his Horologium Oscillatorium, in 1673. It was there asserted that when equal bodies describe circles, if the times are equal, the centrifugal forces will be as the diameters of the circles; if the volocities are equal, the forces will be reciprocally as the diameters, and so on. In order to arrive at these propositions, Huyghens must, virtually at least, have applied the Second Law of Motion to the limiting elements of the curve, according to the way in which Newton, a few years later, gave the demonstration of the theorems of Huyghens in the Principia.

The growing persuasion that the motions of the heavenly bodies. about the sun might be explained by the action of central forces, gave a peculiar interest to these mechanical speculations, at the period now under review. Indeed, it is not easy to state separately, as our present object requires us to do, the progress of Mechanics, and the progress of Astronomy. Yet the distinction which we have to make is, in its nature, sufficiently marked. It is, in fact, no less marked than the distinction between speaking logically and speaking truly. The framers of the science of motion were employed in establishing those notions, names, and rules, in conformity to which all mechanical truth must be expressed; but what was the truth with regard to the mechanism of the universe remained to be determined by other means. Physical Astronomy, at the period of which we speak, eclipsed and overlaid theoVOL. I.-23

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