Imágenes de páginas


Merioneth, T. Edwards, of Llanfaur, esq.
Carnarvonshire, J. Griffith, of Llanfair, esq.
Anglesea, J. H. Hampton, of Henllys, esq.
Montgomery, R. Leek, of Criggion, esq.
Denbighshire, T. Griffith, of Wrexham, esq.
Flint, C. B. T. Roper, of Plasteg, esq.





From the London Gazette, Satur- troops I had collected at this pe

day, Feb. 13.

OPY of a dispatch from colo

riod of the service, though few in numbers, were formidable in gallantry; they consisted altogether

Cnel Gillespie, commander of of about 600 firelocks, a proportion

the forces in Java, to the hon. T. S. Raffles, lieut. governor of that island, dated Djojocarta, June 25, 1812:

Honourable Sir;-Without entering upon any of the political points on which you did me the honour to consult with me, previous to the adoption of hostilities against the Sultan of Djojocarta, I shall proceed to report to you the various operations of our small force, and the measures adopted under my authority for bringing this insolent and refraetory sovereign to a sense of what was due to the supremacy of the British government upon Java. On the afternoon of the 18th instant, you did me the honour to acquaint me, that the Sultan of Djojocarta had refused his acquiescence to those terms, which in your wisdom you had been pleased to offer; that, confident of the strength of his fortified position, he had determined to brave the consequence our power might inflict; and that he had assembled his army from all parts of the kingdom, who were prepared and determined on resistance. The

of artillery, and two troops of his majesty's 22nd dragoons. The remainder of our force, with our principal supply of ordnance, were coming forward under the orders of lieut. col. Mac Leod, and were expected to join my head-quarters during the course of that night. Hostilities had in some measure commenced upon the preceding evening. On our arrival at Djojocarta, lieut. col. Watson reported, that a considerable body of the Sultan's troops had left the Krattan, through the east gate, and had proceeded upon some offensive or predatory excursion, which I thought it my duty immediately to prevent. I accordingly desired a detachment of fifty dragoons to escort me on a reconnoitering party, and I proceeded with my staff along the east wall of the Krattan, and pursued them on a road to the eastward, which the people of the country reported they had taken. After a very circuitous route, we arrived again upon the environs of the town, where we found large bodies of the enemy collected, who were well armed, and evidently

prepared for resistance. At this period, you had not communicated to me any final determination with respect to the sultan of Djojocarta, and I was therefore withheld by sentiments of honour, from dispersing these people by force of arms, which I had afterwards reason to regret. Mr. Crawford, the resident, who accompanied me on the excursion, endeavoured, by every possible means in his power, to induce them to return. His solicitations and threats were equally unavailing, and we were at length so insulted by stones from the houses, and one of our dragoons was so severely wounded by a spear in the side, that we were compelled to act upon the defensive, and in a short time they were dispersed. In this affair, I regret to say, that one serjeant and four dragoons were wounded, the serjeant and one of the privates dangerously; and in another part of the town, a serjeant's patrole of 25 dragoons, was fiercely attacked by a considerable number of the Sultan's troops, whom they cut their way through, with the loss of one man killed, and one wounded. I shall now return to the afternoon of the 18th, where every thing was prepared for offensive operations, as well as our scanty supply of ammunition would admit. I am always an advocate for promptness and decision, and I was aware that any measure of a contrary nature, would not only weaken the confidence of our troops, but increase the insolence of the enemy. I therefore directed major Butler to open a fire from our fort, which was immediately returned by the Sultan, but with inconsiderable effect. Captain Teesdale, of the VOL. LV.

royal navy, was wounded, and a magazine in the battery having accidentally blown up, I lost the services of two active officers, captain Young, and lieut. Hunter, who were severely burnt by the explosion. Light parties were detached to scour the villages on the right and left, and a body of the Sultan's troops kept major Dalton, and a part of his battalion, on the alert during the night; they were attacked four successive times with great spirit, but they repulsed the enemy with steadiness and good conduct. At about three o'clock in the afternoon, I became exceedingly anxious for the arrival of lieut.-col. Mac Leod, and his party. I had received no report whatever of his progress, and I was apprehensive that he had encountered some difficulty upon the road, which might retard the service. I therefore detached lieut. Hale, with twenty-five dragoons, to obtain some information respecting him, and I afterwards supported him with a further reinforcement of 40 men, under the command of lieut. Keir, of the same regiment. The first detachment under lieut. Hale was repeatedly attacked by large bodies of the Sultan's infantry, in situations where cavalry were unable to act. The promptitude and celerity of this officer's advance excited my warmest approbation; he was severely wounded himself, and lost five of his dragoons in the conflict; but notwithstanding his perilous and hampered situation, he executed his important trust by joining lieut.-col. Mac Leod. On the following forenoon, the whole of his party arrived, consisting of a detachment of the royal artillery,


the grenadiers of his majesty's 59th regiment, and the flank companies and rifle company of his majesty's 78th. This reinforcement determined me upon my plan of operations. The palace or Krattan of the Sultan is surrounded by regular works about three miles in circumference; at each corner there is a formidable bastion, enfilading the curtain, and the principal entrance in front is strongly defended by cannon. The whole of the fortification is surrounded by a wet ditch, and the gate-ways are all provided with drawbridges, to prevent the passage across. With all these obstacles to our success, I relied upon the gallantry of my troops, and determined upon the assault on the morning of the 20th inst. In all the preparation necessary, I experienced much assistance from lieut.-col. Mackenzie, of the engineers, and major Thorne, deputy quarter-mastergeneral, who procured every information that could possibly be obtained, and with whom, in concert, I arranged the plan of attack. The principal part of the force was divided into two columns; the leading one commanded by lieut.col. Watson, of his majesty's 14th foot, and the other by lieut.-col. Mac Leod, of his majesty's 59th regiment; lieut.-col. Dewar, of the 3rd Bengal Native Infantry, commanded a smaller party, and made a detour towards the rear of the Krattan. Major Grant conducted a central attack in front. At half an hour before day, the columns under the command of lieut.-col. Watson, and lieut.col. Mac Leod, moved forward to the east curtain, under cover of the fire from our fort. They were,

however, discovered by the enemy, before the scaling-ladders were planted. The alarm was incessantly given along the works, which only increased the activity and emulation of our troops. Lieut.col. Watson advanced in the most gallant style, and soon obtained possession of the rampart. Part of major Dalton's battalion crossed the ditch at the N. E. bastion, under capt. Leys, and running along the berm, admitted lieut.-col. MacLeod with the second column, who blew open the Prince's gate and entered. The action then became general. Major Dalton, with part of the light-infantry battalion, led in a spirited style to the southgate, where they admitted lieut. col. Dewar, and saved the life of the Prince Regent. The gallant 14th proceeded to scour the ramparts, and the capture of the Sultan rendered the victory complete.: I have the honour to report to you, that during this arduous conflict, the Toomogong Semood Deningrat was killed. Lieut.-col. Dewar had. the good fortune to encounter his party, and as he was known to be the most powerful chieftain in the interest of the Sultan, and his instigator in every hostile proceeding against the British government, I consider this event as of the greatest political importance. About the conclusion of the assault I was myself severely wounded in the arm. Thus, with less than 1,000 firelocks actually engaged, we have defeated upwards of 17,000 men, and afforded a lasting proof of our superiority and power. I shall refrain from entering into farther particulars, as you were present upon the spot, and our cordial communications with

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each other have rendered them the lords commissioners of the unnecessary. I have the honour Admiralty, that his majesty's ship to enclose you the copy of a gene- Java is no more, after sustaining ral order issued upon the occasion, an action on the 29th instant, for together with a return of killed and several hours, with the American wounded, and ordnance captured. frigate Constitution, which resulted I have the honour to solicit your in the capture and ultimate departicular attention to the valuable struction of his majesty's ship. services of Mr. Crawford, resident. Captain Lambert being dangerIt is impossible I can convey to ously wounded in the height of the you, how deeply I am impressed action, the melancholy task of with a sense of his talents and ex- writing the detail devolves on ertions. From the period of my arrival, until the conquest of the Krattan, he was uniformly active and assiduous, and his personal exposure in the assault of the works merits equally my thanks and commendation. Mr. Robinson, of the civil service, and Mr. Hardie, were also volunteers upon the occasion. I cannot speak too highly of their eagerness and zeal. Mr. Deans, assistant to the resident, was essentially useful in conducting lieut.col. Dewar's party to the southgate.

I have the honour to be, &c.

R. R. GILLESPIE, Colonel.
Returned of killed and wounded.
-Killed, 23, wounded, 76.-To-
tal, 99.

[blocks in formation]

On the morning of the 29th inst. at eight, a. m. off St. Salvador (coast of Brazil), the wind at N. E. we perceived a strange sail; made all sail in chase, and soon made her out to be a large fiigate; at noon prepared for action, the chase not answering our private signals, and tacking towards us under easy sail; when about four miles distant she made a signal, and immediately tacked and made all sail away upon the wind. We soon found we had the advantage of her in sailing, and came up with her fast, when she hoisted American colours; she then bore about three points on our lee-bow. At fifty minutes past one, p. m. the enemy shortened sail, upon which we bore down upon her: at ten minutes past two, when about half a mile distant, she opened her fire, giving us a larboard broadside, which was not returned till we were close on her weatherbow. Both ships now manœuvred to obtain advantageous positions, our opponent evidently avoiding close action, and firing high to disable our masts, in which he succeeded too well, having shot away the head of our bowsprit with the jib-boom, and our running rigging so much cut as to prevent our preserving the weather-gage.

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