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meetings, and there filled up in feven days. And if any perfon ordered to be drawn out and embodied, appear not within a month, the vacancy shall be supplied'. And commandants are directed, every month, to tranfmit to the juftices of peace at their quarter feffions certificates of vacancies: and the Affeffment feffions fhall affefs fol. for each certified to be deficient; by the and at every fucceeding feffions, a farther penalty of 101. fterling, till fuch vacancy be supplied TM,


MARRIED men, having ferved when drawn out into actual Married fervice, may exercife trades as freely as foldiers and failors".


THE ftatute 24 Geo. II, c. 44, for protection of justices Protection of peace, extends to lieutenants and their deputies acting in tenant and

execution of the militia acts o.

to lieu




IV. In order to provide for the families of militia men in Scotland when called out into actual fervice, the st. 44 Geo. III, c. 89, was paffed, ordering that the families of noncommiffioned officers, drummers, or private militia men, in Whofe? Scotland, called out into actual service, fhall receive a week- When? ly allowance of a fum not exceeding the price of one day's labour in husbandry, for every child born in lawful wedlock, How much. and under ten years of age, and the fame for the wife P. The justices of peace regulate the rate of the allowance. No al- lated by lowance is to be made till the man have joined his corps, juftices. nor longer than he shall remain in actual service, nor to any wife who fhall follow the corps, or leave her child, or depart from her home, unless under certificate of a justice or of the minister of the parish, that she has gone for procuring work ; nor to the family of any substitute, hired man, or volunteer,

* 52. §4.


1 § 3.

42 Geo. III, c. 91, § 170.

42 Geo. III, c. 91, § 166. As to what the provifions of that statute are, fee Vol. I, p. 50.

Rate regu

9 Ibid.


$4. who, after being called out, fhall marry without the confent PROVISION. of the commanding officer certified previous to his marriage'; but fuch families muft previously obtain a certificate of their inability to maintain themfelves, and of the caufes thereof. The certificate must be figned by the parish minifter and one heritor, or one respectable person occupying land and paying rent not under 201. fterling, or, in cities, from a minifter and Certificate. a magiftrate thereof.. Upon production of which certificate

to any justice of the peace, he fhall order a weekly allowance One justice. to be paid according to the price of labour, as fixed by the juftices at their quarter feflions The justice of peace making this order muft tranfmit the certificate to the clerk of the commiflioners of fupply, who fhall tranfmit the fame to the collector of the cefs. If he neglect to do this, he is liable in a penalty of 51. fterling for each neglect. The collector of the cefs fhall pay monthly to the treasurer of the kirk feffion a fum fufficient to pay the amount of such orders: for neglect of this, he is liable in a penalty of twice the amount". The kirk treasurer, again, pays allowances on the order of the minifter of the parish, and muft tranfmit to the clerk of the commiffioners of fupply fuch orders, together with the receipts of the persons to whom the money is paid. The to treasurer quarter feflions may grant an allowance to the treasurers for by quarter their trouble, not exceeding 2d. in the pound. Commif



fioners of fupply fhall make an affeffment on lands by the valued, and houfes by the rent fet thereon by the latest affeffment for the house tax in the following proportions: viz, Is. on every rool. of valued rent, and id. fterling on the 11. of the rent of houfes . Houses not rated to the house tax are not to be affeffed. A perfon fhall not be affeffed both for his houses and lands if they be in the fame county; but the commiffioners may affefs him in either way which feems

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likely to produce the higheft affeffment; one half of the affeffment is paid by the tenants. In Edinburgh and Glafgow it is to be levied by the magiftrates, from the heritors, burgeffes and inhabitants, in the manner the cefs, stent, and other public burdens are levied.

V. SUBSTITUTES having more than two lawful children are not to be received; and no allowance is to be made to the family of a fubftitute, who may at the time of inrolment falfely represent himself as having only two children, unless he shall undertake to make provifion for his other children, to the fatisfaction of a juftice of peace, in which cafe the justice may order the allowance to be paid in refpect of his wife and two children under ten years of age.







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$ z.




Of Volunteers.

HE names of volunteers fhall be inrolled and certi


fied to the lieutenant of the county, and by him to

the lieutenancy 2. And commanding officers fhall make reEnrolling. turns of their corps three times a year; and those only are to be deemed effective members who attend, if cavalry, twelve days, and if infantry twenty-four days in the year. The commanding officer fhall certify on roll that the corps have been inspected, or are ready to be fo. And volunteers Exemptions duly attending exercise are exempted from ferving in the

from the


Annual abstracts.

militia, provided the mufter-roll be communicated to the lieutenant of the county, together with a certificate of the perfons having attended. Annual abftracts of the rolls are transmitted to the office of the secretary of ftate. Serjeants, trumpeters (or bugle men), and drummers, of volunteer corps, receiving pay, are during the war under the mutiny

a 39 Geo. III, c. 35, § 2.

b 43 Geo. III, c. 121, § I.
c lbid. § 2.

d 42 Geo. III, c. 66, § 3.

e Ibid. § 6.

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Stock of the

corps, in



actf. And in cafe of invafion or appearance of an enemy on the coaft, the volunteers may be called to affemble, and are to be subject to the mutiny act then in force: but are to be tried by thofe court martials only, which are compofed of volunteer or yeomanry officers". Volunteers fo affembled are to be put under fuch general officers as his majesty shall appoint. And all volunteer and yeomanry officers fhall rank Rank. with the officers of the regular and militia forces as the youngest of their respective corps *. Money fubfcribed for the use of any corps, as well as the arms and stores, musical inftruments or other articles, are vefted in the commanding officer for the time'. If any person refuse to pay money Fines and fubfcripfubfcribed, or required by the regulations of fuch corps to tions, be fubfcribed by him towards any expence of the corps, or recovery of. to pay any fines or penalties incurred under any rules or regulations thereof, any one justice of the peace may cause the fame, with double the amount, to be levied by distress and fale of his goods; and the fum fhall go to the general stock of the corps, or, if there be no ftock, it goes to fuch purpofes as the commanding officer fhall direct".

II. VOLUNTEER cavalry are farther exempted from duty §2. on one horse", and when going to and returning from exer- --CAVALRY cife are exempted from toll°. On defire of volunteer cavalry

to affemble for being trained, the lieutenant of the county or his deputies may make an order for that purpofe, with concurrence of the general of the district; and airy one juftice. of peace shall iffue precept to the constable to quarter the non-commiffioned officers and men as in regular forces ".

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