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fix months. The deans of guild are made the fole judges in this matter within their boroughs; and they, with the heritors or proprietors of public fairs or markets, are jointly judges of offences against this act in fuch places, when fuch goods are there exposed to fale; failing whom, either of the judges aforefaid.

$3. III. THE penalties are to be inflicted within fixty days after PENALTIES. the offences are discovered. If the forfeitures are refused Howlevied, to be paid within ten days after conviction, warrants may be iffued to levy them by diftrefs; and, failing diftrefs, the offenders are to be committed to the houfe of correction, or the county jail, for a space not exceeding three months for one offence. An appeal lies to the next quarter-feffions, notice thereof being given; and the juftices are to allow cofts to the party grieved. The ftatute 10 Geo. I, c. 18, regulates the length and breadth of ferges, appoints magif trates of royal boroughs the fole judges, within their juri dictions, of the feveral penalties, and makes feveral regula tions befides, much the fame with those already mentioned. The act 13 Geo. I, c. 23, regulates the length of warpingbars; orders makers of cloth, or goods mixed with wool, to give out all wool, yarn, and other materials, and to receive them back, by weight of 16 ounces per pound, under pain of five pounds for every offence; impofes the fame penalty upon clothiers, &c. who ufe any ends of yarn, wefts, or other refuse of cloths, flocks and pinions only excepted, in working up goods; ordains offences against the act to be profecuted before two juftices, upon information on oath within three months, who are, upon conviction, to levy the penalties in manner already mentioned; gives power to one justice to grant warrant for searching the houses &c. of fuípected perfons; and grants to the party who thinks himself aggrieved an appeal to the quarter-fessions, as above, whot:⠀ decifion it makes final. The act 15 and 16 Geo. II, c. 27,

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goods ftolen


order to prevent any cloth, or woollen goods, remaining the rack or tenters, or any woollen yarn, or wool, left at to dry, from being stolen or taken away in the night- Cloth or me, authorizes any juftice of peace, upon complaint by the woollen wner within ten days, to fearch, in the day-time, any from the Dufes or places where the claimant fwears he fufpects fuch rack or ods to be. If the goods be found, and the perfon fufpectd cannot give a fatisfactory account of them, or shall not stan roduce, within convenient time, the perfon from whom he ot them, or produce fome credible perfon to depofe to his Toperty in fuch goods, then he fhall be deemed convicted, nd fhall pay the owner treble value, or be committed to jail. f fuch perfon commit a fecond offence, he fhall be commit ed by the justice before whom he was formerly convicted, nd be detained till the next aflizes, or great feflion, when, f the jury find him guilty, he is to be transported for feven Appeal to ears. Perfons not twice convicted may appeal to the quar- feflions. er-feffions.

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the quarter

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Of the Jurisdiction of the Justices in relation to the

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I. HE ftatute of James I, ca 22, was intended to conTHE tain all the regulations concerning leather; and by ftatute 24 Geo. III, feff. 2, c. 19, § 2, it is enacted, that fo much of 1 James, c. 22, as is recited in 9 Anne, c. 11, etends to every part of the united kingdom; and no perfon exercifing the trade of tanning leather by himself, or by any No other perfon, fhall, during the time that he fhall fo ufe the trade of a faid trade of a tanner, exercife or use the craft of a fhoefhoemaker, maker, currier, butcher, or any other artificer exercifing the &c. at once. cutting or working of leather, upon pain of forfeiting every

ercise the


fuch hide fo by him wrought or tanned, or the value thereof, and alfo 50l. fterling; and fo much of the aforesaid act of 1 James I, as is re-enacted in 9 Anne, c. 11, shall extend to every part of Great Britain, (except fuch part thereof as has been altered by any law fince that time made and now in force); and all provofts, bailies, and all other chief offcers of royal boroughs, and bailies of royalties, and other


head officers in the several cities and boroughs in Scotland, and all tanners, curriers, fhoemakers, and all other perfons RAL. concerned in the execution of the faid ftatute, fhall, under fuch penalties as are therein expreffed, duly execute and comply with the fame, in relation to the tanning, making, dreffing, buying or felling, or other matters concerning leather, (other than fuch as have been altered by any law fince that time and now in force), as effectually and with the fame powers as if the said magiftrates had been particularly defcribed in the faid act 1 James I.

THIS act, therefore, of James I, is obligatory in Scot land.


II. ALL forfeitures, by the act of 1 James I, c. 22, where § 2. no fpecial direction is given to the contrary, are divided, one GENERAL third to the king, one third to him that shall fue, and one AND FORthird to the city, town, or lord of the liberty.

THERE are various regulations concerning manufacture of leather, as to penalties and forfeitures; hides before they come to the tanner; the tanning of hides; the currying of hides; the felling and registering of leather of the manufacturing or exporting of leather; which need not be here stated.



* James I, c. 22, § 46; 9 Anne, 13 and 14 Cha. II, c. 7, § 13; and 12 Geo, II, c.25, § 4, 5, 6.

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Injuring of hides.

III. BUT it may be proper fhortly to take notice of the act 39 and 40 Geo. III, c. 66, as corrected and explained by fubsequent enactments, relative to the appointment of infpectors.

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THE mayor, bailiff, or other head officer, of any town having fuch head officer, or any two or more juftices of the peace, or magistrates, having jurifdiction to keep the peace within any town where there fhall be no such head officer as aforefaid, and in towns where there fhall be no such maj giftrates, then any two juftices acting for the divifion of the county where fuch town fhall be fituated, are empowered to appoint places and times for examining raw hides, and ap pointing proper perfons to be infpectors.

THE magiftrates above mentioned name the infpectors on the recommendation of any fix mafter manufacturers of, or workers or dealers in leather, provided three manufac turers of leather, concur. If they recommend two persons where one for four where two) fhall be neceffary, then one or two fhall be appointed as the cafe may require 4. Any inspector may be difcharged for neglect or misconduct, and another appointed in his room.


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THE injuring of any hide, whether wilfully or carelessly, so as to render it less valuable for making leather, or flaying any hide of any ox, cow, bull, heifer, fteer, ftirk, or calf, more than two inches below the knee or gambrel, is pu One infpec- nishable by certain pecuniary penalties, on conviction before any one juftice of peace, upon the oath of any infpector.

Any one juftice.


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