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AMERICAN BAPTIST CONVENTION, Adopted May 29-June 2, 1968

Because Christ calls us to affirm the freedom of persons and the sanctity of life, we recognize that abortion should be a matter of responsible personal decision. To this end we as American Baptists urge that legislation be enacted to provide:

1. That the termination of a pregnancy prior to the end of the 12th week (first trimester) be at the request of the individual(s) concerned and be regarded as an elective medical procedure governed by the laws regulating medical practice and licensure.


After that period the termination of a pregnancy shall be performed only by a duly licensed physician at the request of the individual(s) concerned, in a regularly licensed hospital, for one of the following reasons as suggested by the Model Penal Code of the American Law Institute:

a) when documented evidence exists that this is a danger to the physical or mental health of the woman;

b) when there is documented evidence that the conceptus has a physical or mental defect;

c) when there is documented evidence that the pregnancy was the result of rape, incest or other felonious acts.

Further we encourage our churches to provide sympathetic and realistic counseling on family planning and abortion.

We commend study, research and development of understanding on the part of the populace led by the people of our churches toward an enlightened view of this provocative problem.


WHEREAS, Christians in the American Society today are faced with difficult decisions about abortion; and

WHEREAS, Some advocate that there be no abortion legislation, thus making the decision a purely private matter between a woman and her doctor; and

WHEREAS, Others advocate no legal abortion, or would permit abortion only if the life of the mother is threatened;

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Convention expresses the belief that society has a responsibility to affirm through the

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laws of the state a high view of the sanctity of human life, including fetal life, in order to protect those who cannot protect themselves; and

Be it further RESOLVED that we call upon Southern Baptists to work for legislation that will allow the possibility of abortion under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother.

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PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES, Adopted by the 1970 General Assembly.

1) Induced abortion is the willful destruction of the fetus. Therefore, the decision to terminate a pregnancy should never be made lightly or in haste.

2) The willful termination of pregnancy by medical means on the considered decision of a pregnant woman may on occasion be morally justifiable. Possible justifying circumstances would include medical indications of physical or mental deformity, conception as a result of rape or incest, conditions under which the physical or mental health of either mother or child would be gravely threatened, or the socio-economic condition of the family. The procedure should be performed only by licensed physicians under optimal conditions, and with appropriate medical consultation and ministerial counseling, preferably with her own minister. 3) Laws concerning abortion should reflect principles set forth in this paper.

4) Medical intervention should be made available to all who desire and qualify for it, not just to those who can afford preferential treatment.

5) The church should develop a greater pastoral concern and sensitivity to the needs of persons involved in "problem pregnancies." Such persons should be aided in securing professional counseling about the various alternatives open to them in order that they may act responsibly in the light of their moral commitments, their understanding of the meaning of life, and their capacities as parents.

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The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Lyndon H. LaRouche?

Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Mr. LAROUCHE. I do.

The CHAIRMAN. You may proceed, sir.


Mr. LAROUCHE. Yes, I am Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., also known by the pen name of Lyn Marcus and national chairman of the National Caucus of Labor Committees and functioning as the chairman and spokesman for the Labor Party here today.

I will make two major interconnected points and one subsidiary point which I consider adequate reason that every Senator, every Congressman, should consider himself morally obliged to make every reasonable effort to prevent the nomination of Nelson Rockefeller as Vice President of the United States.

The points I shall make, two major points are:

First, that Nelson Rockefeller is an integral part of what represents in effect a supranational government which regards the U.S. Government as well as that of most nations as merely a satrapy of his supranational power.

Second, that the policies which this supranational agency represents are antagonistic to the convictions and what is tolerable generally to a majority of American people and that to the extent that these policies are known that the popularity of Nelson Rockefeller would certainly be less than that reported in the case of President Nixon at his lowest ebb.

well, excuse me


If the American people were allowed to second point is that a subsidiary point is that there is a definite policy afforded by the supranational agency, a policy which is modeled on the policies of Nazi Finance Minister Hjalmar Schacht, and that step-by-step foot-in-the-door after foot-in-the-door, if we tolerate these policies the human race is going to enter an age in which the Nazi affair will seem a mild offday by comparison.

We must stop this.

If the American people were allowed to exercise their democratic rights. Nelson Rockefeller would not be elected Vice President of the United States.

A poll taken by the U.S. Labor Party over the last month has confirmed what the Senators' mail only reflects, that nearly 90 percent of America's working people and unemployed hate Mr. Rockefeller; and that even more affluent layers, an estimate of 20 percent approximately would give him positive support.

But the confirmation of Mr. Rockefeller would be disastrous to more people than just those elected officials who might have to bring the story of their support for the nomination back to their angry constituencies. It would be a disaster for the whole human race.

The elevation of Nelson Rockefeller would aid the implementation of the policies of the Rockefeller family, for which Nelson is the political coordinator and enforcer. These policies are not new, hav

ing been explicitly stated by the Rockefeller brothers and their political and financial cooperators publicly over the last several months. In fact, a mild version of these policies was told to this committee this week by Nelson Rockefeller himself.

The world is on the brink of the worst depression in 400 years. I refer to that great collapse which occurred approximately the same time as the bankruptcies in the Spanish and Portuguese monarchies during the 16th century, following which there was a massive depopulation throughout Europe of which the 30 years war in Germany was merely an extension. That kind of depression we face now or potentially face now is of that magnitude and cannot be compared with the relatively mild depressions that have occurred subsequently.

What differentiates this from all the rest of cyclical economic crises in that period is that the most powerful group of capitalistsled by the Rockefeller and related interests-are attempting to restructure the economy on a worldwide scale before the actual depths of the depression are reached.

The restructuring policy of the Rockefeller family demands the deindustrialization of the advanced sector, the destruction of capitalintensive and highly productive agriculture, and a massive reduction of the world's population. These policies have been generally given the title, "Zero Economic and Population Growth."

The estimated goal in this policy is the reduction of the world's population by at least 1 billion people during this century.

As practiced by the Rockefellers, this restructuring policy has tied the "Zero Growth" dismantling of the advanced sector to the development of new means of labor-intensive extraction of real wealth necessary to back up the expanding mass of paper capital.

In a sense, what has happened is the Rockefeller interest set up the oil hoax last year, and are setting up a new oil price hoax this year, through which hundreds of thousands of dollars throughout the advanced sector, and the underdeveloped sector is being concentrated in the hands of the institutions that control this wealth.

Therefore, we may say, in effect, the net of the capital afforded to the world's system is in the hands of banking interests dominated by the Rockefellers. Through this, existing industries are being depleted, entire areas of industrial development are being wiped out, and oil recycled dollars are being deployed to what are called regional development projects, such as the Rio de la Plata project in the Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay regions.

Whole sections of the world are being destroyed, and investments limited through control of these financial masses to gasification projects, Rocky Mountain energy projects, similar types of projects, destroying large sections of the population, and leaving investment only for those sections of the investment and development which are in the interest and are proposed by this cabal.

These new projects such as the labor-intensive energy projects proposed for the Rocky Mountain coal fields, and the Canadian tar sands, and the large-scale "public works" plans proposed by a number of Rockefeller cooperators, both in and out of Congress-are essentially an expansion of the programs tested by the Nazi Minister of Finance, Hjalmar Schacht, during the early period of the Third

Reich. The policy of "zero-growth," for which John D. Rockefeller III, is the major spokesman, and David and Nelson Rockefeller are the prime implementers, is the euphemism for modern fascism.

To grasp the actual capability that the Rockefeller family has to carry out this restructuring on a world scale, one can utilize the method used to analyze any "interlocking directorate."

I say the discussion so far, focusing on how much Rockefeller owns is unimportant, Rockefeller is not some small manufacturer, or small speculator, who is attempting to use government office to aggrandize himself personally financially. That is not the issue.

The Rockefeller family represents a political group which is committed to carrying out a political policy on a world scale. They are not concerned with stealing dollars for themselves personally. Their policies are aimed at taking over the entire world, and therefore, what Rockefeller, Nelson owns, or what he does not own, is absolutely irrelevant to the point.

Their small, nominal investments are used enormously to control vast parts of industry, and through the control of things like their various political associations, such as the Trilateral Commission, and the Commission on Critical Choices, they control a large part of the policy that way.

At this moment all world finance of any significance is controlled by the Rockefeller cabal. It includes the Euro-dollar market. The U.S. Labor Party documentation addended to this very short verbal presentation demonstrates that, based on an analysis of interlocking directorates, equity control, and historical family connections, the assets of the Rockefeller family and its allies are deployed to obtain the maximum control over the widest possible area.

The depth of this control has been demonstrated by the successful commission of an engineered oil shortage, and the subsequent planned devolution of the industrialized sector.

Similarly, well placed funds of the Rockefeller family, cultivated family ties, and directorships, have given the Rockefellers control over a vast network of social and political institutions.

For instance, the complete domination of the Council on Foreign Relations merely symbolized by David Rockefeller's chairmanship of it-opens wide channels of influence leading to the leadership of multinational corporations, military stocks, intelligence agencies, major news media, research institutions, and large universities, not to mention Congress itself.

In addition to the institutions which are openly instruments of Rockefeller policy, such as the CFR, the Tavistock Institute in London, which has been, for the past 25 years, the leading propagandist and trainer in "programed behavior modification" brainwashing techniques, the Corporativist Trilateral Commission, and, of course, Rockefeller's own Commission on Critical Choices. There are literally hundreds of lesser bodies controlled through these agencies.

In most cases the degree of Rockefeller control is nominally small. Yet when all these mechanisms are put into play around a unified "family policy," the cumulative effect is usually large enough to insure Rockefeller dominance.

Take the relatively minor case of the German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, who advised the CIA- and Rockefeller-dominated Hudson

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