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of action seems quite incredible to most Americans, but evidently power and corporate profits come ahead of country and American interests. This very dangerous international attitude of the nominee and his family is a glaring defect in his qualifications, and should preclude him for high government office!

Added to this, one must recall that in the early days of the budding Rockefeller empire, financial aid was extended to the Standard Oil group by important international bankers in this country-contacts of the European Rothschilds, by the railroads under their control. This aid, quietly rendered, helped to stifle competition and free trade!

The policies of a commercial bank, as a rule, can be controlled by the owners of one large bloc of its stock. From 3% to 10% would suffice! Hence the working control of numerous important member banks of the Federal Reserve Banking System by the Rockefeller dynasty gives it a heavy voice in directing the monetary policy of this country-so important in affecting the very lives and fortunes of most of us! As Reginald McKenna told the stockholders of the Midland Bank, in England, 50 years ago:

"I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can, and do, create money . . . and they who control the credit of the Nation direct the policy of governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people." 2

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From the foregoing it can be readily seen that a dominant voice in the policymaking of the Federal Reserve Banking System by the Rockefellers and their close associates amounts to virtual control of that Central Bank's vital monetary policy! The nominee and his brother David, irrespective of their net personal holdings, thus hold great leverage for power, by largely controlling, with others closely associated, billions of the public's money. It would not be possible, if Nelson Rockefeller were, for any reason, to become President, for him to act, in spite of his present protestations, in an executive capacity deviod of a conflict of interests. Not possible! For him to place his personal holdings in a “blind trust” as indicated by the nominee would be a futile gesture, like giving a man a manicure when he is actually dying of cancer! To be fair, a full disclosure of his personal wealth and particularly his spheres of influence is impossible! This situation, therefore, presents another serious defect for possible approval of the nominee by the Congress.

Another important adverse factor in this same vein is the vast power available to the nominee vested in the Council on Foreign Relations (C.F.R.)! This organization, reportedly, formulates the foreign policy of the United States and often implements it by means of its many well-placed members and their carefully chosen assistants in the State Department and in other departments of government and in the White House!

The C.F.R. was contemplated by a small group of powerful internationalists meeting in Paris at the conclusion of World War I, and was organized in 1921. Disappointed at the failure of their League of Nations, this group planned a new international type of organization to advance gradually their one-world aims and go the League one better, by bringing together numerous bankers, lawyers, journalists, professional men, labor leaders, educators, scientists, and industrialists, all of whom thought "right," on the international level, and neatly fitted in with the secretive Bilderberger group.

It was designed to set up a group to exercise its powerful influence on our government and its policies by men of great wealth and position, using the C.F.R. machinery secretly to meddle with, or actually dictate to our elected and appointed officials in Washington on important matters! There are approximately 1500 C.F.R. members-by invitation only-all of whom are interesting and well-placed people! However, in my opinion, C.F.R. policy is formulated and actually directed by not more than a dozen men!

It is pertinent to note that the first important money put up to launch the C.F.R. project came from the Laura Spellman Rockefeller Fund. More very substantial contributions have followed. Hence it is stated by informed sources that the Rockefeller dynasty and their appointees run the C.F.R., which means in effect, running our State Department and its policies along with other areas in our government on matters of the utmost importance!

Still more power is added to the nominee by numerous large foundations, clustered around the Rockefeller dynasty and their close associates, such as Eaton and Carnegie, by grants of money, if deemed necessary to woo and inflict pressure group government on the largely unsuspecting American people!


Tragedy and Hope, by Carroll Quigley; N.Y.: Macmillan Co., 1966, p. 325.

Although conceding that the afore-mentioned pools of great wealth and power are reportedly supporting the nominee, perhaps the selection of the nominee's brother David would have been far less dangerous if we must be neatly subjugated by a thinly veiled dictatorship supplied by the Rockefeller dynasty! David Rockefeller, chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City, is said to be far less reckless!

The nominee's glaring ineptness in managing fiscal affairs in New York State while governor is reflected in its naving one of the very highest per capita personal income tax rates in our Nation.

The nominee has been described to me as saying, regarding the Presidency. "I want it, I want it!" Obviously, there is little in this material world that the nominee cannot buy-if he wants it! But what about the American people-citizens who live here, work here, and whose forebears carved it out of the wilderness to make it the greatest country on earth? Just where do they come in on this grandiose internatonal picture? Mr. Chairman, they don't come in! And that's why we in Liberty Lobby are here on their behalf, as the people's lobby.

And, Mr. Chairman, just where do you and the Congress come in, may I ask? You, an elected official who swore to uphold the Constitution and its laws? Are the people to sit by and see our government deteriorate from a government by representation to a government by nomination and then one by dictation? Certainly not!

The people look to you and your elected colleagues, Mr. Chairman. As a people, we stand at the crossroads-headed for the light or for the darkness. The people are fast awakening. They trust you and your colleagues, Mr. Chairman, and should you fail them, I tremble for the fate of our beloved America.

You face a crucial decision! May God bestow upon you and your colleagues the wisdom and fortitude to do what is so obviously right. Meanwhile, and speaking in very broad terms, as a concerned American, if I were the nominee, I would quietly withdraw my name, now under consideration. This would avoid controversy and violent reaction.

In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, I respectfully say to you and your colleagues that the nominee is not acceptable to the overwhelming majority of Americans. You know it and he should know it. Our country is in no mood for a political dictator. Therefore, with this thought uppermost, let us move forward to improve the position of our country for the benefit of all its people and future generations, as we stand at the crossroads of destiny.

Thank you again for this opportunity to appear today and to present our views.



Most Americans do not realize that there is no difference whatsoever between international, monopolistic super-capitalism and international communism.

Both seek to destroy the middle class. There is no room under either communism or supercapitalism for the free laborer or for the free enterprise small businessman.

Economically, communists and supercapitalists aim for monopoly and the elimination of all competition. Socially, both desire a world of two classes only-the very rich (themselves) and the very poor (everyone else).

"Communism" is simply a system wherein the bosses have a monopoly on all politics and property, and competition does not exist.

This is why both the communists and the international supercapitalists seek to destroy the middle class through war, rising taxes, inflation, devastating competition from slave labor communist countries and taxpayer-supported "philanthropy."

Nelson Rockefeller and other members of his family have often commented on the sympathy and empathy they feel for the political Left and for the poor. This is not soft-headedness; it is perfectly consistent with their aims. They are not confused; it is the average American who is confused and misled and who misunderstands the real aims of the Rockefellers and their ilk. It is also why our gov

ernment has been moving in a direction opposite to that which most Americans want for fifty years. What seems like stupidity or treason on the part of politicians is merely what serves the interests of the supercapitalists.

Until this fact is understood and the real enemies of the American people are recognized, there is no hope whatsoever for the survival of the United States as a sovereign Nation, and the survival of the Constitution.



Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller wants to be President of the United States. Governor Rockefeller's socialistic views and left-wing approach to politics are well known. He has declared that racial rioting in the United States is "actually a sign of progress." He has demanded that the United States establish "intimate" relations with Red China. His book, The Future of Federalism, is a blueprint for world government.

Rockefeller's disloyalty to the Republican Party is equally well known. It will be recalled that, after his repudiation of Barry Goldwater in 1964, Richard Nixon referred to Rockefeller having gotten his "pound of flesh," and advised that there was no place for him in the leadership of the party. His personal life is such that the minister who married him to his second wife was officially censured by the Presbyterian Church.

More important, but hardly known at all to the American people, is Nelson Rockefeller's role as an agent for the Soviet Union. As unbelievable as this charge might seem, the facts document it beyond any doubt. In examining the fantastic record of Rockefeller's dealings with the communists, it would be well to keep in mind the dictionary definition of "agent": "One who acts for or in the place of another by authority from him."


On January 16, 1967, readers of the New York Times were shocked to see a front page headline reading "Eaton Joins Rockefeller to Spur Trade with Reds." The story began: "An alliance of family banking fortunes linking Wall Street and the Midwest is going to try to build economic bridges between the free world and communist Europe. The International Basic Economy Corporation, controlled by the Rockefeller brothers, and Tower International, Inc., headed by Cyrus S. Eaton, Jr., Cleveland financier, plan to cooperate in promoting trade between the Iron Curtain countries, including the Soviet Union, and the United States, Canada and Latin America. The International Basic Economy Corporation was organized in 1947 under the principal direction of Nelson A. Rockefeller, now New York Governor" [Italics added.]

The Times pointed out that: "The joint effort contemplated by I.B.E. and Tower is seen as combining the investment skills and resources of the Rockefellers and the special entree to Soviet bloc officialdom that Tower enjoys largely as a result of contacts cultivated over the last 15 years by Cyrus S. Eaton, Sr. The elder Eaton has been an outspoken advocate of closer ties between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. He has backed his convictions by visiting Russia and entertaining high Soviet leaders including former Premier Khrushchev."

Cyrus Eaton, Sr., Nelson Rockefeller's pace-setter in blood trade with the communist enemy, is notorious for his long and close friendships with Soviet leaders. He is the only private American citizen known ever to entertain top Soviet officials. In addition to having Khrushchev as a guest at his Ohio farm, Eaton found no difficulty in transferring his loyalty to Alexei Kosygin, the new Soviet Premier, whom he entertained at his Pugwash estate in New Brunswick, Canada. As early as December 21, 1958, The Worker, official communist publication in the United States identified Eaton as being responsible for arranging increased EastWest trade. The Worker quoted with approval Eaton's suggestion that "the main responsibility" for forcing America's surrender to international communism "lay with America's industrial giants. Were these business leaders to urge an accommodation with the communist world, our Government would have but small choice to change its policy." If Nelson Rockefeller ever fulfills his con

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suming ambition to become President, Eaton will have free access to the White House at all times.

The sinister deal between Eaton and Rockefeller was described by Cyrus Eaton, Jr., as a "50-50 partnership." I.B.E. will be offered a 50 percent interest in any Red Trade deal Tower undertakes, including projects under way at the time the deal was made. Richard S. Aldrich, a vice-president and director of I.B.E., and a member of the Rockefeller family, was quoted as saying that his organization's objective in entering Red Trade on a huge scale is "to improve the standard of living of the peoples of the world. . An initiative that creates a commercial and industrial dialogue between the East and West cannot help but contribute to this end."


The Times story referred to above revealed that, in December 1966, Tower International had reached an agreement with "Licensintorg," the official Soviet licensing and patent organization, covering future licensing and patent transactions. The Eaton-Rockefeller combine was to take over the buying and selling of licenses and patents from the Amtorg Trading Corporation, innocently described by the Times as "the official Soviet agency in this country for promoting SovietAmerican trade."

Cyrus Eaton, Jr. complained of the difficulty Amtorg's representatives in this country had encountered in trying to arrange agreements with American companies. "As you can imagine," Eaton said, "it is almost impossible for a Russian to walk into the research department of an American aerospace company and try to arrange the purchase of a patent." Eaton and Rockefeller are therefore generously relieving the communists of this difficulty. Their Red Trade combine will act for Amtorg, by its authority, as its official agent in the United States. Recall the definition of "agent" given above! The Rockefellers and the Eatons will thus have monopoly control of American trade with the U.S.S.R., controlling both the American and Russian ends.

J. Edgar Hoover writes: "In 1924, Amtorg Trading Corporation (a Soviet gov ernment commercial agency) was established. This gave the Soviets their first 'legal' base for espionage operations. In this way persons and institutions in a country openly as representatives or agents of a foreign power have an ideal cover to fulfill their assignments of clandestine espionage" (Masters of Deceit, p. 274).

Again in 1959, in testimony before a subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, Hoover warned of Soviet efforts to use Amtorg to obtain information from American businessmen "that would be of value to the Soviet bloc in their activities in opposition to this country." In answer to a question as to whether Amtorg still conducts and fits into the espionage picture, Mr. Hoover replied: "Amtorg fits into it 100 percent."

A hearing conducted by the House Committee on Un-American Activities (Patterns of Communist Espionage, House Document #119, 86th Congress, 1st Session, 1959) revealed that Vassili M. Zubilin, Amtorg representative in the United States in the 1930's, had engaged in spying and espionage work. He later played a key role in the theft of atomic secrets from the radiation laboratory at the University of California. Alexander Barmine, a Bridgadier General in the Red Army and high Soviet intelligence agent before defecting to the United States, told the HCUA that ". . . persons in Amtorg were used by the intelligence department and they were having foreign trade representatives as cover for them."

Are the profits of Red Trade so important to Nelson Rockefeller that he is willing to betray the Nation of which he aims to become President?


The Rockefeller-Eaton partnership is indeed highly profitable. Lucrative luxury hotel ventures are under way or contemplated throughout Eastern Europe. in Belgrade, Warsaw, Sofia, Prague, and Bucharest. Cyrus Easton, Jr. boasts that he has had "firm inquiries" from five Eastern European countries, including the Soviet Union, for the construction of 10 rubber goods plants. "These people," says

Eaton, "are setting up new automobile plants and know they have got to have tire factories." Equally shocking is the construction of a $50 million aluminum plant in Yugoslavia. And the Red Traders greedily eye further profits. After pointing out that, by the end of 1966, Tower had $7 million worth of orders on its books from Hungarian industry, Eaton boasted that "We think there is a potential trade volume with Hungary alone of $50 million a year."

These huge potential profits, it should be remembered, are a virtual EatonRockefeller monopoly. Any other American businessmen so unpatriotic as to want to profit from trade with the enemy will have to cut these two official Soviet agents in handsomely. And it has been disclosed that the State Department is cooperating closely with Eaton and Rockefeller. An official of the Department's Office of East-West Trade has admitted, according to the Washington Observer (August 15, 1967), that all information relating to the business transactions of Rockefeller and Eaton with the communists was strictly confidential, "because they must be protected from their competitors."


I appreciate the opportunity of appearing before your Committee last ThursAnother Rockefeller-Eaton operation, which apparently needs "protection" was revealed by a refugee from communist Bulgaria. In that country, Tower and I.B.E. have contracted with the communist government to sell chickens and mushrooms, raised by slave labor on collective farms, in the world market. They can undercut American prices, and have already taken the West German poultry market away from American exporters. In yet another outrage, Tower has been appointed official purchasing agent for the Hungarian government, and in the past two years has purchased vast qauntities of American drugs, some of which have been transshipped to North Vietnam.

The Constitution of the United States (Art. III, Sec. 3) defines treason as "levying war against (the U.S.) or . . . adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." Can it be denied that providing the communist enemy with food and drugs, aluminum and rubber plants, and vitally important foreign exchange, falls within the definition of “aid and comfort" to the enemy? Nelson Rockefeller's communist partners have been responsible for the deaths of 20,445 Americans killed in action in Vietnam, as of March 23, 1968. They have been responsible for 65,517 other casualties. Only the technicality of the lack of a formal declaration of war prevents Rockefeller's trading in the blood of dead Americans from being actionable as treason.

[The Liberty Lobby subsequently submitted a list of questions with the request that the Committee pose those questions to Mr. Rockefeller. The letter listing those questions and the response by Mr. Rockefeller thereto follow:]



300 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE SE., Washington, D.C., October 2, 1974.

Chairman, Rules and Administration Committee,

U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.


I appreciate the opportunity of appearing before your Committee last Thursday to present a summary of my previously submitted testimony opposing the possible confirmation of Nelson Rockefeller for the office of Vice President of the U.S.

You will recall that in my reply to Senator Griffin I expressed the hope that your Committee would decide to ask the nominee for more detailed information on numerous important questions of much interest to all grassroots Americans. I was particularly pleased when you stated to me that you would contact Nelson Rockefeller and get the detailed replies from him and make that information available to us for the benefit of our concerned membership. The reply to these suggested questions would be valuable:

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