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wide circulation, Mr. Chairman-vividly describes the plight of the millions in Red Russian slave labor camps who suffer at the hands of the Rockefeller's murderous, torturing trading partners. Further evidence of the brutality of the Rockefellers' Bolshevik trading buddies was given on February 1, 1973, before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee by Avraham Shifrin-I might say he's a Jew, Mr. Chairman-a former U.S.S.R. concentration camp slave, concerning conditions as of 1972 in Communist Russian concentration camps; and this is his statement.

There are at least several million prisoners in the [U.S.S.R. concentration] camps today and the real figure may surpass 5 million mark.

Orthodox Catholics, Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, and Jews [all suffer in U.S.S.R. concentration camps]. Prisoners [are] not permitted to have Bibles in the camp because the Bible [is] considered anti-Soviet literature; nor [are] they permitted to pray.

The daily diet contain[s] 1,290 calories for working prisoners, but only 716 calories for those who are incarcerated.

Mass political arrests in the U.S.S.R. occur with remarkable regularity at ten year intervals-1918, 1928, 1938, 1948, 1958, and 1969-72.

The phenomenon of the ten year intervals and the fact that the great majority of the prisoners served a minimum of ten years is due to the fact that in most cases men are incapable of more than ten years hard labor in the camps, and the camp population had to be periodically replenished.

[Testimony of Avraham Shifrin before Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, February 1, 1973; pages 4, 13, and 17. Copies available from U.S. Government Printing Office, Document No. 5270-01776.] Now, this is the testimony of a man who survived and got out. This is the testimony of a man who was a slave of the men with whom IBEC, and Mr. Rockefeller, are deeply involved in trade and aiding through trade.

Bible believing Christians cannot sit silently by while a Red trader like Nelson Rockefeller not only profits from commerce with Red concentration camp managers, but also has been nominated to a position of power where he can further that wicked traffic.

Our loyalty to Christ and his commandments requires that we, as Christians, speak out for our imprisoned brothers and against those who by trade support our brothers' oppressors.

Nelson Rockefeller is morally unqualified to be Vice President because he personally encourages and profits from trade with those who starve, torture, main, murder both Christians and non-Christians. God's word warns in Ephesians 5:11 "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."

In summary, the Washington Christian Action Council urges your committee to vote against confirming Nelson Rockefeller to be Vice President on the following moral grounds:

(1) According to the Bible, Governor Rockefeller encourages baby killing.

(2) According to the Bible, Governor Rockefeller is an adulterer.

(3) According to the Bible, Governor Rockefeller is morally unqualified to be Vice President because he profits from trade with, and also encourages by that same trade, those who run the largest concentration camp system in the world.

And I might say, Mr. Chairman, if he were engaged with a trade like that with Mussolini or Adolph Hitler I'm sure many, many would

be up in arms over it and I feel constrained by the love of Christ to speak out for my enslaved brothers behind the iron curtain.

The CHAIRMAN. We appreciate your being here.

None of us approve of the Soviet procedures followed in the concentration camps and their activities regarding refugee Jews and this type of thing. But it is a fact that at the Government level we are trying to work out a détente with Russia. We do have trade with many Communist countries. Not just the Rockefellers but this entire country has a trade policy with Russia as well as other Communist countries and that does not mean that we approve of their repressive policies which you have so well pointed out.

Mr. LEE. Senator Cannon, I might say that this trade policy with the Communist countries is what enables them to keep their concentration camps going.

I would give an example of that: The testimony of Rev. Richard W. Rumbrandt. He has gone about this country showing the marks on his body which he received at the hands of Rumanian Communists, and tells about the many incidents of torture in a Communist jail in Rumania. They stripped him and threw him down on the ground in broken glass, and whipped him with a whip. After whipping him with the whip, they showed him the handle of the whip and said, "I want to show you the handle of this whip." It says, "Made in U.S.A." And they said that's how much help you're going to get from the people in America.

You know we're supposed to be a nation of liberty and a nation that's against concentration camps, and I witness to you as a Christian minister of the Gospel that I hope you will vote against any trade with the Communists by those who will leave my brothers and my sisters at the hands of those Soviet taskmasters. It is wicked and deplorable, and we should not pay for torture of our friends, and we should also help them by not supporting their Communist slave masters.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much.

Mr. LEE. Thank you.

The CHAIRMAN. The next witness is Mr. Samuel C. Jackson, chairman of the Council of 100.

Mr. Jackson, would you please raise your right hand to be sworn?

Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give before this committee will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, God?

Mr. JACKSON. I do.

The CHAIRMAN. It's nice to see you again, sir. Mr. Jackson, we're happy to have you here today. Your background is well known to the members of this committee, and we are delighted to have your testimony.


Mr. JACKSON. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

I am happy to be accompanied at this session today with Winfred R. Mundle, Esq., of Washington, D.C., and Floyd Britten and Lloyd Von Blaine, of New York City, who are close associates of mine.

The CHAIRMAN. We're happy to have you here with us, gentlemen. Mr. JACKSON. Thank you.

We have come before the committee to urge the confirmation of Nelson A. Rockefeller as Vice President of the United States.

As a concerned member of a minority race who has over 20 years of experience with problems unique to urban areas, the council of which I am chairman, consisting of black Republicans from several States, we urge his confirmation on the basis of his record as an administrator. Nelson Rockefeller served as Governor of the most heavily urbanized State in the United States for 15 years.

In New York, he met the monumental challenges facing all urban America with determination, energy, creativity, and considerable


Nelson Rockefeller successfully proposed the first State government program in modern times to save urban mass transportation. Under his $2.5 billion transportation bond issue, the first new construction on New York City subways was started in nearly 40 years. Every commuter railroad in Metropolitan New York is being rebuilt. He took action to hold the subway fare at 35 cents when it was surely headed to 50 or 60 cents-a potential disaster for working families. Housing is another epic challenge in deteriorating inner cities. Nelson Rockefeller met this challenge, too, with energy and imagination. He created the wholly new Urban Development Corp. which has completed or begun some 30,000 homes and apartments in over 35 citiesmost of these homes for low- and moderate-income families. He had another 88,000 housing units started through the State Division of Housing and Community Development-again largely for low-income city families.

And I might add that under Nelson Rockefeller, New York State enacted a virtual total ban on discrimination in the sale or rental of housing, and outlawed the vicious practice of blockbusting long before the passage of the first housing law.

Governor Rockefeller has stated his belief that two indispensables to human fulfillment are education and health.

Greater opportunity for higher education, particularly in our urban centers, has been a desperately important need, especially for minority students.

As Governor, Mr. Rockefeller helped meet that need by increasing aid to the City University of New York by over 20 times in his years in office. He increased State university enrollment from 38,000 to over 232,000, and created a special financing program for disadvantaged minority students.

Governor Rockefeller also

Established the SEEK (Search for Education, Elevation, and Knowledge) program enabling some 15,000 disadvantaged students to attend either public or private colleges;

Created six urban centers to prepare inner city youth for college entrance; and

For young children, established New York's loan program to build nonprofit day care centers, and developed the largest prekindergarten program in this country.

Nelson Rockefeller, as Governor, recognized the financial obstacles to health care in the central cities, especially evident among the aged, the poor, and the minorities, so many concentrated in urban centers. In response, he developed the best medical assistance program in the Nation for the needy; developed ghetto medicine clinics; and began the health guides program in which trained neighborhood residents

give information to neighbors as to where to get help with their health problems.

A particularly grave threat to urban areas has been the loss of job opportunities to surburban areas. Economic expansion had high priority among the Rockefeller programs. As Governor of New York State, he created a low-interest loan agency, the Job Development Authority, which attracted new plants and over 21,000 new jobs to low-income areas and saved 7,000 more. He created the Job Incentive Board which gives companies tax advantages for locating or expanding facilities with jobs in low-income areas. The Urban Development Corp. which he launched began industrial parks and commercial and community facilties in or around urban areas.

Nelson Rockefeller recognized the special problems facing the small urban businessman. And so he opened five State Commerce Department offices to provide business advice and direction to entrepreneurs in the central cities. He helped meet the difficult problem of insuring inner city businesses by setting up a special insurance pool. He gave a special boost to Harlem by locating a 20-story State office building complex that has served to stimulate other office building construction and a revitalization of this vital area.

Governor Rockefeller increased the number of blacks and other minorities holding jobs in State government by over 50 percent.

And the Rockefeller administration outlawed all forms of racial, sex, or age discrimination in State employment, and pushed stringent laws regarding employment.

One fact of life is that the crowded, poorly housed, job-deficient urban center is a breeding place for crime. The prisons are filled with the products of this environment.

Let us examine his total record in the correction field in balance. In this regard, we make no attempt to defend his course of action regarding Attica for we agree with his statement before this committee on Tuesday, where he acknowledged that it would have been more appropriate to have ended the prison takeover without resorting to armed force that produced such a tragic and regrettable ending. Before Attica and because of sincere concern, Nelson Rockefeller: Reduced the civil penalties that barred ex-inmates from many honest occupations;

He initiated release time programs so that inmates could work and learn outside of prison prior to release;

And overhauled a State penal code that had produced grossly unfair differences in sentences for virtually the same crime.

After Attica, Nelson Rockefeller:

Initiated a large-scale program to rebuild and modernize prison facilities:

Vastly expanded educational and vocational training opportunities for prisoners;

Initiated new inmate grievance procedures and personal privileges; and

Initiated a program especially designed to increase the number of prison guards and officials recruited from minority groups.

And another distinguishing feature of the Rockefeller administration was the quality of his appointments.

This held true, we can testify personally, in the case of minority. appointees. This list included, over the course of 15 years, appointment

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of eight black appointees as heads of State departments and agencies and numerous others in the executive branch and the judiciary not to mention the thousands of minorities to gain employment in New York State.

We speak today for Nelson Rockefeller, above all, because we can see one of the priority domestic needs before us to be the interwoven urban challenges of housing, mass transportation, health, urban economic development, and racial justice.

Nelson Rockefeller knows these problems because he has grappled with them as few other Americans have.

As Vice President he would be an invaluable source of expertise and counsel to the President in this area.

And, should fate one day elevate him to the Presidency, he would be the best prepared leader in our history to deal with the urban challenge.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman for the opportunity to present testimony in support of this nomination.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Mr. Jackson. You come particularly well qualified to speak in the areas that you have defined to us here today having served so ably as the Assistant Secretary of HUD. I know you are very familiar with the problem areas which you spoke about. Your recommendations in those precise areas certainly will have a high degree of weight with the committee.

Thank you.

The committee will stand in recess, subject to the call of the Chair. [Whereupon, at 4:55 p.m. the committee stood in recess, subject to the call of the Chair.]

[Mr. Albert P. Ward and Mr. Ronald F. Docksai were expected by the committee to appear and testify in person. Through inadvertent circumstances neither did appear. Consequently the committee is including their written statements in the printed record, as follows:]


Mr. Chairman Cannon and distinguished members of the Senate Rules Committee, we thank you for this opportunity to appear before you and have sought the same to speak against the confirmation of Governor Rockefeller as Vice President of the United States.

Our primary opposition to this confirmation rests with the position, nay, the very active part and the personal attitude Governor Rockefeller has on the matter of abortion, or should we say, his attitude on the concept of pro-life. We respectively submit he has been outspoken in his efforts to foster this evil concept on the people of New York State. His candor is admired but could this be his honest position or political expediency.

The tragedy of abortion needs no further debate in this hearing, but we must state that no man or body of men have the right to determine the life or death of the unborn. For that matter of fact, 12 weeks or 12 minutes does not make abortion legal. We must offer that this issue is a catholic issue and in this instance, catholic is spelled with a small "e" denoting universal. Universal in the sense that all people of more Judiac-Christian principles oppose abortion; a principle that transcends all religious boundaries. Were we to elaborate on this position of Governor Rockefeller, we need only to recall his activity in the proabortion politics of New York State.

But let us look to another side of this issue; Governor Rockefeller has given his stamp of approval for abortion. What is his position on euthanasia? Were we to have the misfortune to see Governor Rockefeller succeed to the office of President, and you know this is possible especially today when anyone elected to public office justifiably stands the scrutiny of Congress and the people of this great country, were he to succeed, what would be his position on euthanasia. If the past is any indication of the future, would he seek to have those who cannot care for themselves, those over 80-70, even 60 or 65, gently but firmly

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