The reformation of the ecclesiastical laws as attempted in the reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, and Queen Elizabeth


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Página 2 - ... ex quibus est unus Christus, verus Deus et verus homo, qui vere passus est, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus, ut patrem nobis reconciliaret, essetque hostia, non tantum pro culpa originis, verum etiam pro omnibus actualibus hominum peccatis.
Página 18 - de Baptismo : ' 'Illorum etiam videri debet scrupulosa superstitio, qui Dei gratiam et Spiritum Sanctum tantopere cum sacramentorum elementis colligant, ut plane affirment, nullum Christianorum infantem salutem esse consecuturum, qui prius morte fuerit occupatus, quam ad Baptismum adduci potuerit : quod longe secus habere judicamus.
Página iv - Cheke; and had certainly been ratified, had God spared that King's life till another Parliament. Such a body of laws to succeed the old ones had been many years desired by the learnedest and best men of the reformed religion. And now in the present Parliament, so active for the reforming of religion, it was moved, as was thought, seasonably. And care was taken to have it printed against the sitting of the Parliament. Which was done by John Fox, from two original MS. copies: the former, Archbishop...
Página vii - ... his council and them, convenient to be practised in all the spiritual courts of the realm ; the powers conveyed by the Act were limited to three years.
Página 323 - Usura pecuniae, quam percipimus, in fructu non est, quia non ex ipso corpore, sed ex alia causa est, id est nova obligatione.
Página xxxii - In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. TESTE ME IPSO apud Westmonasterium decimo septimo die Decembris anno regni nostri tertio.
Página xxviii - Ecclesiasticae quam mundanœ politise mihi, majoribusque meis, ipso jure divino concessam, (verum multis sseculis" unius Romani episcopi malitia, fraude, dolis, atque astutia ereptam) ad me et successores meos pertinere una voce, uno omnium sensu agnoscitis : non possum indies magis magisque muneris, atque officii mei rationem non habere, deque illustranda Dei gloria, de Christiana; pietatis vera doctrina propaganda, de imperii hujus incolumitate, et quiete tuenda, summa animi cura, atque cogitatione...
Página 302 - ... course of appeals should be the same as that laid down by 25 Hen. VIII. c. 19, viz., from the Archdeacon to the Bishop, from the Bishop to the Archbishop, and from the Archbishop to the King's Majesty. " Quo (ie ad nostram majestatem) cum fuerit causa devoluta, eam vel concilio provincial! definiri volumus, si gravis sit causa, vel a tribus quatuorve Episcopis a nobis ad id constituendis.
Página xxx - Dei optimi maximi gloria illustretur, et vera philosophia Christiana regnumque Christi vigere possit, et quo omnia decenter et ordine in Christi hac ecclesia gerantur ; en vobis authoritate nostra editas leges damus, quas a vobis omnibus suscipi coli et observari volumus ; et sub...
Página 12 - Etiam illi de justificatis perverse sentiunt, qui credunt illos, postquam justi semel facti sunt, in peccatum non posse incidere, aut si forte quicquam eorum faciunt, quse Dei legibus prohibentiir, ea Deum pro peccatis non accipere.

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