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of howshald Jamys erle of Bowchane Jamyss lord Ogylwy・ and master Jhone Fresar dene of Lestalryg and clark of the regystre. It is appoyntyt and accordyt betwix Alexander Innes lard off that Ilk on the ta part and Schyr Alexander Symsone vicar of Abirkerdor with consent and assent of oure Souerane Lord Byschop of Murray Byschop of Murray and Abbot and convent of Arbroth on that tothir part in maner and forme that followys that is to say that the sayd Alexander Inness with our Soverane Lordis consent and the said Schyr Alexander with the Byschop and Abbot and conventis consent ar oblyst and sworne the Haly Ewangellis tuchit under payne of periure inhabilite and infame in the mast strait forme of compromis in forma speculatoris to underlye and abyd irrevocabille, but ony excepcione in deyd or law to be proponyt in the contrare at the decret sentence or delyverance off certane assysouris of perambulacione chosyn be baith thar consentis for the decisione of the landis debatabile betwix thame of the baronry of Abyrkerdor the marchis pasturis commone and divisis of the and the gleib and kyrkland of Abyrkerdor marchis pasturis and commone divisis of the samen of the quhilkis assisouris thir ar the namys followand that is to say / Schir Jamys Ogylwy of Desfurd knycht. Wylyame Meldrum of Fyvyn Walter Ogylvy of the Bowne Walter Barclay of Tolle Patryk Bisseat of Lessyndrome Alexander Murray of Cuthbardy George of Abyrnethy Jhone Currour of Durne Thomas Bardy of Ordynhufe Patryk Thane the ald wycar of Inuerkethny Alexander Hyl · Fynlay Monedy Robert Finlawys brodir Jhone Hyle Andro Tayt Wyl Clark Sym of Corsky Johne Wylsone Donald of Carnusy · and Jok Neyll And that the saydis Alexander and Schyr Alexander sal compeir befor thir saydis assysouris or the mayr part of thame apone the soyle and grond of the saydis landis debatabile the awcht day of Januar nyxt to cum befor non and ther undirlye and abyd as sayd is al and quhatsumevir merchis and devisis of propyr and commone pastur assygnit merchit and devidit be the saidis assisowris of perambulacione or the mar part of thame · sworne tharto apone Sanct Marnoyss ferteris in presens of the Kyngs justice or his deput the Bischop of Murray or his commissar / And the saydis parteis are content to onderly the decret of the saydis assisowris in sic effect forss and strynth as proces of breyff of perambulacioun and nevir to cum in the contrair be thamself airis na successouris undir sic panyss as sall pleyss our Soverane Lord or his justice and the Byschop of Murray and his commissaris to decern and deliver tharapoun and that thai sal not be price prayar nor terrour solisit

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ony of the saydis assysowris wtherwayse than sal serf tham to deliver apon thar athis and conscience in the premissis nor sal mak ony impediment nor excepcioun wthirwayss than in thar presens or absens / or ane present and ane othir absent of the parteis/ the saydis assysowris may peremptorlye or the mayr part. of tham the saidis day and place but ony forthir prorogacione of dayis or termyss fynaly efter thar knowlage decern end and conclud apone the werra rychtows merchis boundis and devisis of the saidis landis debatabile. And to obserf and keype the samyn but ony revocacion interupcione or impediment to be mayd in the contrair under the panys forsaid for tham thar arys and successouris perpetualy tyl enduyr Super quibus omnibus et singulis dictus dominus Alexander Symson in presencia dominorum suprascriptorum a me notario publico et scriba consilij sibi fieri peciit unum seu plura publicum seu publica instrumentum seu instrumenta Acta fuerunt hec in hospicio Alexandri Mengeis burgensis burgi de Abirden hora quasi secunda post meridiem sub anno mense die Indiccione et pontificatu quibus supra. Presentibus reverendis venerabilibus et nobilibus dominis suprascriptis Et ego Johannes Tyry Sancti Andree diocesis clericus et scriba in consilio serenissimi domini nostri Regis publicus Imperiali et Regali auctoritatibus notarius predictum actum formam compromissi in se continens de libro actorum extraxi et ideo hoc presens publicum instrumentum manu aliena me aliis arduis occupato negociis fideliter scriptum exinde confeci signoque nomine et subscripcione meis solitis et consuetis signavi in veram fidem premissorum. UNDE dicto compromisso super solum dictarum terrarum die octavo Januarij anno quo supra coram ipsis assisoribus in presencia honorabilis viri Johannis Ogilvy deputati justiciarij Supremi Domini nostri Regis · ac venerabilis viri magistri Thome Grant canonici ac officialis Moraviensis / commissarij reverendi in Christo patris Episcopi Moraviensis perlecto onus hujusmodi materie dicto vicario instante et contumaciam prefati Alexandri domini de Inness accusante magno juramento interveniente capite Sancti Marnani presenti in se assumpsissent visisque allegacionibus ex parte vicarij productis ac merchiarum limitibus ac bondis consideratis et quasi ad plenum inter nos discussis rimatis et consideratis decretum nostrum in aliqua parte coram notario subscripto nobis jurato tacite et in consilio inter nos et coram dicto notario in scriptis pronunciavimus. Et ex eo quod presenciam dicti Alexandri domini de Innes pro ipsius interesse habere nequivimus / publicationem hujusmodi decreti usque ad novum mandatum prefati serenissimi domini nostri Regis continuavimus. Et adveniente die secunda mensis Marcij anno quo supra partibus dictis coram nobis assisoribus novo mandato Regio


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habito et nobis perlecto super solum dictarum terrarum de merchiis et bondis hujusmodi altercantibus et disputantibus ac dubiis per nos consideratis honorabiles viros Valterum Innes de Inuermerky Robertum Innes de Drany Barrald Innes in Haltone Willelmum Innes in Drany · Georgium Gordon in Auchinaci et Robertum Innes in Auchtyndrum ut veritatem materie magis ac clarius nobis assisoribus dilucidaretur · assisores nobis magno juramento prius ipsis deliberato cum consensu ambarum parcium et commissariorum instrumento compromissi nichilominus in suo robore duraturo sine quacunque excepcione nobis adjungi et multiplicari avisavimus ac pronunciacionem decreti nostri usque xio. Aprilis immediate sequentis prolongavimus et continuari fecimus. Unde dicto xi die adveniente partibus una cum reverendo patre Andrea Dei et apostolice sedis gracia Episcopo Moraviensi nobiscum comparentibus in presencia prefati deputati justiciarii Supremi Domini nostri Regis et commissarij Abbatis de Arbroth marchiis consideratis et allegacionibus hinc inde productis visis auditis et ad plenum discussis solum Deum pre oculis habentes sentenciam et decretum nostrum in vulgari in hunc qui sequitur modum pronunciavimus ・ ・ AT ABIRKERDOR the xi day of Aprile anno etc nonagesimo tercio Ve Schir Jamys of Ogylvy of Deskfurd knycht. Wilyam Meldrum of Fywe Waltir Ogiluy of the Bown Waltir Barclay of Towe Patre Bisset of Lesindrom and the remanent of the jugis arbitrouris contenit in the fyrst compromyss and Valter Innes Robert Innes in Drany Barald Innes in the Haltone · Robert Innes in Inchdrum Willyame Innes in Drany assyssoris sworne betwyx Alexander Innes of that Ilk on the ta part and Schir Alexander Symson vycar of Abyrkerdor on the tothir part anent the debatabile landis clamyt be the said wycar to perten to the kirk and be the said lard of Innes to pertene tyl hyme hafand God befor us decretis deliverys and has consyderyt the landis callit the Youchre as the mastir stryp rane of the ald tyme nerast the Muyrhailhowss descendand to the watter of Dowern and ascendand to the Cragwel and fra the Cragwel to the red stan ascendand and therfra to the tua standand gray stanys and therfra to the quhyt stane and sua descendand lynaly fra the quhyt stane to the strynd of Sanct Huchonys well. and fra thyne descendand lynaly to the entray of the mekyll burne to perten to the sayd wycar. And the landis outwytht the said merchis as the muyr strykis in lynthe and bred to Auchinhaglys togyddyr with Auchynhaglys to perten to the said lard of Innes/ and the croftis of the yondsyd the burn ald and wont to perten to the sayd wicar· And

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this til al quhom it efferis we mak it knawyn.. DECRETO vero predicto per me notarium subscriptum ex mandato predictorum assisorum et arbitrorum in presencia parcium minime contradicencium perlecto et pronunciato reverendus pater Andreas Dei et apostolice sedis gracia Episcopus Moraviensis statuit mandavit ac ordinavit virtute obligacionis parcium ut in compromisso habetur / et auctoritate ordinaria monuit prefatum Alexandrum dominum de Innes pro se heredibus suis et assignatis / ac dictum dominum Alexandrum Symson pro se et successoribus suis vicariis omnia et singula premissa sine impedimento quocunque inviolabiliter observare custodire et perimplere et nunquam contra ea venire dicere seu facere per se seu quemcunque nomine ipsorum publice vel occulte directe vel indirecte. quovis quesito colore vel ingenio sub penis cccarum coronarum auri serenissimo domino Regi Scocie / cccarum ecclesie Moraviensi et cccarum. parti observanti et minime contradicenti infra XLta dies postquam clare constiterit de hujusmodi contradictione aut impedimento sine quacunque excepcione solvendarum. Super hiis omnibus et singulis prefate partes hinc inde sibi fieri pecierunt unum seu plura publicum seu publica instrumentum seu instrumenta cum sigillo dicti reverendi patris ac nonnullorum assisorum prefatorum roboranda et sigillata. Acta erant hec super solum prefatarum terrarum sub anno mense die Indiccione et pontificatu quibus supra Presentibus ibidem dicto reverendo patre Jacobo Ogilvy de Desfurd milite. Johanne Ogiluy justiciarij Supremi Domini nostri Regis in hac parte deputato Willelmo Thoma Caldor et domino Alexandro Ilis milite cum assisoribus et multis aliis testibus ad premissa vocatis. pariter et rogatis.

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[In the copy engrossed in the Register of Murray, the description of the marches runs thus:

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"The landis callit the Zochre as the mastir stripe ran of ald tym narrast Murailhous descendand in Dowarn and ascendand to the Cragwell and fra the Cragwell to the Redstan liniali as the mur strekis of lynth betwix Myrsid and Auchinaglis tog iddir with Auchinaglis to the burn of Auchinaglis ascendand to the small burn onder Monedy and fra that burn to the well and fra that vell to the quhit stanis towart Crome descendand as the strip passis throw the Willingis of Crome in the Kirktoun burn and the land on west syd that burn to Sanct Marnoys well with the well and commond pastour and wont to pertene to the vicarage and all the landis wthew the said marcheis baith Mursid and Murailhous clamyt and perambulat be the vicar to perten to the said Lard of Innes. saifand all rycht of bundit chartir gif ony be." (Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis, p. 250.)]

Carta fundacionis capellani capelle Sancti Menimii confessoris super ripam de Duffhern per Symonem thanum de Aberkerdor concessa (A.D. 1286-A.D. 1289.)

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Omnibus sancte matris ecclesie filiis hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris Symon thanus de Aberkerdor salutem eternam in Domino Noveritis universi me pro salute anime Alexandri bone memorie illustris Regis Scocie et ipsius heredum ac anime patris mei et mee nec non omnium Christianorum dedisse concessisse et hac presenti carta mea confirmasse. Deo et Beate Marie Virgini et Domino Cristino capellano capelle Sancti Menimii confessoris super ripam de Duffhern site servienti et perpetuo capellano qui pro tempore fuerit ibidem serviturus quatuor marcas argenti de molendino. de Carnoussexth singulis annis percipiendas et le haylch integre que vocatur Dolbrech per suas rectas divisas per illas scilicet sicut sica parvula ex parte occidentali se extendit usque ad unam fossam in capite dicte Dolbrech et sicut alia sica ex parte orientali usque ad altam viam se descendit cum omnibus edificiis ad predictam capellam infra cymiterium edificatis et edificandis Tenendas et habendas eidem Cristino in tota vita. sua de ne et heredibus meis in puram et perpetuam elemosinam libere quiete plenarie et honorifice ab omni opere servili exactione et demanda seculari adeo libere quiete plenarie et honorifice sicut aliqua elemosina infra regnum Scocie liberius quietius plenius et honorificentius tenetur vel possidetur Volo etiam ut quicunque capellanus qui pro tempore predicte capelle fuerit serviturus ad electionem et ordinationem meam et heredum meorum per consilium domini Episcopi Moraviensis qui pro tempore fuerit ibidem instituatur. Si vero contingat quod absit quod ego vel heredes mei contra hanc concessionem et donationem in aliquo venerimus volo et concedo quod dominus Episcopus Moraviensis qui pro tempore fuerit me et heredes meos ad prefatas concessionem et donationem per censuram ecclesiasticam fideliter et integre observandas compellat Volo etiam ut

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1 [From the Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis, pp. 279, 280.

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Saint Menimius, or Meninius, is probably the same with Saint Monanus, or Minnanus, archdeacon and confessor in Scotland, whose festival is celebrated on the first of March, being the eve of Saint Marnan, the tutelar saint of the church and parish of Aberchirder. In the Irish calendars his name is written St. Monnenius. (Butler's Lives of the Saints, vol. ii., p. 1116, vol. i., p. 288; A. King's Kalendar; Sir H. Nicolas' Chronology of History, p. 163; D. Camerarii de Fortitvdine Scotorvm, pp. 108-110.)]

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